emailaddress_test.js 8.9 KB

  1. // Copyright 2010 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
  2. //
  3. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  4. // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  5. // You may obtain a copy of the License at
  6. //
  7. //
  8. //
  9. // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  10. // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
  11. // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  12. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  13. // limitations under the License.
  14. goog.provide('goog.format.EmailAddressTest');
  15. goog.setTestOnly('goog.format.EmailAddressTest');
  16. goog.require('goog.array');
  17. goog.require('goog.format.EmailAddress');
  18. goog.require('goog.testing.jsunit');
  19. function testparseList() {
  20. assertParsedList('', [], 'Failed to parse empty stringy');
  21. assertParsedList(',,', [], 'Failed to parse string with commas only');
  22. assertParsedList('<>', ['']);
  23. assertParsedList(
  24. '<>,', [''],
  25. 'Failed to parse 1 address with trailing comma');
  26. assertParsedList(
  27. '<>, ', [''],
  28. 'Failed to parse 1 address with trailing whitespace and comma');
  29. assertParsedList(
  30. ',<>', [''],
  31. 'Failed to parse 1 address with leading comma');
  32. assertParsedList(
  33. ' ,<>', [''],
  34. 'Failed to parse 1 address with leading whitespace and comma');
  35. assertParsedList(
  36. '<>, <>', ['', ''],
  37. 'Failed to parse 2 email addresses');
  38. assertParsedList(
  39. '<>, <>,', ['', ''],
  40. 'Failed to parse 2 email addresses and trailing comma');
  41. assertParsedList(
  42. '<>, <>, ', ['', ''],
  43. 'Failed to parse 2 email addresses, trailing comma and whitespace');
  44. assertParsedList(
  45. 'John Doe <>; Jane Doe <>, ' +
  46. '<>',
  47. ['', '', ''],
  48. 'Failed to parse addresses with semicolon separator');
  49. }
  50. function testparseListOpenersAndClosers() {
  51. assertParsedList(
  52. ', "", <>, ' +
  53. '(, []',
  54. [
  55. '', '""', '', '(',
  56. '[]'
  57. ],
  58. 'Failed to handle all 5 opener/closer characters');
  59. }
  60. function testparseListIdn() {
  61. var idnaddr = 'mailtest@\u4F8B\u3048.\u30C6\u30B9\u30C8';
  62. assertParsedList(idnaddr, [idnaddr]);
  63. }
  64. function testparseListWithQuotedSpecialChars() {
  65. var res = assertParsedList(
  66. 'a\\"b\\"c <d@e.f>,"g\\"h\\"i\\\\" <j@k.l>', ['d@e.f', 'j@k.l']);
  67. assertEquals('Wrong name 0', 'a"b"c', res[0].getName());
  68. assertEquals('Wrong name 1', 'g"h"i\\', res[1].getName());
  69. }
  70. function testparseListWithCommaInLocalPart() {
  71. var res = assertParsedList(
  72. '"Doe, John" <>, <>',
  73. ['', '']);
  74. assertEquals('Doe, John', res[0].getName());
  75. assertEquals('', res[1].getName());
  76. }
  77. function testparseListWithWhitespaceSeparatedEmails() {
  78. var res = assertParsedList(
  79. ' <> "G H" <>',
  80. ['', '', '', '', '']);
  81. assertEquals('G H', res[3].getName());
  82. }
  83. function testparseListSystemNewlines() {
  84. // These Windows newlines can be inserted in IE8, or copied-and-pasted from
  85. // bad data on a Mac, as seen in bug 11081852.
  86. assertParsedList(
  87. '\r\', ['', ''],
  88. 'Failed to parse Windows newlines');
  89. assertParsedList(
  90. '\', ['', ''],
  91. 'Failed to parse *nix newlines');
  92. assertParsedList(
  93. '\n\', ['', ''],
  94. 'Failed to parse obsolete newlines');
  95. assertParsedList(
  96. '\', ['', ''],
  97. 'Failed to parse pre-OS X Mac newlines');
  98. }
  99. function testToString() {
  100. var f = function(str) {
  101. return goog.format.EmailAddress.parse(str).toString();
  102. };
  103. // No modification.
  104. assertEquals('JOHN Doe <>', f('JOHN Doe <>'));
  105. // Extra spaces.
  106. assertEquals('JOHN Doe <>', f(' JOHN Doe <> '));
  107. // No name.
  108. assertEquals('', f('<>'));
  109. assertEquals('', f(''));
  110. // No address.
  111. assertEquals('JOHN Doe', f('JOHN Doe <>'));
  112. // Special chars in the name.
  113. assertEquals('"JOHN, Doe" <>', f('JOHN, Doe <>'));
  114. assertEquals(
  115. '"JOHN(Johnny) Doe" <>',
  116. f('JOHN(Johnny) Doe <>'));
  117. assertEquals(
  118. '"JOHN[Johnny] Doe" <>',
  119. f('JOHN[Johnny] Doe <>'));
  120. assertEquals(
  121. '"JOHN@work Doe" <>', f('JOHN@work Doe <>'));
  122. assertEquals(
  123. '"JOHN:theking Doe" <>',
  124. f('JOHN:theking Doe <>'));
  125. assertEquals(
  126. '"JOHN\\\\ Doe" <>', f('JOHN\\ Doe <>'));
  127. assertEquals(
  128. '" Doe" <>', f(' Doe <>'));
  129. // Already quoted.
  130. assertEquals(
  131. '"JOHN, Doe" <>', f('"JOHN, Doe" <>'));
  132. // Needless quotes.
  133. assertEquals('JOHN Doe <>', f('"JOHN Doe" <>'));
  134. // Not quoted-string, but has double quotes.
  135. assertEquals(
  136. '"JOHN, Doe" <>', f('JOHN, "Doe" <>'));
  137. // No special characters other than quotes.
  138. assertEquals('JOHN Doe <>', f('JOHN "Doe" <>'));
  139. // Escaped quotes are also removed.
  140. assertEquals(
  141. '"JOHN, Doe" <>', f('JOHN, \\"Doe\\" <>'));
  142. }
  143. function doIsValidTest(testFunc, valid, invalid) {
  144. goog.array.forEach(valid, function(str) {
  145. assertTrue('"' + str + '" should be valid.', testFunc(str));
  146. });
  147. goog.array.forEach(invalid, function(str) {
  148. assertFalse('"' + str + '" should be invalid.', testFunc(str));
  149. });
  150. }
  151. function testIsValid() {
  152. var valid = [
  153. '', '<>', 'eric <>', '"e" <>',
  154. 'a@FOO.MUSEUM', '', '', 'o\'',
  155. '', '!/#$%&\'*+-=~|`{}?^',
  156. ''
  157. ];
  158. var invalid = [
  159. 'e', '', 'e', 'a@b', '', '', '',
  160. 'aaa@gmail', 'has some', '',
  161. '', 'み.ん-あ@みんあ.みんあ', 'みんあ',
  162. 'test@test.みんあ', 'test@みんあ.com', 'fullwidthfullstop@sld' +
  163. '\uff0e' +
  164. 'tld',
  165. 'ideographicfullstop@sld' +
  166. '\u3002' +
  167. 'tld',
  168. 'halfwidthideographicfullstop@sld' +
  169. '\uff61' +
  170. 'tld'
  171. ];
  172. doIsValidTest(goog.format.EmailAddress.isValidAddress, valid, invalid);
  173. }
  174. function testIsValidLocalPart() {
  175. var valid = [
  176. 'e', 'a.b+foo', 'o\'hara', 'user+someone', '!/#$%&\'*+-=~|`{}?^_',
  177. ''
  178. ];
  179. var invalid = [
  180. 'A@b@c', 'a"b(c)d,e:f;g<h>i[j\\k]l', 'just"not"right',
  181. 'this is"not\\allowed', 'this\\ still\"not\\\\allowed', 'has some spaces'
  182. ];
  183. doIsValidTest(goog.format.EmailAddress.isValidLocalPartSpec, valid, invalid);
  184. }
  185. function testIsValidDomainPart() {
  186. var valid =
  187. ['', '', 'long.domain.with.lots.of.dots'];
  188. var invalid = [
  189. '', '', '..has.leading.dots', '',
  190. 'DoesNotHaveADot', 'sld' +
  191. '\uff0e' +
  192. 'tld',
  193. 'sld' +
  194. '\u3002' +
  195. 'tld',
  196. 'sld' +
  197. '\uff61' +
  198. 'tld'
  199. ];
  200. doIsValidTest(goog.format.EmailAddress.isValidDomainPartSpec, valid, invalid);
  201. }
  202. /**
  203. * Asserts that parsing the inputString produces a list of email addresses
  204. * containing the specified address strings, irrespective of their order.
  205. * @param {string} inputString A raw address list.
  206. * @param {Array<string>} expectedList The expected results.
  207. * @param {string=} opt_message An assertion message.
  208. * @return {string} the resulting email address objects.
  209. */
  210. function assertParsedList(inputString, expectedList, opt_message) {
  211. var message = opt_message || 'Should parse address correctly';
  212. var result = goog.format.EmailAddress.parseList(inputString);
  213. assertEquals(
  214. 'Should have correct # of addresses', expectedList.length, result.length);
  215. for (var i = 0; i < expectedList.length; ++i) {
  216. assertEquals(message, expectedList[i], result[i].getAddress());
  217. }
  218. return result;
  219. }