123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328 |
- The Skulpt Reference Manual
- ---------------------------
- It would take a bit of research and work but I also wonder if there is not a subset of other skulpt functions that could be collected together more nicely as the skulpt internal api.
- This could or should probably more closely follow the C API defined by CPython. https://docs.python.org/2/c-api/index.html
- Although the more I think about it the more I think we just need to do a better job of providing some organized documentation. I've started an outline, and I think if we can get a decent outline and agree on some general principles for development we could actually document Skulpt and make it much more accessible for people to help.
- - Terminology
- - "Python objects" versus "Javascript objects"
- - Sk.builtin
- - Sk.misceval
- - Sk.ffi
- - Sk.abstr
- - slot functions
- - builtin functions
- - magic methods
- - Standard Data Type Interfaces
- - Checking types
- - Checking argument types Sk.builtin.pyCheckType -- weird function that takes one of the below as an argument
- - Sk.builtin.checkNumber
- - Sk.builtin.checkComplex
- - Sk.builtin.checkInt
- - Sk.builtin.checkString
- - Sk.builtin.checkClass
- - Sk.builtin.checkBool
- - Sk.builtin.checkNone
- - Sk.builtin.checkFunction
- - Sk.builtin.checkIterable
- - Sk.builtin.checkCallable
- - Sk.builtin.checkSequence
- - Common
- - Determining if an object is iterable
- - General Sequence and slicing operators (many Sk.abstr functions)
- - lists
- - dictionaries
- - sets
- - integers/longs
- - floats
- - complex
- - boolean
- - Exceptions
- - None
- - Operators
- - binary operators
- - unary
- - Dunder methods
- - the builtin names tp$xxx, nb$xxx, sq$xxxx
- - mapping to the __ names
- - creating a class
- - building a class Sk.misceval.buildClass
- - Iteration
- - Getting an interator
- - iterating with an iterator
- - Comparing
- - richCompareBool
- - isTrue
- - functions — callable from Python
- - The function wrapper Sk.builtin.func -- meant to be called ``new Sk.builtin.func(javascriptfunc)``
- - calling a Python function from Javascript
- - named arguments
- - *args
- - **kwargs
- - creating a module
- - module template
- - exposing functions from the module
- - exposing constants
- - creating classes in a module
- - To Javascript and Back to Python
- - The Sk.ffi interface
- - Utility functions
- - Checking argument counts Sk.builtin.pyCheckArgs
- - Importing and Running code
- - Running source from a string
- - importing a module/package
- -
- - Functions for working with Python Objects
- The abstr namespace defines a bunch of functions that you should use when working with Python objects.
- - Sk.abstr.typeName = function (v)
- - Sk.abstr.binop_type_error = function (v, w, name)
- - Sk.abstr.unop_type_error = function (v, name)
- - Sk.abstr.boNameToSlotFuncLhs_ = function (obj, name)
- - Sk.abstr.boNameToSlotFuncRhs_ = function (obj, name)
- - Sk.abstr.iboNameToSlotFunc_ = function (obj, name)
- - Sk.abstr.uoNameToSlotFunc_ = function (obj, name)
- - Sk.abstr.binary_op_ = function (v, w, opname)
- - Sk.abstr.binary_iop_ = function (v, w, opname)
- - Sk.abstr.unary_op_ = function (v, opname)
- - Sk.abstr.numOpAndPromote = function (a, b, opfn)
- - Sk.abstr.boNumPromote_ =
- - Sk.abstr.numberBinOp = function (v, w, op)
- - Sk.abstr.numberInplaceBinOp = function (v, w, op)
- - Sk.abstr.numberUnaryOp = function (v, op)
- - Sk.abstr.fixSeqIndex_ = function (seq, i)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceContains = function (seq, ob)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceConcat = function (seq1, seq2)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceGetIndexOf = function (seq, ob)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceGetCountOf = function (seq, ob)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceGetItem = function (seq, i, canSuspend)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceSetItem = function (seq, i, x, canSuspend)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceDelItem = function (seq, i)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceRepeat = function (f, seq, n)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceGetSlice = function (seq, i1, i2)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceDelSlice = function (seq, i1, i2)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceSetSlice = function (seq, i1, i2, x)
- - Sk.abstr.sequenceUnpack = function (seq, n)
- - Sk.abstr.objectFormat = function (obj, format_spec)
- - Sk.abstr.objectAdd = function (a, b)
- - Sk.abstr.objectNegative = function (obj)
- - Sk.abstr.objectPositive = function (obj)
- - Sk.abstr.objectDelItem = function (o, key)
- - Sk.abstr.objectGetItem = function (o, key, canSuspend)
- - Sk.abstr.objectSetItem = function (o, key, v, canSuspend)
- - Sk.abstr.gattr = function (obj, nameJS, canSuspend)
- - Sk.abstr.sattr = function (obj, nameJS, data, canSuspend)
- - Sk.abstr.iter = function (obj)
- - Sk.abstr.iternext = function (it, canSuspend)
- Sk.misceval
- Misc
- * Sk.misceval.Suspension = function Suspension(resume, child, data)
- * Sk.misceval.retryOptionalSuspensionOrThrow = function (susp, message)
- * Sk.misceval.isIndex = function (o)
- * Sk.misceval.asIndex = function (o)
- * Sk.misceval.applySlice = function (u, v, w, canSuspend)
- * Sk.misceval.assignSlice = function (u, v, w, x, canSuspend)
- * Sk.misceval.arrayFromArguments = function (args)
- * Sk.misceval.swappedOp_ =
- * Sk.misceval.richCompareBool = function (v, w, op)
- * Sk.misceval.objectRepr = function (v)
- * Sk.misceval.opAllowsEquality = function (op)
- * Sk.misceval.isTrue = function (x)
- * Sk.misceval.softspace_ = fals
- * Sk.misceval.print_ = function (x)
- * Sk.misceval.loadname = function (name, other)
- * Sk.misceval.call = function (func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args)
- * Sk.misceval.callAsync = function (suspensionHandlers, func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args)
- * Sk.misceval.callOrSuspend = function (func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args)
- * Sk.misceval.callsim = function (func, args)
- * Sk.misceval.callsimAsync = function (suspensionHandlers, func, args)
- * Sk.misceval.callsimOrSuspend = function (func, args)
- * Sk.misceval.apply = function (func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args)
- * Sk.misceval.asyncToPromise = function(suspendablefn, suspHandlers)
- * Sk.misceval.applyAsync = function (suspHandlers, func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args)
- * Sk.misceval.chain = function (initialValue, chainedFns)
- * Sk.misceval.applyOrSuspend = function (func, kwdict, varargseq, kws, args)
- * Sk.misceval.buildClass = function (globals, func, name, bases)
- - Understanding the mapping from Skupt api functions to dunder methods
- .. code-block:: python
- SLOTS = [
- Slot("__new__", "tp$new", "new"),
- Slot("__init__", "tp$init", "init"),
- Slot("__str__", "tp$print", "print"),
- Slot("__repr__", "tp$repr", "repr",
- opcode="UNARY_CONVERT"),
- Slot("__hash__", "tp$hash", "hash"),
- Slot("__call__", "tp$call", "call"),
- Slot("__getattribute__", "tp$getattro", "getattro"),
- Slot("__getattr__", "tp$getattro", "getattro"),
- Slot("__setattr__", "tp$setattro", "setattro"),
- Slot("__delattr__", "tp$setattro", "setattro"),
- Slot("__iter__", "tp$iter", "unary"),
- Slot("next", "tp$iternext", "next", python_version="2"),
- Slot("__next__", "tp$iternext", "next", python_version="3"),
- Slot("__get__", "tp$descr_get", "descr_get"),
- Slot("__set__", "tp$descr_set", "descr_set"),
- Slot("__delete__", "tp$descr_set", "descr_delete"),
- Slot("__del__", "tp$del", "destructor"),
- Slot("__cmp$_", "tp$compare", "cmp",
- python_version="2"),
- Slot("__lt__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
- Slot("__le__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
- Slot("__eq__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
- Slot("__ne__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
- Slot("__gt__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
- Slot("__ge__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
- Slot("__richcompare__", "tp$richcompare", "richcmpfunc"),
- Slot("__add__", "nb$add", "binary_nb", index=0,
- opcode="BINARY_ADD"),
- Slot("__radd__", "nb$add", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__sub__", "nb$subtract", "binary_nb", index=0,
- opcode="BINARY_SUBTRACT"),
- Slot("__rsub__", "nb$subtract", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__mul__", "nb$multiply", "binary_nb", index=0),
- Slot("__rmul__", "nb$multiply", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__div__", "nb$divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
- opcode="BINARY_DIVIDE"),
- Slot("__rdiv__", "nb$divide", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__mod__", "nb$remainder", "binary_nb", index=0,
- opcode="BINARY_MODULO"),
- Slot("__rmod__", "nb$remainder", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__divmod__", "nb$divmod", "binary_nb", index=0),
- Slot("__rdivmod__", "nb$divmod", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__lshift__", "nb$lshift", "binary_nb", index=0,
- opcode="BINARY_LSHIFT"),
- Slot("__rlshift__", "nb$lshift", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__rshift__", "nb$rshift", "binary_nb", index=0,
- opcode="BINARY_RSHIFT"),
- Slot("__rrshift__", "nb$rshift", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__and__", "nb$and", "binary_nb", index=0,
- opcode="BINARY_AND"),
- Slot("__rand__", "nb$and", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__xor__", "nb$xor", "binary_nb", index=0,
- opcode="BINARY_XOR"),
- Slot("__rxor__", "nb$xor", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__or__", "nb$or", "binary_nb", index=0,
- opcode="BINARY_OR"),
- Slot("__ror__", "nb$or", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__floordiv__", "nb$floor_divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
- Slot("__rfloordiv__", "nb$floor_divide", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__truediv__", "nb$true_divide", "binary_nb", index=0,
- Slot("__rtruediv__", "nb$true_divide", "binary_nb", index=1),
- Slot("__pow__", "nb$power", "ternary",
- opcode="BINARY_POWER"),
- Slot("__rpow__", "nb$power", "ternary"),
- Slot("__neg__", "nb$negative", "unary",
- opcode="UNARY_NEGATIVE"),
- Slot("__pos__", "nb$positive", "unary",
- opcode="UNARY_POSITIVE"),
- Slot("__abs__", "nb$absolute", "unary"),
- Slot("__nonzero__", "nb$nonzero", "inquiry"),
- Slot("__invert__", "nb$invert", "unary",
- opcode="UNARY_INVERT"),
- Slot("__coerce__", "nb$coerce", "coercion"),
- Slot("__int__", "nb$int", "unary"),
- Slot("__long__", "nb$long", "unary"),
- Slot("__float__", "nb$float", "unary"),
- Slot("__oct__", "nb$oct", "unary"),
- Slot("__hex__", "nb$hex", "unary"),
- Slot("__iadd__", "nb$inplace_add", "binary",
- opcode="INPLACE_ADD"),
- Slot("__isub__", "nb$inplace_subtract", "binary",
- Slot("__imul__", "nb$inplace_multiply", "binary",
- Slot("__idiv__", "nb$inplace_divide", "binary",
- opcode="INPLACE_DIVIDE"),
- Slot("__imod__", "nb$inplace_remainder", "binary",
- opcode="INPLACE_MODULO"),
- Slot("__ipow__", "nb$inplace_power", "ternary",
- opcode="INPLACE_POWER"),
- Slot("__ilshift__", "nb$inplace_lshift", "binary",
- opcode="INPLACE_LSHIFT"),
- Slot("__irshift__", "nb$inplace_rshift", "binary",
- opcode="INPLACE_RSHIFT"),
- Slot("__iand__", "nb$inplace_and", "binary",
- opcode="INPLACE_AND"),
- Slot("__ixor__", "nb$inplace_xor", "binary",
- opcode="INPLACE_XOR"),
- Slot("__ior__", "nb$inplace_or", "binary",
- opcode="INPLACE_OR"),
- Slot("__ifloordiv__", "nb$inplace_floor_divide", "binary",
- Slot("__itruediv__", "nb$inplace_true_divide", "binary",
- Slot("__index__", "nb$index", "unary"),
- Slot("__getitem__", "mp$subscript", "binary",
- opcode="BINARY_SUBSCR"),
- Slot("__delitem__", "mp$ass_subscript", "objobjargproc", index=0),
- Slot("__setitem__", "mp$ass_subscript", "objobjargproc", index=1),
- Slot("__len__", "mp$length", "len"),
- Slot("__contains__", "sq$contains", "objobjproc"),
- Slot("__add__", "sq$concat", "binary",
- opcode="BINARY_ADD"),
- Slot("__mul__", "sq$repeat", "indexargfunc",
- opcode="BINARY_MULTIPLY"),
- Slot("__iadd__", "sq$inplace_concat", "binary",
- opcode="INPLACE_ADD"),
- Slot("__imul__", "sq$inplace_repeat", "indexargfunc",
- opcode="INPLACE_MUL"),
- Slot("__getitem__", "sq$item", "sq$item",
- opcode="BINARY_SUBSCR"),
- Slot("__setitem__", "sq$ass_slice", "sq$ass_item"),
- Slot("__delitem__", "sq$ass_item", "sq$delitem"),
- Slot("__getslice__", "sq$slice", "sq$slice"),
- Slot("__setslice__", "sq$ass_slice", "ssizessizeobjarg"),
- Slot("__delslice__", "sq$ass_slice", "delslice"),
- ]
- This list may or may not be complete it comes from: https://github.com/google/pytypedecl/blob/master/slots.py