@@ -4,13 +4,19 @@ export default {
<script setup lang="ts">
<script setup lang="ts">
-import { ref, computed, watch, shallowRef } from "vue";
+import { ref, computed, watch, shallowRef, markRaw, nextTick } from "vue";
import localSearchIndex from '@localSearchIndex'
import localSearchIndex from '@localSearchIndex'
+import MiniSearch, { type SearchResult } from 'minisearch'
import { Search } from "@element-plus/icons-vue";
import { Search } from "@element-plus/icons-vue";
-import { watchDebounced, useFocus } from "@vueuse/core";
+import { watchDebounced, useFocus, computedAsync } from "@vueuse/core";
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";
import { useI18n } from "vue-i18n";
+import { useData } from 'vitepress'
+import { LRUCache } from 'vitepress/dist/client/theme-default/support/lru'
+import { pathToFile } from 'vitepress/dist/client/app/utils'
import _ from "lodash";
import _ from "lodash";
+const { t } = useI18n();
/* Search */
/* Search */
const searchIndexData = shallowRef(localSearchIndex)
const searchIndexData = shallowRef(localSearchIndex)
@@ -24,70 +30,181 @@ if (import.meta.hot) {
-const { t } = useI18n();
+interface Result {
+ title: string
+ titles: string[]
+ text?: string
-const input = ref("");
+const vitePressData = useData()
+const { localeIndex, theme } = vitePressData
+const searchIndex = computedAsync(async () =>
+ markRaw(
+ MiniSearch.loadJSON<Result>(
+ (await searchIndexData.value[localeIndex.value]?.())?.default,
+ {
+ fields: ['title', 'titles', 'text'],
+ storeFields: ['title', 'titles'],
+ searchOptions: {
+ fuzzy: 0.2,
+ prefix: true,
+ boost: { title: 4, text: 2, titles: 1 },
+ ...(theme.value.search?.provider === 'local' &&
+ theme.value.search.options?.miniSearch?.searchOptions)
+ },
+ ...(theme.value.search?.provider === 'local' &&
+ theme.value.search.options?.miniSearch?.options)
+ }
+ )
+ )
+const filterText = ref("");
const input$ = ref();
const input$ = ref();
const { focused } = useFocus(computed(() => input$.value?.input));
const { focused } = useFocus(computed(() => input$.value?.input));
-const suggestions = ref<unknown[]>([]);
+const results = shallowRef<(SearchResult & Result)[]>([])
const loading = ref(false);
const loading = ref(false);
-const suggestionVisible = computed(() => {
+const showDetailedList = computed(() => {
// return true
// return true
- const isValidData = suggestions.value.length > 0;
+ const isValidData = results.value.length > 0;
return focused.value && (isValidData || loading.value);
return focused.value && (isValidData || loading.value);
- () => input.value,
- (val) => {
- loading.value = !!val;
- if (!val) {
- suggestions.value = [];
- }
- }
-const fetchSuggestions = (mock) => {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- // MOCK
- // TODO should we use local search and gpt search together?
- resolve(["vue", "react", mock]);
- }, 1000);
- });
+const cache = new LRUCache<string, Map<string, string>>(16) // 16 files
- () => input.value,
- async (taggedInput) => {
- if (!taggedInput) {
- return;
- }
- const result = await fetchSuggestions(taggedInput);
- if (taggedInput === input.value) {
- suggestions.value = result as unknown[];
- loading.value = false;
+ () => [searchIndex.value, filterText.value, showDetailedList.value] as const,
+ async ([index, filterTextValue, showDetailedListValue], old, onCleanup) => {
+ if (old?.[0] !== index) {
+ // in case of hmr
+ cache.clear()
+ let canceled = false
+ onCleanup(() => {
+ canceled = true
+ })
+ if (!index) return
+ // Search
+ results.value = index
+ .search(filterTextValue)
+ .slice(0, 16) as (SearchResult & Result)[]
+ console.log(results.value)
+ // enableNoResults.value = true
+ // Highlighting
+ // const mods = showDetailedListValue
+ // ? await Promise.all(results.value.map((r) => fetchExcerpt(r.id)))
+ // : []
+ // if (canceled) return
+ // for (const { id, mod } of mods) {
+ // const mapId = id.slice(0, id.indexOf('#'))
+ // let map = cache.get(mapId)
+ // if (map) continue
+ // map = new Map()
+ // cache.set(mapId, map)
+ // const comp = mod.default ?? mod
+ // if (comp?.render || comp?.setup) {
+ // const app = createApp(comp)
+ // // Silence warnings about missing components
+ // app.config.warnHandler = () => {}
+ // app.provide(dataSymbol, vitePressData)
+ // Object.defineProperties(app.config.globalProperties, {
+ // $frontmatter: {
+ // get() {
+ // return vitePressData.frontmatter.value
+ // }
+ // },
+ // $params: {
+ // get() {
+ // return vitePressData.page.value.params
+ // }
+ // }
+ // })
+ // const div = document.createElement('div')
+ // app.mount(div)
+ // const headings = div.querySelectorAll('h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6')
+ // headings.forEach((el) => {
+ // const href = el.querySelector('a')?.getAttribute('href')
+ // const anchor = href?.startsWith('#') && href.slice(1)
+ // if (!anchor) return
+ // let html = ''
+ // while ((el = el.nextElementSibling!) && !/^h[1-6]$/i.test(el.tagName))
+ // html += el.outerHTML
+ // map!.set(anchor, html)
+ // })
+ // app.unmount()
+ // }
+ // if (canceled) return
+ // }
+ // const terms = new Set<string>()
+ // results.value = results.value.map((r) => {
+ // const [id, anchor] = r.id.split('#')
+ // const map = cache.get(id)
+ // const text = map?.get(anchor) ?? ''
+ // for (const term in r.match) {
+ // terms.add(term)
+ // }
+ // return { ...r, text }
+ // })
+ // await nextTick()
+ // if (canceled) return
+ // await new Promise((r) => {
+ // mark.value?.unmark({
+ // done: () => {
+ // mark.value?.markRegExp(formMarkRegex(terms), { done: r })
+ // }
+ // })
+ // })
+ // const excerpts = el.value?.querySelectorAll('.result .excerpt') ?? []
+ // for (const excerpt of excerpts) {
+ // excerpt
+ // .querySelector('mark[data-markjs="true"]')
+ // ?.scrollIntoView({ block: 'center' })
+ // }
+ // FIXME: without this whole page scrolls to the bottom
+ // resultsEl.value?.firstElementChild?.scrollIntoView({ block: 'start' })
- { debounce: 500 }
+ { debounce: 200, immediate: true }
+async function fetchExcerpt(id: string) {
+ const file = pathToFile(id.slice(0, id.indexOf('#')))
+ try {
+ if (!file) throw new Error(`Cannot find file for id: ${id}`)
+ return { id, mod: await import(/*@vite-ignore*/ file) }
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(e)
+ return { id, mod: {} }
+ }
<div class="search-container">
<div class="search-container">
- :visible="suggestionVisible"
+ :visible="showDetailedList"
<template #reference>
<template #reference>
- <div class="search-trigger" :class="{ 'has-content': suggestionVisible }">
+ <div class="search-trigger" :class="{ 'has-content': showDetailedList }">
:ref="(el) => (input$ = el)"
:ref="(el) => (input$ = el)"
- v-model="input"
+ v-model="filterText"
@@ -99,8 +216,35 @@ watchDebounced(
<template v-else>
<template v-else>
- <ul>
- <li v-for="(suggest, _index) in suggestions" :key="_index">{{ suggest }}</li>
+ <ul class="results">
+ <li v-for="(p, index) in results" :key="index">
+ <a
+ :href="p.id"
+ class="result"
+ :aria-label="[...p.titles, p.title].join(' > ')"
+ >
+ <div>
+ <div class="titles">
+ <span class="title-icon">#</span>
+ <span v-for="(t, index) in p.titles" :key="index" class="title">
+ <span class="text" v-html="t" />
+ <span class="vpi-chevron-right local-search-icon" />
+ </span>
+ <span class="title main">
+ <span class="text" v-html="p.title" />
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ <div v-if="showDetailedList" class="excerpt-wrapper">
+ <div v-if="p.text" class="excerpt" inert>
+ <div class="vp-doc" v-html="p.text" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="excerpt-gradient-bottom" />
+ <div class="excerpt-gradient-top" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </a>
+ </li>
@@ -148,6 +292,26 @@ watchDebounced(
clip-path: inset(0px -10px -10px -10px);
clip-path: inset(0px -10px -10px -10px);
.search-content {
.search-content {
+ .results {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ gap: 6px;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ overscroll-behavior: contain;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ .result {
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ gap: 8px;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ transition: none;
+ line-height: 1rem;
+ border: solid 2px var(--vp-local-search-result-border);
+ outline: none;
+ }
+ }