123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304 |
- "use strict";
- var _Ardublockly$LOCALISE;
- function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }
- var Ardublockly = Ardublockly || {};
- Ardublockly.LOCALISED_TEXT = (_Ardublockly$LOCALISE = {
- translationLanguage: "English",
- title: "CocoBlockly X",
- blocks: "Blocks",
- hardware_mode: "Hardware Mode",
- mcu_module: "IoT Module",
- ai_module: "A.I. Module",
- cloud_mode: "Cloud Python Mode",
- javascript_mode: "JavaScript Mode",
- pageLoading: "Loading...",
- home: "Home",
- open: "Open",
- save: "Save",
- deleteAll: "Delete All",
- settings: "Settings",
- documentation: "Documentation",
- help: "Help",
- reportBug: "Report Bug",
- tour: "Start Tour",
- changelog: "Change Log",
- feedback: "Feedback Form",
- devices: "Devices",
- language: "Language",
- editing: "Enable Editing",
- close_editing: "Whether to enable edit mode",
- AI_experience: "AI",
- AI_emotion: "Emotion Recognotion",
- AI_speech: "Speech Recognotion",
- storage: "Storage",
- cloud_storage: "Cloud",
- cloudFileTooltip: "Click「 + 」button to save your file as new one",
- cloudopen: "Cloud Open",
- cloudclose: "Cloud Close",
- local_storage: "Files",
- localimport: "Import",
- localexport: "Export",
- localStorageImport: "Import Project",
- ImportTooltip: "Select your project file(*.xml) and import it to the current workspace.Warning:will replace current blocks)",
- "import": "Import",
- "export": "Export",
- ImportContent: "Click to choose a file from your computer",
- localStorageExport: "Export Project",
- ExportTooltip: "Export current project blocks and save it your computer,so you can open it next time when you need it",
- exportFile: "Project File",
- exportSnap: "Snapshot",
- ExportFileContent: "Will export as an *xml file.<br>for you to continuing code nextime",
- ExportSnapContent: "Will export to a *png picture.<br>for your reference",
- cloudStorageTitle: "Cloud Storage",
- cloudFileOpen: "Open",
- cloudFileSave: "Save",
- cloudFileConfirm: "OK",
- cloudFileSaveAs: "Save as",
- saveNew: "Save New",
- deleteFile: "Delete file now ?",
- rename: "Rename",
- cloudFileDelete: "Delete",
- cloudFileUpdate: "Update",
- help_board: "Help",
- learn_board: "Files",
- cocoedu: "Coco Edu",
- learn_vision: "Learn AI: Vision",
- learn_speech: "Learn AI: Speech",
- learn_text: "Learn AI: Text",
- tutorial: "Tutorial",
- login_title: "Login",
- username: "Username/Email",
- password: "Password",
- signup: "Sign up",
- signin: "Sign in",
- signout: "Sign out",
- cococloud: "Go to CocoCloud",
- user_email: "Your Email: ",
- user_school: "Your School: ",
- Event: "Cloud Event: ",
- login_wrongNOP: "Wrong Email or Password!",
- login_ForgetRecap: "Please verify reCaptcha !",
- port: "Port:",
- no_line_ending: "No line ending",
- newline: "Newline",
- CR: "Carriage return",
- NL_CR: "NL & CR",
- baud: "baud",
- main_mode: "Main mode",
- wifi_mode: "WiFi mode",
- loadNewBlocksTitle: "Load new blocks?",
- loadNewBlocksBody: "Loading a new XML file will replace the current blocks from the workspace.<br>" + "Are you sure you want to proceed?",
- discardBlocksTitle: "Delete blocks?",
- discardBlocksBody: "There are %1 blocks on the workspace.<br>" + "Are you sure you want to delete them?",
- invalidXmlTitle: "Invalid XML",
- invalidXmlBody: "The XML file was not successfully parsed into blocks. Please review the XML code and try again.",
- ErrorBlockTitle: "Wrong Block exists",
- ErrorBlockBody: "The XML file has some kinds of wrong blocks which were not used any more. We have deleted it automatically for you, please review your code carefully",
- ErrorFileDragTitle: "Invalid File",
- ErrorFileDragBody: "The file you selected should be the format of XML。Please review the file your choose",
- invalidNameTitle: "Invalid Name",
- invalidFileName: "The illegal character exist,and Chinese character is not support now, please rename it! <br>Illegal character include [~!@#$%^&*()+<>?.:\"{},]",
- invalidFileName1: "The filename shouldn't be start with \"-\" or \"_\",please rename it.",
- invalidFileName2: "The filename shouldn't be empty,please name it!",
- invalidFileName3: "The filename's length shouldn't be over 20 ,please rename it!",
- invalidFileName4: "The illegal character exist: Emoji is not support, please rename it!",
- reptitiveFileName: "The filename has been named, please rename it!",
- unsupportWebcamTitle: "Unsupported Browsers",
- unsupportWebcamBody: "Teachable Machine is only supported with Chrome Browser now. Please visit it on the latest version of Chrome or Firefox!",
- requestWebcamTitle: "Webcam is not supported",
- requestWebcamBody: "Webcam is not supported in HTTP mode, please click here and go to our HTTPS version to use this app.",
- goHttps: "Visit via HTTPS",
- requestVoiceRecognitionTitle: "Voice input is not supported",
- requestVoiceRecognitionBody: "Voice input is not supported in HTTP mode, please click here and go to our HTTPS version to use this app.",
- ok: "OK",
- okay: "Okay",
- cancel: "Cancel",
- pythonSourceCode: "Python Source Code",
- blocksXml: "Upload Area",
- serialMonitor: "Serial Monitor",
- autoScroll: "Autoscroll",
- sendMsg: "Sending Messages",
- sendBtn: "SEND",
- connectBtn: "CONNECT",
- disconnectBtn: "DISCONNECT",
- comms_clear: "CLEAR",
- comms_export: "EXPORT",
- modal_export_title: "choose the file type you want to save as",
- modal_export_comfirm: "comfirm",
- catLogic: "Logic",
- catLoops: "Loops",
- catMath: "Math",
- catText: "Text",
- catLists: "Lists",
- catDictionary: "Dictionary",
- catTuples: "Tuples",
- catSet: "Set",
- catMainBoard: "IoT Module",
- catExtensions: "Extensions",
- catDisplay: "Display",
- catSystem: "System",
- catWeb: "Internet",
- catDataComms: "Data",
- catSerialPort: "SerialPort",
- catMicrophone: "Microphone",
- catImageProcess: "Image Process",
- catTextProcess: "Text Process",
- catVision: "Image Process",
- catIV: "Video Process",
- catAudio: "Audio Process",
- catModels: "Models",
- catAI: "A.I. Module",
- catAIScreen: "Screen",
- catFiles: "Files",
- catCamera: "Camera",
- catVariables: "Variables",
- catFunctions: "Functions",
- catOutput: "Input / Output",
- catTime: "Time",
- catComms: "Serial Comm.",
- catBasics: "Basics",
- catHardware: "Hardware",
- catAIWifi: "Wi-Fi",
- catAISpeaker: "Speaker",
- catCocoMod: "Modules",
- catBasic: "Sensor 101",
- catFASTLED: "Light",
- catMOTOR: "Motor",
- catServo: "Servo",
- catMusic: "Music",
- catTouch: "Touch",
- catHCI: "HCI",
- catScreen: "Screen",
- catENV: "Env Sensor",
- catTD: "Sensors",
- catColour: "Colour",
- catBluetooth: "Bluetooth",
- catMOTION: "Motion",
- catMainWifi: "Wi-Fi",
- catCocoWIFIMod: "WiFi Module",
- catNetwork: "Network",
- catWifiComms: "Data Transfer",
- catWifiServer: "Server Side",
- catWifiClient: "Client Side",
- catWifiWeb: "Internet",
- catWifiTP: "Third party",
- catWifiWebServices: "Web Services",
- catJsonTool: "JSON",
- catCloudData: "Cloud",
- catEasyMode: "EasyMode",
- catBlynk: "Blynk",
- ExtendedFunction: "Extension Modoule",
- Third_party_Sensor: "Third-party Sensor",
- Ultrasonic: "Ultrasonic Sensor",
- PS2_Gamepad: "PS2 Gamepad",
- EFLEDLS: "LED Matrix",
- EFMotor: "DC Motor",
- EFSG: "Servo",
- EFGH: "Game Pad",
- EFNI: "NB-IoT",
- EFBluetooth: "Bluetooth",
- uploader_reminder_title: "Please upgrade your CocoBlockly X Uploader",
- uploader_reminder_text1: "Your uploader is out of date !",
- uploader_reminder_text2: "Please re-download it from CocoBlockly X if necessary.",
- uploader_reminder_text3: "To ensure a smooth user experience, we strongly recommend you to keep the software updated.<br>There are two ways to upgrade the CocoBlockly X Uploader:<br>    1) Right click the system tray icon in the system status bar, then click \"Update\";<br>    2) Download our latest release from our server: <a download href=\"http://api.cocorobo.cn/releases/pythonuploaderv0.1/download/windows\" target=\"_black\">Windows</a> /<a download href=\"http://api.cocorobo.cn/releases/pythonuploaderv0.1/download/mac\" target=\"_black\">macOS</a>",
- uploader_reminder_text4: "The version of uploader isn't support any more, we strongly recommend you to keep the software updated.<br>Download our latest release from our server: <a download href=\"http://api.cocorobo.cn/releases/pythonuploaderv0.1/download/windows\" target=\"_black\">Windows</a> /<a download href=\"http://api.cocorobo.cn/releases/pythonuploaderv0.1/download/mac\" target=\"_black\">macOS</a>",
- uploader_reminder_currentVersion: "Current version:",
- uploader_reminder_newVersion: "Latest version:",
- uploader_reminder_download: "Download",
- uploader_reminder_done: "Got it",
- statusbar: "Directly upload your code to the electronic modules.",
- upload: "UPLOAD",
- compile: "COMPILE",
- lib: "LINRARY",
- errmsg: "Error Message",
- basicMarquee: "Marquee",
- basic8Bit: "8 Bit Music",
- baxicKnobSound: "Knob To Notes",
- ledHeart: "Heart",
- motorObstacleVoiding: "Obstacle Avoiding",
- motorTrackLine: "Line Tracking",
- fullRotate: "Full Rotation",
- paper_piano_cocoblockly: "Music Keyboard",
- music_play_melody: "Play Melody",
- music_play_mp3: "Play MP3",
- hci_basic: "HCI mouse",
- touch_light: "Touch Light",
- HCI_basic: "HCI basic",
- screenShowreel: "Showreel",
- robotRemoteControl: "Robot Car Remote Control",
- robotArmRemoteControl: "Robot Arm Remote Control",
- MotionShowLed: "Tilting LED Dot",
- EnvShowScreen: "Show Env Data",
- EnvLigtColor: "Env Light Color",
- MainEnvDataTransfer: "Main Env Data Transfer",
- GPSShowScreen: "GPS on Screen",
- wifiNetworkShowinfo: "WiFi Network Show Info",
- wifiDataTransfer: "WiFi Data Transfer",
- wifiEnvDataTransfer: "WiFi Env Data Transfer",
- wifiClientIfttt: "IFTTT WebHook",
- wifiClientPost: "Post Data to Cloud",
- webServiceIfttt: "IFTTT Example",
- webServiceThingspeak: "ThingSpeak Example",
- cloudDataShow: "Get Data from Cloud",
- cloudDataGenerate: "Generate Data",
- tour_start: "Follow this beginner-level instruction, you will learn how to use CocoBlockly X to code:",
- tour_editProject: "Edit Project Title: Click the input on the top left, type a desired name of your project",
- tour_menuBar: "Menu Bar: Here you will find 4 important functions: Help, Cloud Storage, <br>Local Import/Export and Language Switch (English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese)",
- tour_personAccount: "Personal Account: Click the avatar and login to your account, <br>experience features like the cloud storage and IoT applet via CocoCloud.",
- tour_blocklyToolbox: "Blockly Toolbox: Where all CocoBlockly X blocks exists, from Logic to blocks for CocoRobo Module,<br> we also provide examples in order to help users getting started",
- tour_codeWorkspace_1: "Coding Workspace (1): Drag the block;",
- tour_codeWorkspace_2: "Coding Workspace (2): Duplicate the block;",
- tour_codeWorkspace_3: "Coding Workspace (3): Delete the block;",
- tour_codeWorkspace_4: "Coding Workspace (4): Delete all blocks;",
- tour_sourceCodeArea: "Source Code Area: When you drag block to coding workspace, <br>this area will automatically generate Arduino source code for reference.",
- tour_uploadArea: "Upload Area: When you finished coding, click the Compile option to verify if your code is valid, make sure you have a good internet connection.<br>Click the Upload option to upload the code to your module (Note: Please do not disconnect the module from your computer while the code is uploading)",
- tour_serialMonitorArea: "Serial Monitor Area: Like Arduino IDE, in here you can debug your code, such as put the value to the monitor to check if it's right.",
- tour_switchtoFullScreen: "Switch to Full Screen: When you feel the coding space is narrow, you can always toggle the full screen option in the top-right toolbar",
- tour_mainMode: "(Main Mode) Upload Code: Under Main Mode, CocoBlockly X will only detect Main Controller Module, and you will be able to upload<br> the main mode code to the module. If you are using WiFi Module, the interface will automatically change to WiFi Mode.",
- tour_wifiMode: "(WiFi Mode) Upload Code: Under WiFi Mode, CocoBlockly X will only detect WiFi Module, and you will be able to upload the wifi mode<br> code to the module. If you are using Main Controller Module, the interface will automatically change to Main Mode.",
- tour_cloudStorage_update: "Cloud Storage: To add a new project to our cloud, click the Cloud Storage icon and a prompt will open, change the name <br>to a desired one if you needed, then click \"Update\" button.",
- tour_cloudStorge_open: "Cloud Storage: To open a new project from your cloud, single-click the project name, then click the \"Open\" button.",
- tour_cloudStorge_delete: "Cloud Storage: To delete a project from your cloud, single-click the project name, then click the \"Delete\" button.",
- tour_end: "Congratulations! You have sucessfully mastered the fundametals of CocoBlockly X, start coding yourself now!",
- labscenter: "Labs",
- labs_center_modal_title: "CocoBlockly X Labs",
- appcenter: "Apps",
- app_center_modal_title: "App Center",
- app_center_all_categories: "All Catefories:",
- app_center_ai: "Artificial Intelligence",
- app_center_iot: "Internet of Things",
- app_center_robot: "Robot Controller",
- app_center_science: "Science Experiements",
- app_center_games: "Games",
- app_center_arvr: "AR/VR",
- app_center_emotion_recognition: "Emotion Recognition"
- }, _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_emotion_recognition", "Gesture Recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_speech_recognition", "Speech Recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_robot_demo1", "Robot Controller"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_science_demo1", "Science"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_game_flappy", "Floppy bird"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_game_space_lamb", "Space Lamb"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_arvr_demo1", "AR/VR"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_wait_to_come", "Coming soon"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_enter_button", "Enter"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_visit_button", "Visit"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_Teachabel_Machine", "Teachale Machine"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_Computer_Vision_Demos", "Computer Vision Demos"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_Speech_AI_Demos", "Speech AI Demos"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_Text_Analysing_Demos", "Text Analysing Demos"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_tab_vision", "vision"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_tab_speech", "speech"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "app_center_tab_text", "text"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "webcamDemoTitle", "Emotion Recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "face_webcam", "Webcam:"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "face_latest_snapshot", "Latest snapshot:"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "face_analyze", "Analyze"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "face_response", "Response:"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "face_emotion_res", "Make a smiley face or sad face please."), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "emotion_camera_on", "On"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "emotion_camera_off", "Camera Off"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "emotion_camera_turnon_text", "Turn on the Camera first"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "emotion_snapshot_text", "Your snapshot will be here"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "emotion_result_title", "Facial Analysis:"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "emotion_result_emotion_title", "Emotion:"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "emotion_result_age_title", "Age:"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "emotion_result_gender_title", "Gender:"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "emotion_result_glasses_title", "Glasses:"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "emotion_result_default", "Nothing detected."), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "gesturesTitle", "Gesture Recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "gesture_result", "No result yet."), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "gesture_webcam", "Webcam"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "gesture_recognition_result", "Recognition Result:"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "gesture_recognition", "Recognize"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "gesture_recognitioning", "Recognize..."), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "speechDemoTitle", "Speech Recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "speechTip", "Voice recognition for English, Cantonese & Mandarin."), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "speech_language_select", "Select a language to recognize: "), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "speech_language_English", "English"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "speech_language_Cantonese", "Cantonese"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "speech_language_Mandarin", "Mandarin"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "speech_textarea_title", " Click on the mic button to start dictating..."), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "speech_button", "Tap to speak"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "selectEvent", "Choose a CocoCloud event here, the analyzed result will directly send to there"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "noEvent", "No Event here. Please login first"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "pre_version", "Switch to Old Version"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "drag_import", "Drag and drop your file here"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "env_detect", "Environment Detect"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "detect", "Detect"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "title_device", "Device"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "title_result", "Result"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "title_support", "Support"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "title_suggest", "Suggest"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "Adapter_connected", "Adapter is connected"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "Adapter_fill_connected", "Adapter is disconnected"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "os", "System"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "browser", "Browser"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_Example", "Example"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_Basics", "Basic case of IoT module"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_sbcb", "Side Button Control Buzzer"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_sbcsl", "side button control switch LED"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_tacl", "Touch Area Control LED"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ba", "Buzzer Alarm"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_desl", "dark environment sensor light"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_tdsl", "Tilt Direction Sensor LED"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ha", "Humidity Alarm"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ssl", "shake sensor LED"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ldliv", "LED display light intensity value"),_defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_thwos", "Hello World on Screen"),_defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_line", "button control screen linewise"),_defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_LF", "LED Lamp flicker"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_DCLS", "Dial control LED switch"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_BCL", "Button-Controlled LED"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_LGD", "LCD graphic drawing animation"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_FTCLS", "Four Touch control LED switch"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_DOLD", "LCD wiggle detector"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_TCSOL", "Touch-controlled square on LCD"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_SER", "LCD display environment data"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_NW", "IoT module networking case"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_CTN", "Connect to the surrounding WiFi network"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_SA", "Set up WiFi hotspot"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_SDTC", "Send Data to CocoCloud"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_BS", "Basic case of AI module"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_CV", "AI module vision case"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_CAOSR", "LCD button control color switch"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_QCR", "QR Code Recogntion"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "line_tracking", "Line Tracking (Black Line)"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_LR", "Line Recogntion"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_AI", "AI module machine learning case"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_c", "Button control LCD display color"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_HWDR", "Hand-written Digit Recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_FR", "Face Recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_OR", "Object Recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_CMHK", "Customized Model (Trash Classification)"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "ai_modules_teacher", "AI Teaching cases"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "ai_modules_thw", "1.Hello World"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "ai_modules_thwos", "2.Hello World on Screen"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "ai_modules_uoc", "3.Use of Canvas"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "ai_modules_mc", "4.Mini Camera"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "ai_modules_sor", "5.Simple Object Recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_SP", "Display motion sensor values"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_AAAV", "LCD display tilt direction"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_BBP1", "Balance ball program"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_BBP2", "Balance ball procedure 2"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_BT", "Button + timer"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "ai_modules_av", "AI Module audio case"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "paly_video", "Play the recorded video file"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "paly_music", "Play the music"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "recording_camera", "Record camera pictures and save them"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "microphone_sound_analysis", "Microphone spectrum analysis"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_AV", "AI module video case"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "uploadFiles", "Upload files"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "catSerialComm", "Serial Comm."), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_CSDAOD", "Connection hotspot and HTTP client"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ISED", "IFTTT sending environment data"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ITE", "IFTTT trigger event"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_MSD", "Thingspeak sends data and gets the latest data"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_SBS", "Area color analysis"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_LFGC", "Looking for green circles"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_MC", "Mini camera"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ARATOOC", "LCD drawing graphic animation"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_FGAAT", "Find green areas and track"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_RCI", "Record camera image "), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_MAOSS", "Microphone analysis of sound spectrum"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_PAF", "Play audio file"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_PV", "Play movie files"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_TD", "Button controls LCD pin rotation"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "runCode", "Run Code"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "resetDevice", "Restart Device"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_dropdown", "Connection port cannot be detected"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_SPC", "Screen picture clipping"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_SPR", "Screen pattern rotation"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_PTKTCTPTRC", "Press the key to change the picture to reverse color"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_PTKTCCM", "Press the key to change the picture color mode"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_PTKTS", "Press the key to change the picture size"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_PTKTCTCCM", "Press the key to change the camera color mode"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_PTKTBOTCI", "Press the key to change the camera color mode"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_SEDTO", "NB IOT sends environment data to onenet"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_RTIFO", "NB IOT receives text instructions from onenet"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_connecteds", "USB Upload"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "no_select_connecteds", "Wi-Fi Upload"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_NIMSDTC", "NB IOT module sends data to cococloud"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_imefc", "IoT module extended function case"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_uls", "use LED screen"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_umdm", "use motor drive module"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_uoglls", "use of gamepad + LED light screen"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ctsotem", "Controlling the Servo on the Extension Module"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ionc", "IoT module networking case"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_btsldtc", "button to send lighting data to CocoCloud"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ktsedti", "key to send environmental data to IFTTT"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_btoldalua", "button to obtain lighting data and light up according to conditions"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_tsedtc", "timely sending environmental data to CocoCloud"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ewhadtnocd", "establish WiFi hotspot and display the number of connected devices"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ledss", "LAN environment data storage-server side"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ledac", "LAN Environment Data Acquisition-Client"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ctwn", "connection to WiFi network"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_bssbms", "button state storage between modules-server"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_bsrbmc", "button status reception between modules-client"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_wrcbms", "WebSocket real-time communication between modules-sender"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_wrcbmr", "WebSocket real-time communication between modules-receiver"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_snt", "synchronized network time"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_smmlc", "AI Module Machine Learning Case"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_gcaerhk", "Garbage Classification and Recognition (Hong Kong Version)"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_fr", "Face Recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_or", "object recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_mhdr", "handwritten digit recognition"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_ambc", "AI module basic case"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_bcsc", "button control screen clockwise"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_kcpccs", "key control picture change color system"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_kcpficc", "key control picture for inverse color change"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_bccs", "Button Control Color Switching"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_mc", "Mini Camera"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_sor", "screen orientation rotation"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_sdla", "screen drawing line animation"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_amefc", "AI module extended function case"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_auls", "use LED screen"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_aumdm", "use motor drive module"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_auogsm", "use of gamepad + screen module"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_actsotem", "Controlling the Servo on the Extension Module"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_amvc", "AI module visual case"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_bctbotci", "button change the brightness of the camera image"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_aca", "Area Color Analysis"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_rqc", "recognition QR code"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_lhbl", "Line Hunting (Black Line)"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_fgr", "find green round"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_fgaat", "find green areas and track"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_prvf", "play recorded video file"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_pm", " play music"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_rcsas", "record camera screen and save"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_mssa", "Microphone Sound Spectrum Analysis"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "device", "Device"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "existing_device", "Existing Device"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "add_device", "Add Device"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "device_id", "Device ID"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "device_status", "Device Status"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "device_confirm", "Confirm"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "device_cancel", "Cancel"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "add_edevice_success", "Device added successfully"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "device_next", "Next"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "device_on", "On"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_Mandarin", "Voice recognition in the cloud(Mandarin)"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_English", "Voice recognition in the cloud(English)"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "select_Cantonese", "Voice recognition in the cloud(Cantonese)"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "sketch_name", "Untitled"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "sketch_save", "Save"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "iot_module", "IoT Module"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "a_csm", "Change Startup Mode"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "a_butvmi", "Boot Up the Visual Menu InterFace"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "a_buartlp", "Boot Up and Run the Last Program"), _defineProperty(_Ardublockly$LOCALISE, "Serial_Interaction", "Serial Interaction"), _Ardublockly$LOCALISE);