#!/usr/bin/env python #version : 2023.12.31 #language : ch from maix import camera, display, zbar, image import socket import os import sys sys.path.append('/root/') import http.client from CocoPi import BUTTON import time import json import requests import os ScreenOrientation = False try: if os.path.exists("/etc/cameraSize.cfg"): cameraSize = True else: cameraSize = False except: cameraSize = False def getLcdRotation(cameraCapture): global cameraSize if cameraSize: return lcdRotationNew(cameraCapture) else: return lcdRotation(cameraCapture) def lcdRotationNew(inputImg): global cameraSize,ScreenOrientation imageRotationBuffer = inputImg.crop(0, 0, 320, 240) if ScreenOrientation: imgRotationAim = image.new(size = (240, 320)) rotationAngle = 90 GETROTATION = imageRotationBuffer.rotate(+rotationAngle, adjust=1) else: imgRotationAim = image.new(size = (320, 240)) GETROTATION = imageRotationBuffer GETROTATION = imgRotationAim.draw_image(GETROTATION,0,0,alpha=1) return GETROTATION def lcdRotation(inputImg): global cameraSize,ScreenOrientation imageRotationBuffer = inputImg.crop(0, 0, 240, 320) if ScreenOrientation: imgRotationAim = image.new(size = (240, 320)) rotationAngle = 180 else: imgRotationAim = image.new(size = (320, 240)) rotationAngle = 90 GETROTATION = imageRotationBuffer.rotate(+rotationAngle, adjust=1) GETROTATION = imgRotationAim.draw_image(GETROTATION,0,0,alpha=1) return GETROTATION key_A = BUTTON(14) key_B = BUTTON(8) key_C = BUTTON(13) key_D = BUTTON(7) image.load_freetype("/root/preset/fonts/CascadiaCodePL-Italic.ttf") if cameraSize==True: camera.camera.config(size=(320,240)) else: camera.camera.config(size=(240,320)) def getWifiConnectState(): cmd = "wifi_get_connection_info_test 1" res = os.popen(cmd).read() wifiInfo = {} if res.find('get connection infomation successfully!') != -1: wifiInfo["state"]=True wifiInfo["AP"] = res[res.find("Connected AP: ")+13:res.find("IP address: ")-1] wifiInfo["IP"] = res[res.find("IP address: ")+12:res.find("frequency")-1] wifiInfo["frequency"] = res[res.find("frequency: ")+10:res.find("RSSI")-1] wifiInfo["RSSI"] = res[res.find("RSSI: ")+6:res.find("link_speed")-1] wifiInfo["link_speed"] = res[res.find("link_speed: ")+10:res.find("IP address: ")-1] wifiInfo["noise"] = res[res.find("noise: ")+6:res.find("noise: ")+11] else: wifiInfo["state"]=False wifiInfo["AP"] = "N/A" wifiInfo["IP"] = "N/A" wifiInfo["frequency"] = "N/A" wifiInfo["RSSI"] = "N/A" wifiInfo["link_speed"] = "N/A" wifiInfo["noise"] = "N/A" return wifiInfo name = '' host = '' isCollect = False image_num = 0 save_path = "" startConnect=False def getWifiConnectState(): cmd = "wifi_get_connection_info_test 1" res = os.popen(cmd).read() wifiInfo = {} if res.find('get connection infomation successfully!') != -1: wifiInfo["state"]=True wifiInfo["AP"] = res[res.find("Connected AP: ")+13:res.find("IP address: ")-1] wifiInfo["IP"] = res[res.find("IP address: ")+12:res.find("frequency")-1] wifiInfo["frequency"] = res[res.find("frequency: ")+10:res.find("RSSI")-1] wifiInfo["RSSI"] = res[res.find("RSSI: ")+6:res.find("link_speed")-1] wifiInfo["link_speed"] = res[res.find("link_speed: ")+10:res.find("IP address: ")-1] wifiInfo["noise"] = res[res.find("noise: ")+6:res.find("noise: ")+11] else: wifiInfo["state"]=False wifiInfo["AP"] = "N/A" wifiInfo["IP"] = "N/A" wifiInfo["frequency"] = "N/A" wifiInfo["RSSI"] = "N/A" wifiInfo["link_speed"] = "N/A" wifiInfo["noise"] = "N/A" return wifiInfo def getPrivateIp(): st = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) try: st.connect(("",1)) IP = st.getsockname()[0] except Exception: IP = "" finally: st.close() return IP ssidInfo = "" passwordInfo = "" checkConnectState = False connectText = "" startConnectWifi=False wifiConnectState = False # PublicIp="" PrivateIP="" runConnectSig=True connectSuccessSig=False while True: canvas = getLcdRotation(camera.capture()) IP = getPrivateIp() if ssidInfo!="" and passwordInfo!="": startConnectWifi=True #connectText = "Waitting for Connection..." #canvas.draw_string(10,40, ssidInfo+" "+str(len(ssidInfo))+" "+str(type(ssidInfo)), scale = 1.5, color = (0,0,0), thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(10,50, "Connect ...", scale = 1.5, color = (0,0,0), thickness = 1) display.show(canvas) if startConnectWifi==True: canvas_1 = image.new(size = (320, 320), color = (255,255,255), mode = "RGB") canvas.draw_image(canvas_1,0,0, alpha=0.4) if wifiConnectState == True: if key_B.is_pressed(): while (key_B.is_pressed() == True): time.sleep(0.001) startConnectWifi= False connectText = "" checkConnectState = False connectSuccessSig = False wifiConnectState = False runConnectSig== True ssidInfo="" passwordInfo="" if checkConnectState == True: if connectSuccessSig == False: # PublicIp=getPublicIp() PrivateIP=getPrivateIp() connectSuccessSig = True connectText = "WiFi Connect Success!" canvas.draw_string(10,50, "WiFi Connect Success!", scale = 1.5, color = (0,0,0) , thickness = 1) canvas.draw_string(10,80, "IP:" + PrivateIP, scale = 1.5, color = (0,0,0), thickness = 1) canvas.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/restart_ff0000_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),8,216,alpha=1) ssidInfo="" passwordInfo="" display.show(canvas) time.sleep(3) canvas.clear() break else: pass else: if checkConnectState == False: os.system("wifi_disconnect_ap_test") os.system('wifi_connect_chinese_ap_test '+ssidInfo+' '+passwordInfo+'') wifiConnectState=getWifiConnectState()["state"] checkConnectState = True if checkConnectState == True: if key_B.is_pressed(): while (key_B.is_pressed() == True): time.sleep(0.001) startConnectWifi= False connectText = "" checkConnectState = False connectSuccessSig = False wifiConnectState = False runConnectSig== True passwordInfo = "" ssidInfo = "" else: if runConnectSig== True: connectText = "Connecting ..." runConnectSig= False else: passwordInfo = "" ssidInfo = "" connectText = "WIFI Connect Failed!" canvas.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/restart_ff0000_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),8,216,alpha=1) canvas.draw_string(10,50, connectText, scale = 1.5, color = (0,0,0) , thickness = 1) else: mks = canvas.find_qrcodes() for mk in mks: #外框数据 X = mk['x'] Y = mk['y'] W = mk['w'] H = mk['h'] #二维码信息 string = mk['payload'] codeData = string.split(";") ssidInfo = codeData[0].split(":")[1] passwordInfo = codeData[1].split(":")[1] #画外框 canvas.draw_rectangle(X, Y, X + W, Y + H, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness = 2) #打印信息 canvas.draw_string(int(X) , int(Y - 45) , "WIFI:"+ssidInfo, scale = 1, color = (255, 0, 0), thickness = 2) #内框ID canvas.draw_string(int(X) , int(Y - 25) , "PSD:"+passwordInfo, scale = 1, color = (255, 0, 0), thickness = 2) #内框ID canvas.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/exit_ff0000_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),288,216,alpha=1) #canvas.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/camera_bfbfbf_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),292,2,alpha=1) display.show(canvas) while True: canvas.clear() canvas = getLcdRotation(camera.capture()) # IP = extract_ip() if str(name) != '' and str(host) != '': startConnect=True if startConnect==True: _COCOCLOUD_SEND_ENDPOINT = "https://" + host.split("//")[1] + "v831_update_code_connect_device" _COCOCLOUD_SEND_DATA = {"DatasetName":"" + str(name) + ""} try: _COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST = requests.post(_COCOCLOUD_SEND_ENDPOINT, json = _COCOCLOUD_SEND_DATA , headers = { "Content-type": "application/json" }, timeout = 60) print(str(_COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST.status_code)+", "+str(_COCOCLOUD_SEND_REQUEST.content)) except BaseException as e: print(e) pass isCollect = True break else: mks = canvas.find_qrcodes() for mk in mks: #外框数据 X = mk['x'] Y = mk['y'] W = mk['w'] H = mk['h'] #二维码信息 string = mk['payload'] try: codeData = string.split(";") name = codeData[0].split("=")[1] host = codeData[1].split("=")[1] except: pass #画外框 canvas.draw_rectangle(X, Y, X + W, Y + H, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness = 2) #打印信息 canvas.draw_string(int(X) , int(Y - 35) , str(string), scale = 1, color = (255, 0, 0), thickness = 2) #内框ID canvas.draw_string(0, 0 , "Scan the QR code to access ", scale = 1, color = (255, 0, 0), thickness = 2) #内框ID canvas.draw_string(0, 20 , "the image annotation server", scale = 1, color = (255, 0, 0), thickness = 2) #内框ID # canvas.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/camera_ff0000_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),290,2,alpha=1) canvas.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/exit_ff0000_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),290,208,alpha=1) display.show(canvas) isAlTake = False while True: canvas1 = getLcdRotation(camera.capture()) if isCollect: if not isAlTake: if key_C.is_pressed() : while not (key_C.is_pressed() == False): time.sleep(0.01) image_num = image_num + 1 save_path = ''.join([str(x) for x in ["/root/user/img/image", str(image_num), ".jpg"]]) canvas1.save(save_path) isAlTake = True canvas1.draw_string(0, 0 , "Take a picture to collect image data", scale = 1, color = (255, 0, 0), thickness = 2) #内框ID canvas1.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/camera_ff0000_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),290,2,alpha=1) canvas1.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/exit_ff0000_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),290,208,alpha=1) display.show(canvas1) if isAlTake: canvas1.draw_image((image.open(save_path)),0,0) # if key_D.is_pressed() : # while not (key_D.is_pressed() == False): # time.sleep(0.01) # img = open(save_path,'rb') # data = {"file": img} # param = {"name": str(name)} # res = requests.post("https://" + host.split("//")[1] + "v831_upload_image", files=data, data=param) # print(res.status_code) # if str(res.status_code) == "200": # isAlTake = False # if key_C.is_pressed() : # while not (key_C.is_pressed() == False): # time.sleep(0.01) # isAlTake = False img = open(save_path,'rb') data = {"file": img} param = {"name": str(name)} res = requests.post("https://" + host.split("//")[1] + "v831_upload_image", files=data, data=param) print(res.status_code) if str(res.status_code) == "200": isAlTake = False # canvas1.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/upload_ff0000_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),5,2,alpha=1) # canvas1.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/cancel_ff0000_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),280,2,alpha=1) canvas1.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/exit_ff0000_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),290,208,alpha=1) display.show(canvas1) display.show(canvas1)