index_nav.html 10 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
  3. <!--
  4. Copyright 2010 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  5. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
  6. See the COPYING file for details.
  7. -->
  8. <head>
  9. <title>Closure Demos</title>
  10. <script src="../base.js"></script>
  11. <script>
  12. goog.require('goog.ui.tree.TreeControl');
  13. goog.require('goog.dom');
  14. goog.require('goog.html.SafeHtml');
  15. </script>
  16. <script>
  17. var treeData = [
  18. {name: 'Advanced Tooltip', url: 'advancedtooltip.html'},
  19. {name: 'Autocomplete', childNodes: [
  20. {name: 'Basic', url: 'autocomplete-basic.html'},
  21. {name: 'Remote', url: 'autocompleteremote.html'},
  22. {name: 'Rich Remote', url: 'autocompleterichremote.html'}
  23. ]},
  24. {name: 'Bidi Input', url: 'bidiinput.html'},
  25. {name: 'Bubble', url: 'bubble.html'},
  26. {name: 'Char Counter', url: 'charcounter.html'},
  27. {name: 'Color Pickers and Palettes', childNodes: [
  28. {name: 'Color Contrast', url: 'color-contrast.html'},
  29. {name: 'HSV Palette', url: 'hsvpalette.html'},
  30. {name: 'HSVA Palette', url: 'hsvapalette.html'},
  31. {name: 'Simple Color Grid', url: 'colorpicker.html'},
  32. {name: 'Popup Color Picker', url: 'popupcolorpicker.html'},
  33. {name: 'Palette Examples', url: 'palette.html'}
  34. ]},
  35. {name: 'Common UI Controls', childNodes: [
  36. {name: 'Buttons', childNodes: [
  37. {name: 'CSS 3', url: 'css3button.html'},
  38. {name: 'Imageless', url: 'imagelessbutton.html'},
  39. {name: 'Simple', url: 'button.html'}
  40. ]},
  41. {name: 'Checkbox', url: 'checkbox.html'},
  42. {name: 'Combobox', url: 'combobox.html'},
  43. {name: 'Container', url: 'container.html'},
  44. {name: 'Control', url: 'control.html'},
  45. {name: 'Dimension Picker', childNodes: [
  46. {name: 'LTR', url: 'dimensionpicker.html'},
  47. {name: 'RTL', url: 'dimensionpicker_rtl.html'}
  48. ]},
  49. {name: 'Menu', childNodes: [
  50. {name: 'Menu Bar', url: 'menubar.html'},
  51. {name: 'Filtered Menu', url: 'filteredmenu.html'},
  52. {name: 'Popup Menu', url: 'popupmenu.html'},
  53. {name: 'Simple Menu', url: 'menu.html'},
  54. {name: 'Submenus', url: 'submenus.html'},
  55. {name: 'Submenus Flyweight', url: 'submenus2.html'}
  56. ]},
  57. {name: 'Menu Buttons', childNodes: [
  58. {name: 'Color', url: 'colormenubutton.html'},
  59. {name: 'CSS 3', url: 'css3menubutton.html'},
  60. {name: 'Imageless', url: 'imagelessmenubutton.html'},
  61. {name: 'Selection', url: 'selectionmenubutton.html'},
  62. {name: 'Simple', url: 'menubutton.html'}
  63. ]},
  64. {name: 'Select', url: 'select.html'},
  65. {name: 'Tab Bar and Tabs', url: 'tabbar.html'},
  66. {name: 'Tab Pane', url: 'tabpane.html'},
  67. {name: 'Toolbar', url: 'toolbar.html'}
  68. ]},
  69. {name: 'Date Pickers', childNodes: [
  70. {name: 'Date Picker', url: 'datepicker.html'},
  71. {name: 'Input Date Picker', url: 'inputdatepicker.html'},
  72. {name: 'Popup Date Picker', url: 'popupdatepicker.html'}
  73. ]},
  74. {name: 'Debug', url: 'debug.html'},
  75. {name: 'Dependency Graph', url: 'depsgraph.html'},
  76. {name: 'Dialog', url: 'dialog.html'},
  77. {name: 'Dom Selection', url: 'dom_selection.html'},
  78. {name: 'Drag', url: 'drag.html'},
  79. {name: 'Drag & Drop', childNodes: [
  80. {name: 'Drag & Drop', url: 'dragdrop.html'},
  81. {name: 'Drag & Drop Detector', url: 'dragdropdetector.html'},
  82. {name: 'Drag List Group', url: 'draglistgroup.html'},
  83. {name: 'Dragger', url: 'dragger.html'},
  84. {name: 'File Drop Handler', url: 'filedrophandler.html'}
  85. ]},
  86. {name: 'Editor', childNodes: [
  87. {name: 'Field - Basic', url: 'editor/field_basic.html'},
  88. {name: 'Full Editor', url: 'editor/editor.html'},
  89. {name: 'Hello World Plugin', url: 'editor/helloworld.html'},
  90. {name: 'Seamless Field', url: 'editor/seamlessfield.html'}
  91. ]},
  92. {name: 'Effects', childNodes: [
  93. {name: 'Animation', url: 'effects.html'},
  94. {name: 'Animation Queue', url: 'animationqueue.html'},
  95. {name: 'CSS Sprite Animation', url: 'cssspriteanimation.html'},
  96. {name: 'CSS3 targeted transition', url: 'fx/css3/transition.html'}
  97. ]},
  98. {name: 'Emoji Picker', url: 'popupemojipicker.html'},
  99. {name: 'Events', childNodes: [
  100. {name: 'Event Propagation', url: 'event-propagation.html'},
  101. {name: 'Event Target', url: 'eventtarget.html'},
  102. {name: 'Events', url: 'events.html'},
  103. {name: 'Focus Handler', url: 'focushandler.html'},
  104. {name: 'Input Handler', url: 'inputhandler.html'},
  105. {name: 'Key Handler', url: 'keyhandler.html'},
  106. {name: 'Keyboard Shortcuts', url: 'keyboardshortcuts.html'},
  107. {name: 'Mouse Wheel Handler', url: 'mousewheelhandler.html'},
  108. {name: 'Online Handler', url: 'onlinehandler.html'},
  109. {name: 'Paste Handler', url: 'pastehandler.html'},
  110. {name: 'Stop Event Propagation', url: 'stopevent.html'}
  111. ]},
  112. {name: 'Gauge', url: 'gauge.html'},
  113. {name: 'Graphics', childNodes: [
  114. {name: 'Basic Elements', url: 'graphics/basicelements.html'},
  115. {name: 'Events', url: 'graphics/events.html'},
  116. {name: 'Modify Elements', url: 'graphics/modifyelements.html'},
  117. {name: 'Tiger', url: 'graphics/tiger.html'}
  118. ]},
  119. {name: 'History', childNodes: [
  120. {name: 'Demo 1', url: 'history1.html'},
  121. {name: 'Demo 2', url: 'history2.html'},
  122. {name: 'HTML 5', url: 'html5history.html'},
  123. {name: 'Iframe Based', url: 'history3.html'}
  124. ]},
  125. {name: 'Hover Card', url: 'hovercard.html'},
  126. {name: 'Inline Block', childNodes: [
  127. {name: 'Quirks mode', url: 'inline_block_quirks.html'},
  128. {name: 'Standards mode', url: 'inline_block_standards.html'}
  129. ]},
  130. {name: 'JSON Pretty Printer', url: 'jsonprettyprinter.html'},
  131. {name: 'Label Input', url: 'labelinput.html'},
  132. {name: 'Pixel Density Monitor', url: 'pixeldensitymonitor.html'},
  133. {name: 'Plain Text Spell Checker', url: 'plaintextspellchecker.html'},
  134. {name: 'Popup', url: 'popup.html'},
  135. {name: 'Progress Bar', url: 'progressbar.html'},
  136. {name: 'Prompt', url: 'prompt.html'},
  137. {name: 'QuadTree', url: 'quadtree.html'},
  138. {name: 'Ratings', url: 'ratings.html'},
  139. {name: 'Rich Text Spell Checker', url: 'richtextspellchecker.html'},
  140. {name: 'Rounded Panel', url: 'roundedpanel.html'},
  141. {name: 'Sample Component', url: 'samplecomponent.html'},
  142. {name: 'Scroll Floater', url: 'scrollfloater.html'},
  143. {name: 'Server Chart', url: 'serverchart.html'},
  144. {name: 'Sliders', childNodes: [
  145. {name: 'Slider', url: 'slider.html'},
  146. {name: 'Two Thumb Slider', url: 'twothumbslider.html'}
  147. ]},
  148. {name: 'Split Behavior', url: 'splitbehavior.html'},
  149. {name: 'Split Pane', url: 'splitpane.html'},
  150. {name: 'Table Sorting', url: 'tablesorter.html'},
  151. {name: 'Textarea', url: 'textarea.html'},
  152. {name: 'Timer', url: 'timers.html'},
  153. {name: 'Tooltips', childNodes: [
  154. {name: 'Simple Tooltip', url: 'tooltip.html'},
  155. {name: 'Advanced Tooltip', url: 'advancedtooltip.html'}
  156. ]},
  157. {name: 'Tracer', url: 'tracer.html'},
  158. {name: 'Trees', childNodes: [
  159. {name: 'Drilldown Row', url: 'drilldownrow.html'},
  160. {name: 'Tree', url: 'tree/demo.html'}
  161. ]},
  162. {name: 'TweakUi', url: 'tweakui.html'},
  163. {name: 'User Agent', url: 'useragent.html'},
  164. {name: 'Viewport Size Monitor', url: 'viewportsizemonitor.html'},
  165. {name: 'XPC', url: 'xpc/'},
  166. {name: 'Zippy', url: 'zippy.html'}
  167. ];
  168. function initTree() {
  169. goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.defaultConfig.cleardotPath =
  170. '../images/tree/cleardot.gif';
  171. var tree = new goog.ui.tree.TreeControl('All Demos');
  172. tree.setIsUserCollapsible(false);
  173. buildNode(tree, treeData);
  174. tree.render(goog.dom.getElement('demo-list'));
  175. }
  176. function buildNode(parent, nodeArray) {
  177. for (var i = 0, node; node = nodeArray[i]; i++) {
  178. if ( {
  179. var childNode = parent.getTree().createNode();
  180. parent.add(childNode);
  181. if (node.url) {
  182. childNode.setSafeHtml(goog.html.SafeHtml.create('a', {
  183. 'href': node.url,
  184. 'title':,
  185. 'target': 'demo'
  186. },;
  187. // Need to prevent BaseNode.onClick_ from calling preventDefault.
  188. childNode.onClick_ = goog.nullFunction;
  189. } else if (node.childNodes) {
  190. childNode.setText(;
  191. buildNode(childNode, node.childNodes);
  192. }
  193. }
  194. }
  195. }
  196. //function showDemo(node) {
  197. //['demo'].location = node.getClientData();
  198. //}
  199. </script>
  200. <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/tree.css">
  201. <style>
  202. body {
  203. font: normal 10pt Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
  204. color: #333;
  205. background-color: #eee;
  206. }
  207. h2 a {
  208. font: bold 18pt Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
  209. color: #333;
  210. text-decoration: underline;
  211. }
  212. h2 a:hover {
  213. color: #00f;
  214. text-decoration: underline;
  215. }
  216. .goog-tree-children {
  217. background-repeat: repeat-y;
  218. background-image: url("../images/tree/I.png") !important;
  219. background-position-y: 1px !important; /* IE only */
  220. font: icon;
  221. }
  222. .goog-tree-icon {
  223. background-image:url("../images/tree/tree.png");
  224. }
  225. .goog-tree-item-label {
  226. font: bold 10pt Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
  227. color: #333;
  228. text-decoration: none;
  229. }
  230. .goog-tree-item-label a {
  231. font: normal 10pt Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
  232. color: #333;
  233. text-decoration: none;
  234. }
  235. .goog-tree-item-label a:hover {
  236. color: #00f;
  237. text-decoration: underline;
  238. }
  239. </style>
  240. </head>
  241. <body>
  242. <h2><a href="index_splash.html" title="Home" target="demo">Index</a></h2>
  243. <div id="demo-list"></div>
  244. <script>initTree();</script>
  245. </body>
  246. </html>