Sk.misceval.html 33 KB

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  16. <h1 class="page-title">Namespace: misceval</h1>
  17. <section>
  18. <header>
  19. <h2>
  20. <span class="ancestors"><a href="Sk.html">Sk</a>.</span>
  21. misceval
  22. </h2>
  23. </header>
  24. <article>
  25. <div class="container-overview">
  26. <dl class="details">
  27. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  28. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  29. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line1">line 1</a>
  30. </li></ul></dd>
  31. </dl>
  32. </div>
  33. <h3 class="subsection-title">Classes</h3>
  34. <dl>
  35. <dt><a href="Sk.misceval.Suspension.html">Suspension</a></dt>
  36. <dd></dd>
  37. </dl>
  38. <h3 class="subsection-title">Members</h3>
  39. <h4 class="name" id=".swappedOp_"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>swappedOp_<span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  40. <div class="description">
  41. <p>for reversed comparison: Gt -&gt; Lt, etc.</p>
  42. </div>
  43. <dl class="details">
  44. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  45. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  46. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line201">line 201</a>
  47. </li></ul></dd>
  48. </dl>
  49. <h3 class="subsection-title">Methods</h3>
  50. <h4 class="name" id=".apply"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>apply<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  51. <div class="description">
  52. <p>Wrap Sk.misceval.applyOrSuspend, but throw an error if we suspend</p>
  53. </div>
  54. <dl class="details">
  55. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  56. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  57. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line838">line 838</a>
  58. </li></ul></dd>
  59. </dl>
  60. <h4 class="name" id=".applyOrSuspend"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>applyOrSuspend<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  61. <div class="description">
  62. <p>same as except args is an actual array, rather than
  63. varargs.</p>
  64. </div>
  65. <dl class="details">
  66. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  67. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  68. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line1004">line 1004</a>
  69. </li></ul></dd>
  70. </dl>
  71. <h4 class="name" id=".applySlice"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>applySlice<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  72. <div class="description">
  73. <p>return u[v:w]</p>
  74. </div>
  75. <dl class="details">
  76. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  77. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  78. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line116">line 116</a>
  79. </li></ul></dd>
  80. </dl>
  81. <h4 class="name" id=".arrayFromArguments"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>arrayFromArguments<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  82. <div class="description">
  83. <p>Used by min() and max() to get an array from arbitrary input.
  84. Note that this does no validation, just coercion.</p>
  85. </div>
  86. <dl class="details">
  87. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  88. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  89. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line164">line 164</a>
  90. </li></ul></dd>
  91. </dl>
  92. <h4 class="name" id=".assignSlice"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>assignSlice<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  93. <div class="description">
  94. <p>u[v:w] = x</p>
  95. </div>
  96. <dl class="details">
  97. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  98. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  99. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line137">line 137</a>
  100. </li></ul></dd>
  101. </dl>
  102. <h4 class="name" id=".asyncToPromise"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>asyncToPromise<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  103. <div class="description">
  104. <p>Wraps anything that can return an Sk.misceval.Suspension, and returns a
  105. JS Promise with the result. Also takes an object map of suspension handlers:
  106. pass in {&quot;suspType&quot;: function (susp) {} }, and your function will be called
  107. with the Suspension object if susp.type==&quot;suspType&quot;. The type &quot;*&quot; will match
  108. all otherwise unhandled suspensions.</p>
  109. <p>A suspension handler should return a Promise yielding the return value of
  110. r.resume() - ie, either the final return value of this call or another
  111. Suspension. That is, the null suspension handler is:</p>
  112. <pre class="prettyprint source"><code>function handler(susp) {
  113. return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
  114. try {
  115. resolve(susp.resume());
  116. } catch(e) {
  117. reject(e);
  118. }
  119. });
  120. }</code></pre><p>Alternatively, a handler can return null to perform the default action for
  121. that suspension type.</p>
  122. <p>(Note: do <em>not</em> call asyncToPromise() in a suspension handler; this will
  123. create a new Promise object for each such suspension that occurs)</p>
  124. <p>asyncToPromise() returns a Promise that will be resolved with the final
  125. return value, or rejected with an exception if one is thrown.</p>
  126. </div>
  127. <dl class="details">
  128. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  129. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  130. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line881">line 881</a>
  131. </li></ul></dd>
  132. </dl>
  133. <h4 class="name" id=".buildClass"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>buildClass<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  134. <div class="description">
  135. <p>Constructs a class object given a code object representing the body
  136. of the class, the name of the class, and the list of bases.</p>
  137. <p>There are no &quot;old-style&quot; classes in Skulpt, so use the user-specified
  138. metaclass (todo;) if there is one, the type of the 0th base class if
  139. there's bases, or otherwise the 'type' type.</p>
  140. <p>The func code object is passed a (js) dict for its locals which it
  141. stores everything into.</p>
  142. <p>The metaclass is then called as metaclass(name, bases, locals) and
  143. should return a newly constructed class object.</p>
  144. </div>
  145. <dl class="details">
  146. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  147. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  148. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line1112">line 1112</a>
  149. </li></ul></dd>
  150. </dl>
  151. <h4 class="name" id=".call"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>call<span class="signature">(func, kwdict<span class="signature-attributes">opt</span>, varargseq<span class="signature-attributes">opt</span>, kws<span class="signature-attributes">opt</span>, &hellip;args)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  152. <div class="description">
  153. <p>Notes on necessity for 'call()':</p>
  154. <p>Classes are callable in python to create an instance of the class. If
  155. we're calling &quot;C()&quot; we cannot tell at the call site whether we're
  156. calling a standard function, or instantiating a class.</p>
  157. <p>JS does not support user-level callables. So, we can't use the normal
  158. prototype hierarchy to make the class inherit from a 'class' type
  159. where the various tp$getattr, etc. methods would live.</p>
  160. <p>Instead, we must copy all the methods from the prototype of our class
  161. type onto every instance of the class constructor function object.
  162. That way, both &quot;C()&quot; and &quot;$getattr(...)&quot; can still work. This is
  163. of course quite expensive.</p>
  164. <p>The alternative would be to indirect all calls (whether classes or
  165. regular functions) through something like C.$call(...). In the case
  166. of class construction, $call could then call the constructor after
  167. munging arguments to pass them on. This would impose a penalty on
  168. regular function calls unfortunately, as they would have to do the
  169. same thing.</p>
  170. <p>Note that the same problem exists for function objects too (a &quot;def&quot;
  171. creates a function object that also has properties). It just happens
  172. that attributes on classes in python are much more useful and common
  173. that the attributes on functions.</p>
  174. <p>Also note, that for full python compatibility we have to do the $call
  175. method because any python object could have a <strong>call</strong> method which
  176. makes the python object callable too. So, unless we were to make
  177. <em>all</em> objects simply (function(){...}) and use the dict to create
  178. hierarchy, there would be no way to call that python user function. I
  179. think I'm prepared to sacrifice <strong>call</strong> support, or only support it
  180. post-ECMA5 or something.</p>
  181. <p>Is using (function(){...}) as the only object type too crazy?
  182. Probably. Better or worse than having two levels of function
  183. invocation for every function call?</p>
  184. <p>For a class <code>C' with instance</code>inst' we have the following cases:</p>
  185. <ol>
  186. <li><p>C.attr</p>
  187. </li>
  188. <li><p>C.staticmeth()</p>
  189. </li>
  190. <li><p>x = C.staticmeth; x()</p>
  191. </li>
  192. <li><p>inst = C()</p>
  193. </li>
  194. <li><p>inst.attr</p>
  195. </li>
  196. <li><p>inst.meth()</p>
  197. </li>
  198. <li><p>x = inst.meth; x()</p>
  199. </li>
  200. <li><p>inst(), where C defines a <strong>call</strong></p>
  201. </li>
  202. </ol>
  203. <p>Because in general these are accomplished by a helper function
  204. (tp$getattr/setattr/slice/ass_slice/etc.) it seems appropriate to add
  205. a call that generally just calls through, but sometimes handles the
  206. unusual cases. Once ECMA-5 is more broadly supported we can revisit
  207. and hopefully optimize.</p>
  208. </div>
  209. <h5>Parameters:</h5>
  210. <table class="params">
  211. <thead>
  212. <tr>
  213. <th>Name</th>
  214. <th>Type</th>
  215. <th>Attributes</th>
  216. <th class="last">Description</th>
  217. </tr>
  218. </thead>
  219. <tbody>
  220. <tr>
  221. <td class="name"><code>func</code></td>
  222. <td class="type">
  223. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  224. </td>
  225. <td class="attributes">
  226. </td>
  227. <td class="description last"><p>the thing to call</p></td>
  228. </tr>
  229. <tr>
  230. <td class="name"><code>kwdict</code></td>
  231. <td class="type">
  232. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  233. </td>
  234. <td class="attributes">
  235. &lt;optional><br>
  236. </td>
  237. <td class="description last"><p>**kwargs</p></td>
  238. </tr>
  239. <tr>
  240. <td class="name"><code>varargseq</code></td>
  241. <td class="type">
  242. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  243. </td>
  244. <td class="attributes">
  245. &lt;optional><br>
  246. </td>
  247. <td class="description last"><p>**args</p></td>
  248. </tr>
  249. <tr>
  250. <td class="name"><code>kws</code></td>
  251. <td class="type">
  252. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  253. </td>
  254. <td class="attributes">
  255. &lt;optional><br>
  256. </td>
  257. <td class="description last"><p>keyword args or undef</p></td>
  258. </tr>
  259. <tr>
  260. <td class="name"><code>args</code></td>
  261. <td class="type">
  262. <span class="param-type">*</span>
  263. </td>
  264. <td class="attributes">
  265. &lt;repeatable><br>
  266. </td>
  267. <td class="description last"><p>stuff to pass it</p>
  268. <p>TODO I think all the above is out of date.</p></td>
  269. </tr>
  270. </tbody>
  271. </table>
  272. <dl class="details">
  273. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  274. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  275. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line769">line 769</a>
  276. </li></ul></dd>
  277. </dl>
  278. <h4 class="name" id=".callAsync"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>callAsync<span class="signature">(suspensionHandlers<span class="signature-attributes">nullable</span>, func, kwdict<span class="signature-attributes">opt</span>, varargseq<span class="signature-attributes">opt</span>, kws<span class="signature-attributes">opt</span>, &hellip;args)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  279. <h5>Parameters:</h5>
  280. <table class="params">
  281. <thead>
  282. <tr>
  283. <th>Name</th>
  284. <th>Type</th>
  285. <th>Attributes</th>
  286. <th class="last">Description</th>
  287. </tr>
  288. </thead>
  289. <tbody>
  290. <tr>
  291. <td class="name"><code>suspensionHandlers</code></td>
  292. <td class="type">
  293. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  294. </td>
  295. <td class="attributes">
  296. &lt;nullable><br>
  297. </td>
  298. <td class="description last"></td>
  299. </tr>
  300. <tr>
  301. <td class="name"><code>func</code></td>
  302. <td class="type">
  303. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  304. </td>
  305. <td class="attributes">
  306. </td>
  307. <td class="description last"><p>the thing to call</p></td>
  308. </tr>
  309. <tr>
  310. <td class="name"><code>kwdict</code></td>
  311. <td class="type">
  312. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  313. </td>
  314. <td class="attributes">
  315. &lt;optional><br>
  316. </td>
  317. <td class="description last"><p>**kwargs</p></td>
  318. </tr>
  319. <tr>
  320. <td class="name"><code>varargseq</code></td>
  321. <td class="type">
  322. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  323. </td>
  324. <td class="attributes">
  325. &lt;optional><br>
  326. </td>
  327. <td class="description last"><p>**args</p></td>
  328. </tr>
  329. <tr>
  330. <td class="name"><code>kws</code></td>
  331. <td class="type">
  332. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  333. </td>
  334. <td class="attributes">
  335. &lt;optional><br>
  336. </td>
  337. <td class="description last"><p>keyword args or undef</p></td>
  338. </tr>
  339. <tr>
  340. <td class="name"><code>args</code></td>
  341. <td class="type">
  342. <span class="param-type">*</span>
  343. </td>
  344. <td class="attributes">
  345. &lt;repeatable><br>
  346. </td>
  347. <td class="description last"><p>stuff to pass it</p>
  348. <p>TODO I think all the above is out of date.</p></td>
  349. </tr>
  350. </tbody>
  351. </table>
  352. <dl class="details">
  353. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  354. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  355. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line788">line 788</a>
  356. </li></ul></dd>
  357. </dl>
  358. <h4 class="name" id=".callsim"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>callsim<span class="signature">(func, &hellip;args)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  359. <h5>Parameters:</h5>
  360. <table class="params">
  361. <thead>
  362. <tr>
  363. <th>Name</th>
  364. <th>Type</th>
  365. <th>Attributes</th>
  366. <th class="last">Description</th>
  367. </tr>
  368. </thead>
  369. <tbody>
  370. <tr>
  371. <td class="name"><code>func</code></td>
  372. <td class="type">
  373. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  374. </td>
  375. <td class="attributes">
  376. </td>
  377. <td class="description last"><p>the thing to call</p></td>
  378. </tr>
  379. <tr>
  380. <td class="name"><code>args</code></td>
  381. <td class="type">
  382. <span class="param-type">*</span>
  383. </td>
  384. <td class="attributes">
  385. &lt;repeatable><br>
  386. </td>
  387. <td class="description last"><p>stuff to pass it</p></td>
  388. </tr>
  389. </tbody>
  390. </table>
  391. <dl class="details">
  392. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  393. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  394. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line807">line 807</a>
  395. </li></ul></dd>
  396. </dl>
  397. <h4 class="name" id=".callsimAsync"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>callsimAsync<span class="signature">(suspensionHandlers<span class="signature-attributes">nullable</span>, func, &hellip;args)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  398. <h5>Parameters:</h5>
  399. <table class="params">
  400. <thead>
  401. <tr>
  402. <th>Name</th>
  403. <th>Type</th>
  404. <th>Attributes</th>
  405. <th class="last">Description</th>
  406. </tr>
  407. </thead>
  408. <tbody>
  409. <tr>
  410. <td class="name"><code>suspensionHandlers</code></td>
  411. <td class="type">
  412. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  413. </td>
  414. <td class="attributes">
  415. &lt;nullable><br>
  416. </td>
  417. <td class="description last"><p>any custom suspension handlers</p></td>
  418. </tr>
  419. <tr>
  420. <td class="name"><code>func</code></td>
  421. <td class="type">
  422. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  423. </td>
  424. <td class="attributes">
  425. </td>
  426. <td class="description last"><p>the thing to call</p></td>
  427. </tr>
  428. <tr>
  429. <td class="name"><code>args</code></td>
  430. <td class="type">
  431. <span class="param-type">*</span>
  432. </td>
  433. <td class="attributes">
  434. &lt;repeatable><br>
  435. </td>
  436. <td class="description last"><p>stuff to pass it</p></td>
  437. </tr>
  438. </tbody>
  439. </table>
  440. <dl class="details">
  441. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  442. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  443. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line818">line 818</a>
  444. </li></ul></dd>
  445. </dl>
  446. <h4 class="name" id=".callsimOrSuspend"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>callsimOrSuspend<span class="signature">(func, &hellip;args)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  447. <h5>Parameters:</h5>
  448. <table class="params">
  449. <thead>
  450. <tr>
  451. <th>Name</th>
  452. <th>Type</th>
  453. <th>Attributes</th>
  454. <th class="last">Description</th>
  455. </tr>
  456. </thead>
  457. <tbody>
  458. <tr>
  459. <td class="name"><code>func</code></td>
  460. <td class="type">
  461. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  462. </td>
  463. <td class="attributes">
  464. </td>
  465. <td class="description last"><p>the thing to call</p></td>
  466. </tr>
  467. <tr>
  468. <td class="name"><code>args</code></td>
  469. <td class="type">
  470. <span class="param-type">*</span>
  471. </td>
  472. <td class="attributes">
  473. &lt;repeatable><br>
  474. </td>
  475. <td class="description last"><p>stuff to pass it</p></td>
  476. </tr>
  477. </tbody>
  478. </table>
  479. <dl class="details">
  480. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  481. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  482. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line829">line 829</a>
  483. </li></ul></dd>
  484. </dl>
  485. <h4 class="name" id=".chain"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>chain<span class="signature">(initialValue, &hellip;chainedFns)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  486. <div class="description">
  487. <p>Chain together a set of functions, each of which might return a value or
  488. an Sk.misceval.Suspension. Each function is called with the return value of
  489. the preceding function, but does not see any suspensions. If a function suspends,
  490. Sk.misceval.chain() returns a suspension that will resume the chain once an actual
  491. return value is available.</p>
  492. <p>The idea is to allow a Promise-like chaining of possibly-suspending steps without
  493. repeating boilerplate suspend-and-resume code.</p>
  494. <p>For example, imagine we call Sk.misceval.chain(x, f).</p>
  495. <ul>
  496. <li>If x is a value, we return f(x).</li>
  497. <li>If x is a suspension, we suspend. We will suspend and resume until we get a
  498. return value, and then we will return f(&lt;resumed-value).
  499. This can be expanded to an arbitrary number of functions
  500. (eg Sk.misceval.chain(x, f, g), which is equivalent to chain(chain(x, f), g).)</li>
  501. </ul>
  502. </div>
  503. <h5>Parameters:</h5>
  504. <table class="params">
  505. <thead>
  506. <tr>
  507. <th>Name</th>
  508. <th>Type</th>
  509. <th>Attributes</th>
  510. <th class="last">Description</th>
  511. </tr>
  512. </thead>
  513. <tbody>
  514. <tr>
  515. <td class="name"><code>initialValue</code></td>
  516. <td class="type">
  517. <span class="param-type">*</span>
  518. </td>
  519. <td class="attributes">
  520. </td>
  521. <td class="description last"></td>
  522. </tr>
  523. <tr>
  524. <td class="name"><code>chainedFns</code></td>
  525. <td class="type">
  526. <span class="param-type">function</span>
  527. </td>
  528. <td class="attributes">
  529. &lt;repeatable><br>
  530. </td>
  531. <td class="description last"></td>
  532. </tr>
  533. </tbody>
  534. </table>
  535. <dl class="details">
  536. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  537. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  538. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line982">line 982</a>
  539. </li></ul></dd>
  540. </dl>
  541. <h4 class="name" id=".isIndex"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>isIndex<span class="signature">(o)</span><span class="type-signature"> &rarr; {boolean}</span></h4>
  542. <div class="description">
  543. <p>Check if the given object is valid to use as an index. Only ints, or if the object has an <code>__index__</code> method.</p>
  544. </div>
  545. <h5>Parameters:</h5>
  546. <table class="params">
  547. <thead>
  548. <tr>
  549. <th>Name</th>
  550. <th>Type</th>
  551. <th class="last">Description</th>
  552. </tr>
  553. </thead>
  554. <tbody>
  555. <tr>
  556. <td class="name"><code>o</code></td>
  557. <td class="type">
  558. </td>
  559. <td class="description last"></td>
  560. </tr>
  561. </tbody>
  562. </table>
  563. <dl class="details">
  564. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  565. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  566. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line63">line 63</a>
  567. </li></ul></dd>
  568. </dl>
  569. <h5>Returns:</h5>
  570. <dl>
  571. <dt>
  572. Type
  573. </dt>
  574. <dd>
  575. <span class="param-type">boolean</span>
  576. </dd>
  577. </dl>
  578. <h4 class="name" id=".loadname"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>loadname<span class="signature">(name, other<span class="signature-attributes">opt</span>)</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  579. <h5>Parameters:</h5>
  580. <table class="params">
  581. <thead>
  582. <tr>
  583. <th>Name</th>
  584. <th>Type</th>
  585. <th>Attributes</th>
  586. <th class="last">Description</th>
  587. </tr>
  588. </thead>
  589. <tbody>
  590. <tr>
  591. <td class="name"><code>name</code></td>
  592. <td class="type">
  593. <span class="param-type">string</span>
  594. </td>
  595. <td class="attributes">
  596. </td>
  597. <td class="description last"></td>
  598. </tr>
  599. <tr>
  600. <td class="name"><code>other</code></td>
  601. <td class="type">
  602. <span class="param-type">Object</span>
  603. </td>
  604. <td class="attributes">
  605. &lt;optional><br>
  606. </td>
  607. <td class="description last"><p>generally globals</p></td>
  608. </tr>
  609. </tbody>
  610. </table>
  611. <dl class="details">
  612. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  613. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  614. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line677">line 677</a>
  615. </li></ul></dd>
  616. </dl>
  617. <h4 class="name" id=".retryOptionalSuspensionOrThrow"><span class="type-signature">(static) </span>retryOptionalSuspensionOrThrow<span class="signature">()</span><span class="type-signature"></span></h4>
  618. <div class="description">
  619. <p>Well this seems pretty obvious by the name what it should do..</p>
  620. </div>
  621. <dl class="details">
  622. <dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
  623. <dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
  624. <a href="misceval.js.html">misceval.js</a>, <a href="misceval.js.html#line47">line 47</a>
  625. </li></ul></dd>
  626. </dl>
  627. </article>
  628. </section>
  629. </div>
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  631. <h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="Sk.abstr.iter-seqIter.html">seqIter</a></li><li><a href="Sk.builtin.bool.html">bool</a></li><li><a href="Sk.builtin.float_.html">float_</a></li><li><a href="Sk.builtin.func.html">func</a></li><li><a href="Sk.builtin.int_.html">int_</a></li><li><a href="Sk.builtin.none.html">none</a></li><li><a href="Sk.builtin.NotImplemented.html">NotImplemented</a></li><li><a href="Sk.builtin.numtype.html">numtype</a></li><li><a href="Sk.builtin.object.html">object</a></li><li><a href="Sk.builtin.seqtype.html">seqtype</a></li><li><a href="Sk.misceval.Suspension.html">Suspension</a></li></ul><h3>Namespaces</h3><ul><li><a href="Sk.html">Sk</a></li><li><a href="Sk.abstr.html">abstr</a></li><li><a href="Sk.builtin.html">builtin</a></li><li><a href="Sk.ffi.html">ffi</a></li><li><a href="Sk.misceval.html">misceval</a></li></ul>
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