index.d.ts 859 KB

  1. /**
  2. * Client
  3. **/
  4. import * as runtime from './runtime/library.js';
  5. import $Types = runtime.Types // general types
  6. import $Public = runtime.Types.Public
  7. import $Utils = runtime.Types.Utils
  8. import $Extensions = runtime.Types.Extensions
  9. import $Result = runtime.Types.Result
  10. export type PrismaPromise<T> = $Public.PrismaPromise<T>
  11. /**
  12. * Model AWS_Policy_Role
  13. *
  14. */
  15. export type AWS_Policy_Role = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload>
  16. /**
  17. * Model Ai_Agent_Assistants
  18. *
  19. */
  20. export type Ai_Agent_Assistants = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload>
  21. /**
  22. * Model Ai_Agent_Threads
  23. *
  24. */
  25. export type Ai_Agent_Threads = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload>
  26. /**
  27. * Model Assistant
  28. *
  29. */
  30. export type Assistant = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$AssistantPayload>
  31. /**
  32. * Model Chat
  33. *
  34. */
  35. export type Chat = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$ChatPayload>
  36. /**
  37. * Model Disposition
  38. *
  39. */
  40. export type Disposition = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$DispositionPayload>
  41. /**
  42. * Model Group
  43. *
  44. */
  45. export type Group = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$GroupPayload>
  46. /**
  47. * Model GroupFile
  48. *
  49. */
  50. export type GroupFile = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload>
  51. /**
  52. * Model InvitationCode
  53. *
  54. */
  55. export type InvitationCode = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload>
  56. /**
  57. * Model ai_agent_park_session
  58. *
  59. */
  60. export type ai_agent_park_session = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload>
  61. /**
  62. * Model classroom_ob_comment
  63. *
  64. */
  65. export type classroom_ob_comment = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload>
  66. /**
  67. * Model classroom_observation
  68. *
  69. */
  70. export type classroom_observation = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload>
  71. /**
  72. * Model course_resource
  73. *
  74. */
  75. export type course_resource = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload>
  76. /**
  77. * Model knowledge_construction_doc
  78. *
  79. */
  80. export type knowledge_construction_doc = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload>
  81. /**
  82. * Model meeting_trick
  83. *
  84. */
  85. export type meeting_trick = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload>
  86. /**
  87. * Model meeting_trick_chat
  88. *
  89. */
  90. export type meeting_trick_chat = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload>
  91. /**
  92. * Model muti_agent_list
  93. *
  94. */
  95. export type muti_agent_list = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload>
  96. /**
  97. * Model park_chat_file_list
  98. *
  99. */
  100. export type park_chat_file_list = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload>
  101. /**
  102. * Model token
  103. *
  104. */
  105. export type token = $Result.DefaultSelection<Prisma.$tokenPayload>
  106. /**
  107. * ## Prisma Client ʲˢ
  108. *
  109. * Type-safe database client for TypeScript & Node.js
  110. * @example
  111. * ```
  112. * const prisma = new PrismaClient()
  113. * // Fetch zero or more AWS_Policy_Roles
  114. * const aWS_Policy_Roles = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.findMany()
  115. * ```
  116. *
  117. *
  118. * Read more in our [docs](
  119. */
  120. export class PrismaClient<
  121. ClientOptions extends Prisma.PrismaClientOptions = Prisma.PrismaClientOptions,
  122. U = 'log' extends keyof ClientOptions ? ClientOptions['log'] extends Array<Prisma.LogLevel | Prisma.LogDefinition> ? Prisma.GetEvents<ClientOptions['log']> : never : never,
  123. ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs
  124. > {
  125. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['other'] }
  126. /**
  127. * ## Prisma Client ʲˢ
  128. *
  129. * Type-safe database client for TypeScript & Node.js
  130. * @example
  131. * ```
  132. * const prisma = new PrismaClient()
  133. * // Fetch zero or more AWS_Policy_Roles
  134. * const aWS_Policy_Roles = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.findMany()
  135. * ```
  136. *
  137. *
  138. * Read more in our [docs](
  139. */
  140. constructor(optionsArg ?: Prisma.Subset<ClientOptions, Prisma.PrismaClientOptions>);
  141. $on<V extends U>(eventType: V, callback: (event: V extends 'query' ? Prisma.QueryEvent : Prisma.LogEvent) => void): void;
  142. /**
  143. * Connect with the database
  144. */
  145. $connect(): $Utils.JsPromise<void>;
  146. /**
  147. * Disconnect from the database
  148. */
  149. $disconnect(): $Utils.JsPromise<void>;
  150. /**
  151. * Add a middleware
  152. * @deprecated since 4.16.0. For new code, prefer client extensions instead.
  153. * @see
  154. */
  155. $use(cb: Prisma.Middleware): void
  156. /**
  157. * Executes a prepared raw query and returns the number of affected rows.
  158. * @example
  159. * ```
  160. * const result = await prisma.$executeRaw`UPDATE User SET cool = ${true} WHERE email = ${''};`
  161. * ```
  162. *
  163. * Read more in our [docs](
  164. */
  165. $executeRaw<T = unknown>(query: TemplateStringsArray | Prisma.Sql, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise<number>;
  166. /**
  167. * Executes a raw query and returns the number of affected rows.
  168. * Susceptible to SQL injections, see documentation.
  169. * @example
  170. * ```
  171. * const result = await prisma.$executeRawUnsafe('UPDATE User SET cool = $1 WHERE email = $2 ;', true, '')
  172. * ```
  173. *
  174. * Read more in our [docs](
  175. */
  176. $executeRawUnsafe<T = unknown>(query: string, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise<number>;
  177. /**
  178. * Performs a prepared raw query and returns the `SELECT` data.
  179. * @example
  180. * ```
  181. * const result = await prisma.$queryRaw`SELECT * FROM User WHERE id = ${1} OR email = ${''};`
  182. * ```
  183. *
  184. * Read more in our [docs](
  185. */
  186. $queryRaw<T = unknown>(query: TemplateStringsArray | Prisma.Sql, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise<T>;
  187. /**
  188. * Performs a raw query and returns the `SELECT` data.
  189. * Susceptible to SQL injections, see documentation.
  190. * @example
  191. * ```
  192. * const result = await prisma.$queryRawUnsafe('SELECT * FROM User WHERE id = $1 OR email = $2;', 1, '')
  193. * ```
  194. *
  195. * Read more in our [docs](
  196. */
  197. $queryRawUnsafe<T = unknown>(query: string, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise<T>;
  198. /**
  199. * Allows the running of a sequence of read/write operations that are guaranteed to either succeed or fail as a whole.
  200. * @example
  201. * ```
  202. * const [george, bob, alice] = await prisma.$transaction([
  203. * prisma.user.create({ data: { name: 'George' } }),
  204. * prisma.user.create({ data: { name: 'Bob' } }),
  205. * prisma.user.create({ data: { name: 'Alice' } }),
  206. * ])
  207. * ```
  208. *
  209. * Read more in our [docs](
  210. */
  211. $transaction<P extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<any>[]>(arg: [...P], options?: { isolationLevel?: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel }): $Utils.JsPromise<runtime.Types.Utils.UnwrapTuple<P>>
  212. $transaction<R>(fn: (prisma: Omit<PrismaClient, runtime.ITXClientDenyList>) => $Utils.JsPromise<R>, options?: { maxWait?: number, timeout?: number, isolationLevel?: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel }): $Utils.JsPromise<R>
  213. $extends: $Extensions.ExtendsHook<"extends", Prisma.TypeMapCb, ExtArgs>
  214. /**
  215. * `prisma.aWS_Policy_Role`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **AWS_Policy_Role** model.
  216. * Example usage:
  217. * ```ts
  218. * // Fetch zero or more AWS_Policy_Roles
  219. * const aWS_Policy_Roles = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.findMany()
  220. * ```
  221. */
  222. get aWS_Policy_Role(): Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  223. /**
  224. * `prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **Ai_Agent_Assistants** model.
  225. * Example usage:
  226. * ```ts
  227. * // Fetch zero or more Ai_Agent_Assistants
  228. * const ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.findMany()
  229. * ```
  230. */
  231. get ai_Agent_Assistants(): Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  232. /**
  233. * `prisma.ai_Agent_Threads`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **Ai_Agent_Threads** model.
  234. * Example usage:
  235. * ```ts
  236. * // Fetch zero or more Ai_Agent_Threads
  237. * const ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.findMany()
  238. * ```
  239. */
  240. get ai_Agent_Threads(): Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  241. /**
  242. * `prisma.assistant`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **Assistant** model.
  243. * Example usage:
  244. * ```ts
  245. * // Fetch zero or more Assistants
  246. * const assistants = await prisma.assistant.findMany()
  247. * ```
  248. */
  249. get assistant(): Prisma.AssistantDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  250. /**
  251. * ``: Exposes CRUD operations for the **Chat** model.
  252. * Example usage:
  253. * ```ts
  254. * // Fetch zero or more Chats
  255. * const chats = await
  256. * ```
  257. */
  258. get chat(): Prisma.ChatDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  259. /**
  260. * `prisma.disposition`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **Disposition** model.
  261. * Example usage:
  262. * ```ts
  263. * // Fetch zero or more Dispositions
  264. * const dispositions = await prisma.disposition.findMany()
  265. * ```
  266. */
  267. get disposition(): Prisma.DispositionDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  268. /**
  269. * ``: Exposes CRUD operations for the **Group** model.
  270. * Example usage:
  271. * ```ts
  272. * // Fetch zero or more Groups
  273. * const groups = await
  274. * ```
  275. */
  276. get group(): Prisma.GroupDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  277. /**
  278. * `prisma.groupFile`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **GroupFile** model.
  279. * Example usage:
  280. * ```ts
  281. * // Fetch zero or more GroupFiles
  282. * const groupFiles = await prisma.groupFile.findMany()
  283. * ```
  284. */
  285. get groupFile(): Prisma.GroupFileDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  286. /**
  287. * `prisma.invitationCode`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **InvitationCode** model.
  288. * Example usage:
  289. * ```ts
  290. * // Fetch zero or more InvitationCodes
  291. * const invitationCodes = await prisma.invitationCode.findMany()
  292. * ```
  293. */
  294. get invitationCode(): Prisma.InvitationCodeDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  295. /**
  296. * `prisma.ai_agent_park_session`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **ai_agent_park_session** model.
  297. * Example usage:
  298. * ```ts
  299. * // Fetch zero or more Ai_agent_park_sessions
  300. * const ai_agent_park_sessions = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.findMany()
  301. * ```
  302. */
  303. get ai_agent_park_session(): Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  304. /**
  305. * `prisma.classroom_ob_comment`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **classroom_ob_comment** model.
  306. * Example usage:
  307. * ```ts
  308. * // Fetch zero or more Classroom_ob_comments
  309. * const classroom_ob_comments = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.findMany()
  310. * ```
  311. */
  312. get classroom_ob_comment(): Prisma.classroom_ob_commentDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  313. /**
  314. * `prisma.classroom_observation`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **classroom_observation** model.
  315. * Example usage:
  316. * ```ts
  317. * // Fetch zero or more Classroom_observations
  318. * const classroom_observations = await prisma.classroom_observation.findMany()
  319. * ```
  320. */
  321. get classroom_observation(): Prisma.classroom_observationDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  322. /**
  323. * `prisma.course_resource`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **course_resource** model.
  324. * Example usage:
  325. * ```ts
  326. * // Fetch zero or more Course_resources
  327. * const course_resources = await prisma.course_resource.findMany()
  328. * ```
  329. */
  330. get course_resource(): Prisma.course_resourceDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  331. /**
  332. * `prisma.knowledge_construction_doc`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **knowledge_construction_doc** model.
  333. * Example usage:
  334. * ```ts
  335. * // Fetch zero or more Knowledge_construction_docs
  336. * const knowledge_construction_docs = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.findMany()
  337. * ```
  338. */
  339. get knowledge_construction_doc(): Prisma.knowledge_construction_docDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  340. /**
  341. * `prisma.meeting_trick`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **meeting_trick** model.
  342. * Example usage:
  343. * ```ts
  344. * // Fetch zero or more Meeting_tricks
  345. * const meeting_tricks = await prisma.meeting_trick.findMany()
  346. * ```
  347. */
  348. get meeting_trick(): Prisma.meeting_trickDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  349. /**
  350. * `prisma.meeting_trick_chat`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **meeting_trick_chat** model.
  351. * Example usage:
  352. * ```ts
  353. * // Fetch zero or more Meeting_trick_chats
  354. * const meeting_trick_chats = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.findMany()
  355. * ```
  356. */
  357. get meeting_trick_chat(): Prisma.meeting_trick_chatDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  358. /**
  359. * `prisma.muti_agent_list`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **muti_agent_list** model.
  360. * Example usage:
  361. * ```ts
  362. * // Fetch zero or more Muti_agent_lists
  363. * const muti_agent_lists = await prisma.muti_agent_list.findMany()
  364. * ```
  365. */
  366. get muti_agent_list(): Prisma.muti_agent_listDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  367. /**
  368. * `prisma.park_chat_file_list`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **park_chat_file_list** model.
  369. * Example usage:
  370. * ```ts
  371. * // Fetch zero or more Park_chat_file_lists
  372. * const park_chat_file_lists = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.findMany()
  373. * ```
  374. */
  375. get park_chat_file_list(): Prisma.park_chat_file_listDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  376. /**
  377. * `prisma.token`: Exposes CRUD operations for the **token** model.
  378. * Example usage:
  379. * ```ts
  380. * // Fetch zero or more Tokens
  381. * const tokens = await prisma.token.findMany()
  382. * ```
  383. */
  384. get token(): Prisma.tokenDelegate<ExtArgs>;
  385. }
  386. export namespace Prisma {
  387. export import DMMF = runtime.DMMF
  388. export type PrismaPromise<T> = $Public.PrismaPromise<T>
  389. /**
  390. * Validator
  391. */
  392. export import validator = runtime.Public.validator
  393. /**
  394. * Prisma Errors
  395. */
  396. export import PrismaClientKnownRequestError = runtime.PrismaClientKnownRequestError
  397. export import PrismaClientUnknownRequestError = runtime.PrismaClientUnknownRequestError
  398. export import PrismaClientRustPanicError = runtime.PrismaClientRustPanicError
  399. export import PrismaClientInitializationError = runtime.PrismaClientInitializationError
  400. export import PrismaClientValidationError = runtime.PrismaClientValidationError
  401. export import NotFoundError = runtime.NotFoundError
  402. /**
  403. * Re-export of sql-template-tag
  404. */
  405. export import sql = runtime.sqltag
  406. export import empty = runtime.empty
  407. export import join = runtime.join
  408. export import raw = runtime.raw
  409. export import Sql = runtime.Sql
  410. /**
  411. * Decimal.js
  412. */
  413. export import Decimal = runtime.Decimal
  414. export type DecimalJsLike = runtime.DecimalJsLike
  415. /**
  416. * Metrics
  417. */
  418. export type Metrics = runtime.Metrics
  419. export type Metric<T> = runtime.Metric<T>
  420. export type MetricHistogram = runtime.MetricHistogram
  421. export type MetricHistogramBucket = runtime.MetricHistogramBucket
  422. /**
  423. * Extensions
  424. */
  425. export import Extension = $Extensions.UserArgs
  426. export import getExtensionContext = runtime.Extensions.getExtensionContext
  427. export import Args = $Public.Args
  428. export import Payload = $Public.Payload
  429. export import Result = $Public.Result
  430. export import Exact = $Public.Exact
  431. /**
  432. * Prisma Client JS version: 5.18.0
  433. * Query Engine version: 4c784e32044a8a016d99474bd02a3b6123742169
  434. */
  435. export type PrismaVersion = {
  436. client: string
  437. }
  438. export const prismaVersion: PrismaVersion
  439. /**
  440. * Utility Types
  441. */
  442. /**
  443. * From
  444. * Matches a JSON object.
  445. * This type can be useful to enforce some input to be JSON-compatible or as a super-type to be extended from.
  446. */
  447. export type JsonObject = {[Key in string]?: JsonValue}
  448. /**
  449. * From
  450. * Matches a JSON array.
  451. */
  452. export interface JsonArray extends Array<JsonValue> {}
  453. /**
  454. * From
  455. * Matches any valid JSON value.
  456. */
  457. export type JsonValue = string | number | boolean | JsonObject | JsonArray | null
  458. /**
  459. * Matches a JSON object.
  460. * Unlike `JsonObject`, this type allows undefined and read-only properties.
  461. */
  462. export type InputJsonObject = {readonly [Key in string]?: InputJsonValue | null}
  463. /**
  464. * Matches a JSON array.
  465. * Unlike `JsonArray`, readonly arrays are assignable to this type.
  466. */
  467. export interface InputJsonArray extends ReadonlyArray<InputJsonValue | null> {}
  468. /**
  469. * Matches any valid value that can be used as an input for operations like
  470. * create and update as the value of a JSON field. Unlike `JsonValue`, this
  471. * type allows read-only arrays and read-only object properties and disallows
  472. * `null` at the top level.
  473. *
  474. * `null` cannot be used as the value of a JSON field because its meaning
  475. * would be ambiguous. Use `Prisma.JsonNull` to store the JSON null value or
  476. * `Prisma.DbNull` to clear the JSON value and set the field to the database
  477. * NULL value instead.
  478. *
  479. * @see
  480. */
  481. export type InputJsonValue = string | number | boolean | InputJsonObject | InputJsonArray | { toJSON(): unknown }
  482. /**
  483. * Types of the values used to represent different kinds of `null` values when working with JSON fields.
  484. *
  485. * @see
  486. */
  487. namespace NullTypes {
  488. /**
  489. * Type of `Prisma.DbNull`.
  490. *
  491. * You cannot use other instances of this class. Please use the `Prisma.DbNull` value.
  492. *
  493. * @see
  494. */
  495. class DbNull {
  496. private DbNull: never
  497. private constructor()
  498. }
  499. /**
  500. * Type of `Prisma.JsonNull`.
  501. *
  502. * You cannot use other instances of this class. Please use the `Prisma.JsonNull` value.
  503. *
  504. * @see
  505. */
  506. class JsonNull {
  507. private JsonNull: never
  508. private constructor()
  509. }
  510. /**
  511. * Type of `Prisma.AnyNull`.
  512. *
  513. * You cannot use other instances of this class. Please use the `Prisma.AnyNull` value.
  514. *
  515. * @see
  516. */
  517. class AnyNull {
  518. private AnyNull: never
  519. private constructor()
  520. }
  521. }
  522. /**
  523. * Helper for filtering JSON entries that have `null` on the database (empty on the db)
  524. *
  525. * @see
  526. */
  527. export const DbNull: NullTypes.DbNull
  528. /**
  529. * Helper for filtering JSON entries that have JSON `null` values (not empty on the db)
  530. *
  531. * @see
  532. */
  533. export const JsonNull: NullTypes.JsonNull
  534. /**
  535. * Helper for filtering JSON entries that are `Prisma.DbNull` or `Prisma.JsonNull`
  536. *
  537. * @see
  538. */
  539. export const AnyNull: NullTypes.AnyNull
  540. type SelectAndInclude = {
  541. select: any
  542. include: any
  543. }
  544. type SelectAndOmit = {
  545. select: any
  546. omit: any
  547. }
  548. /**
  549. * Get the type of the value, that the Promise holds.
  550. */
  551. export type PromiseType<T extends PromiseLike<any>> = T extends PromiseLike<infer U> ? U : T;
  552. /**
  553. * Get the return type of a function which returns a Promise.
  554. */
  555. export type PromiseReturnType<T extends (...args: any) => $Utils.JsPromise<any>> = PromiseType<ReturnType<T>>
  556. /**
  557. * From T, pick a set of properties whose keys are in the union K
  558. */
  559. type Prisma__Pick<T, K extends keyof T> = {
  560. [P in K]: T[P];
  561. };
  562. export type Enumerable<T> = T | Array<T>;
  563. export type RequiredKeys<T> = {
  564. [K in keyof T]-?: {} extends Prisma__Pick<T, K> ? never : K
  565. }[keyof T]
  566. export type TruthyKeys<T> = keyof {
  567. [K in keyof T as T[K] extends false | undefined | null ? never : K]: K
  568. }
  569. export type TrueKeys<T> = TruthyKeys<Prisma__Pick<T, RequiredKeys<T>>>
  570. /**
  571. * Subset
  572. * @desc From `T` pick properties that exist in `U`. Simple version of Intersection
  573. */
  574. export type Subset<T, U> = {
  575. [key in keyof T]: key extends keyof U ? T[key] : never;
  576. };
  577. /**
  578. * SelectSubset
  579. * @desc From `T` pick properties that exist in `U`. Simple version of Intersection.
  580. * Additionally, it validates, if both select and include are present. If the case, it errors.
  581. */
  582. export type SelectSubset<T, U> = {
  583. [key in keyof T]: key extends keyof U ? T[key] : never
  584. } &
  585. (T extends SelectAndInclude
  586. ? 'Please either choose `select` or `include`.'
  587. : T extends SelectAndOmit
  588. ? 'Please either choose `select` or `omit`.'
  589. : {})
  590. /**
  591. * Subset + Intersection
  592. * @desc From `T` pick properties that exist in `U` and intersect `K`
  593. */
  594. export type SubsetIntersection<T, U, K> = {
  595. [key in keyof T]: key extends keyof U ? T[key] : never
  596. } &
  597. K
  598. type Without<T, U> = { [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: never };
  599. /**
  600. * XOR is needed to have a real mutually exclusive union type
  601. *
  602. */
  603. type XOR<T, U> =
  604. T extends object ?
  605. U extends object ?
  606. (Without<T, U> & U) | (Without<U, T> & T)
  607. : U : T
  608. /**
  609. * Is T a Record?
  610. */
  611. type IsObject<T extends any> = T extends Array<any>
  612. ? False
  613. : T extends Date
  614. ? False
  615. : T extends Uint8Array
  616. ? False
  617. : T extends BigInt
  618. ? False
  619. : T extends object
  620. ? True
  621. : False
  622. /**
  623. * If it's T[], return T
  624. */
  625. export type UnEnumerate<T extends unknown> = T extends Array<infer U> ? U : T
  626. /**
  627. * From ts-toolbelt
  628. */
  629. type __Either<O extends object, K extends Key> = Omit<O, K> &
  630. {
  631. // Merge all but K
  632. [P in K]: Prisma__Pick<O, P & keyof O> // With K possibilities
  633. }[K]
  634. type EitherStrict<O extends object, K extends Key> = Strict<__Either<O, K>>
  635. type EitherLoose<O extends object, K extends Key> = ComputeRaw<__Either<O, K>>
  636. type _Either<
  637. O extends object,
  638. K extends Key,
  639. strict extends Boolean
  640. > = {
  641. 1: EitherStrict<O, K>
  642. 0: EitherLoose<O, K>
  643. }[strict]
  644. type Either<
  645. O extends object,
  646. K extends Key,
  647. strict extends Boolean = 1
  648. > = O extends unknown ? _Either<O, K, strict> : never
  649. export type Union = any
  650. type PatchUndefined<O extends object, O1 extends object> = {
  651. [K in keyof O]: O[K] extends undefined ? At<O1, K> : O[K]
  652. } & {}
  653. /** Helper Types for "Merge" **/
  654. export type IntersectOf<U extends Union> = (
  655. U extends unknown ? (k: U) => void : never
  656. ) extends (k: infer I) => void
  657. ? I
  658. : never
  659. export type Overwrite<O extends object, O1 extends object> = {
  660. [K in keyof O]: K extends keyof O1 ? O1[K] : O[K];
  661. } & {};
  662. type _Merge<U extends object> = IntersectOf<Overwrite<U, {
  663. [K in keyof U]-?: At<U, K>;
  664. }>>;
  665. type Key = string | number | symbol;
  666. type AtBasic<O extends object, K extends Key> = K extends keyof O ? O[K] : never;
  667. type AtStrict<O extends object, K extends Key> = O[K & keyof O];
  668. type AtLoose<O extends object, K extends Key> = O extends unknown ? AtStrict<O, K> : never;
  669. export type At<O extends object, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = {
  670. 1: AtStrict<O, K>;
  671. 0: AtLoose<O, K>;
  672. }[strict];
  673. export type ComputeRaw<A extends any> = A extends Function ? A : {
  674. [K in keyof A]: A[K];
  675. } & {};
  676. export type OptionalFlat<O> = {
  677. [K in keyof O]?: O[K];
  678. } & {};
  679. type _Record<K extends keyof any, T> = {
  680. [P in K]: T;
  681. };
  682. // cause typescript not to expand types and preserve names
  683. type NoExpand<T> = T extends unknown ? T : never;
  684. // this type assumes the passed object is entirely optional
  685. type AtLeast<O extends object, K extends string> = NoExpand<
  686. O extends unknown
  687. ? | (K extends keyof O ? { [P in K]: O[P] } & O : O)
  688. | {[P in keyof O as P extends K ? K : never]-?: O[P]} & O
  689. : never>;
  690. type _Strict<U, _U = U> = U extends unknown ? U & OptionalFlat<_Record<Exclude<Keys<_U>, keyof U>, never>> : never;
  691. export type Strict<U extends object> = ComputeRaw<_Strict<U>>;
  692. /** End Helper Types for "Merge" **/
  693. export type Merge<U extends object> = ComputeRaw<_Merge<Strict<U>>>;
  694. /**
  695. A [[Boolean]]
  696. */
  697. export type Boolean = True | False
  698. // /**
  699. // 1
  700. // */
  701. export type True = 1
  702. /**
  703. 0
  704. */
  705. export type False = 0
  706. export type Not<B extends Boolean> = {
  707. 0: 1
  708. 1: 0
  709. }[B]
  710. export type Extends<A1 extends any, A2 extends any> = [A1] extends [never]
  711. ? 0 // anything `never` is false
  712. : A1 extends A2
  713. ? 1
  714. : 0
  715. export type Has<U extends Union, U1 extends Union> = Not<
  716. Extends<Exclude<U1, U>, U1>
  717. >
  718. export type Or<B1 extends Boolean, B2 extends Boolean> = {
  719. 0: {
  720. 0: 0
  721. 1: 1
  722. }
  723. 1: {
  724. 0: 1
  725. 1: 1
  726. }
  727. }[B1][B2]
  728. export type Keys<U extends Union> = U extends unknown ? keyof U : never
  729. type Cast<A, B> = A extends B ? A : B;
  730. export const type: unique symbol;
  731. /**
  732. * Used by group by
  733. */
  734. export type GetScalarType<T, O> = O extends object ? {
  735. [P in keyof T]: P extends keyof O
  736. ? O[P]
  737. : never
  738. } : never
  739. type FieldPaths<
  740. T,
  741. U = Omit<T, '_avg' | '_sum' | '_count' | '_min' | '_max'>
  742. > = IsObject<T> extends True ? U : T
  743. type GetHavingFields<T> = {
  744. [K in keyof T]: Or<
  745. Or<Extends<'OR', K>, Extends<'AND', K>>,
  746. Extends<'NOT', K>
  747. > extends True
  748. ? // infer is only needed to not hit TS limit
  749. // based on the brilliant idea of Pierre-Antoine Mills
  750. //
  751. T[K] extends infer TK
  752. ? GetHavingFields<UnEnumerate<TK> extends object ? Merge<UnEnumerate<TK>> : never>
  753. : never
  754. : {} extends FieldPaths<T[K]>
  755. ? never
  756. : K
  757. }[keyof T]
  758. /**
  759. * Convert tuple to union
  760. */
  761. type _TupleToUnion<T> = T extends (infer E)[] ? E : never
  762. type TupleToUnion<K extends readonly any[]> = _TupleToUnion<K>
  763. type MaybeTupleToUnion<T> = T extends any[] ? TupleToUnion<T> : T
  764. /**
  765. * Like `Pick`, but additionally can also accept an array of keys
  766. */
  767. type PickEnumerable<T, K extends Enumerable<keyof T> | keyof T> = Prisma__Pick<T, MaybeTupleToUnion<K>>
  768. /**
  769. * Exclude all keys with underscores
  770. */
  771. type ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<T extends string> = T extends `_${string}` ? never : T
  772. export type FieldRef<Model, FieldType> = runtime.FieldRef<Model, FieldType>
  773. type FieldRefInputType<Model, FieldType> = Model extends never ? never : FieldRef<Model, FieldType>
  774. export const ModelName: {
  775. AWS_Policy_Role: 'AWS_Policy_Role',
  776. Ai_Agent_Assistants: 'Ai_Agent_Assistants',
  777. Ai_Agent_Threads: 'Ai_Agent_Threads',
  778. Assistant: 'Assistant',
  779. Chat: 'Chat',
  780. Disposition: 'Disposition',
  781. Group: 'Group',
  782. GroupFile: 'GroupFile',
  783. InvitationCode: 'InvitationCode',
  784. ai_agent_park_session: 'ai_agent_park_session',
  785. classroom_ob_comment: 'classroom_ob_comment',
  786. classroom_observation: 'classroom_observation',
  787. course_resource: 'course_resource',
  788. knowledge_construction_doc: 'knowledge_construction_doc',
  789. meeting_trick: 'meeting_trick',
  790. meeting_trick_chat: 'meeting_trick_chat',
  791. muti_agent_list: 'muti_agent_list',
  792. park_chat_file_list: 'park_chat_file_list',
  793. token: 'token'
  794. };
  795. export type ModelName = (typeof ModelName)[keyof typeof ModelName]
  796. export type Datasources = {
  797. db?: Datasource
  798. }
  799. interface TypeMapCb extends $Utils.Fn<{extArgs: $Extensions.InternalArgs, clientOptions: PrismaClientOptions }, $Utils.Record<string, any>> {
  800. returns: Prisma.TypeMap<this['params']['extArgs'], this['params']['clientOptions']>
  801. }
  802. export type TypeMap<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs, ClientOptions = {}> = {
  803. meta: {
  804. modelProps: "aWS_Policy_Role" | "ai_Agent_Assistants" | "ai_Agent_Threads" | "assistant" | "chat" | "disposition" | "group" | "groupFile" | "invitationCode" | "ai_agent_park_session" | "classroom_ob_comment" | "classroom_observation" | "course_resource" | "knowledge_construction_doc" | "meeting_trick" | "meeting_trick_chat" | "muti_agent_list" | "park_chat_file_list" | "token"
  805. txIsolationLevel: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel
  806. }
  807. model: {
  808. AWS_Policy_Role: {
  809. payload: Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload<ExtArgs>
  810. fields: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleFieldRefs
  811. operations: {
  812. findUnique: {
  813. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  814. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload> | null
  815. }
  816. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  817. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  818. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload>
  819. }
  820. findFirst: {
  821. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  822. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload> | null
  823. }
  824. findFirstOrThrow: {
  825. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  826. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload>
  827. }
  828. findMany: {
  829. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  830. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload>[]
  831. }
  832. create: {
  833. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  834. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload>
  835. }
  836. createMany: {
  837. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  838. result: BatchPayload
  839. }
  840. delete: {
  841. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  842. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload>
  843. }
  844. update: {
  845. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  846. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload>
  847. }
  848. deleteMany: {
  849. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  850. result: BatchPayload
  851. }
  852. updateMany: {
  853. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  854. result: BatchPayload
  855. }
  856. upsert: {
  857. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  858. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload>
  859. }
  860. aggregate: {
  861. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  862. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateAWS_Policy_Role>
  863. }
  864. groupBy: {
  865. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  866. result: $Utils.Optional<AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByOutputType>[]
  867. }
  868. count: {
  869. args: Prisma.AWS_Policy_RoleCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  870. result: $Utils.Optional<AWS_Policy_RoleCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  871. }
  872. }
  873. }
  874. Ai_Agent_Assistants: {
  875. payload: Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload<ExtArgs>
  876. fields: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsFieldRefs
  877. operations: {
  878. findUnique: {
  879. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  880. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload> | null
  881. }
  882. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  883. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  884. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload>
  885. }
  886. findFirst: {
  887. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  888. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload> | null
  889. }
  890. findFirstOrThrow: {
  891. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  892. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload>
  893. }
  894. findMany: {
  895. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  896. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload>[]
  897. }
  898. create: {
  899. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  900. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload>
  901. }
  902. createMany: {
  903. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  904. result: BatchPayload
  905. }
  906. delete: {
  907. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  908. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload>
  909. }
  910. update: {
  911. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  912. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload>
  913. }
  914. deleteMany: {
  915. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  916. result: BatchPayload
  917. }
  918. updateMany: {
  919. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  920. result: BatchPayload
  921. }
  922. upsert: {
  923. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  924. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload>
  925. }
  926. aggregate: {
  927. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  928. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateAi_Agent_Assistants>
  929. }
  930. groupBy: {
  931. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  932. result: $Utils.Optional<Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByOutputType>[]
  933. }
  934. count: {
  935. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  936. result: $Utils.Optional<Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  937. }
  938. }
  939. }
  940. Ai_Agent_Threads: {
  941. payload: Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload<ExtArgs>
  942. fields: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsFieldRefs
  943. operations: {
  944. findUnique: {
  945. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  946. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload> | null
  947. }
  948. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  949. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  950. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload>
  951. }
  952. findFirst: {
  953. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  954. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload> | null
  955. }
  956. findFirstOrThrow: {
  957. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  958. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload>
  959. }
  960. findMany: {
  961. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  962. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload>[]
  963. }
  964. create: {
  965. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  966. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload>
  967. }
  968. createMany: {
  969. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  970. result: BatchPayload
  971. }
  972. delete: {
  973. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  974. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload>
  975. }
  976. update: {
  977. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  978. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload>
  979. }
  980. deleteMany: {
  981. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  982. result: BatchPayload
  983. }
  984. updateMany: {
  985. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  986. result: BatchPayload
  987. }
  988. upsert: {
  989. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  990. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload>
  991. }
  992. aggregate: {
  993. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  994. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateAi_Agent_Threads>
  995. }
  996. groupBy: {
  997. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  998. result: $Utils.Optional<Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByOutputType>[]
  999. }
  1000. count: {
  1001. args: Prisma.Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1002. result: $Utils.Optional<Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1003. }
  1004. }
  1005. }
  1006. Assistant: {
  1007. payload: Prisma.$AssistantPayload<ExtArgs>
  1008. fields: Prisma.AssistantFieldRefs
  1009. operations: {
  1010. findUnique: {
  1011. args: Prisma.AssistantFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1012. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload> | null
  1013. }
  1014. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1015. args: Prisma.AssistantFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1016. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload>
  1017. }
  1018. findFirst: {
  1019. args: Prisma.AssistantFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1020. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload> | null
  1021. }
  1022. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1023. args: Prisma.AssistantFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1024. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload>
  1025. }
  1026. findMany: {
  1027. args: Prisma.AssistantFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1028. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload>[]
  1029. }
  1030. create: {
  1031. args: Prisma.AssistantCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1032. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload>
  1033. }
  1034. createMany: {
  1035. args: Prisma.AssistantCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1036. result: BatchPayload
  1037. }
  1038. delete: {
  1039. args: Prisma.AssistantDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1040. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload>
  1041. }
  1042. update: {
  1043. args: Prisma.AssistantUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1044. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload>
  1045. }
  1046. deleteMany: {
  1047. args: Prisma.AssistantDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1048. result: BatchPayload
  1049. }
  1050. updateMany: {
  1051. args: Prisma.AssistantUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1052. result: BatchPayload
  1053. }
  1054. upsert: {
  1055. args: Prisma.AssistantUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1056. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload>
  1057. }
  1058. aggregate: {
  1059. args: Prisma.AssistantAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1060. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateAssistant>
  1061. }
  1062. groupBy: {
  1063. args: Prisma.AssistantGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1064. result: $Utils.Optional<AssistantGroupByOutputType>[]
  1065. }
  1066. count: {
  1067. args: Prisma.AssistantCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1068. result: $Utils.Optional<AssistantCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1069. }
  1070. }
  1071. }
  1072. Chat: {
  1073. payload: Prisma.$ChatPayload<ExtArgs>
  1074. fields: Prisma.ChatFieldRefs
  1075. operations: {
  1076. findUnique: {
  1077. args: Prisma.ChatFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1078. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload> | null
  1079. }
  1080. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1081. args: Prisma.ChatFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1082. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload>
  1083. }
  1084. findFirst: {
  1085. args: Prisma.ChatFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1086. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload> | null
  1087. }
  1088. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1089. args: Prisma.ChatFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1090. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload>
  1091. }
  1092. findMany: {
  1093. args: Prisma.ChatFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1094. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload>[]
  1095. }
  1096. create: {
  1097. args: Prisma.ChatCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1098. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload>
  1099. }
  1100. createMany: {
  1101. args: Prisma.ChatCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1102. result: BatchPayload
  1103. }
  1104. delete: {
  1105. args: Prisma.ChatDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1106. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload>
  1107. }
  1108. update: {
  1109. args: Prisma.ChatUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1110. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload>
  1111. }
  1112. deleteMany: {
  1113. args: Prisma.ChatDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1114. result: BatchPayload
  1115. }
  1116. updateMany: {
  1117. args: Prisma.ChatUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1118. result: BatchPayload
  1119. }
  1120. upsert: {
  1121. args: Prisma.ChatUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1122. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload>
  1123. }
  1124. aggregate: {
  1125. args: Prisma.ChatAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1126. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateChat>
  1127. }
  1128. groupBy: {
  1129. args: Prisma.ChatGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1130. result: $Utils.Optional<ChatGroupByOutputType>[]
  1131. }
  1132. count: {
  1133. args: Prisma.ChatCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1134. result: $Utils.Optional<ChatCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1135. }
  1136. }
  1137. }
  1138. Disposition: {
  1139. payload: Prisma.$DispositionPayload<ExtArgs>
  1140. fields: Prisma.DispositionFieldRefs
  1141. operations: {
  1142. findUnique: {
  1143. args: Prisma.DispositionFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1144. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload> | null
  1145. }
  1146. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1147. args: Prisma.DispositionFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1148. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload>
  1149. }
  1150. findFirst: {
  1151. args: Prisma.DispositionFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1152. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload> | null
  1153. }
  1154. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1155. args: Prisma.DispositionFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1156. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload>
  1157. }
  1158. findMany: {
  1159. args: Prisma.DispositionFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1160. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload>[]
  1161. }
  1162. create: {
  1163. args: Prisma.DispositionCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1164. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload>
  1165. }
  1166. createMany: {
  1167. args: Prisma.DispositionCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1168. result: BatchPayload
  1169. }
  1170. delete: {
  1171. args: Prisma.DispositionDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1172. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload>
  1173. }
  1174. update: {
  1175. args: Prisma.DispositionUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1176. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload>
  1177. }
  1178. deleteMany: {
  1179. args: Prisma.DispositionDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1180. result: BatchPayload
  1181. }
  1182. updateMany: {
  1183. args: Prisma.DispositionUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1184. result: BatchPayload
  1185. }
  1186. upsert: {
  1187. args: Prisma.DispositionUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1188. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload>
  1189. }
  1190. aggregate: {
  1191. args: Prisma.DispositionAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1192. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateDisposition>
  1193. }
  1194. groupBy: {
  1195. args: Prisma.DispositionGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1196. result: $Utils.Optional<DispositionGroupByOutputType>[]
  1197. }
  1198. count: {
  1199. args: Prisma.DispositionCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1200. result: $Utils.Optional<DispositionCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1201. }
  1202. }
  1203. }
  1204. Group: {
  1205. payload: Prisma.$GroupPayload<ExtArgs>
  1206. fields: Prisma.GroupFieldRefs
  1207. operations: {
  1208. findUnique: {
  1209. args: Prisma.GroupFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1210. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload> | null
  1211. }
  1212. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1213. args: Prisma.GroupFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1214. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload>
  1215. }
  1216. findFirst: {
  1217. args: Prisma.GroupFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1218. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload> | null
  1219. }
  1220. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1221. args: Prisma.GroupFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1222. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload>
  1223. }
  1224. findMany: {
  1225. args: Prisma.GroupFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1226. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload>[]
  1227. }
  1228. create: {
  1229. args: Prisma.GroupCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1230. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload>
  1231. }
  1232. createMany: {
  1233. args: Prisma.GroupCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1234. result: BatchPayload
  1235. }
  1236. delete: {
  1237. args: Prisma.GroupDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1238. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload>
  1239. }
  1240. update: {
  1241. args: Prisma.GroupUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1242. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload>
  1243. }
  1244. deleteMany: {
  1245. args: Prisma.GroupDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1246. result: BatchPayload
  1247. }
  1248. updateMany: {
  1249. args: Prisma.GroupUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1250. result: BatchPayload
  1251. }
  1252. upsert: {
  1253. args: Prisma.GroupUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1254. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload>
  1255. }
  1256. aggregate: {
  1257. args: Prisma.GroupAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1258. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateGroup>
  1259. }
  1260. groupBy: {
  1261. args: Prisma.GroupGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1262. result: $Utils.Optional<GroupGroupByOutputType>[]
  1263. }
  1264. count: {
  1265. args: Prisma.GroupCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1266. result: $Utils.Optional<GroupCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1267. }
  1268. }
  1269. }
  1270. GroupFile: {
  1271. payload: Prisma.$GroupFilePayload<ExtArgs>
  1272. fields: Prisma.GroupFileFieldRefs
  1273. operations: {
  1274. findUnique: {
  1275. args: Prisma.GroupFileFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1276. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload> | null
  1277. }
  1278. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1279. args: Prisma.GroupFileFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1280. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload>
  1281. }
  1282. findFirst: {
  1283. args: Prisma.GroupFileFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1284. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload> | null
  1285. }
  1286. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1287. args: Prisma.GroupFileFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1288. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload>
  1289. }
  1290. findMany: {
  1291. args: Prisma.GroupFileFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1292. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload>[]
  1293. }
  1294. create: {
  1295. args: Prisma.GroupFileCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1296. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload>
  1297. }
  1298. createMany: {
  1299. args: Prisma.GroupFileCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1300. result: BatchPayload
  1301. }
  1302. delete: {
  1303. args: Prisma.GroupFileDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1304. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload>
  1305. }
  1306. update: {
  1307. args: Prisma.GroupFileUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1308. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload>
  1309. }
  1310. deleteMany: {
  1311. args: Prisma.GroupFileDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1312. result: BatchPayload
  1313. }
  1314. updateMany: {
  1315. args: Prisma.GroupFileUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1316. result: BatchPayload
  1317. }
  1318. upsert: {
  1319. args: Prisma.GroupFileUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1320. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload>
  1321. }
  1322. aggregate: {
  1323. args: Prisma.GroupFileAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1324. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateGroupFile>
  1325. }
  1326. groupBy: {
  1327. args: Prisma.GroupFileGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1328. result: $Utils.Optional<GroupFileGroupByOutputType>[]
  1329. }
  1330. count: {
  1331. args: Prisma.GroupFileCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1332. result: $Utils.Optional<GroupFileCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1333. }
  1334. }
  1335. }
  1336. InvitationCode: {
  1337. payload: Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload<ExtArgs>
  1338. fields: Prisma.InvitationCodeFieldRefs
  1339. operations: {
  1340. findUnique: {
  1341. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1342. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload> | null
  1343. }
  1344. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1345. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1346. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload>
  1347. }
  1348. findFirst: {
  1349. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1350. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload> | null
  1351. }
  1352. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1353. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1354. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload>
  1355. }
  1356. findMany: {
  1357. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1358. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload>[]
  1359. }
  1360. create: {
  1361. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1362. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload>
  1363. }
  1364. createMany: {
  1365. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1366. result: BatchPayload
  1367. }
  1368. delete: {
  1369. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1370. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload>
  1371. }
  1372. update: {
  1373. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1374. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload>
  1375. }
  1376. deleteMany: {
  1377. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1378. result: BatchPayload
  1379. }
  1380. updateMany: {
  1381. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1382. result: BatchPayload
  1383. }
  1384. upsert: {
  1385. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1386. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload>
  1387. }
  1388. aggregate: {
  1389. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1390. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateInvitationCode>
  1391. }
  1392. groupBy: {
  1393. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1394. result: $Utils.Optional<InvitationCodeGroupByOutputType>[]
  1395. }
  1396. count: {
  1397. args: Prisma.InvitationCodeCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1398. result: $Utils.Optional<InvitationCodeCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1399. }
  1400. }
  1401. }
  1402. ai_agent_park_session: {
  1403. payload: Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload<ExtArgs>
  1404. fields: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionFieldRefs
  1405. operations: {
  1406. findUnique: {
  1407. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1408. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload> | null
  1409. }
  1410. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1411. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1412. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload>
  1413. }
  1414. findFirst: {
  1415. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1416. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload> | null
  1417. }
  1418. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1419. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1420. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload>
  1421. }
  1422. findMany: {
  1423. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1424. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload>[]
  1425. }
  1426. create: {
  1427. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1428. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload>
  1429. }
  1430. createMany: {
  1431. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1432. result: BatchPayload
  1433. }
  1434. delete: {
  1435. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1436. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload>
  1437. }
  1438. update: {
  1439. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1440. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload>
  1441. }
  1442. deleteMany: {
  1443. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1444. result: BatchPayload
  1445. }
  1446. updateMany: {
  1447. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1448. result: BatchPayload
  1449. }
  1450. upsert: {
  1451. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1452. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload>
  1453. }
  1454. aggregate: {
  1455. args: Prisma.Ai_agent_park_sessionAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1456. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateAi_agent_park_session>
  1457. }
  1458. groupBy: {
  1459. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1460. result: $Utils.Optional<Ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByOutputType>[]
  1461. }
  1462. count: {
  1463. args: Prisma.ai_agent_park_sessionCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1464. result: $Utils.Optional<Ai_agent_park_sessionCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1465. }
  1466. }
  1467. }
  1468. classroom_ob_comment: {
  1469. payload: Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload<ExtArgs>
  1470. fields: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentFieldRefs
  1471. operations: {
  1472. findUnique: {
  1473. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1474. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload> | null
  1475. }
  1476. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1477. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1478. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload>
  1479. }
  1480. findFirst: {
  1481. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1482. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload> | null
  1483. }
  1484. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1485. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1486. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload>
  1487. }
  1488. findMany: {
  1489. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1490. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload>[]
  1491. }
  1492. create: {
  1493. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1494. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload>
  1495. }
  1496. createMany: {
  1497. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1498. result: BatchPayload
  1499. }
  1500. delete: {
  1501. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1502. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload>
  1503. }
  1504. update: {
  1505. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1506. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload>
  1507. }
  1508. deleteMany: {
  1509. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1510. result: BatchPayload
  1511. }
  1512. updateMany: {
  1513. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1514. result: BatchPayload
  1515. }
  1516. upsert: {
  1517. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1518. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload>
  1519. }
  1520. aggregate: {
  1521. args: Prisma.Classroom_ob_commentAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1522. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateClassroom_ob_comment>
  1523. }
  1524. groupBy: {
  1525. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1526. result: $Utils.Optional<Classroom_ob_commentGroupByOutputType>[]
  1527. }
  1528. count: {
  1529. args: Prisma.classroom_ob_commentCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1530. result: $Utils.Optional<Classroom_ob_commentCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1531. }
  1532. }
  1533. }
  1534. classroom_observation: {
  1535. payload: Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload<ExtArgs>
  1536. fields: Prisma.classroom_observationFieldRefs
  1537. operations: {
  1538. findUnique: {
  1539. args: Prisma.classroom_observationFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1540. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload> | null
  1541. }
  1542. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1543. args: Prisma.classroom_observationFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1544. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload>
  1545. }
  1546. findFirst: {
  1547. args: Prisma.classroom_observationFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1548. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload> | null
  1549. }
  1550. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1551. args: Prisma.classroom_observationFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1552. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload>
  1553. }
  1554. findMany: {
  1555. args: Prisma.classroom_observationFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1556. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload>[]
  1557. }
  1558. create: {
  1559. args: Prisma.classroom_observationCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1560. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload>
  1561. }
  1562. createMany: {
  1563. args: Prisma.classroom_observationCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1564. result: BatchPayload
  1565. }
  1566. delete: {
  1567. args: Prisma.classroom_observationDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1568. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload>
  1569. }
  1570. update: {
  1571. args: Prisma.classroom_observationUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1572. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload>
  1573. }
  1574. deleteMany: {
  1575. args: Prisma.classroom_observationDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1576. result: BatchPayload
  1577. }
  1578. updateMany: {
  1579. args: Prisma.classroom_observationUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1580. result: BatchPayload
  1581. }
  1582. upsert: {
  1583. args: Prisma.classroom_observationUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1584. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload>
  1585. }
  1586. aggregate: {
  1587. args: Prisma.Classroom_observationAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1588. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateClassroom_observation>
  1589. }
  1590. groupBy: {
  1591. args: Prisma.classroom_observationGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1592. result: $Utils.Optional<Classroom_observationGroupByOutputType>[]
  1593. }
  1594. count: {
  1595. args: Prisma.classroom_observationCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1596. result: $Utils.Optional<Classroom_observationCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1597. }
  1598. }
  1599. }
  1600. course_resource: {
  1601. payload: Prisma.$course_resourcePayload<ExtArgs>
  1602. fields: Prisma.course_resourceFieldRefs
  1603. operations: {
  1604. findUnique: {
  1605. args: Prisma.course_resourceFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1606. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload> | null
  1607. }
  1608. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1609. args: Prisma.course_resourceFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1610. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload>
  1611. }
  1612. findFirst: {
  1613. args: Prisma.course_resourceFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1614. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload> | null
  1615. }
  1616. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1617. args: Prisma.course_resourceFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1618. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload>
  1619. }
  1620. findMany: {
  1621. args: Prisma.course_resourceFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1622. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload>[]
  1623. }
  1624. create: {
  1625. args: Prisma.course_resourceCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1626. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload>
  1627. }
  1628. createMany: {
  1629. args: Prisma.course_resourceCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1630. result: BatchPayload
  1631. }
  1632. delete: {
  1633. args: Prisma.course_resourceDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1634. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload>
  1635. }
  1636. update: {
  1637. args: Prisma.course_resourceUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1638. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload>
  1639. }
  1640. deleteMany: {
  1641. args: Prisma.course_resourceDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1642. result: BatchPayload
  1643. }
  1644. updateMany: {
  1645. args: Prisma.course_resourceUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1646. result: BatchPayload
  1647. }
  1648. upsert: {
  1649. args: Prisma.course_resourceUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1650. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload>
  1651. }
  1652. aggregate: {
  1653. args: Prisma.Course_resourceAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1654. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateCourse_resource>
  1655. }
  1656. groupBy: {
  1657. args: Prisma.course_resourceGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1658. result: $Utils.Optional<Course_resourceGroupByOutputType>[]
  1659. }
  1660. count: {
  1661. args: Prisma.course_resourceCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1662. result: $Utils.Optional<Course_resourceCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1663. }
  1664. }
  1665. }
  1666. knowledge_construction_doc: {
  1667. payload: Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload<ExtArgs>
  1668. fields: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docFieldRefs
  1669. operations: {
  1670. findUnique: {
  1671. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1672. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload> | null
  1673. }
  1674. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1675. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1676. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload>
  1677. }
  1678. findFirst: {
  1679. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1680. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload> | null
  1681. }
  1682. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1683. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1684. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload>
  1685. }
  1686. findMany: {
  1687. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1688. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload>[]
  1689. }
  1690. create: {
  1691. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1692. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload>
  1693. }
  1694. createMany: {
  1695. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1696. result: BatchPayload
  1697. }
  1698. delete: {
  1699. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1700. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload>
  1701. }
  1702. update: {
  1703. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1704. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload>
  1705. }
  1706. deleteMany: {
  1707. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1708. result: BatchPayload
  1709. }
  1710. updateMany: {
  1711. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1712. result: BatchPayload
  1713. }
  1714. upsert: {
  1715. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1716. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload>
  1717. }
  1718. aggregate: {
  1719. args: Prisma.Knowledge_construction_docAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1720. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateKnowledge_construction_doc>
  1721. }
  1722. groupBy: {
  1723. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1724. result: $Utils.Optional<Knowledge_construction_docGroupByOutputType>[]
  1725. }
  1726. count: {
  1727. args: Prisma.knowledge_construction_docCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1728. result: $Utils.Optional<Knowledge_construction_docCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1729. }
  1730. }
  1731. }
  1732. meeting_trick: {
  1733. payload: Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload<ExtArgs>
  1734. fields: Prisma.meeting_trickFieldRefs
  1735. operations: {
  1736. findUnique: {
  1737. args: Prisma.meeting_trickFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1738. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload> | null
  1739. }
  1740. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1741. args: Prisma.meeting_trickFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1742. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload>
  1743. }
  1744. findFirst: {
  1745. args: Prisma.meeting_trickFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1746. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload> | null
  1747. }
  1748. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1749. args: Prisma.meeting_trickFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1750. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload>
  1751. }
  1752. findMany: {
  1753. args: Prisma.meeting_trickFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1754. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload>[]
  1755. }
  1756. create: {
  1757. args: Prisma.meeting_trickCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1758. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload>
  1759. }
  1760. createMany: {
  1761. args: Prisma.meeting_trickCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1762. result: BatchPayload
  1763. }
  1764. delete: {
  1765. args: Prisma.meeting_trickDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1766. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload>
  1767. }
  1768. update: {
  1769. args: Prisma.meeting_trickUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1770. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload>
  1771. }
  1772. deleteMany: {
  1773. args: Prisma.meeting_trickDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1774. result: BatchPayload
  1775. }
  1776. updateMany: {
  1777. args: Prisma.meeting_trickUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1778. result: BatchPayload
  1779. }
  1780. upsert: {
  1781. args: Prisma.meeting_trickUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1782. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload>
  1783. }
  1784. aggregate: {
  1785. args: Prisma.Meeting_trickAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1786. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateMeeting_trick>
  1787. }
  1788. groupBy: {
  1789. args: Prisma.meeting_trickGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1790. result: $Utils.Optional<Meeting_trickGroupByOutputType>[]
  1791. }
  1792. count: {
  1793. args: Prisma.meeting_trickCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1794. result: $Utils.Optional<Meeting_trickCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1795. }
  1796. }
  1797. }
  1798. meeting_trick_chat: {
  1799. payload: Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload<ExtArgs>
  1800. fields: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatFieldRefs
  1801. operations: {
  1802. findUnique: {
  1803. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1804. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload> | null
  1805. }
  1806. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1807. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1808. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload>
  1809. }
  1810. findFirst: {
  1811. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1812. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload> | null
  1813. }
  1814. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1815. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1816. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload>
  1817. }
  1818. findMany: {
  1819. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1820. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload>[]
  1821. }
  1822. create: {
  1823. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1824. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload>
  1825. }
  1826. createMany: {
  1827. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1828. result: BatchPayload
  1829. }
  1830. delete: {
  1831. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1832. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload>
  1833. }
  1834. update: {
  1835. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1836. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload>
  1837. }
  1838. deleteMany: {
  1839. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1840. result: BatchPayload
  1841. }
  1842. updateMany: {
  1843. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1844. result: BatchPayload
  1845. }
  1846. upsert: {
  1847. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1848. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload>
  1849. }
  1850. aggregate: {
  1851. args: Prisma.Meeting_trick_chatAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1852. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateMeeting_trick_chat>
  1853. }
  1854. groupBy: {
  1855. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1856. result: $Utils.Optional<Meeting_trick_chatGroupByOutputType>[]
  1857. }
  1858. count: {
  1859. args: Prisma.meeting_trick_chatCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1860. result: $Utils.Optional<Meeting_trick_chatCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1861. }
  1862. }
  1863. }
  1864. muti_agent_list: {
  1865. payload: Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload<ExtArgs>
  1866. fields: Prisma.muti_agent_listFieldRefs
  1867. operations: {
  1868. findUnique: {
  1869. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1870. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload> | null
  1871. }
  1872. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1873. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1874. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload>
  1875. }
  1876. findFirst: {
  1877. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1878. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload> | null
  1879. }
  1880. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1881. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1882. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload>
  1883. }
  1884. findMany: {
  1885. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1886. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload>[]
  1887. }
  1888. create: {
  1889. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1890. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload>
  1891. }
  1892. createMany: {
  1893. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1894. result: BatchPayload
  1895. }
  1896. delete: {
  1897. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1898. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload>
  1899. }
  1900. update: {
  1901. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1902. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload>
  1903. }
  1904. deleteMany: {
  1905. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1906. result: BatchPayload
  1907. }
  1908. updateMany: {
  1909. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1910. result: BatchPayload
  1911. }
  1912. upsert: {
  1913. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1914. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload>
  1915. }
  1916. aggregate: {
  1917. args: Prisma.Muti_agent_listAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1918. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateMuti_agent_list>
  1919. }
  1920. groupBy: {
  1921. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1922. result: $Utils.Optional<Muti_agent_listGroupByOutputType>[]
  1923. }
  1924. count: {
  1925. args: Prisma.muti_agent_listCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1926. result: $Utils.Optional<Muti_agent_listCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1927. }
  1928. }
  1929. }
  1930. park_chat_file_list: {
  1931. payload: Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload<ExtArgs>
  1932. fields: Prisma.park_chat_file_listFieldRefs
  1933. operations: {
  1934. findUnique: {
  1935. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  1936. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload> | null
  1937. }
  1938. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  1939. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1940. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload>
  1941. }
  1942. findFirst: {
  1943. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  1944. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload> | null
  1945. }
  1946. findFirstOrThrow: {
  1947. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  1948. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload>
  1949. }
  1950. findMany: {
  1951. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1952. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload>[]
  1953. }
  1954. create: {
  1955. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1956. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload>
  1957. }
  1958. createMany: {
  1959. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1960. result: BatchPayload
  1961. }
  1962. delete: {
  1963. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  1964. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload>
  1965. }
  1966. update: {
  1967. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1968. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload>
  1969. }
  1970. deleteMany: {
  1971. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1972. result: BatchPayload
  1973. }
  1974. updateMany: {
  1975. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  1976. result: BatchPayload
  1977. }
  1978. upsert: {
  1979. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  1980. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload>
  1981. }
  1982. aggregate: {
  1983. args: Prisma.Park_chat_file_listAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  1984. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregatePark_chat_file_list>
  1985. }
  1986. groupBy: {
  1987. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  1988. result: $Utils.Optional<Park_chat_file_listGroupByOutputType>[]
  1989. }
  1990. count: {
  1991. args: Prisma.park_chat_file_listCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  1992. result: $Utils.Optional<Park_chat_file_listCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  1993. }
  1994. }
  1995. }
  1996. token: {
  1997. payload: Prisma.$tokenPayload<ExtArgs>
  1998. fields: Prisma.tokenFieldRefs
  1999. operations: {
  2000. findUnique: {
  2001. args: Prisma.tokenFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>
  2002. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload> | null
  2003. }
  2004. findUniqueOrThrow: {
  2005. args: Prisma.tokenFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  2006. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload>
  2007. }
  2008. findFirst: {
  2009. args: Prisma.tokenFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>
  2010. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload> | null
  2011. }
  2012. findFirstOrThrow: {
  2013. args: Prisma.tokenFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>
  2014. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload>
  2015. }
  2016. findMany: {
  2017. args: Prisma.tokenFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  2018. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload>[]
  2019. }
  2020. create: {
  2021. args: Prisma.tokenCreateArgs<ExtArgs>
  2022. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload>
  2023. }
  2024. createMany: {
  2025. args: Prisma.tokenCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  2026. result: BatchPayload
  2027. }
  2028. delete: {
  2029. args: Prisma.tokenDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>
  2030. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload>
  2031. }
  2032. update: {
  2033. args: Prisma.tokenUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>
  2034. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload>
  2035. }
  2036. deleteMany: {
  2037. args: Prisma.tokenDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  2038. result: BatchPayload
  2039. }
  2040. updateMany: {
  2041. args: Prisma.tokenUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>
  2042. result: BatchPayload
  2043. }
  2044. upsert: {
  2045. args: Prisma.tokenUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>
  2046. result: $Utils.PayloadToResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload>
  2047. }
  2048. aggregate: {
  2049. args: Prisma.TokenAggregateArgs<ExtArgs>
  2050. result: $Utils.Optional<AggregateToken>
  2051. }
  2052. groupBy: {
  2053. args: Prisma.tokenGroupByArgs<ExtArgs>
  2054. result: $Utils.Optional<TokenGroupByOutputType>[]
  2055. }
  2056. count: {
  2057. args: Prisma.tokenCountArgs<ExtArgs>
  2058. result: $Utils.Optional<TokenCountAggregateOutputType> | number
  2059. }
  2060. }
  2061. }
  2062. }
  2063. } & {
  2064. other: {
  2065. payload: any
  2066. operations: {
  2067. $executeRawUnsafe: {
  2068. args: [query: string, ...values: any[]],
  2069. result: any
  2070. }
  2071. $executeRaw: {
  2072. args: [query: TemplateStringsArray | Prisma.Sql, ...values: any[]],
  2073. result: any
  2074. }
  2075. $queryRawUnsafe: {
  2076. args: [query: string, ...values: any[]],
  2077. result: any
  2078. }
  2079. $queryRaw: {
  2080. args: [query: TemplateStringsArray | Prisma.Sql, ...values: any[]],
  2081. result: any
  2082. }
  2083. }
  2084. }
  2085. }
  2086. export const defineExtension: $Extensions.ExtendsHook<"define", Prisma.TypeMapCb, $Extensions.DefaultArgs>
  2087. export type DefaultPrismaClient = PrismaClient
  2088. export type ErrorFormat = 'pretty' | 'colorless' | 'minimal'
  2089. export interface PrismaClientOptions {
  2090. /**
  2091. * Overwrites the datasource url from your schema.prisma file
  2092. */
  2093. datasources?: Datasources
  2094. /**
  2095. * Overwrites the datasource url from your schema.prisma file
  2096. */
  2097. datasourceUrl?: string
  2098. /**
  2099. * @default "colorless"
  2100. */
  2101. errorFormat?: ErrorFormat
  2102. /**
  2103. * @example
  2104. * ```
  2105. * // Defaults to stdout
  2106. * log: ['query', 'info', 'warn', 'error']
  2107. *
  2108. * // Emit as events
  2109. * log: [
  2110. * { emit: 'stdout', level: 'query' },
  2111. * { emit: 'stdout', level: 'info' },
  2112. * { emit: 'stdout', level: 'warn' }
  2113. * { emit: 'stdout', level: 'error' }
  2114. * ]
  2115. * ```
  2116. * Read more in our [docs](
  2117. */
  2118. log?: (LogLevel | LogDefinition)[]
  2119. /**
  2120. * The default values for transactionOptions
  2121. * maxWait ?= 2000
  2122. * timeout ?= 5000
  2123. */
  2124. transactionOptions?: {
  2125. maxWait?: number
  2126. timeout?: number
  2127. isolationLevel?: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel
  2128. }
  2129. }
  2130. /* Types for Logging */
  2131. export type LogLevel = 'info' | 'query' | 'warn' | 'error'
  2132. export type LogDefinition = {
  2133. level: LogLevel
  2134. emit: 'stdout' | 'event'
  2135. }
  2136. export type GetLogType<T extends LogLevel | LogDefinition> = T extends LogDefinition ? T['emit'] extends 'event' ? T['level'] : never : never
  2137. export type GetEvents<T extends any> = T extends Array<LogLevel | LogDefinition> ?
  2138. GetLogType<T[0]> | GetLogType<T[1]> | GetLogType<T[2]> | GetLogType<T[3]>
  2139. : never
  2140. export type QueryEvent = {
  2141. timestamp: Date
  2142. query: string
  2143. params: string
  2144. duration: number
  2145. target: string
  2146. }
  2147. export type LogEvent = {
  2148. timestamp: Date
  2149. message: string
  2150. target: string
  2151. }
  2152. /* End Types for Logging */
  2153. export type PrismaAction =
  2154. | 'findUnique'
  2155. | 'findUniqueOrThrow'
  2156. | 'findMany'
  2157. | 'findFirst'
  2158. | 'findFirstOrThrow'
  2159. | 'create'
  2160. | 'createMany'
  2161. | 'createManyAndReturn'
  2162. | 'update'
  2163. | 'updateMany'
  2164. | 'upsert'
  2165. | 'delete'
  2166. | 'deleteMany'
  2167. | 'executeRaw'
  2168. | 'queryRaw'
  2169. | 'aggregate'
  2170. | 'count'
  2171. | 'runCommandRaw'
  2172. | 'findRaw'
  2173. | 'groupBy'
  2174. /**
  2175. * These options are being passed into the middleware as "params"
  2176. */
  2177. export type MiddlewareParams = {
  2178. model?: ModelName
  2179. action: PrismaAction
  2180. args: any
  2181. dataPath: string[]
  2182. runInTransaction: boolean
  2183. }
  2184. /**
  2185. * The `T` type makes sure, that the `return proceed` is not forgotten in the middleware implementation
  2186. */
  2187. export type Middleware<T = any> = (
  2188. params: MiddlewareParams,
  2189. next: (params: MiddlewareParams) => $Utils.JsPromise<T>,
  2190. ) => $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  2191. // tested in getLogLevel.test.ts
  2192. export function getLogLevel(log: Array<LogLevel | LogDefinition>): LogLevel | undefined;
  2193. /**
  2194. * `PrismaClient` proxy available in interactive transactions.
  2195. */
  2196. export type TransactionClient = Omit<Prisma.DefaultPrismaClient, runtime.ITXClientDenyList>
  2197. export type Datasource = {
  2198. url?: string
  2199. }
  2200. /**
  2201. * Count Types
  2202. */
  2203. /**
  2204. * Models
  2205. */
  2206. /**
  2207. * Model AWS_Policy_Role
  2208. */
  2209. export type AggregateAWS_Policy_Role = {
  2210. _count: AWS_Policy_RoleCountAggregateOutputType | null
  2211. _min: AWS_Policy_RoleMinAggregateOutputType | null
  2212. _max: AWS_Policy_RoleMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  2213. }
  2214. export type AWS_Policy_RoleMinAggregateOutputType = {
  2215. id: string | null
  2216. assistant_id: string | null
  2217. agent_bedrock_policy: string | null
  2218. agent_kb_schema_policy: string | null
  2219. kb_bedrock_policy: string | null
  2220. kb_aoss_policy: string | null
  2221. kb_s3_policy: string | null
  2222. agent_role_name: string | null
  2223. kb_role_name: string | null
  2224. createtime: Date | null
  2225. }
  2226. export type AWS_Policy_RoleMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  2227. id: string | null
  2228. assistant_id: string | null
  2229. agent_bedrock_policy: string | null
  2230. agent_kb_schema_policy: string | null
  2231. kb_bedrock_policy: string | null
  2232. kb_aoss_policy: string | null
  2233. kb_s3_policy: string | null
  2234. agent_role_name: string | null
  2235. kb_role_name: string | null
  2236. createtime: Date | null
  2237. }
  2238. export type AWS_Policy_RoleCountAggregateOutputType = {
  2239. id: number
  2240. assistant_id: number
  2241. agent_bedrock_policy: number
  2242. agent_kb_schema_policy: number
  2243. kb_bedrock_policy: number
  2244. kb_aoss_policy: number
  2245. kb_s3_policy: number
  2246. agent_role_name: number
  2247. kb_role_name: number
  2248. createtime: number
  2249. _all: number
  2250. }
  2251. export type AWS_Policy_RoleMinAggregateInputType = {
  2252. id?: true
  2253. assistant_id?: true
  2254. agent_bedrock_policy?: true
  2255. agent_kb_schema_policy?: true
  2256. kb_bedrock_policy?: true
  2257. kb_aoss_policy?: true
  2258. kb_s3_policy?: true
  2259. agent_role_name?: true
  2260. kb_role_name?: true
  2261. createtime?: true
  2262. }
  2263. export type AWS_Policy_RoleMaxAggregateInputType = {
  2264. id?: true
  2265. assistant_id?: true
  2266. agent_bedrock_policy?: true
  2267. agent_kb_schema_policy?: true
  2268. kb_bedrock_policy?: true
  2269. kb_aoss_policy?: true
  2270. kb_s3_policy?: true
  2271. agent_role_name?: true
  2272. kb_role_name?: true
  2273. createtime?: true
  2274. }
  2275. export type AWS_Policy_RoleCountAggregateInputType = {
  2276. id?: true
  2277. assistant_id?: true
  2278. agent_bedrock_policy?: true
  2279. agent_kb_schema_policy?: true
  2280. kb_bedrock_policy?: true
  2281. kb_aoss_policy?: true
  2282. kb_s3_policy?: true
  2283. agent_role_name?: true
  2284. kb_role_name?: true
  2285. createtime?: true
  2286. _all?: true
  2287. }
  2288. export type AWS_Policy_RoleAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2289. /**
  2290. * Filter which AWS_Policy_Role to aggregate.
  2291. */
  2292. where?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput
  2293. /**
  2294. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  2295. *
  2296. * Determine the order of AWS_Policy_Roles to fetch.
  2297. */
  2298. orderBy?: AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithRelationInput | AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  2299. /**
  2300. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  2301. *
  2302. * Sets the start position
  2303. */
  2304. cursor?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereUniqueInput
  2305. /**
  2306. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  2307. *
  2308. * Take `±n` AWS_Policy_Roles from the position of the cursor.
  2309. */
  2310. take?: number
  2311. /**
  2312. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  2313. *
  2314. * Skip the first `n` AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2315. */
  2316. skip?: number
  2317. /**
  2318. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  2319. *
  2320. * Count returned AWS_Policy_Roles
  2321. **/
  2322. _count?: true | AWS_Policy_RoleCountAggregateInputType
  2323. /**
  2324. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  2325. *
  2326. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  2327. **/
  2328. _min?: AWS_Policy_RoleMinAggregateInputType
  2329. /**
  2330. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  2331. *
  2332. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  2333. **/
  2334. _max?: AWS_Policy_RoleMaxAggregateInputType
  2335. }
  2336. export type GetAWS_Policy_RoleAggregateType<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleAggregateArgs> = {
  2337. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateAWS_Policy_Role]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  2338. ? T[P] extends true
  2339. ? number
  2340. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateAWS_Policy_Role[P]>
  2341. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateAWS_Policy_Role[P]>
  2342. }
  2343. export type AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2344. where?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput
  2345. orderBy?: AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithAggregationInput | AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  2346. by: AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum[] | AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum
  2347. having?: AWS_Policy_RoleScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  2348. take?: number
  2349. skip?: number
  2350. _count?: AWS_Policy_RoleCountAggregateInputType | true
  2351. _min?: AWS_Policy_RoleMinAggregateInputType
  2352. _max?: AWS_Policy_RoleMaxAggregateInputType
  2353. }
  2354. export type AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByOutputType = {
  2355. id: string
  2356. assistant_id: string | null
  2357. agent_bedrock_policy: string | null
  2358. agent_kb_schema_policy: string | null
  2359. kb_bedrock_policy: string | null
  2360. kb_aoss_policy: string | null
  2361. kb_s3_policy: string | null
  2362. agent_role_name: string | null
  2363. kb_role_name: string | null
  2364. createtime: Date | null
  2365. _count: AWS_Policy_RoleCountAggregateOutputType | null
  2366. _min: AWS_Policy_RoleMinAggregateOutputType | null
  2367. _max: AWS_Policy_RoleMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  2368. }
  2369. type GetAWS_Policy_RoleGroupByPayload<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  2370. Array<
  2371. PickEnumerable<AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  2372. {
  2373. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  2374. ? T[P] extends boolean
  2375. ? number
  2376. : GetScalarType<T[P], AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByOutputType[P]>
  2377. : GetScalarType<T[P], AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByOutputType[P]>
  2378. }
  2379. >
  2380. >
  2381. export type AWS_Policy_RoleSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  2382. id?: boolean
  2383. assistant_id?: boolean
  2384. agent_bedrock_policy?: boolean
  2385. agent_kb_schema_policy?: boolean
  2386. kb_bedrock_policy?: boolean
  2387. kb_aoss_policy?: boolean
  2388. kb_s3_policy?: boolean
  2389. agent_role_name?: boolean
  2390. kb_role_name?: boolean
  2391. createtime?: boolean
  2392. }, ExtArgs["result"]["aWS_Policy_Role"]>
  2393. export type AWS_Policy_RoleSelectScalar = {
  2394. id?: boolean
  2395. assistant_id?: boolean
  2396. agent_bedrock_policy?: boolean
  2397. agent_kb_schema_policy?: boolean
  2398. kb_bedrock_policy?: boolean
  2399. kb_aoss_policy?: boolean
  2400. kb_s3_policy?: boolean
  2401. agent_role_name?: boolean
  2402. kb_role_name?: boolean
  2403. createtime?: boolean
  2404. }
  2405. export type $AWS_Policy_RolePayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2406. name: "AWS_Policy_Role"
  2407. objects: {}
  2408. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  2409. id: string
  2410. assistant_id: string | null
  2411. agent_bedrock_policy: string | null
  2412. agent_kb_schema_policy: string | null
  2413. kb_bedrock_policy: string | null
  2414. kb_aoss_policy: string | null
  2415. kb_s3_policy: string | null
  2416. agent_role_name: string | null
  2417. kb_role_name: string | null
  2418. createtime: Date | null
  2419. }, ExtArgs["result"]["aWS_Policy_Role"]>
  2420. composites: {}
  2421. }
  2422. type AWS_Policy_RoleGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | AWS_Policy_RoleDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload, S>
  2423. type AWS_Policy_RoleCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  2424. Omit<AWS_Policy_RoleFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  2425. select?: AWS_Policy_RoleCountAggregateInputType | true
  2426. }
  2427. export interface AWS_Policy_RoleDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  2428. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['AWS_Policy_Role'], meta: { name: 'AWS_Policy_Role' } }
  2429. /**
  2430. * Find zero or one AWS_Policy_Role that matches the filter.
  2431. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a AWS_Policy_Role
  2432. * @example
  2433. * // Get one AWS_Policy_Role
  2434. * const aWS_Policy_Role = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.findUnique({
  2435. * where: {
  2436. * // ... provide filter here
  2437. * }
  2438. * })
  2439. */
  2440. findUnique<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AWS_Policy_RoleClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  2441. /**
  2442. * Find one AWS_Policy_Role that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  2443. * if no matches were found.
  2444. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a AWS_Policy_Role
  2445. * @example
  2446. * // Get one AWS_Policy_Role
  2447. * const aWS_Policy_Role = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.findUniqueOrThrow({
  2448. * where: {
  2449. * // ... provide filter here
  2450. * }
  2451. * })
  2452. */
  2453. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AWS_Policy_RoleClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  2454. /**
  2455. * Find the first AWS_Policy_Role that matches the filter.
  2456. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  2457. * Read more here:
  2458. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a AWS_Policy_Role
  2459. * @example
  2460. * // Get one AWS_Policy_Role
  2461. * const aWS_Policy_Role = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.findFirst({
  2462. * where: {
  2463. * // ... provide filter here
  2464. * }
  2465. * })
  2466. */
  2467. findFirst<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AWS_Policy_RoleClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  2468. /**
  2469. * Find the first AWS_Policy_Role that matches the filter or
  2470. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  2471. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  2472. * Read more here:
  2473. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a AWS_Policy_Role
  2474. * @example
  2475. * // Get one AWS_Policy_Role
  2476. * const aWS_Policy_Role = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.findFirstOrThrow({
  2477. * where: {
  2478. * // ... provide filter here
  2479. * }
  2480. * })
  2481. */
  2482. findFirstOrThrow<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AWS_Policy_RoleClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  2483. /**
  2484. * Find zero or more AWS_Policy_Roles that matches the filter.
  2485. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  2486. * Read more here:
  2487. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  2488. * @example
  2489. * // Get all AWS_Policy_Roles
  2490. * const aWS_Policy_Roles = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.findMany()
  2491. *
  2492. * // Get first 10 AWS_Policy_Roles
  2493. * const aWS_Policy_Roles = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.findMany({ take: 10 })
  2494. *
  2495. * // Only select the `id`
  2496. * const aWS_Policy_RoleWithIdOnly = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  2497. *
  2498. */
  2499. findMany<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  2500. /**
  2501. * Create a AWS_Policy_Role.
  2502. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a AWS_Policy_Role.
  2503. * @example
  2504. * // Create one AWS_Policy_Role
  2505. * const AWS_Policy_Role = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.create({
  2506. * data: {
  2507. * // ... data to create a AWS_Policy_Role
  2508. * }
  2509. * })
  2510. *
  2511. */
  2512. create<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AWS_Policy_RoleClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  2513. /**
  2514. * Create many AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2515. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2516. * @example
  2517. * // Create many AWS_Policy_Roles
  2518. * const aWS_Policy_Role = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.createMany({
  2519. * data: [
  2520. * // ... provide data here
  2521. * ]
  2522. * })
  2523. *
  2524. */
  2525. createMany<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  2526. /**
  2527. * Delete a AWS_Policy_Role.
  2528. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one AWS_Policy_Role.
  2529. * @example
  2530. * // Delete one AWS_Policy_Role
  2531. * const AWS_Policy_Role = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.delete({
  2532. * where: {
  2533. * // ... filter to delete one AWS_Policy_Role
  2534. * }
  2535. * })
  2536. *
  2537. */
  2538. delete<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AWS_Policy_RoleClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  2539. /**
  2540. * Update one AWS_Policy_Role.
  2541. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one AWS_Policy_Role.
  2542. * @example
  2543. * // Update one AWS_Policy_Role
  2544. * const aWS_Policy_Role = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.update({
  2545. * where: {
  2546. * // ... provide filter here
  2547. * },
  2548. * data: {
  2549. * // ... provide data here
  2550. * }
  2551. * })
  2552. *
  2553. */
  2554. update<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AWS_Policy_RoleClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  2555. /**
  2556. * Delete zero or more AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2557. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter AWS_Policy_Roles to delete.
  2558. * @example
  2559. * // Delete a few AWS_Policy_Roles
  2560. * const { count } = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.deleteMany({
  2561. * where: {
  2562. * // ... provide filter here
  2563. * }
  2564. * })
  2565. *
  2566. */
  2567. deleteMany<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  2568. /**
  2569. * Update zero or more AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2570. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  2571. * Read more here:
  2572. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  2573. * @example
  2574. * // Update many AWS_Policy_Roles
  2575. * const aWS_Policy_Role = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.updateMany({
  2576. * where: {
  2577. * // ... provide filter here
  2578. * },
  2579. * data: {
  2580. * // ... provide data here
  2581. * }
  2582. * })
  2583. *
  2584. */
  2585. updateMany<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  2586. /**
  2587. * Create or update one AWS_Policy_Role.
  2588. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a AWS_Policy_Role.
  2589. * @example
  2590. * // Update or create a AWS_Policy_Role
  2591. * const aWS_Policy_Role = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.upsert({
  2592. * create: {
  2593. * // ... data to create a AWS_Policy_Role
  2594. * },
  2595. * update: {
  2596. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  2597. * },
  2598. * where: {
  2599. * // ... the filter for the AWS_Policy_Role we want to update
  2600. * }
  2601. * })
  2602. */
  2603. upsert<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AWS_Policy_RoleClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AWS_Policy_RolePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  2604. /**
  2605. * Count the number of AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2606. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  2607. * Read more here:
  2608. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter AWS_Policy_Roles to count.
  2609. * @example
  2610. * // Count the number of AWS_Policy_Roles
  2611. * const count = await prisma.aWS_Policy_Role.count({
  2612. * where: {
  2613. * // ... the filter for the AWS_Policy_Roles we want to count
  2614. * }
  2615. * })
  2616. **/
  2617. count<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleCountArgs>(
  2618. args?: Subset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleCountArgs>,
  2619. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  2620. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  2621. ? T['select'] extends true
  2622. ? number
  2623. : GetScalarType<T['select'], AWS_Policy_RoleCountAggregateOutputType>
  2624. : number
  2625. >
  2626. /**
  2627. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a AWS_Policy_Role.
  2628. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  2629. * Read more here:
  2630. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  2631. * @example
  2632. * // Ordered by age ascending
  2633. * // Where email contains
  2634. * // Limited to the 10 users
  2635. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  2636. * _avg: {
  2637. * age: true,
  2638. * },
  2639. * where: {
  2640. * email: {
  2641. * contains: "",
  2642. * },
  2643. * },
  2644. * orderBy: {
  2645. * age: "asc",
  2646. * },
  2647. * take: 10,
  2648. * })
  2649. **/
  2650. aggregate<T extends AWS_Policy_RoleAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, AWS_Policy_RoleAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetAWS_Policy_RoleAggregateType<T>>
  2651. /**
  2652. * Group by AWS_Policy_Role.
  2653. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  2654. * Read more here:
  2655. * @param {AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  2656. * @example
  2657. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  2658. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  2659. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  2660. * orderBy: {
  2661. * createdAt: true
  2662. * },
  2663. * _count: {
  2664. * _all: true
  2665. * },
  2666. * })
  2667. *
  2668. **/
  2669. groupBy<
  2670. T extends AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByArgs,
  2671. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  2672. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  2673. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  2674. >,
  2675. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  2676. ? { orderBy: AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  2677. : { orderBy?: AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  2678. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  2679. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  2680. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  2681. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  2682. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  2683. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  2684. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  2685. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  2686. : HavingValid extends False
  2687. ? {
  2688. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  2689. ? never
  2690. : P extends string
  2691. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  2692. : [
  2693. Error,
  2694. 'Field ',
  2695. P,
  2696. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  2697. ]
  2698. }[HavingFields]
  2699. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  2700. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  2701. ? ByValid extends True
  2702. ? {}
  2703. : {
  2704. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  2705. ? never
  2706. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  2707. }[OrderFields]
  2708. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  2709. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  2710. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  2711. ? ByValid extends True
  2712. ? {}
  2713. : {
  2714. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  2715. ? never
  2716. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  2717. }[OrderFields]
  2718. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  2719. : ByValid extends True
  2720. ? {}
  2721. : {
  2722. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  2723. ? never
  2724. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  2725. }[OrderFields]
  2726. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, AWS_Policy_RoleGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetAWS_Policy_RoleGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  2727. /**
  2728. * Fields of the AWS_Policy_Role model
  2729. */
  2730. readonly fields: AWS_Policy_RoleFieldRefs;
  2731. }
  2732. /**
  2733. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for AWS_Policy_Role.
  2734. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  2735. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  2736. *
  2737. */
  2738. export interface Prisma__AWS_Policy_RoleClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  2739. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  2740. /**
  2741. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  2742. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  2743. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  2744. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  2745. */
  2746. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  2747. /**
  2748. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  2749. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  2750. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  2751. */
  2752. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  2753. /**
  2754. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  2755. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  2756. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  2757. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  2758. */
  2759. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  2760. }
  2761. /**
  2762. * Fields of the AWS_Policy_Role model
  2763. */
  2764. interface AWS_Policy_RoleFieldRefs {
  2765. readonly id: FieldRef<"AWS_Policy_Role", 'String'>
  2766. readonly assistant_id: FieldRef<"AWS_Policy_Role", 'String'>
  2767. readonly agent_bedrock_policy: FieldRef<"AWS_Policy_Role", 'String'>
  2768. readonly agent_kb_schema_policy: FieldRef<"AWS_Policy_Role", 'String'>
  2769. readonly kb_bedrock_policy: FieldRef<"AWS_Policy_Role", 'String'>
  2770. readonly kb_aoss_policy: FieldRef<"AWS_Policy_Role", 'String'>
  2771. readonly kb_s3_policy: FieldRef<"AWS_Policy_Role", 'String'>
  2772. readonly agent_role_name: FieldRef<"AWS_Policy_Role", 'String'>
  2773. readonly kb_role_name: FieldRef<"AWS_Policy_Role", 'String'>
  2774. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"AWS_Policy_Role", 'DateTime'>
  2775. }
  2776. // Custom InputTypes
  2777. /**
  2778. * AWS_Policy_Role findUnique
  2779. */
  2780. export type AWS_Policy_RoleFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2781. /**
  2782. * Select specific fields to fetch from the AWS_Policy_Role
  2783. */
  2784. select?: AWS_Policy_RoleSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  2785. /**
  2786. * Filter, which AWS_Policy_Role to fetch.
  2787. */
  2788. where: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereUniqueInput
  2789. }
  2790. /**
  2791. * AWS_Policy_Role findUniqueOrThrow
  2792. */
  2793. export type AWS_Policy_RoleFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2794. /**
  2795. * Select specific fields to fetch from the AWS_Policy_Role
  2796. */
  2797. select?: AWS_Policy_RoleSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  2798. /**
  2799. * Filter, which AWS_Policy_Role to fetch.
  2800. */
  2801. where: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereUniqueInput
  2802. }
  2803. /**
  2804. * AWS_Policy_Role findFirst
  2805. */
  2806. export type AWS_Policy_RoleFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2807. /**
  2808. * Select specific fields to fetch from the AWS_Policy_Role
  2809. */
  2810. select?: AWS_Policy_RoleSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  2811. /**
  2812. * Filter, which AWS_Policy_Role to fetch.
  2813. */
  2814. where?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput
  2815. /**
  2816. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  2817. *
  2818. * Determine the order of AWS_Policy_Roles to fetch.
  2819. */
  2820. orderBy?: AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithRelationInput | AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  2821. /**
  2822. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  2823. *
  2824. * Sets the position for searching for AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2825. */
  2826. cursor?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereUniqueInput
  2827. /**
  2828. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  2829. *
  2830. * Take `±n` AWS_Policy_Roles from the position of the cursor.
  2831. */
  2832. take?: number
  2833. /**
  2834. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  2835. *
  2836. * Skip the first `n` AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2837. */
  2838. skip?: number
  2839. /**
  2840. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  2841. *
  2842. * Filter by unique combinations of AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2843. */
  2844. distinct?: AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum | AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum[]
  2845. }
  2846. /**
  2847. * AWS_Policy_Role findFirstOrThrow
  2848. */
  2849. export type AWS_Policy_RoleFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2850. /**
  2851. * Select specific fields to fetch from the AWS_Policy_Role
  2852. */
  2853. select?: AWS_Policy_RoleSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  2854. /**
  2855. * Filter, which AWS_Policy_Role to fetch.
  2856. */
  2857. where?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput
  2858. /**
  2859. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  2860. *
  2861. * Determine the order of AWS_Policy_Roles to fetch.
  2862. */
  2863. orderBy?: AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithRelationInput | AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  2864. /**
  2865. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  2866. *
  2867. * Sets the position for searching for AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2868. */
  2869. cursor?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereUniqueInput
  2870. /**
  2871. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  2872. *
  2873. * Take `±n` AWS_Policy_Roles from the position of the cursor.
  2874. */
  2875. take?: number
  2876. /**
  2877. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  2878. *
  2879. * Skip the first `n` AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2880. */
  2881. skip?: number
  2882. /**
  2883. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  2884. *
  2885. * Filter by unique combinations of AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2886. */
  2887. distinct?: AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum | AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum[]
  2888. }
  2889. /**
  2890. * AWS_Policy_Role findMany
  2891. */
  2892. export type AWS_Policy_RoleFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2893. /**
  2894. * Select specific fields to fetch from the AWS_Policy_Role
  2895. */
  2896. select?: AWS_Policy_RoleSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  2897. /**
  2898. * Filter, which AWS_Policy_Roles to fetch.
  2899. */
  2900. where?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput
  2901. /**
  2902. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  2903. *
  2904. * Determine the order of AWS_Policy_Roles to fetch.
  2905. */
  2906. orderBy?: AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithRelationInput | AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  2907. /**
  2908. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  2909. *
  2910. * Sets the position for listing AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2911. */
  2912. cursor?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereUniqueInput
  2913. /**
  2914. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  2915. *
  2916. * Take `±n` AWS_Policy_Roles from the position of the cursor.
  2917. */
  2918. take?: number
  2919. /**
  2920. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  2921. *
  2922. * Skip the first `n` AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2923. */
  2924. skip?: number
  2925. distinct?: AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum | AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum[]
  2926. }
  2927. /**
  2928. * AWS_Policy_Role create
  2929. */
  2930. export type AWS_Policy_RoleCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2931. /**
  2932. * Select specific fields to fetch from the AWS_Policy_Role
  2933. */
  2934. select?: AWS_Policy_RoleSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  2935. /**
  2936. * The data needed to create a AWS_Policy_Role.
  2937. */
  2938. data: XOR<AWS_Policy_RoleCreateInput, AWS_Policy_RoleUncheckedCreateInput>
  2939. }
  2940. /**
  2941. * AWS_Policy_Role createMany
  2942. */
  2943. export type AWS_Policy_RoleCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2944. /**
  2945. * The data used to create many AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2946. */
  2947. data: AWS_Policy_RoleCreateManyInput | AWS_Policy_RoleCreateManyInput[]
  2948. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  2949. }
  2950. /**
  2951. * AWS_Policy_Role update
  2952. */
  2953. export type AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2954. /**
  2955. * Select specific fields to fetch from the AWS_Policy_Role
  2956. */
  2957. select?: AWS_Policy_RoleSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  2958. /**
  2959. * The data needed to update a AWS_Policy_Role.
  2960. */
  2961. data: XOR<AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateInput, AWS_Policy_RoleUncheckedUpdateInput>
  2962. /**
  2963. * Choose, which AWS_Policy_Role to update.
  2964. */
  2965. where: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereUniqueInput
  2966. }
  2967. /**
  2968. * AWS_Policy_Role updateMany
  2969. */
  2970. export type AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2971. /**
  2972. * The data used to update AWS_Policy_Roles.
  2973. */
  2974. data: XOR<AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateManyMutationInput, AWS_Policy_RoleUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  2975. /**
  2976. * Filter which AWS_Policy_Roles to update
  2977. */
  2978. where?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput
  2979. }
  2980. /**
  2981. * AWS_Policy_Role upsert
  2982. */
  2983. export type AWS_Policy_RoleUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  2984. /**
  2985. * Select specific fields to fetch from the AWS_Policy_Role
  2986. */
  2987. select?: AWS_Policy_RoleSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  2988. /**
  2989. * The filter to search for the AWS_Policy_Role to update in case it exists.
  2990. */
  2991. where: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereUniqueInput
  2992. /**
  2993. * In case the AWS_Policy_Role found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new AWS_Policy_Role with this data.
  2994. */
  2995. create: XOR<AWS_Policy_RoleCreateInput, AWS_Policy_RoleUncheckedCreateInput>
  2996. /**
  2997. * In case the AWS_Policy_Role was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  2998. */
  2999. update: XOR<AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateInput, AWS_Policy_RoleUncheckedUpdateInput>
  3000. }
  3001. /**
  3002. * AWS_Policy_Role delete
  3003. */
  3004. export type AWS_Policy_RoleDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3005. /**
  3006. * Select specific fields to fetch from the AWS_Policy_Role
  3007. */
  3008. select?: AWS_Policy_RoleSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  3009. /**
  3010. * Filter which AWS_Policy_Role to delete.
  3011. */
  3012. where: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereUniqueInput
  3013. }
  3014. /**
  3015. * AWS_Policy_Role deleteMany
  3016. */
  3017. export type AWS_Policy_RoleDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3018. /**
  3019. * Filter which AWS_Policy_Roles to delete
  3020. */
  3021. where?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput
  3022. }
  3023. /**
  3024. * AWS_Policy_Role without action
  3025. */
  3026. export type AWS_Policy_RoleDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3027. /**
  3028. * Select specific fields to fetch from the AWS_Policy_Role
  3029. */
  3030. select?: AWS_Policy_RoleSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  3031. }
  3032. /**
  3033. * Model Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3034. */
  3035. export type AggregateAi_Agent_Assistants = {
  3036. _count: Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountAggregateOutputType | null
  3037. _min: Ai_Agent_AssistantsMinAggregateOutputType | null
  3038. _max: Ai_Agent_AssistantsMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  3039. }
  3040. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsMinAggregateOutputType = {
  3041. id: string | null
  3042. userId: string | null
  3043. username: string | null
  3044. agent_sort: string | null
  3045. agent_tag: string | null
  3046. assistantName: string | null
  3047. description: string | null
  3048. prologue: string | null
  3049. headUrl: string | null
  3050. instructions: string | null
  3051. isRetrieval: boolean | null
  3052. isCode: boolean | null
  3053. isGoogle: boolean | null
  3054. isDalleImage: boolean | null
  3055. functionNames: string | null
  3056. functionContents: string | null
  3057. assistant_id: string | null
  3058. thread_id: string | null
  3059. file_ids: string | null
  3060. file_names: string | null
  3061. isPublish: boolean | null
  3062. organize_id: string | null
  3063. vector_store_id: string | null
  3064. modelType: string | null
  3065. createtime: Date | null
  3066. updatetime: Date | null
  3067. a: string | null
  3068. }
  3069. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  3070. id: string | null
  3071. userId: string | null
  3072. username: string | null
  3073. agent_sort: string | null
  3074. agent_tag: string | null
  3075. assistantName: string | null
  3076. description: string | null
  3077. prologue: string | null
  3078. headUrl: string | null
  3079. instructions: string | null
  3080. isRetrieval: boolean | null
  3081. isCode: boolean | null
  3082. isGoogle: boolean | null
  3083. isDalleImage: boolean | null
  3084. functionNames: string | null
  3085. functionContents: string | null
  3086. assistant_id: string | null
  3087. thread_id: string | null
  3088. file_ids: string | null
  3089. file_names: string | null
  3090. isPublish: boolean | null
  3091. organize_id: string | null
  3092. vector_store_id: string | null
  3093. modelType: string | null
  3094. createtime: Date | null
  3095. updatetime: Date | null
  3096. a: string | null
  3097. }
  3098. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountAggregateOutputType = {
  3099. id: number
  3100. userId: number
  3101. username: number
  3102. agent_sort: number
  3103. agent_tag: number
  3104. assistantName: number
  3105. description: number
  3106. prologue: number
  3107. headUrl: number
  3108. instructions: number
  3109. isRetrieval: number
  3110. isCode: number
  3111. isGoogle: number
  3112. isDalleImage: number
  3113. functionNames: number
  3114. functionContents: number
  3115. assistant_id: number
  3116. thread_id: number
  3117. file_ids: number
  3118. file_names: number
  3119. isPublish: number
  3120. organize_id: number
  3121. vector_store_id: number
  3122. modelType: number
  3123. createtime: number
  3124. updatetime: number
  3125. a: number
  3126. _all: number
  3127. }
  3128. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsMinAggregateInputType = {
  3129. id?: true
  3130. userId?: true
  3131. username?: true
  3132. agent_sort?: true
  3133. agent_tag?: true
  3134. assistantName?: true
  3135. description?: true
  3136. prologue?: true
  3137. headUrl?: true
  3138. instructions?: true
  3139. isRetrieval?: true
  3140. isCode?: true
  3141. isGoogle?: true
  3142. isDalleImage?: true
  3143. functionNames?: true
  3144. functionContents?: true
  3145. assistant_id?: true
  3146. thread_id?: true
  3147. file_ids?: true
  3148. file_names?: true
  3149. isPublish?: true
  3150. organize_id?: true
  3151. vector_store_id?: true
  3152. modelType?: true
  3153. createtime?: true
  3154. updatetime?: true
  3155. a?: true
  3156. }
  3157. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsMaxAggregateInputType = {
  3158. id?: true
  3159. userId?: true
  3160. username?: true
  3161. agent_sort?: true
  3162. agent_tag?: true
  3163. assistantName?: true
  3164. description?: true
  3165. prologue?: true
  3166. headUrl?: true
  3167. instructions?: true
  3168. isRetrieval?: true
  3169. isCode?: true
  3170. isGoogle?: true
  3171. isDalleImage?: true
  3172. functionNames?: true
  3173. functionContents?: true
  3174. assistant_id?: true
  3175. thread_id?: true
  3176. file_ids?: true
  3177. file_names?: true
  3178. isPublish?: true
  3179. organize_id?: true
  3180. vector_store_id?: true
  3181. modelType?: true
  3182. createtime?: true
  3183. updatetime?: true
  3184. a?: true
  3185. }
  3186. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountAggregateInputType = {
  3187. id?: true
  3188. userId?: true
  3189. username?: true
  3190. agent_sort?: true
  3191. agent_tag?: true
  3192. assistantName?: true
  3193. description?: true
  3194. prologue?: true
  3195. headUrl?: true
  3196. instructions?: true
  3197. isRetrieval?: true
  3198. isCode?: true
  3199. isGoogle?: true
  3200. isDalleImage?: true
  3201. functionNames?: true
  3202. functionContents?: true
  3203. assistant_id?: true
  3204. thread_id?: true
  3205. file_ids?: true
  3206. file_names?: true
  3207. isPublish?: true
  3208. organize_id?: true
  3209. vector_store_id?: true
  3210. modelType?: true
  3211. createtime?: true
  3212. updatetime?: true
  3213. a?: true
  3214. _all?: true
  3215. }
  3216. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3217. /**
  3218. * Filter which Ai_Agent_Assistants to aggregate.
  3219. */
  3220. where?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput
  3221. /**
  3222. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  3223. *
  3224. * Determine the order of Ai_Agent_Assistants to fetch.
  3225. */
  3226. orderBy?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithRelationInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  3227. /**
  3228. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  3229. *
  3230. * Sets the start position
  3231. */
  3232. cursor?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereUniqueInput
  3233. /**
  3234. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  3235. *
  3236. * Take `±n` Ai_Agent_Assistants from the position of the cursor.
  3237. */
  3238. take?: number
  3239. /**
  3240. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  3241. *
  3242. * Skip the first `n` Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3243. */
  3244. skip?: number
  3245. /**
  3246. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  3247. *
  3248. * Count returned Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3249. **/
  3250. _count?: true | Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountAggregateInputType
  3251. /**
  3252. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  3253. *
  3254. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  3255. **/
  3256. _min?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsMinAggregateInputType
  3257. /**
  3258. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  3259. *
  3260. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  3261. **/
  3262. _max?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsMaxAggregateInputType
  3263. }
  3264. export type GetAi_Agent_AssistantsAggregateType<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsAggregateArgs> = {
  3265. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateAi_Agent_Assistants]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  3266. ? T[P] extends true
  3267. ? number
  3268. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateAi_Agent_Assistants[P]>
  3269. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateAi_Agent_Assistants[P]>
  3270. }
  3271. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3272. where?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput
  3273. orderBy?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithAggregationInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  3274. by: Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum[] | Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum
  3275. having?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  3276. take?: number
  3277. skip?: number
  3278. _count?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountAggregateInputType | true
  3279. _min?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsMinAggregateInputType
  3280. _max?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsMaxAggregateInputType
  3281. }
  3282. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByOutputType = {
  3283. id: string
  3284. userId: string | null
  3285. username: string | null
  3286. agent_sort: string | null
  3287. agent_tag: string | null
  3288. assistantName: string | null
  3289. description: string | null
  3290. prologue: string | null
  3291. headUrl: string | null
  3292. instructions: string | null
  3293. isRetrieval: boolean | null
  3294. isCode: boolean | null
  3295. isGoogle: boolean | null
  3296. isDalleImage: boolean | null
  3297. functionNames: string | null
  3298. functionContents: string | null
  3299. assistant_id: string | null
  3300. thread_id: string | null
  3301. file_ids: string | null
  3302. file_names: string | null
  3303. isPublish: boolean | null
  3304. organize_id: string | null
  3305. vector_store_id: string | null
  3306. modelType: string | null
  3307. createtime: Date | null
  3308. updatetime: Date | null
  3309. a: string | null
  3310. _count: Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountAggregateOutputType | null
  3311. _min: Ai_Agent_AssistantsMinAggregateOutputType | null
  3312. _max: Ai_Agent_AssistantsMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  3313. }
  3314. type GetAi_Agent_AssistantsGroupByPayload<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  3315. Array<
  3316. PickEnumerable<Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  3317. {
  3318. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  3319. ? T[P] extends boolean
  3320. ? number
  3321. : GetScalarType<T[P], Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByOutputType[P]>
  3322. : GetScalarType<T[P], Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByOutputType[P]>
  3323. }
  3324. >
  3325. >
  3326. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  3327. id?: boolean
  3328. userId?: boolean
  3329. username?: boolean
  3330. agent_sort?: boolean
  3331. agent_tag?: boolean
  3332. assistantName?: boolean
  3333. description?: boolean
  3334. prologue?: boolean
  3335. headUrl?: boolean
  3336. instructions?: boolean
  3337. isRetrieval?: boolean
  3338. isCode?: boolean
  3339. isGoogle?: boolean
  3340. isDalleImage?: boolean
  3341. functionNames?: boolean
  3342. functionContents?: boolean
  3343. assistant_id?: boolean
  3344. thread_id?: boolean
  3345. file_ids?: boolean
  3346. file_names?: boolean
  3347. isPublish?: boolean
  3348. organize_id?: boolean
  3349. vector_store_id?: boolean
  3350. modelType?: boolean
  3351. createtime?: boolean
  3352. updatetime?: boolean
  3353. a?: boolean
  3354. }, ExtArgs["result"]["ai_Agent_Assistants"]>
  3355. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelectScalar = {
  3356. id?: boolean
  3357. userId?: boolean
  3358. username?: boolean
  3359. agent_sort?: boolean
  3360. agent_tag?: boolean
  3361. assistantName?: boolean
  3362. description?: boolean
  3363. prologue?: boolean
  3364. headUrl?: boolean
  3365. instructions?: boolean
  3366. isRetrieval?: boolean
  3367. isCode?: boolean
  3368. isGoogle?: boolean
  3369. isDalleImage?: boolean
  3370. functionNames?: boolean
  3371. functionContents?: boolean
  3372. assistant_id?: boolean
  3373. thread_id?: boolean
  3374. file_ids?: boolean
  3375. file_names?: boolean
  3376. isPublish?: boolean
  3377. organize_id?: boolean
  3378. vector_store_id?: boolean
  3379. modelType?: boolean
  3380. createtime?: boolean
  3381. updatetime?: boolean
  3382. a?: boolean
  3383. }
  3384. export type $Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3385. name: "Ai_Agent_Assistants"
  3386. objects: {}
  3387. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  3388. id: string
  3389. userId: string | null
  3390. username: string | null
  3391. agent_sort: string | null
  3392. agent_tag: string | null
  3393. assistantName: string | null
  3394. description: string | null
  3395. prologue: string | null
  3396. headUrl: string | null
  3397. instructions: string | null
  3398. isRetrieval: boolean | null
  3399. isCode: boolean | null
  3400. isGoogle: boolean | null
  3401. isDalleImage: boolean | null
  3402. functionNames: string | null
  3403. functionContents: string | null
  3404. assistant_id: string | null
  3405. thread_id: string | null
  3406. file_ids: string | null
  3407. file_names: string | null
  3408. isPublish: boolean | null
  3409. organize_id: string | null
  3410. vector_store_id: string | null
  3411. modelType: string | null
  3412. createtime: Date | null
  3413. updatetime: Date | null
  3414. a: string | null
  3415. }, ExtArgs["result"]["ai_Agent_Assistants"]>
  3416. composites: {}
  3417. }
  3418. type Ai_Agent_AssistantsGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | Ai_Agent_AssistantsDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload, S>
  3419. type Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  3420. Omit<Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  3421. select?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountAggregateInputType | true
  3422. }
  3423. export interface Ai_Agent_AssistantsDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  3424. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['Ai_Agent_Assistants'], meta: { name: 'Ai_Agent_Assistants' } }
  3425. /**
  3426. * Find zero or one Ai_Agent_Assistants that matches the filter.
  3427. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3428. * @example
  3429. * // Get one Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3430. * const ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.findUnique({
  3431. * where: {
  3432. * // ... provide filter here
  3433. * }
  3434. * })
  3435. */
  3436. findUnique<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_AssistantsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  3437. /**
  3438. * Find one Ai_Agent_Assistants that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  3439. * if no matches were found.
  3440. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3441. * @example
  3442. * // Get one Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3443. * const ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.findUniqueOrThrow({
  3444. * where: {
  3445. * // ... provide filter here
  3446. * }
  3447. * })
  3448. */
  3449. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_AssistantsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  3450. /**
  3451. * Find the first Ai_Agent_Assistants that matches the filter.
  3452. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  3453. * Read more here:
  3454. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3455. * @example
  3456. * // Get one Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3457. * const ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.findFirst({
  3458. * where: {
  3459. * // ... provide filter here
  3460. * }
  3461. * })
  3462. */
  3463. findFirst<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_AssistantsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  3464. /**
  3465. * Find the first Ai_Agent_Assistants that matches the filter or
  3466. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  3467. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  3468. * Read more here:
  3469. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3470. * @example
  3471. * // Get one Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3472. * const ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.findFirstOrThrow({
  3473. * where: {
  3474. * // ... provide filter here
  3475. * }
  3476. * })
  3477. */
  3478. findFirstOrThrow<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_AssistantsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  3479. /**
  3480. * Find zero or more Ai_Agent_Assistants that matches the filter.
  3481. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  3482. * Read more here:
  3483. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  3484. * @example
  3485. * // Get all Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3486. * const ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.findMany()
  3487. *
  3488. * // Get first 10 Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3489. * const ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.findMany({ take: 10 })
  3490. *
  3491. * // Only select the `id`
  3492. * const ai_Agent_AssistantsWithIdOnly = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  3493. *
  3494. */
  3495. findMany<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  3496. /**
  3497. * Create a Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3498. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3499. * @example
  3500. * // Create one Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3501. * const Ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.create({
  3502. * data: {
  3503. * // ... data to create a Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3504. * }
  3505. * })
  3506. *
  3507. */
  3508. create<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_AssistantsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  3509. /**
  3510. * Create many Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3511. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3512. * @example
  3513. * // Create many Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3514. * const ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.createMany({
  3515. * data: [
  3516. * // ... provide data here
  3517. * ]
  3518. * })
  3519. *
  3520. */
  3521. createMany<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  3522. /**
  3523. * Delete a Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3524. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3525. * @example
  3526. * // Delete one Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3527. * const Ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.delete({
  3528. * where: {
  3529. * // ... filter to delete one Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3530. * }
  3531. * })
  3532. *
  3533. */
  3534. delete<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_AssistantsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  3535. /**
  3536. * Update one Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3537. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3538. * @example
  3539. * // Update one Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3540. * const ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.update({
  3541. * where: {
  3542. * // ... provide filter here
  3543. * },
  3544. * data: {
  3545. * // ... provide data here
  3546. * }
  3547. * })
  3548. *
  3549. */
  3550. update<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_AssistantsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  3551. /**
  3552. * Delete zero or more Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3553. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Ai_Agent_Assistants to delete.
  3554. * @example
  3555. * // Delete a few Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3556. * const { count } = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.deleteMany({
  3557. * where: {
  3558. * // ... provide filter here
  3559. * }
  3560. * })
  3561. *
  3562. */
  3563. deleteMany<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  3564. /**
  3565. * Update zero or more Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3566. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  3567. * Read more here:
  3568. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  3569. * @example
  3570. * // Update many Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3571. * const ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.updateMany({
  3572. * where: {
  3573. * // ... provide filter here
  3574. * },
  3575. * data: {
  3576. * // ... provide data here
  3577. * }
  3578. * })
  3579. *
  3580. */
  3581. updateMany<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  3582. /**
  3583. * Create or update one Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3584. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3585. * @example
  3586. * // Update or create a Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3587. * const ai_Agent_Assistants = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.upsert({
  3588. * create: {
  3589. * // ... data to create a Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3590. * },
  3591. * update: {
  3592. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  3593. * },
  3594. * where: {
  3595. * // ... the filter for the Ai_Agent_Assistants we want to update
  3596. * }
  3597. * })
  3598. */
  3599. upsert<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_AssistantsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_AssistantsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  3600. /**
  3601. * Count the number of Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3602. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  3603. * Read more here:
  3604. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Ai_Agent_Assistants to count.
  3605. * @example
  3606. * // Count the number of Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3607. * const count = await prisma.ai_Agent_Assistants.count({
  3608. * where: {
  3609. * // ... the filter for the Ai_Agent_Assistants we want to count
  3610. * }
  3611. * })
  3612. **/
  3613. count<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountArgs>(
  3614. args?: Subset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountArgs>,
  3615. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  3616. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  3617. ? T['select'] extends true
  3618. ? number
  3619. : GetScalarType<T['select'], Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountAggregateOutputType>
  3620. : number
  3621. >
  3622. /**
  3623. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3624. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  3625. * Read more here:
  3626. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  3627. * @example
  3628. * // Ordered by age ascending
  3629. * // Where email contains
  3630. * // Limited to the 10 users
  3631. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  3632. * _avg: {
  3633. * age: true,
  3634. * },
  3635. * where: {
  3636. * email: {
  3637. * contains: "",
  3638. * },
  3639. * },
  3640. * orderBy: {
  3641. * age: "asc",
  3642. * },
  3643. * take: 10,
  3644. * })
  3645. **/
  3646. aggregate<T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetAi_Agent_AssistantsAggregateType<T>>
  3647. /**
  3648. * Group by Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3649. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  3650. * Read more here:
  3651. * @param {Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  3652. * @example
  3653. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  3654. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  3655. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  3656. * orderBy: {
  3657. * createdAt: true
  3658. * },
  3659. * _count: {
  3660. * _all: true
  3661. * },
  3662. * })
  3663. *
  3664. **/
  3665. groupBy<
  3666. T extends Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByArgs,
  3667. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  3668. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  3669. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  3670. >,
  3671. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  3672. ? { orderBy: Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  3673. : { orderBy?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  3674. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  3675. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  3676. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  3677. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  3678. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  3679. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  3680. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  3681. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  3682. : HavingValid extends False
  3683. ? {
  3684. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  3685. ? never
  3686. : P extends string
  3687. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  3688. : [
  3689. Error,
  3690. 'Field ',
  3691. P,
  3692. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  3693. ]
  3694. }[HavingFields]
  3695. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  3696. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  3697. ? ByValid extends True
  3698. ? {}
  3699. : {
  3700. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  3701. ? never
  3702. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  3703. }[OrderFields]
  3704. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  3705. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  3706. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  3707. ? ByValid extends True
  3708. ? {}
  3709. : {
  3710. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  3711. ? never
  3712. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  3713. }[OrderFields]
  3714. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  3715. : ByValid extends True
  3716. ? {}
  3717. : {
  3718. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  3719. ? never
  3720. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  3721. }[OrderFields]
  3722. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, Ai_Agent_AssistantsGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetAi_Agent_AssistantsGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  3723. /**
  3724. * Fields of the Ai_Agent_Assistants model
  3725. */
  3726. readonly fields: Ai_Agent_AssistantsFieldRefs;
  3727. }
  3728. /**
  3729. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3730. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  3731. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  3732. *
  3733. */
  3734. export interface Prisma__Ai_Agent_AssistantsClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  3735. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  3736. /**
  3737. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  3738. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  3739. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  3740. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  3741. */
  3742. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  3743. /**
  3744. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  3745. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  3746. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  3747. */
  3748. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  3749. /**
  3750. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  3751. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  3752. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  3753. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  3754. */
  3755. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  3756. }
  3757. /**
  3758. * Fields of the Ai_Agent_Assistants model
  3759. */
  3760. interface Ai_Agent_AssistantsFieldRefs {
  3761. readonly id: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3762. readonly userId: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3763. readonly username: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3764. readonly agent_sort: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3765. readonly agent_tag: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3766. readonly assistantName: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3767. readonly description: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3768. readonly prologue: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3769. readonly headUrl: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3770. readonly instructions: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3771. readonly isRetrieval: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'Boolean'>
  3772. readonly isCode: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'Boolean'>
  3773. readonly isGoogle: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'Boolean'>
  3774. readonly isDalleImage: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'Boolean'>
  3775. readonly functionNames: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3776. readonly functionContents: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3777. readonly assistant_id: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3778. readonly thread_id: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3779. readonly file_ids: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3780. readonly file_names: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3781. readonly isPublish: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'Boolean'>
  3782. readonly organize_id: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3783. readonly vector_store_id: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3784. readonly modelType: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3785. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'DateTime'>
  3786. readonly updatetime: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'DateTime'>
  3787. readonly a: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Assistants", 'String'>
  3788. }
  3789. // Custom InputTypes
  3790. /**
  3791. * Ai_Agent_Assistants findUnique
  3792. */
  3793. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3794. /**
  3795. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3796. */
  3797. select?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  3798. /**
  3799. * Filter, which Ai_Agent_Assistants to fetch.
  3800. */
  3801. where: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereUniqueInput
  3802. }
  3803. /**
  3804. * Ai_Agent_Assistants findUniqueOrThrow
  3805. */
  3806. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3807. /**
  3808. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3809. */
  3810. select?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  3811. /**
  3812. * Filter, which Ai_Agent_Assistants to fetch.
  3813. */
  3814. where: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereUniqueInput
  3815. }
  3816. /**
  3817. * Ai_Agent_Assistants findFirst
  3818. */
  3819. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3820. /**
  3821. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3822. */
  3823. select?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  3824. /**
  3825. * Filter, which Ai_Agent_Assistants to fetch.
  3826. */
  3827. where?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput
  3828. /**
  3829. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  3830. *
  3831. * Determine the order of Ai_Agent_Assistants to fetch.
  3832. */
  3833. orderBy?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithRelationInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  3834. /**
  3835. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  3836. *
  3837. * Sets the position for searching for Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3838. */
  3839. cursor?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereUniqueInput
  3840. /**
  3841. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  3842. *
  3843. * Take `±n` Ai_Agent_Assistants from the position of the cursor.
  3844. */
  3845. take?: number
  3846. /**
  3847. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  3848. *
  3849. * Skip the first `n` Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3850. */
  3851. skip?: number
  3852. /**
  3853. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  3854. *
  3855. * Filter by unique combinations of Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3856. */
  3857. distinct?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum | Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum[]
  3858. }
  3859. /**
  3860. * Ai_Agent_Assistants findFirstOrThrow
  3861. */
  3862. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3863. /**
  3864. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3865. */
  3866. select?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  3867. /**
  3868. * Filter, which Ai_Agent_Assistants to fetch.
  3869. */
  3870. where?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput
  3871. /**
  3872. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  3873. *
  3874. * Determine the order of Ai_Agent_Assistants to fetch.
  3875. */
  3876. orderBy?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithRelationInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  3877. /**
  3878. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  3879. *
  3880. * Sets the position for searching for Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3881. */
  3882. cursor?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereUniqueInput
  3883. /**
  3884. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  3885. *
  3886. * Take `±n` Ai_Agent_Assistants from the position of the cursor.
  3887. */
  3888. take?: number
  3889. /**
  3890. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  3891. *
  3892. * Skip the first `n` Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3893. */
  3894. skip?: number
  3895. /**
  3896. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  3897. *
  3898. * Filter by unique combinations of Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3899. */
  3900. distinct?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum | Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum[]
  3901. }
  3902. /**
  3903. * Ai_Agent_Assistants findMany
  3904. */
  3905. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3906. /**
  3907. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3908. */
  3909. select?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  3910. /**
  3911. * Filter, which Ai_Agent_Assistants to fetch.
  3912. */
  3913. where?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput
  3914. /**
  3915. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  3916. *
  3917. * Determine the order of Ai_Agent_Assistants to fetch.
  3918. */
  3919. orderBy?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithRelationInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  3920. /**
  3921. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  3922. *
  3923. * Sets the position for listing Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3924. */
  3925. cursor?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereUniqueInput
  3926. /**
  3927. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  3928. *
  3929. * Take `±n` Ai_Agent_Assistants from the position of the cursor.
  3930. */
  3931. take?: number
  3932. /**
  3933. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  3934. *
  3935. * Skip the first `n` Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3936. */
  3937. skip?: number
  3938. distinct?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum | Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum[]
  3939. }
  3940. /**
  3941. * Ai_Agent_Assistants create
  3942. */
  3943. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3944. /**
  3945. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3946. */
  3947. select?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  3948. /**
  3949. * The data needed to create a Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3950. */
  3951. data: XOR<Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateInput, Ai_Agent_AssistantsUncheckedCreateInput>
  3952. }
  3953. /**
  3954. * Ai_Agent_Assistants createMany
  3955. */
  3956. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3957. /**
  3958. * The data used to create many Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3959. */
  3960. data: Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateManyInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateManyInput[]
  3961. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  3962. }
  3963. /**
  3964. * Ai_Agent_Assistants update
  3965. */
  3966. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3967. /**
  3968. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3969. */
  3970. select?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  3971. /**
  3972. * The data needed to update a Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3973. */
  3974. data: XOR<Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateInput, Ai_Agent_AssistantsUncheckedUpdateInput>
  3975. /**
  3976. * Choose, which Ai_Agent_Assistants to update.
  3977. */
  3978. where: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereUniqueInput
  3979. }
  3980. /**
  3981. * Ai_Agent_Assistants updateMany
  3982. */
  3983. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3984. /**
  3985. * The data used to update Ai_Agent_Assistants.
  3986. */
  3987. data: XOR<Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateManyMutationInput, Ai_Agent_AssistantsUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  3988. /**
  3989. * Filter which Ai_Agent_Assistants to update
  3990. */
  3991. where?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput
  3992. }
  3993. /**
  3994. * Ai_Agent_Assistants upsert
  3995. */
  3996. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  3997. /**
  3998. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Assistants
  3999. */
  4000. select?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4001. /**
  4002. * The filter to search for the Ai_Agent_Assistants to update in case it exists.
  4003. */
  4004. where: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereUniqueInput
  4005. /**
  4006. * In case the Ai_Agent_Assistants found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new Ai_Agent_Assistants with this data.
  4007. */
  4008. create: XOR<Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateInput, Ai_Agent_AssistantsUncheckedCreateInput>
  4009. /**
  4010. * In case the Ai_Agent_Assistants was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  4011. */
  4012. update: XOR<Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateInput, Ai_Agent_AssistantsUncheckedUpdateInput>
  4013. }
  4014. /**
  4015. * Ai_Agent_Assistants delete
  4016. */
  4017. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4018. /**
  4019. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Assistants
  4020. */
  4021. select?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4022. /**
  4023. * Filter which Ai_Agent_Assistants to delete.
  4024. */
  4025. where: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereUniqueInput
  4026. }
  4027. /**
  4028. * Ai_Agent_Assistants deleteMany
  4029. */
  4030. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4031. /**
  4032. * Filter which Ai_Agent_Assistants to delete
  4033. */
  4034. where?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput
  4035. }
  4036. /**
  4037. * Ai_Agent_Assistants without action
  4038. */
  4039. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4040. /**
  4041. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Assistants
  4042. */
  4043. select?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4044. }
  4045. /**
  4046. * Model Ai_Agent_Threads
  4047. */
  4048. export type AggregateAi_Agent_Threads = {
  4049. _count: Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountAggregateOutputType | null
  4050. _min: Ai_Agent_ThreadsMinAggregateOutputType | null
  4051. _max: Ai_Agent_ThreadsMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  4052. }
  4053. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsMinAggregateOutputType = {
  4054. id: string | null
  4055. userId: string | null
  4056. assistant_id: string | null
  4057. thread_id: string | null
  4058. createtime: Date | null
  4059. session_name: string | null
  4060. }
  4061. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  4062. id: string | null
  4063. userId: string | null
  4064. assistant_id: string | null
  4065. thread_id: string | null
  4066. createtime: Date | null
  4067. session_name: string | null
  4068. }
  4069. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountAggregateOutputType = {
  4070. id: number
  4071. userId: number
  4072. assistant_id: number
  4073. thread_id: number
  4074. createtime: number
  4075. session_name: number
  4076. _all: number
  4077. }
  4078. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsMinAggregateInputType = {
  4079. id?: true
  4080. userId?: true
  4081. assistant_id?: true
  4082. thread_id?: true
  4083. createtime?: true
  4084. session_name?: true
  4085. }
  4086. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsMaxAggregateInputType = {
  4087. id?: true
  4088. userId?: true
  4089. assistant_id?: true
  4090. thread_id?: true
  4091. createtime?: true
  4092. session_name?: true
  4093. }
  4094. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountAggregateInputType = {
  4095. id?: true
  4096. userId?: true
  4097. assistant_id?: true
  4098. thread_id?: true
  4099. createtime?: true
  4100. session_name?: true
  4101. _all?: true
  4102. }
  4103. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4104. /**
  4105. * Filter which Ai_Agent_Threads to aggregate.
  4106. */
  4107. where?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput
  4108. /**
  4109. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  4110. *
  4111. * Determine the order of Ai_Agent_Threads to fetch.
  4112. */
  4113. orderBy?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithRelationInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  4114. /**
  4115. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  4116. *
  4117. * Sets the start position
  4118. */
  4119. cursor?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereUniqueInput
  4120. /**
  4121. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  4122. *
  4123. * Take `±n` Ai_Agent_Threads from the position of the cursor.
  4124. */
  4125. take?: number
  4126. /**
  4127. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  4128. *
  4129. * Skip the first `n` Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4130. */
  4131. skip?: number
  4132. /**
  4133. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  4134. *
  4135. * Count returned Ai_Agent_Threads
  4136. **/
  4137. _count?: true | Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountAggregateInputType
  4138. /**
  4139. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  4140. *
  4141. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  4142. **/
  4143. _min?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsMinAggregateInputType
  4144. /**
  4145. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  4146. *
  4147. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  4148. **/
  4149. _max?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsMaxAggregateInputType
  4150. }
  4151. export type GetAi_Agent_ThreadsAggregateType<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsAggregateArgs> = {
  4152. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateAi_Agent_Threads]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  4153. ? T[P] extends true
  4154. ? number
  4155. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateAi_Agent_Threads[P]>
  4156. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateAi_Agent_Threads[P]>
  4157. }
  4158. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4159. where?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput
  4160. orderBy?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithAggregationInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  4161. by: Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum[] | Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum
  4162. having?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  4163. take?: number
  4164. skip?: number
  4165. _count?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountAggregateInputType | true
  4166. _min?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsMinAggregateInputType
  4167. _max?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsMaxAggregateInputType
  4168. }
  4169. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByOutputType = {
  4170. id: string
  4171. userId: string | null
  4172. assistant_id: string | null
  4173. thread_id: string | null
  4174. createtime: Date | null
  4175. session_name: string
  4176. _count: Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountAggregateOutputType | null
  4177. _min: Ai_Agent_ThreadsMinAggregateOutputType | null
  4178. _max: Ai_Agent_ThreadsMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  4179. }
  4180. type GetAi_Agent_ThreadsGroupByPayload<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  4181. Array<
  4182. PickEnumerable<Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  4183. {
  4184. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  4185. ? T[P] extends boolean
  4186. ? number
  4187. : GetScalarType<T[P], Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByOutputType[P]>
  4188. : GetScalarType<T[P], Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByOutputType[P]>
  4189. }
  4190. >
  4191. >
  4192. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  4193. id?: boolean
  4194. userId?: boolean
  4195. assistant_id?: boolean
  4196. thread_id?: boolean
  4197. createtime?: boolean
  4198. session_name?: boolean
  4199. }, ExtArgs["result"]["ai_Agent_Threads"]>
  4200. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelectScalar = {
  4201. id?: boolean
  4202. userId?: boolean
  4203. assistant_id?: boolean
  4204. thread_id?: boolean
  4205. createtime?: boolean
  4206. session_name?: boolean
  4207. }
  4208. export type $Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4209. name: "Ai_Agent_Threads"
  4210. objects: {}
  4211. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  4212. id: string
  4213. userId: string | null
  4214. assistant_id: string | null
  4215. thread_id: string | null
  4216. createtime: Date | null
  4217. session_name: string
  4218. }, ExtArgs["result"]["ai_Agent_Threads"]>
  4219. composites: {}
  4220. }
  4221. type Ai_Agent_ThreadsGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | Ai_Agent_ThreadsDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload, S>
  4222. type Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  4223. Omit<Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  4224. select?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountAggregateInputType | true
  4225. }
  4226. export interface Ai_Agent_ThreadsDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  4227. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['Ai_Agent_Threads'], meta: { name: 'Ai_Agent_Threads' } }
  4228. /**
  4229. * Find zero or one Ai_Agent_Threads that matches the filter.
  4230. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_Agent_Threads
  4231. * @example
  4232. * // Get one Ai_Agent_Threads
  4233. * const ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.findUnique({
  4234. * where: {
  4235. * // ... provide filter here
  4236. * }
  4237. * })
  4238. */
  4239. findUnique<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_ThreadsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  4240. /**
  4241. * Find one Ai_Agent_Threads that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  4242. * if no matches were found.
  4243. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_Agent_Threads
  4244. * @example
  4245. * // Get one Ai_Agent_Threads
  4246. * const ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.findUniqueOrThrow({
  4247. * where: {
  4248. * // ... provide filter here
  4249. * }
  4250. * })
  4251. */
  4252. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_ThreadsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  4253. /**
  4254. * Find the first Ai_Agent_Threads that matches the filter.
  4255. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  4256. * Read more here:
  4257. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_Agent_Threads
  4258. * @example
  4259. * // Get one Ai_Agent_Threads
  4260. * const ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.findFirst({
  4261. * where: {
  4262. * // ... provide filter here
  4263. * }
  4264. * })
  4265. */
  4266. findFirst<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_ThreadsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  4267. /**
  4268. * Find the first Ai_Agent_Threads that matches the filter or
  4269. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  4270. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  4271. * Read more here:
  4272. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_Agent_Threads
  4273. * @example
  4274. * // Get one Ai_Agent_Threads
  4275. * const ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.findFirstOrThrow({
  4276. * where: {
  4277. * // ... provide filter here
  4278. * }
  4279. * })
  4280. */
  4281. findFirstOrThrow<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_ThreadsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  4282. /**
  4283. * Find zero or more Ai_Agent_Threads that matches the filter.
  4284. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  4285. * Read more here:
  4286. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  4287. * @example
  4288. * // Get all Ai_Agent_Threads
  4289. * const ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.findMany()
  4290. *
  4291. * // Get first 10 Ai_Agent_Threads
  4292. * const ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.findMany({ take: 10 })
  4293. *
  4294. * // Only select the `id`
  4295. * const ai_Agent_ThreadsWithIdOnly = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  4296. *
  4297. */
  4298. findMany<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  4299. /**
  4300. * Create a Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4301. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4302. * @example
  4303. * // Create one Ai_Agent_Threads
  4304. * const Ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.create({
  4305. * data: {
  4306. * // ... data to create a Ai_Agent_Threads
  4307. * }
  4308. * })
  4309. *
  4310. */
  4311. create<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_ThreadsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  4312. /**
  4313. * Create many Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4314. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4315. * @example
  4316. * // Create many Ai_Agent_Threads
  4317. * const ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.createMany({
  4318. * data: [
  4319. * // ... provide data here
  4320. * ]
  4321. * })
  4322. *
  4323. */
  4324. createMany<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  4325. /**
  4326. * Delete a Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4327. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4328. * @example
  4329. * // Delete one Ai_Agent_Threads
  4330. * const Ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.delete({
  4331. * where: {
  4332. * // ... filter to delete one Ai_Agent_Threads
  4333. * }
  4334. * })
  4335. *
  4336. */
  4337. delete<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_ThreadsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  4338. /**
  4339. * Update one Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4340. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4341. * @example
  4342. * // Update one Ai_Agent_Threads
  4343. * const ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.update({
  4344. * where: {
  4345. * // ... provide filter here
  4346. * },
  4347. * data: {
  4348. * // ... provide data here
  4349. * }
  4350. * })
  4351. *
  4352. */
  4353. update<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_ThreadsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  4354. /**
  4355. * Delete zero or more Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4356. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Ai_Agent_Threads to delete.
  4357. * @example
  4358. * // Delete a few Ai_Agent_Threads
  4359. * const { count } = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.deleteMany({
  4360. * where: {
  4361. * // ... provide filter here
  4362. * }
  4363. * })
  4364. *
  4365. */
  4366. deleteMany<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  4367. /**
  4368. * Update zero or more Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4369. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  4370. * Read more here:
  4371. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  4372. * @example
  4373. * // Update many Ai_Agent_Threads
  4374. * const ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.updateMany({
  4375. * where: {
  4376. * // ... provide filter here
  4377. * },
  4378. * data: {
  4379. * // ... provide data here
  4380. * }
  4381. * })
  4382. *
  4383. */
  4384. updateMany<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  4385. /**
  4386. * Create or update one Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4387. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4388. * @example
  4389. * // Update or create a Ai_Agent_Threads
  4390. * const ai_Agent_Threads = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.upsert({
  4391. * create: {
  4392. * // ... data to create a Ai_Agent_Threads
  4393. * },
  4394. * update: {
  4395. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  4396. * },
  4397. * where: {
  4398. * // ... the filter for the Ai_Agent_Threads we want to update
  4399. * }
  4400. * })
  4401. */
  4402. upsert<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__Ai_Agent_ThreadsClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$Ai_Agent_ThreadsPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  4403. /**
  4404. * Count the number of Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4405. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  4406. * Read more here:
  4407. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Ai_Agent_Threads to count.
  4408. * @example
  4409. * // Count the number of Ai_Agent_Threads
  4410. * const count = await prisma.ai_Agent_Threads.count({
  4411. * where: {
  4412. * // ... the filter for the Ai_Agent_Threads we want to count
  4413. * }
  4414. * })
  4415. **/
  4416. count<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountArgs>(
  4417. args?: Subset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountArgs>,
  4418. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  4419. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  4420. ? T['select'] extends true
  4421. ? number
  4422. : GetScalarType<T['select'], Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountAggregateOutputType>
  4423. : number
  4424. >
  4425. /**
  4426. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4427. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  4428. * Read more here:
  4429. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  4430. * @example
  4431. * // Ordered by age ascending
  4432. * // Where email contains
  4433. * // Limited to the 10 users
  4434. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  4435. * _avg: {
  4436. * age: true,
  4437. * },
  4438. * where: {
  4439. * email: {
  4440. * contains: "",
  4441. * },
  4442. * },
  4443. * orderBy: {
  4444. * age: "asc",
  4445. * },
  4446. * take: 10,
  4447. * })
  4448. **/
  4449. aggregate<T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetAi_Agent_ThreadsAggregateType<T>>
  4450. /**
  4451. * Group by Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4452. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  4453. * Read more here:
  4454. * @param {Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  4455. * @example
  4456. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  4457. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  4458. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  4459. * orderBy: {
  4460. * createdAt: true
  4461. * },
  4462. * _count: {
  4463. * _all: true
  4464. * },
  4465. * })
  4466. *
  4467. **/
  4468. groupBy<
  4469. T extends Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByArgs,
  4470. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  4471. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  4472. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  4473. >,
  4474. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  4475. ? { orderBy: Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  4476. : { orderBy?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  4477. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  4478. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  4479. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  4480. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  4481. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  4482. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  4483. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  4484. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  4485. : HavingValid extends False
  4486. ? {
  4487. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  4488. ? never
  4489. : P extends string
  4490. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  4491. : [
  4492. Error,
  4493. 'Field ',
  4494. P,
  4495. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  4496. ]
  4497. }[HavingFields]
  4498. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  4499. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  4500. ? ByValid extends True
  4501. ? {}
  4502. : {
  4503. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  4504. ? never
  4505. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  4506. }[OrderFields]
  4507. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  4508. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  4509. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  4510. ? ByValid extends True
  4511. ? {}
  4512. : {
  4513. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  4514. ? never
  4515. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  4516. }[OrderFields]
  4517. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  4518. : ByValid extends True
  4519. ? {}
  4520. : {
  4521. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  4522. ? never
  4523. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  4524. }[OrderFields]
  4525. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, Ai_Agent_ThreadsGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetAi_Agent_ThreadsGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  4526. /**
  4527. * Fields of the Ai_Agent_Threads model
  4528. */
  4529. readonly fields: Ai_Agent_ThreadsFieldRefs;
  4530. }
  4531. /**
  4532. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4533. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  4534. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  4535. *
  4536. */
  4537. export interface Prisma__Ai_Agent_ThreadsClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  4538. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  4539. /**
  4540. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  4541. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  4542. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  4543. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  4544. */
  4545. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  4546. /**
  4547. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  4548. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  4549. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  4550. */
  4551. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  4552. /**
  4553. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  4554. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  4555. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  4556. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  4557. */
  4558. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  4559. }
  4560. /**
  4561. * Fields of the Ai_Agent_Threads model
  4562. */
  4563. interface Ai_Agent_ThreadsFieldRefs {
  4564. readonly id: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Threads", 'String'>
  4565. readonly userId: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Threads", 'String'>
  4566. readonly assistant_id: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Threads", 'String'>
  4567. readonly thread_id: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Threads", 'String'>
  4568. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Threads", 'DateTime'>
  4569. readonly session_name: FieldRef<"Ai_Agent_Threads", 'String'>
  4570. }
  4571. // Custom InputTypes
  4572. /**
  4573. * Ai_Agent_Threads findUnique
  4574. */
  4575. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4576. /**
  4577. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Threads
  4578. */
  4579. select?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4580. /**
  4581. * Filter, which Ai_Agent_Threads to fetch.
  4582. */
  4583. where: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereUniqueInput
  4584. }
  4585. /**
  4586. * Ai_Agent_Threads findUniqueOrThrow
  4587. */
  4588. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4589. /**
  4590. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Threads
  4591. */
  4592. select?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4593. /**
  4594. * Filter, which Ai_Agent_Threads to fetch.
  4595. */
  4596. where: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereUniqueInput
  4597. }
  4598. /**
  4599. * Ai_Agent_Threads findFirst
  4600. */
  4601. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4602. /**
  4603. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Threads
  4604. */
  4605. select?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4606. /**
  4607. * Filter, which Ai_Agent_Threads to fetch.
  4608. */
  4609. where?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput
  4610. /**
  4611. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  4612. *
  4613. * Determine the order of Ai_Agent_Threads to fetch.
  4614. */
  4615. orderBy?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithRelationInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  4616. /**
  4617. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  4618. *
  4619. * Sets the position for searching for Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4620. */
  4621. cursor?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereUniqueInput
  4622. /**
  4623. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  4624. *
  4625. * Take `±n` Ai_Agent_Threads from the position of the cursor.
  4626. */
  4627. take?: number
  4628. /**
  4629. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  4630. *
  4631. * Skip the first `n` Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4632. */
  4633. skip?: number
  4634. /**
  4635. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  4636. *
  4637. * Filter by unique combinations of Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4638. */
  4639. distinct?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum | Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum[]
  4640. }
  4641. /**
  4642. * Ai_Agent_Threads findFirstOrThrow
  4643. */
  4644. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4645. /**
  4646. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Threads
  4647. */
  4648. select?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4649. /**
  4650. * Filter, which Ai_Agent_Threads to fetch.
  4651. */
  4652. where?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput
  4653. /**
  4654. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  4655. *
  4656. * Determine the order of Ai_Agent_Threads to fetch.
  4657. */
  4658. orderBy?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithRelationInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  4659. /**
  4660. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  4661. *
  4662. * Sets the position for searching for Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4663. */
  4664. cursor?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereUniqueInput
  4665. /**
  4666. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  4667. *
  4668. * Take `±n` Ai_Agent_Threads from the position of the cursor.
  4669. */
  4670. take?: number
  4671. /**
  4672. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  4673. *
  4674. * Skip the first `n` Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4675. */
  4676. skip?: number
  4677. /**
  4678. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  4679. *
  4680. * Filter by unique combinations of Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4681. */
  4682. distinct?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum | Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum[]
  4683. }
  4684. /**
  4685. * Ai_Agent_Threads findMany
  4686. */
  4687. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4688. /**
  4689. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Threads
  4690. */
  4691. select?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4692. /**
  4693. * Filter, which Ai_Agent_Threads to fetch.
  4694. */
  4695. where?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput
  4696. /**
  4697. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  4698. *
  4699. * Determine the order of Ai_Agent_Threads to fetch.
  4700. */
  4701. orderBy?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithRelationInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  4702. /**
  4703. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  4704. *
  4705. * Sets the position for listing Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4706. */
  4707. cursor?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereUniqueInput
  4708. /**
  4709. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  4710. *
  4711. * Take `±n` Ai_Agent_Threads from the position of the cursor.
  4712. */
  4713. take?: number
  4714. /**
  4715. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  4716. *
  4717. * Skip the first `n` Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4718. */
  4719. skip?: number
  4720. distinct?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum | Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum[]
  4721. }
  4722. /**
  4723. * Ai_Agent_Threads create
  4724. */
  4725. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4726. /**
  4727. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Threads
  4728. */
  4729. select?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4730. /**
  4731. * The data needed to create a Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4732. */
  4733. data: XOR<Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateInput, Ai_Agent_ThreadsUncheckedCreateInput>
  4734. }
  4735. /**
  4736. * Ai_Agent_Threads createMany
  4737. */
  4738. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4739. /**
  4740. * The data used to create many Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4741. */
  4742. data: Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateManyInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateManyInput[]
  4743. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  4744. }
  4745. /**
  4746. * Ai_Agent_Threads update
  4747. */
  4748. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4749. /**
  4750. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Threads
  4751. */
  4752. select?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4753. /**
  4754. * The data needed to update a Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4755. */
  4756. data: XOR<Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateInput, Ai_Agent_ThreadsUncheckedUpdateInput>
  4757. /**
  4758. * Choose, which Ai_Agent_Threads to update.
  4759. */
  4760. where: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereUniqueInput
  4761. }
  4762. /**
  4763. * Ai_Agent_Threads updateMany
  4764. */
  4765. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4766. /**
  4767. * The data used to update Ai_Agent_Threads.
  4768. */
  4769. data: XOR<Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateManyMutationInput, Ai_Agent_ThreadsUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  4770. /**
  4771. * Filter which Ai_Agent_Threads to update
  4772. */
  4773. where?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput
  4774. }
  4775. /**
  4776. * Ai_Agent_Threads upsert
  4777. */
  4778. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4779. /**
  4780. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Threads
  4781. */
  4782. select?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4783. /**
  4784. * The filter to search for the Ai_Agent_Threads to update in case it exists.
  4785. */
  4786. where: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereUniqueInput
  4787. /**
  4788. * In case the Ai_Agent_Threads found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new Ai_Agent_Threads with this data.
  4789. */
  4790. create: XOR<Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateInput, Ai_Agent_ThreadsUncheckedCreateInput>
  4791. /**
  4792. * In case the Ai_Agent_Threads was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  4793. */
  4794. update: XOR<Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateInput, Ai_Agent_ThreadsUncheckedUpdateInput>
  4795. }
  4796. /**
  4797. * Ai_Agent_Threads delete
  4798. */
  4799. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4800. /**
  4801. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Threads
  4802. */
  4803. select?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4804. /**
  4805. * Filter which Ai_Agent_Threads to delete.
  4806. */
  4807. where: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereUniqueInput
  4808. }
  4809. /**
  4810. * Ai_Agent_Threads deleteMany
  4811. */
  4812. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4813. /**
  4814. * Filter which Ai_Agent_Threads to delete
  4815. */
  4816. where?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput
  4817. }
  4818. /**
  4819. * Ai_Agent_Threads without action
  4820. */
  4821. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4822. /**
  4823. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Ai_Agent_Threads
  4824. */
  4825. select?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  4826. }
  4827. /**
  4828. * Model Assistant
  4829. */
  4830. export type AggregateAssistant = {
  4831. _count: AssistantCountAggregateOutputType | null
  4832. _min: AssistantMinAggregateOutputType | null
  4833. _max: AssistantMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  4834. }
  4835. export type AssistantMinAggregateOutputType = {
  4836. id: string | null
  4837. uid: string | null
  4838. assistant_id: string | null
  4839. thread_id: string | null
  4840. file_ids: string | null
  4841. vector_store_id: string | null
  4842. createtime: Date | null
  4843. }
  4844. export type AssistantMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  4845. id: string | null
  4846. uid: string | null
  4847. assistant_id: string | null
  4848. thread_id: string | null
  4849. file_ids: string | null
  4850. vector_store_id: string | null
  4851. createtime: Date | null
  4852. }
  4853. export type AssistantCountAggregateOutputType = {
  4854. id: number
  4855. uid: number
  4856. assistant_id: number
  4857. thread_id: number
  4858. file_ids: number
  4859. vector_store_id: number
  4860. createtime: number
  4861. _all: number
  4862. }
  4863. export type AssistantMinAggregateInputType = {
  4864. id?: true
  4865. uid?: true
  4866. assistant_id?: true
  4867. thread_id?: true
  4868. file_ids?: true
  4869. vector_store_id?: true
  4870. createtime?: true
  4871. }
  4872. export type AssistantMaxAggregateInputType = {
  4873. id?: true
  4874. uid?: true
  4875. assistant_id?: true
  4876. thread_id?: true
  4877. file_ids?: true
  4878. vector_store_id?: true
  4879. createtime?: true
  4880. }
  4881. export type AssistantCountAggregateInputType = {
  4882. id?: true
  4883. uid?: true
  4884. assistant_id?: true
  4885. thread_id?: true
  4886. file_ids?: true
  4887. vector_store_id?: true
  4888. createtime?: true
  4889. _all?: true
  4890. }
  4891. export type AssistantAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4892. /**
  4893. * Filter which Assistant to aggregate.
  4894. */
  4895. where?: AssistantWhereInput
  4896. /**
  4897. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  4898. *
  4899. * Determine the order of Assistants to fetch.
  4900. */
  4901. orderBy?: AssistantOrderByWithRelationInput | AssistantOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  4902. /**
  4903. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  4904. *
  4905. * Sets the start position
  4906. */
  4907. cursor?: AssistantWhereUniqueInput
  4908. /**
  4909. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  4910. *
  4911. * Take `±n` Assistants from the position of the cursor.
  4912. */
  4913. take?: number
  4914. /**
  4915. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  4916. *
  4917. * Skip the first `n` Assistants.
  4918. */
  4919. skip?: number
  4920. /**
  4921. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  4922. *
  4923. * Count returned Assistants
  4924. **/
  4925. _count?: true | AssistantCountAggregateInputType
  4926. /**
  4927. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  4928. *
  4929. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  4930. **/
  4931. _min?: AssistantMinAggregateInputType
  4932. /**
  4933. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  4934. *
  4935. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  4936. **/
  4937. _max?: AssistantMaxAggregateInputType
  4938. }
  4939. export type GetAssistantAggregateType<T extends AssistantAggregateArgs> = {
  4940. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateAssistant]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  4941. ? T[P] extends true
  4942. ? number
  4943. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateAssistant[P]>
  4944. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateAssistant[P]>
  4945. }
  4946. export type AssistantGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  4947. where?: AssistantWhereInput
  4948. orderBy?: AssistantOrderByWithAggregationInput | AssistantOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  4949. by: AssistantScalarFieldEnum[] | AssistantScalarFieldEnum
  4950. having?: AssistantScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  4951. take?: number
  4952. skip?: number
  4953. _count?: AssistantCountAggregateInputType | true
  4954. _min?: AssistantMinAggregateInputType
  4955. _max?: AssistantMaxAggregateInputType
  4956. }
  4957. export type AssistantGroupByOutputType = {
  4958. id: string
  4959. uid: string | null
  4960. assistant_id: string | null
  4961. thread_id: string | null
  4962. file_ids: string | null
  4963. vector_store_id: string | null
  4964. createtime: Date | null
  4965. _count: AssistantCountAggregateOutputType | null
  4966. _min: AssistantMinAggregateOutputType | null
  4967. _max: AssistantMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  4968. }
  4969. type GetAssistantGroupByPayload<T extends AssistantGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  4970. Array<
  4971. PickEnumerable<AssistantGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  4972. {
  4973. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof AssistantGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  4974. ? T[P] extends boolean
  4975. ? number
  4976. : GetScalarType<T[P], AssistantGroupByOutputType[P]>
  4977. : GetScalarType<T[P], AssistantGroupByOutputType[P]>
  4978. }
  4979. >
  4980. >
  4981. export type AssistantSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  4982. id?: boolean
  4983. uid?: boolean
  4984. assistant_id?: boolean
  4985. thread_id?: boolean
  4986. file_ids?: boolean
  4987. vector_store_id?: boolean
  4988. createtime?: boolean
  4989. }, ExtArgs["result"]["assistant"]>
  4990. export type AssistantSelectScalar = {
  4991. id?: boolean
  4992. uid?: boolean
  4993. assistant_id?: boolean
  4994. thread_id?: boolean
  4995. file_ids?: boolean
  4996. vector_store_id?: boolean
  4997. createtime?: boolean
  4998. }
  4999. export type $AssistantPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5000. name: "Assistant"
  5001. objects: {}
  5002. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  5003. id: string
  5004. uid: string | null
  5005. assistant_id: string | null
  5006. thread_id: string | null
  5007. file_ids: string | null
  5008. vector_store_id: string | null
  5009. createtime: Date | null
  5010. }, ExtArgs["result"]["assistant"]>
  5011. composites: {}
  5012. }
  5013. type AssistantGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | AssistantDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload, S>
  5014. type AssistantCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  5015. Omit<AssistantFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  5016. select?: AssistantCountAggregateInputType | true
  5017. }
  5018. export interface AssistantDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  5019. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['Assistant'], meta: { name: 'Assistant' } }
  5020. /**
  5021. * Find zero or one Assistant that matches the filter.
  5022. * @param {AssistantFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Assistant
  5023. * @example
  5024. * // Get one Assistant
  5025. * const assistant = await prisma.assistant.findUnique({
  5026. * where: {
  5027. * // ... provide filter here
  5028. * }
  5029. * })
  5030. */
  5031. findUnique<T extends AssistantFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AssistantFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AssistantClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  5032. /**
  5033. * Find one Assistant that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  5034. * if no matches were found.
  5035. * @param {AssistantFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Assistant
  5036. * @example
  5037. * // Get one Assistant
  5038. * const assistant = await prisma.assistant.findUniqueOrThrow({
  5039. * where: {
  5040. * // ... provide filter here
  5041. * }
  5042. * })
  5043. */
  5044. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends AssistantFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AssistantFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AssistantClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  5045. /**
  5046. * Find the first Assistant that matches the filter.
  5047. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  5048. * Read more here:
  5049. * @param {AssistantFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Assistant
  5050. * @example
  5051. * // Get one Assistant
  5052. * const assistant = await prisma.assistant.findFirst({
  5053. * where: {
  5054. * // ... provide filter here
  5055. * }
  5056. * })
  5057. */
  5058. findFirst<T extends AssistantFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, AssistantFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AssistantClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  5059. /**
  5060. * Find the first Assistant that matches the filter or
  5061. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  5062. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  5063. * Read more here:
  5064. * @param {AssistantFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Assistant
  5065. * @example
  5066. * // Get one Assistant
  5067. * const assistant = await prisma.assistant.findFirstOrThrow({
  5068. * where: {
  5069. * // ... provide filter here
  5070. * }
  5071. * })
  5072. */
  5073. findFirstOrThrow<T extends AssistantFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, AssistantFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AssistantClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  5074. /**
  5075. * Find zero or more Assistants that matches the filter.
  5076. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  5077. * Read more here:
  5078. * @param {AssistantFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  5079. * @example
  5080. * // Get all Assistants
  5081. * const assistants = await prisma.assistant.findMany()
  5082. *
  5083. * // Get first 10 Assistants
  5084. * const assistants = await prisma.assistant.findMany({ take: 10 })
  5085. *
  5086. * // Only select the `id`
  5087. * const assistantWithIdOnly = await prisma.assistant.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  5088. *
  5089. */
  5090. findMany<T extends AssistantFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, AssistantFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  5091. /**
  5092. * Create a Assistant.
  5093. * @param {AssistantCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Assistant.
  5094. * @example
  5095. * // Create one Assistant
  5096. * const Assistant = await prisma.assistant.create({
  5097. * data: {
  5098. * // ... data to create a Assistant
  5099. * }
  5100. * })
  5101. *
  5102. */
  5103. create<T extends AssistantCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AssistantCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AssistantClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  5104. /**
  5105. * Create many Assistants.
  5106. * @param {AssistantCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Assistants.
  5107. * @example
  5108. * // Create many Assistants
  5109. * const assistant = await prisma.assistant.createMany({
  5110. * data: [
  5111. * // ... provide data here
  5112. * ]
  5113. * })
  5114. *
  5115. */
  5116. createMany<T extends AssistantCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, AssistantCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  5117. /**
  5118. * Delete a Assistant.
  5119. * @param {AssistantDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Assistant.
  5120. * @example
  5121. * // Delete one Assistant
  5122. * const Assistant = await prisma.assistant.delete({
  5123. * where: {
  5124. * // ... filter to delete one Assistant
  5125. * }
  5126. * })
  5127. *
  5128. */
  5129. delete<T extends AssistantDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AssistantDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AssistantClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  5130. /**
  5131. * Update one Assistant.
  5132. * @param {AssistantUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Assistant.
  5133. * @example
  5134. * // Update one Assistant
  5135. * const assistant = await prisma.assistant.update({
  5136. * where: {
  5137. * // ... provide filter here
  5138. * },
  5139. * data: {
  5140. * // ... provide data here
  5141. * }
  5142. * })
  5143. *
  5144. */
  5145. update<T extends AssistantUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AssistantUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AssistantClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  5146. /**
  5147. * Delete zero or more Assistants.
  5148. * @param {AssistantDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Assistants to delete.
  5149. * @example
  5150. * // Delete a few Assistants
  5151. * const { count } = await prisma.assistant.deleteMany({
  5152. * where: {
  5153. * // ... provide filter here
  5154. * }
  5155. * })
  5156. *
  5157. */
  5158. deleteMany<T extends AssistantDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, AssistantDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  5159. /**
  5160. * Update zero or more Assistants.
  5161. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  5162. * Read more here:
  5163. * @param {AssistantUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  5164. * @example
  5165. * // Update many Assistants
  5166. * const assistant = await prisma.assistant.updateMany({
  5167. * where: {
  5168. * // ... provide filter here
  5169. * },
  5170. * data: {
  5171. * // ... provide data here
  5172. * }
  5173. * })
  5174. *
  5175. */
  5176. updateMany<T extends AssistantUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AssistantUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  5177. /**
  5178. * Create or update one Assistant.
  5179. * @param {AssistantUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Assistant.
  5180. * @example
  5181. * // Update or create a Assistant
  5182. * const assistant = await prisma.assistant.upsert({
  5183. * create: {
  5184. * // ... data to create a Assistant
  5185. * },
  5186. * update: {
  5187. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  5188. * },
  5189. * where: {
  5190. * // ... the filter for the Assistant we want to update
  5191. * }
  5192. * })
  5193. */
  5194. upsert<T extends AssistantUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, AssistantUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__AssistantClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$AssistantPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  5195. /**
  5196. * Count the number of Assistants.
  5197. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  5198. * Read more here:
  5199. * @param {AssistantCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Assistants to count.
  5200. * @example
  5201. * // Count the number of Assistants
  5202. * const count = await prisma.assistant.count({
  5203. * where: {
  5204. * // ... the filter for the Assistants we want to count
  5205. * }
  5206. * })
  5207. **/
  5208. count<T extends AssistantCountArgs>(
  5209. args?: Subset<T, AssistantCountArgs>,
  5210. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  5211. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  5212. ? T['select'] extends true
  5213. ? number
  5214. : GetScalarType<T['select'], AssistantCountAggregateOutputType>
  5215. : number
  5216. >
  5217. /**
  5218. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Assistant.
  5219. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  5220. * Read more here:
  5221. * @param {AssistantAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  5222. * @example
  5223. * // Ordered by age ascending
  5224. * // Where email contains
  5225. * // Limited to the 10 users
  5226. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  5227. * _avg: {
  5228. * age: true,
  5229. * },
  5230. * where: {
  5231. * email: {
  5232. * contains: "",
  5233. * },
  5234. * },
  5235. * orderBy: {
  5236. * age: "asc",
  5237. * },
  5238. * take: 10,
  5239. * })
  5240. **/
  5241. aggregate<T extends AssistantAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, AssistantAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetAssistantAggregateType<T>>
  5242. /**
  5243. * Group by Assistant.
  5244. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  5245. * Read more here:
  5246. * @param {AssistantGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  5247. * @example
  5248. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  5249. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  5250. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  5251. * orderBy: {
  5252. * createdAt: true
  5253. * },
  5254. * _count: {
  5255. * _all: true
  5256. * },
  5257. * })
  5258. *
  5259. **/
  5260. groupBy<
  5261. T extends AssistantGroupByArgs,
  5262. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  5263. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  5264. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  5265. >,
  5266. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  5267. ? { orderBy: AssistantGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  5268. : { orderBy?: AssistantGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  5269. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  5270. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  5271. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  5272. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  5273. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  5274. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  5275. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  5276. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  5277. : HavingValid extends False
  5278. ? {
  5279. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  5280. ? never
  5281. : P extends string
  5282. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  5283. : [
  5284. Error,
  5285. 'Field ',
  5286. P,
  5287. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  5288. ]
  5289. }[HavingFields]
  5290. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  5291. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  5292. ? ByValid extends True
  5293. ? {}
  5294. : {
  5295. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  5296. ? never
  5297. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  5298. }[OrderFields]
  5299. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  5300. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  5301. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  5302. ? ByValid extends True
  5303. ? {}
  5304. : {
  5305. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  5306. ? never
  5307. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  5308. }[OrderFields]
  5309. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  5310. : ByValid extends True
  5311. ? {}
  5312. : {
  5313. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  5314. ? never
  5315. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  5316. }[OrderFields]
  5317. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, AssistantGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetAssistantGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  5318. /**
  5319. * Fields of the Assistant model
  5320. */
  5321. readonly fields: AssistantFieldRefs;
  5322. }
  5323. /**
  5324. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for Assistant.
  5325. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  5326. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  5327. *
  5328. */
  5329. export interface Prisma__AssistantClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  5330. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  5331. /**
  5332. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  5333. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  5334. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  5335. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  5336. */
  5337. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  5338. /**
  5339. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  5340. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  5341. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  5342. */
  5343. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  5344. /**
  5345. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  5346. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  5347. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  5348. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  5349. */
  5350. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  5351. }
  5352. /**
  5353. * Fields of the Assistant model
  5354. */
  5355. interface AssistantFieldRefs {
  5356. readonly id: FieldRef<"Assistant", 'String'>
  5357. readonly uid: FieldRef<"Assistant", 'String'>
  5358. readonly assistant_id: FieldRef<"Assistant", 'String'>
  5359. readonly thread_id: FieldRef<"Assistant", 'String'>
  5360. readonly file_ids: FieldRef<"Assistant", 'String'>
  5361. readonly vector_store_id: FieldRef<"Assistant", 'String'>
  5362. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"Assistant", 'DateTime'>
  5363. }
  5364. // Custom InputTypes
  5365. /**
  5366. * Assistant findUnique
  5367. */
  5368. export type AssistantFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5369. /**
  5370. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Assistant
  5371. */
  5372. select?: AssistantSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  5373. /**
  5374. * Filter, which Assistant to fetch.
  5375. */
  5376. where: AssistantWhereUniqueInput
  5377. }
  5378. /**
  5379. * Assistant findUniqueOrThrow
  5380. */
  5381. export type AssistantFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5382. /**
  5383. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Assistant
  5384. */
  5385. select?: AssistantSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  5386. /**
  5387. * Filter, which Assistant to fetch.
  5388. */
  5389. where: AssistantWhereUniqueInput
  5390. }
  5391. /**
  5392. * Assistant findFirst
  5393. */
  5394. export type AssistantFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5395. /**
  5396. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Assistant
  5397. */
  5398. select?: AssistantSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  5399. /**
  5400. * Filter, which Assistant to fetch.
  5401. */
  5402. where?: AssistantWhereInput
  5403. /**
  5404. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  5405. *
  5406. * Determine the order of Assistants to fetch.
  5407. */
  5408. orderBy?: AssistantOrderByWithRelationInput | AssistantOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  5409. /**
  5410. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  5411. *
  5412. * Sets the position for searching for Assistants.
  5413. */
  5414. cursor?: AssistantWhereUniqueInput
  5415. /**
  5416. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  5417. *
  5418. * Take `±n` Assistants from the position of the cursor.
  5419. */
  5420. take?: number
  5421. /**
  5422. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  5423. *
  5424. * Skip the first `n` Assistants.
  5425. */
  5426. skip?: number
  5427. /**
  5428. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  5429. *
  5430. * Filter by unique combinations of Assistants.
  5431. */
  5432. distinct?: AssistantScalarFieldEnum | AssistantScalarFieldEnum[]
  5433. }
  5434. /**
  5435. * Assistant findFirstOrThrow
  5436. */
  5437. export type AssistantFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5438. /**
  5439. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Assistant
  5440. */
  5441. select?: AssistantSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  5442. /**
  5443. * Filter, which Assistant to fetch.
  5444. */
  5445. where?: AssistantWhereInput
  5446. /**
  5447. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  5448. *
  5449. * Determine the order of Assistants to fetch.
  5450. */
  5451. orderBy?: AssistantOrderByWithRelationInput | AssistantOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  5452. /**
  5453. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  5454. *
  5455. * Sets the position for searching for Assistants.
  5456. */
  5457. cursor?: AssistantWhereUniqueInput
  5458. /**
  5459. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  5460. *
  5461. * Take `±n` Assistants from the position of the cursor.
  5462. */
  5463. take?: number
  5464. /**
  5465. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  5466. *
  5467. * Skip the first `n` Assistants.
  5468. */
  5469. skip?: number
  5470. /**
  5471. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  5472. *
  5473. * Filter by unique combinations of Assistants.
  5474. */
  5475. distinct?: AssistantScalarFieldEnum | AssistantScalarFieldEnum[]
  5476. }
  5477. /**
  5478. * Assistant findMany
  5479. */
  5480. export type AssistantFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5481. /**
  5482. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Assistant
  5483. */
  5484. select?: AssistantSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  5485. /**
  5486. * Filter, which Assistants to fetch.
  5487. */
  5488. where?: AssistantWhereInput
  5489. /**
  5490. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  5491. *
  5492. * Determine the order of Assistants to fetch.
  5493. */
  5494. orderBy?: AssistantOrderByWithRelationInput | AssistantOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  5495. /**
  5496. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  5497. *
  5498. * Sets the position for listing Assistants.
  5499. */
  5500. cursor?: AssistantWhereUniqueInput
  5501. /**
  5502. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  5503. *
  5504. * Take `±n` Assistants from the position of the cursor.
  5505. */
  5506. take?: number
  5507. /**
  5508. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  5509. *
  5510. * Skip the first `n` Assistants.
  5511. */
  5512. skip?: number
  5513. distinct?: AssistantScalarFieldEnum | AssistantScalarFieldEnum[]
  5514. }
  5515. /**
  5516. * Assistant create
  5517. */
  5518. export type AssistantCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5519. /**
  5520. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Assistant
  5521. */
  5522. select?: AssistantSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  5523. /**
  5524. * The data needed to create a Assistant.
  5525. */
  5526. data: XOR<AssistantCreateInput, AssistantUncheckedCreateInput>
  5527. }
  5528. /**
  5529. * Assistant createMany
  5530. */
  5531. export type AssistantCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5532. /**
  5533. * The data used to create many Assistants.
  5534. */
  5535. data: AssistantCreateManyInput | AssistantCreateManyInput[]
  5536. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  5537. }
  5538. /**
  5539. * Assistant update
  5540. */
  5541. export type AssistantUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5542. /**
  5543. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Assistant
  5544. */
  5545. select?: AssistantSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  5546. /**
  5547. * The data needed to update a Assistant.
  5548. */
  5549. data: XOR<AssistantUpdateInput, AssistantUncheckedUpdateInput>
  5550. /**
  5551. * Choose, which Assistant to update.
  5552. */
  5553. where: AssistantWhereUniqueInput
  5554. }
  5555. /**
  5556. * Assistant updateMany
  5557. */
  5558. export type AssistantUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5559. /**
  5560. * The data used to update Assistants.
  5561. */
  5562. data: XOR<AssistantUpdateManyMutationInput, AssistantUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  5563. /**
  5564. * Filter which Assistants to update
  5565. */
  5566. where?: AssistantWhereInput
  5567. }
  5568. /**
  5569. * Assistant upsert
  5570. */
  5571. export type AssistantUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5572. /**
  5573. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Assistant
  5574. */
  5575. select?: AssistantSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  5576. /**
  5577. * The filter to search for the Assistant to update in case it exists.
  5578. */
  5579. where: AssistantWhereUniqueInput
  5580. /**
  5581. * In case the Assistant found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new Assistant with this data.
  5582. */
  5583. create: XOR<AssistantCreateInput, AssistantUncheckedCreateInput>
  5584. /**
  5585. * In case the Assistant was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  5586. */
  5587. update: XOR<AssistantUpdateInput, AssistantUncheckedUpdateInput>
  5588. }
  5589. /**
  5590. * Assistant delete
  5591. */
  5592. export type AssistantDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5593. /**
  5594. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Assistant
  5595. */
  5596. select?: AssistantSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  5597. /**
  5598. * Filter which Assistant to delete.
  5599. */
  5600. where: AssistantWhereUniqueInput
  5601. }
  5602. /**
  5603. * Assistant deleteMany
  5604. */
  5605. export type AssistantDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5606. /**
  5607. * Filter which Assistants to delete
  5608. */
  5609. where?: AssistantWhereInput
  5610. }
  5611. /**
  5612. * Assistant without action
  5613. */
  5614. export type AssistantDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5615. /**
  5616. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Assistant
  5617. */
  5618. select?: AssistantSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  5619. }
  5620. /**
  5621. * Model Chat
  5622. */
  5623. export type AggregateChat = {
  5624. _count: ChatCountAggregateOutputType | null
  5625. _avg: ChatAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  5626. _sum: ChatSumAggregateOutputType | null
  5627. _min: ChatMinAggregateOutputType | null
  5628. _max: ChatMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  5629. }
  5630. export type ChatAvgAggregateOutputType = {
  5631. isMindMap: number | null
  5632. }
  5633. export type ChatSumAggregateOutputType = {
  5634. isMindMap: number | null
  5635. }
  5636. export type ChatMinAggregateOutputType = {
  5637. id: string | null
  5638. groupid: string | null
  5639. userid: string | null
  5640. username: string | null
  5641. answer: string | null
  5642. problem: string | null
  5643. createtime: Date | null
  5644. fileid: string | null
  5645. isMindMap: number | null
  5646. filename: string | null
  5647. session_name: string | null
  5648. scene: string | null
  5649. }
  5650. export type ChatMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  5651. id: string | null
  5652. groupid: string | null
  5653. userid: string | null
  5654. username: string | null
  5655. answer: string | null
  5656. problem: string | null
  5657. createtime: Date | null
  5658. fileid: string | null
  5659. isMindMap: number | null
  5660. filename: string | null
  5661. session_name: string | null
  5662. scene: string | null
  5663. }
  5664. export type ChatCountAggregateOutputType = {
  5665. id: number
  5666. groupid: number
  5667. userid: number
  5668. username: number
  5669. answer: number
  5670. problem: number
  5671. createtime: number
  5672. fileid: number
  5673. isMindMap: number
  5674. filename: number
  5675. session_name: number
  5676. scene: number
  5677. _all: number
  5678. }
  5679. export type ChatAvgAggregateInputType = {
  5680. isMindMap?: true
  5681. }
  5682. export type ChatSumAggregateInputType = {
  5683. isMindMap?: true
  5684. }
  5685. export type ChatMinAggregateInputType = {
  5686. id?: true
  5687. groupid?: true
  5688. userid?: true
  5689. username?: true
  5690. answer?: true
  5691. problem?: true
  5692. createtime?: true
  5693. fileid?: true
  5694. isMindMap?: true
  5695. filename?: true
  5696. session_name?: true
  5697. scene?: true
  5698. }
  5699. export type ChatMaxAggregateInputType = {
  5700. id?: true
  5701. groupid?: true
  5702. userid?: true
  5703. username?: true
  5704. answer?: true
  5705. problem?: true
  5706. createtime?: true
  5707. fileid?: true
  5708. isMindMap?: true
  5709. filename?: true
  5710. session_name?: true
  5711. scene?: true
  5712. }
  5713. export type ChatCountAggregateInputType = {
  5714. id?: true
  5715. groupid?: true
  5716. userid?: true
  5717. username?: true
  5718. answer?: true
  5719. problem?: true
  5720. createtime?: true
  5721. fileid?: true
  5722. isMindMap?: true
  5723. filename?: true
  5724. session_name?: true
  5725. scene?: true
  5726. _all?: true
  5727. }
  5728. export type ChatAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5729. /**
  5730. * Filter which Chat to aggregate.
  5731. */
  5732. where?: ChatWhereInput
  5733. /**
  5734. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  5735. *
  5736. * Determine the order of Chats to fetch.
  5737. */
  5738. orderBy?: ChatOrderByWithRelationInput | ChatOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  5739. /**
  5740. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  5741. *
  5742. * Sets the start position
  5743. */
  5744. cursor?: ChatWhereUniqueInput
  5745. /**
  5746. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  5747. *
  5748. * Take `±n` Chats from the position of the cursor.
  5749. */
  5750. take?: number
  5751. /**
  5752. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  5753. *
  5754. * Skip the first `n` Chats.
  5755. */
  5756. skip?: number
  5757. /**
  5758. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  5759. *
  5760. * Count returned Chats
  5761. **/
  5762. _count?: true | ChatCountAggregateInputType
  5763. /**
  5764. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  5765. *
  5766. * Select which fields to average
  5767. **/
  5768. _avg?: ChatAvgAggregateInputType
  5769. /**
  5770. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  5771. *
  5772. * Select which fields to sum
  5773. **/
  5774. _sum?: ChatSumAggregateInputType
  5775. /**
  5776. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  5777. *
  5778. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  5779. **/
  5780. _min?: ChatMinAggregateInputType
  5781. /**
  5782. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  5783. *
  5784. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  5785. **/
  5786. _max?: ChatMaxAggregateInputType
  5787. }
  5788. export type GetChatAggregateType<T extends ChatAggregateArgs> = {
  5789. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateChat]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  5790. ? T[P] extends true
  5791. ? number
  5792. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateChat[P]>
  5793. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateChat[P]>
  5794. }
  5795. export type ChatGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5796. where?: ChatWhereInput
  5797. orderBy?: ChatOrderByWithAggregationInput | ChatOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  5798. by: ChatScalarFieldEnum[] | ChatScalarFieldEnum
  5799. having?: ChatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  5800. take?: number
  5801. skip?: number
  5802. _count?: ChatCountAggregateInputType | true
  5803. _avg?: ChatAvgAggregateInputType
  5804. _sum?: ChatSumAggregateInputType
  5805. _min?: ChatMinAggregateInputType
  5806. _max?: ChatMaxAggregateInputType
  5807. }
  5808. export type ChatGroupByOutputType = {
  5809. id: string
  5810. groupid: string | null
  5811. userid: string | null
  5812. username: string | null
  5813. answer: string | null
  5814. problem: string | null
  5815. createtime: Date | null
  5816. fileid: string | null
  5817. isMindMap: number | null
  5818. filename: string | null
  5819. session_name: string
  5820. scene: string | null
  5821. _count: ChatCountAggregateOutputType | null
  5822. _avg: ChatAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  5823. _sum: ChatSumAggregateOutputType | null
  5824. _min: ChatMinAggregateOutputType | null
  5825. _max: ChatMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  5826. }
  5827. type GetChatGroupByPayload<T extends ChatGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  5828. Array<
  5829. PickEnumerable<ChatGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  5830. {
  5831. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof ChatGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  5832. ? T[P] extends boolean
  5833. ? number
  5834. : GetScalarType<T[P], ChatGroupByOutputType[P]>
  5835. : GetScalarType<T[P], ChatGroupByOutputType[P]>
  5836. }
  5837. >
  5838. >
  5839. export type ChatSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  5840. id?: boolean
  5841. groupid?: boolean
  5842. userid?: boolean
  5843. username?: boolean
  5844. answer?: boolean
  5845. problem?: boolean
  5846. createtime?: boolean
  5847. fileid?: boolean
  5848. isMindMap?: boolean
  5849. filename?: boolean
  5850. session_name?: boolean
  5851. scene?: boolean
  5852. }, ExtArgs["result"]["chat"]>
  5853. export type ChatSelectScalar = {
  5854. id?: boolean
  5855. groupid?: boolean
  5856. userid?: boolean
  5857. username?: boolean
  5858. answer?: boolean
  5859. problem?: boolean
  5860. createtime?: boolean
  5861. fileid?: boolean
  5862. isMindMap?: boolean
  5863. filename?: boolean
  5864. session_name?: boolean
  5865. scene?: boolean
  5866. }
  5867. export type $ChatPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  5868. name: "Chat"
  5869. objects: {}
  5870. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  5871. id: string
  5872. groupid: string | null
  5873. userid: string | null
  5874. username: string | null
  5875. answer: string | null
  5876. problem: string | null
  5877. createtime: Date | null
  5878. fileid: string | null
  5879. isMindMap: number | null
  5880. filename: string | null
  5881. session_name: string
  5882. scene: string | null
  5883. }, ExtArgs["result"]["chat"]>
  5884. composites: {}
  5885. }
  5886. type ChatGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | ChatDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload, S>
  5887. type ChatCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  5888. Omit<ChatFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  5889. select?: ChatCountAggregateInputType | true
  5890. }
  5891. export interface ChatDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  5892. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['Chat'], meta: { name: 'Chat' } }
  5893. /**
  5894. * Find zero or one Chat that matches the filter.
  5895. * @param {ChatFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Chat
  5896. * @example
  5897. * // Get one Chat
  5898. * const chat = await{
  5899. * where: {
  5900. * // ... provide filter here
  5901. * }
  5902. * })
  5903. */
  5904. findUnique<T extends ChatFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ChatFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ChatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  5905. /**
  5906. * Find one Chat that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  5907. * if no matches were found.
  5908. * @param {ChatFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Chat
  5909. * @example
  5910. * // Get one Chat
  5911. * const chat = await{
  5912. * where: {
  5913. * // ... provide filter here
  5914. * }
  5915. * })
  5916. */
  5917. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends ChatFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ChatFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ChatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  5918. /**
  5919. * Find the first Chat that matches the filter.
  5920. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  5921. * Read more here:
  5922. * @param {ChatFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Chat
  5923. * @example
  5924. * // Get one Chat
  5925. * const chat = await{
  5926. * where: {
  5927. * // ... provide filter here
  5928. * }
  5929. * })
  5930. */
  5931. findFirst<T extends ChatFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, ChatFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ChatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  5932. /**
  5933. * Find the first Chat that matches the filter or
  5934. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  5935. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  5936. * Read more here:
  5937. * @param {ChatFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Chat
  5938. * @example
  5939. * // Get one Chat
  5940. * const chat = await{
  5941. * where: {
  5942. * // ... provide filter here
  5943. * }
  5944. * })
  5945. */
  5946. findFirstOrThrow<T extends ChatFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, ChatFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ChatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  5947. /**
  5948. * Find zero or more Chats that matches the filter.
  5949. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  5950. * Read more here:
  5951. * @param {ChatFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  5952. * @example
  5953. * // Get all Chats
  5954. * const chats = await
  5955. *
  5956. * // Get first 10 Chats
  5957. * const chats = await{ take: 10 })
  5958. *
  5959. * // Only select the `id`
  5960. * const chatWithIdOnly = await{ select: { id: true } })
  5961. *
  5962. */
  5963. findMany<T extends ChatFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, ChatFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  5964. /**
  5965. * Create a Chat.
  5966. * @param {ChatCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Chat.
  5967. * @example
  5968. * // Create one Chat
  5969. * const Chat = await{
  5970. * data: {
  5971. * // ... data to create a Chat
  5972. * }
  5973. * })
  5974. *
  5975. */
  5976. create<T extends ChatCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ChatCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ChatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  5977. /**
  5978. * Create many Chats.
  5979. * @param {ChatCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Chats.
  5980. * @example
  5981. * // Create many Chats
  5982. * const chat = await{
  5983. * data: [
  5984. * // ... provide data here
  5985. * ]
  5986. * })
  5987. *
  5988. */
  5989. createMany<T extends ChatCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, ChatCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  5990. /**
  5991. * Delete a Chat.
  5992. * @param {ChatDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Chat.
  5993. * @example
  5994. * // Delete one Chat
  5995. * const Chat = await{
  5996. * where: {
  5997. * // ... filter to delete one Chat
  5998. * }
  5999. * })
  6000. *
  6001. */
  6002. delete<T extends ChatDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ChatDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ChatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  6003. /**
  6004. * Update one Chat.
  6005. * @param {ChatUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Chat.
  6006. * @example
  6007. * // Update one Chat
  6008. * const chat = await{
  6009. * where: {
  6010. * // ... provide filter here
  6011. * },
  6012. * data: {
  6013. * // ... provide data here
  6014. * }
  6015. * })
  6016. *
  6017. */
  6018. update<T extends ChatUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ChatUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ChatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  6019. /**
  6020. * Delete zero or more Chats.
  6021. * @param {ChatDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Chats to delete.
  6022. * @example
  6023. * // Delete a few Chats
  6024. * const { count } = await{
  6025. * where: {
  6026. * // ... provide filter here
  6027. * }
  6028. * })
  6029. *
  6030. */
  6031. deleteMany<T extends ChatDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, ChatDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  6032. /**
  6033. * Update zero or more Chats.
  6034. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  6035. * Read more here:
  6036. * @param {ChatUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  6037. * @example
  6038. * // Update many Chats
  6039. * const chat = await{
  6040. * where: {
  6041. * // ... provide filter here
  6042. * },
  6043. * data: {
  6044. * // ... provide data here
  6045. * }
  6046. * })
  6047. *
  6048. */
  6049. updateMany<T extends ChatUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ChatUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  6050. /**
  6051. * Create or update one Chat.
  6052. * @param {ChatUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Chat.
  6053. * @example
  6054. * // Update or create a Chat
  6055. * const chat = await{
  6056. * create: {
  6057. * // ... data to create a Chat
  6058. * },
  6059. * update: {
  6060. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  6061. * },
  6062. * where: {
  6063. * // ... the filter for the Chat we want to update
  6064. * }
  6065. * })
  6066. */
  6067. upsert<T extends ChatUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ChatUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ChatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ChatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  6068. /**
  6069. * Count the number of Chats.
  6070. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  6071. * Read more here:
  6072. * @param {ChatCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Chats to count.
  6073. * @example
  6074. * // Count the number of Chats
  6075. * const count = await{
  6076. * where: {
  6077. * // ... the filter for the Chats we want to count
  6078. * }
  6079. * })
  6080. **/
  6081. count<T extends ChatCountArgs>(
  6082. args?: Subset<T, ChatCountArgs>,
  6083. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  6084. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  6085. ? T['select'] extends true
  6086. ? number
  6087. : GetScalarType<T['select'], ChatCountAggregateOutputType>
  6088. : number
  6089. >
  6090. /**
  6091. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Chat.
  6092. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  6093. * Read more here:
  6094. * @param {ChatAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  6095. * @example
  6096. * // Ordered by age ascending
  6097. * // Where email contains
  6098. * // Limited to the 10 users
  6099. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  6100. * _avg: {
  6101. * age: true,
  6102. * },
  6103. * where: {
  6104. * email: {
  6105. * contains: "",
  6106. * },
  6107. * },
  6108. * orderBy: {
  6109. * age: "asc",
  6110. * },
  6111. * take: 10,
  6112. * })
  6113. **/
  6114. aggregate<T extends ChatAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, ChatAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetChatAggregateType<T>>
  6115. /**
  6116. * Group by Chat.
  6117. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  6118. * Read more here:
  6119. * @param {ChatGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  6120. * @example
  6121. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  6122. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  6123. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  6124. * orderBy: {
  6125. * createdAt: true
  6126. * },
  6127. * _count: {
  6128. * _all: true
  6129. * },
  6130. * })
  6131. *
  6132. **/
  6133. groupBy<
  6134. T extends ChatGroupByArgs,
  6135. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  6136. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  6137. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  6138. >,
  6139. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  6140. ? { orderBy: ChatGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  6141. : { orderBy?: ChatGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  6142. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  6143. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  6144. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  6145. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  6146. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  6147. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  6148. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  6149. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  6150. : HavingValid extends False
  6151. ? {
  6152. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  6153. ? never
  6154. : P extends string
  6155. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  6156. : [
  6157. Error,
  6158. 'Field ',
  6159. P,
  6160. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  6161. ]
  6162. }[HavingFields]
  6163. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  6164. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  6165. ? ByValid extends True
  6166. ? {}
  6167. : {
  6168. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  6169. ? never
  6170. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  6171. }[OrderFields]
  6172. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  6173. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  6174. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  6175. ? ByValid extends True
  6176. ? {}
  6177. : {
  6178. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  6179. ? never
  6180. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  6181. }[OrderFields]
  6182. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  6183. : ByValid extends True
  6184. ? {}
  6185. : {
  6186. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  6187. ? never
  6188. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  6189. }[OrderFields]
  6190. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, ChatGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetChatGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  6191. /**
  6192. * Fields of the Chat model
  6193. */
  6194. readonly fields: ChatFieldRefs;
  6195. }
  6196. /**
  6197. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for Chat.
  6198. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  6199. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  6200. *
  6201. */
  6202. export interface Prisma__ChatClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  6203. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  6204. /**
  6205. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  6206. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  6207. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  6208. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  6209. */
  6210. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  6211. /**
  6212. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  6213. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  6214. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  6215. */
  6216. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  6217. /**
  6218. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  6219. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  6220. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  6221. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  6222. */
  6223. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  6224. }
  6225. /**
  6226. * Fields of the Chat model
  6227. */
  6228. interface ChatFieldRefs {
  6229. readonly id: FieldRef<"Chat", 'String'>
  6230. readonly groupid: FieldRef<"Chat", 'String'>
  6231. readonly userid: FieldRef<"Chat", 'String'>
  6232. readonly username: FieldRef<"Chat", 'String'>
  6233. readonly answer: FieldRef<"Chat", 'String'>
  6234. readonly problem: FieldRef<"Chat", 'String'>
  6235. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"Chat", 'DateTime'>
  6236. readonly fileid: FieldRef<"Chat", 'String'>
  6237. readonly isMindMap: FieldRef<"Chat", 'Int'>
  6238. readonly filename: FieldRef<"Chat", 'String'>
  6239. readonly session_name: FieldRef<"Chat", 'String'>
  6240. readonly scene: FieldRef<"Chat", 'String'>
  6241. }
  6242. // Custom InputTypes
  6243. /**
  6244. * Chat findUnique
  6245. */
  6246. export type ChatFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6247. /**
  6248. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Chat
  6249. */
  6250. select?: ChatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  6251. /**
  6252. * Filter, which Chat to fetch.
  6253. */
  6254. where: ChatWhereUniqueInput
  6255. }
  6256. /**
  6257. * Chat findUniqueOrThrow
  6258. */
  6259. export type ChatFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6260. /**
  6261. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Chat
  6262. */
  6263. select?: ChatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  6264. /**
  6265. * Filter, which Chat to fetch.
  6266. */
  6267. where: ChatWhereUniqueInput
  6268. }
  6269. /**
  6270. * Chat findFirst
  6271. */
  6272. export type ChatFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6273. /**
  6274. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Chat
  6275. */
  6276. select?: ChatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  6277. /**
  6278. * Filter, which Chat to fetch.
  6279. */
  6280. where?: ChatWhereInput
  6281. /**
  6282. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  6283. *
  6284. * Determine the order of Chats to fetch.
  6285. */
  6286. orderBy?: ChatOrderByWithRelationInput | ChatOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  6287. /**
  6288. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  6289. *
  6290. * Sets the position for searching for Chats.
  6291. */
  6292. cursor?: ChatWhereUniqueInput
  6293. /**
  6294. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  6295. *
  6296. * Take `±n` Chats from the position of the cursor.
  6297. */
  6298. take?: number
  6299. /**
  6300. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  6301. *
  6302. * Skip the first `n` Chats.
  6303. */
  6304. skip?: number
  6305. /**
  6306. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  6307. *
  6308. * Filter by unique combinations of Chats.
  6309. */
  6310. distinct?: ChatScalarFieldEnum | ChatScalarFieldEnum[]
  6311. }
  6312. /**
  6313. * Chat findFirstOrThrow
  6314. */
  6315. export type ChatFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6316. /**
  6317. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Chat
  6318. */
  6319. select?: ChatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  6320. /**
  6321. * Filter, which Chat to fetch.
  6322. */
  6323. where?: ChatWhereInput
  6324. /**
  6325. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  6326. *
  6327. * Determine the order of Chats to fetch.
  6328. */
  6329. orderBy?: ChatOrderByWithRelationInput | ChatOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  6330. /**
  6331. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  6332. *
  6333. * Sets the position for searching for Chats.
  6334. */
  6335. cursor?: ChatWhereUniqueInput
  6336. /**
  6337. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  6338. *
  6339. * Take `±n` Chats from the position of the cursor.
  6340. */
  6341. take?: number
  6342. /**
  6343. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  6344. *
  6345. * Skip the first `n` Chats.
  6346. */
  6347. skip?: number
  6348. /**
  6349. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  6350. *
  6351. * Filter by unique combinations of Chats.
  6352. */
  6353. distinct?: ChatScalarFieldEnum | ChatScalarFieldEnum[]
  6354. }
  6355. /**
  6356. * Chat findMany
  6357. */
  6358. export type ChatFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6359. /**
  6360. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Chat
  6361. */
  6362. select?: ChatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  6363. /**
  6364. * Filter, which Chats to fetch.
  6365. */
  6366. where?: ChatWhereInput
  6367. /**
  6368. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  6369. *
  6370. * Determine the order of Chats to fetch.
  6371. */
  6372. orderBy?: ChatOrderByWithRelationInput | ChatOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  6373. /**
  6374. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  6375. *
  6376. * Sets the position for listing Chats.
  6377. */
  6378. cursor?: ChatWhereUniqueInput
  6379. /**
  6380. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  6381. *
  6382. * Take `±n` Chats from the position of the cursor.
  6383. */
  6384. take?: number
  6385. /**
  6386. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  6387. *
  6388. * Skip the first `n` Chats.
  6389. */
  6390. skip?: number
  6391. distinct?: ChatScalarFieldEnum | ChatScalarFieldEnum[]
  6392. }
  6393. /**
  6394. * Chat create
  6395. */
  6396. export type ChatCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6397. /**
  6398. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Chat
  6399. */
  6400. select?: ChatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  6401. /**
  6402. * The data needed to create a Chat.
  6403. */
  6404. data?: XOR<ChatCreateInput, ChatUncheckedCreateInput>
  6405. }
  6406. /**
  6407. * Chat createMany
  6408. */
  6409. export type ChatCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6410. /**
  6411. * The data used to create many Chats.
  6412. */
  6413. data: ChatCreateManyInput | ChatCreateManyInput[]
  6414. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  6415. }
  6416. /**
  6417. * Chat update
  6418. */
  6419. export type ChatUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6420. /**
  6421. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Chat
  6422. */
  6423. select?: ChatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  6424. /**
  6425. * The data needed to update a Chat.
  6426. */
  6427. data: XOR<ChatUpdateInput, ChatUncheckedUpdateInput>
  6428. /**
  6429. * Choose, which Chat to update.
  6430. */
  6431. where: ChatWhereUniqueInput
  6432. }
  6433. /**
  6434. * Chat updateMany
  6435. */
  6436. export type ChatUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6437. /**
  6438. * The data used to update Chats.
  6439. */
  6440. data: XOR<ChatUpdateManyMutationInput, ChatUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  6441. /**
  6442. * Filter which Chats to update
  6443. */
  6444. where?: ChatWhereInput
  6445. }
  6446. /**
  6447. * Chat upsert
  6448. */
  6449. export type ChatUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6450. /**
  6451. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Chat
  6452. */
  6453. select?: ChatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  6454. /**
  6455. * The filter to search for the Chat to update in case it exists.
  6456. */
  6457. where: ChatWhereUniqueInput
  6458. /**
  6459. * In case the Chat found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new Chat with this data.
  6460. */
  6461. create: XOR<ChatCreateInput, ChatUncheckedCreateInput>
  6462. /**
  6463. * In case the Chat was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  6464. */
  6465. update: XOR<ChatUpdateInput, ChatUncheckedUpdateInput>
  6466. }
  6467. /**
  6468. * Chat delete
  6469. */
  6470. export type ChatDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6471. /**
  6472. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Chat
  6473. */
  6474. select?: ChatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  6475. /**
  6476. * Filter which Chat to delete.
  6477. */
  6478. where: ChatWhereUniqueInput
  6479. }
  6480. /**
  6481. * Chat deleteMany
  6482. */
  6483. export type ChatDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6484. /**
  6485. * Filter which Chats to delete
  6486. */
  6487. where?: ChatWhereInput
  6488. }
  6489. /**
  6490. * Chat without action
  6491. */
  6492. export type ChatDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6493. /**
  6494. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Chat
  6495. */
  6496. select?: ChatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  6497. }
  6498. /**
  6499. * Model Disposition
  6500. */
  6501. export type AggregateDisposition = {
  6502. _count: DispositionCountAggregateOutputType | null
  6503. _min: DispositionMinAggregateOutputType | null
  6504. _max: DispositionMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  6505. }
  6506. export type DispositionMinAggregateOutputType = {
  6507. id: string | null
  6508. module: string | null
  6509. disposition_class: string | null
  6510. disposition_type: string | null
  6511. disposition_style: string | null
  6512. disposition_theme: string | null
  6513. user_id: string | null
  6514. create_time: Date | null
  6515. }
  6516. export type DispositionMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  6517. id: string | null
  6518. module: string | null
  6519. disposition_class: string | null
  6520. disposition_type: string | null
  6521. disposition_style: string | null
  6522. disposition_theme: string | null
  6523. user_id: string | null
  6524. create_time: Date | null
  6525. }
  6526. export type DispositionCountAggregateOutputType = {
  6527. id: number
  6528. module: number
  6529. disposition_class: number
  6530. disposition_type: number
  6531. disposition_style: number
  6532. disposition_theme: number
  6533. user_id: number
  6534. create_time: number
  6535. _all: number
  6536. }
  6537. export type DispositionMinAggregateInputType = {
  6538. id?: true
  6539. module?: true
  6540. disposition_class?: true
  6541. disposition_type?: true
  6542. disposition_style?: true
  6543. disposition_theme?: true
  6544. user_id?: true
  6545. create_time?: true
  6546. }
  6547. export type DispositionMaxAggregateInputType = {
  6548. id?: true
  6549. module?: true
  6550. disposition_class?: true
  6551. disposition_type?: true
  6552. disposition_style?: true
  6553. disposition_theme?: true
  6554. user_id?: true
  6555. create_time?: true
  6556. }
  6557. export type DispositionCountAggregateInputType = {
  6558. id?: true
  6559. module?: true
  6560. disposition_class?: true
  6561. disposition_type?: true
  6562. disposition_style?: true
  6563. disposition_theme?: true
  6564. user_id?: true
  6565. create_time?: true
  6566. _all?: true
  6567. }
  6568. export type DispositionAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6569. /**
  6570. * Filter which Disposition to aggregate.
  6571. */
  6572. where?: DispositionWhereInput
  6573. /**
  6574. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  6575. *
  6576. * Determine the order of Dispositions to fetch.
  6577. */
  6578. orderBy?: DispositionOrderByWithRelationInput | DispositionOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  6579. /**
  6580. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  6581. *
  6582. * Sets the start position
  6583. */
  6584. cursor?: DispositionWhereUniqueInput
  6585. /**
  6586. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  6587. *
  6588. * Take `±n` Dispositions from the position of the cursor.
  6589. */
  6590. take?: number
  6591. /**
  6592. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  6593. *
  6594. * Skip the first `n` Dispositions.
  6595. */
  6596. skip?: number
  6597. /**
  6598. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  6599. *
  6600. * Count returned Dispositions
  6601. **/
  6602. _count?: true | DispositionCountAggregateInputType
  6603. /**
  6604. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  6605. *
  6606. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  6607. **/
  6608. _min?: DispositionMinAggregateInputType
  6609. /**
  6610. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  6611. *
  6612. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  6613. **/
  6614. _max?: DispositionMaxAggregateInputType
  6615. }
  6616. export type GetDispositionAggregateType<T extends DispositionAggregateArgs> = {
  6617. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateDisposition]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  6618. ? T[P] extends true
  6619. ? number
  6620. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateDisposition[P]>
  6621. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateDisposition[P]>
  6622. }
  6623. export type DispositionGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6624. where?: DispositionWhereInput
  6625. orderBy?: DispositionOrderByWithAggregationInput | DispositionOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  6626. by: DispositionScalarFieldEnum[] | DispositionScalarFieldEnum
  6627. having?: DispositionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  6628. take?: number
  6629. skip?: number
  6630. _count?: DispositionCountAggregateInputType | true
  6631. _min?: DispositionMinAggregateInputType
  6632. _max?: DispositionMaxAggregateInputType
  6633. }
  6634. export type DispositionGroupByOutputType = {
  6635. id: string
  6636. module: string | null
  6637. disposition_class: string | null
  6638. disposition_type: string | null
  6639. disposition_style: string | null
  6640. disposition_theme: string | null
  6641. user_id: string | null
  6642. create_time: Date | null
  6643. _count: DispositionCountAggregateOutputType | null
  6644. _min: DispositionMinAggregateOutputType | null
  6645. _max: DispositionMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  6646. }
  6647. type GetDispositionGroupByPayload<T extends DispositionGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  6648. Array<
  6649. PickEnumerable<DispositionGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  6650. {
  6651. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof DispositionGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  6652. ? T[P] extends boolean
  6653. ? number
  6654. : GetScalarType<T[P], DispositionGroupByOutputType[P]>
  6655. : GetScalarType<T[P], DispositionGroupByOutputType[P]>
  6656. }
  6657. >
  6658. >
  6659. export type DispositionSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  6660. id?: boolean
  6661. module?: boolean
  6662. disposition_class?: boolean
  6663. disposition_type?: boolean
  6664. disposition_style?: boolean
  6665. disposition_theme?: boolean
  6666. user_id?: boolean
  6667. create_time?: boolean
  6668. }, ExtArgs["result"]["disposition"]>
  6669. export type DispositionSelectScalar = {
  6670. id?: boolean
  6671. module?: boolean
  6672. disposition_class?: boolean
  6673. disposition_type?: boolean
  6674. disposition_style?: boolean
  6675. disposition_theme?: boolean
  6676. user_id?: boolean
  6677. create_time?: boolean
  6678. }
  6679. export type $DispositionPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  6680. name: "Disposition"
  6681. objects: {}
  6682. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  6683. id: string
  6684. module: string | null
  6685. disposition_class: string | null
  6686. disposition_type: string | null
  6687. disposition_style: string | null
  6688. disposition_theme: string | null
  6689. user_id: string | null
  6690. create_time: Date | null
  6691. }, ExtArgs["result"]["disposition"]>
  6692. composites: {}
  6693. }
  6694. type DispositionGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | DispositionDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload, S>
  6695. type DispositionCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  6696. Omit<DispositionFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  6697. select?: DispositionCountAggregateInputType | true
  6698. }
  6699. export interface DispositionDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  6700. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['Disposition'], meta: { name: 'Disposition' } }
  6701. /**
  6702. * Find zero or one Disposition that matches the filter.
  6703. * @param {DispositionFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Disposition
  6704. * @example
  6705. * // Get one Disposition
  6706. * const disposition = await prisma.disposition.findUnique({
  6707. * where: {
  6708. * // ... provide filter here
  6709. * }
  6710. * })
  6711. */
  6712. findUnique<T extends DispositionFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, DispositionFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__DispositionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  6713. /**
  6714. * Find one Disposition that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  6715. * if no matches were found.
  6716. * @param {DispositionFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Disposition
  6717. * @example
  6718. * // Get one Disposition
  6719. * const disposition = await prisma.disposition.findUniqueOrThrow({
  6720. * where: {
  6721. * // ... provide filter here
  6722. * }
  6723. * })
  6724. */
  6725. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends DispositionFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, DispositionFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__DispositionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  6726. /**
  6727. * Find the first Disposition that matches the filter.
  6728. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  6729. * Read more here:
  6730. * @param {DispositionFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Disposition
  6731. * @example
  6732. * // Get one Disposition
  6733. * const disposition = await prisma.disposition.findFirst({
  6734. * where: {
  6735. * // ... provide filter here
  6736. * }
  6737. * })
  6738. */
  6739. findFirst<T extends DispositionFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, DispositionFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__DispositionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  6740. /**
  6741. * Find the first Disposition that matches the filter or
  6742. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  6743. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  6744. * Read more here:
  6745. * @param {DispositionFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Disposition
  6746. * @example
  6747. * // Get one Disposition
  6748. * const disposition = await prisma.disposition.findFirstOrThrow({
  6749. * where: {
  6750. * // ... provide filter here
  6751. * }
  6752. * })
  6753. */
  6754. findFirstOrThrow<T extends DispositionFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, DispositionFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__DispositionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  6755. /**
  6756. * Find zero or more Dispositions that matches the filter.
  6757. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  6758. * Read more here:
  6759. * @param {DispositionFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  6760. * @example
  6761. * // Get all Dispositions
  6762. * const dispositions = await prisma.disposition.findMany()
  6763. *
  6764. * // Get first 10 Dispositions
  6765. * const dispositions = await prisma.disposition.findMany({ take: 10 })
  6766. *
  6767. * // Only select the `id`
  6768. * const dispositionWithIdOnly = await prisma.disposition.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  6769. *
  6770. */
  6771. findMany<T extends DispositionFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, DispositionFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  6772. /**
  6773. * Create a Disposition.
  6774. * @param {DispositionCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Disposition.
  6775. * @example
  6776. * // Create one Disposition
  6777. * const Disposition = await prisma.disposition.create({
  6778. * data: {
  6779. * // ... data to create a Disposition
  6780. * }
  6781. * })
  6782. *
  6783. */
  6784. create<T extends DispositionCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, DispositionCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__DispositionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  6785. /**
  6786. * Create many Dispositions.
  6787. * @param {DispositionCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Dispositions.
  6788. * @example
  6789. * // Create many Dispositions
  6790. * const disposition = await prisma.disposition.createMany({
  6791. * data: [
  6792. * // ... provide data here
  6793. * ]
  6794. * })
  6795. *
  6796. */
  6797. createMany<T extends DispositionCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, DispositionCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  6798. /**
  6799. * Delete a Disposition.
  6800. * @param {DispositionDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Disposition.
  6801. * @example
  6802. * // Delete one Disposition
  6803. * const Disposition = await prisma.disposition.delete({
  6804. * where: {
  6805. * // ... filter to delete one Disposition
  6806. * }
  6807. * })
  6808. *
  6809. */
  6810. delete<T extends DispositionDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, DispositionDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__DispositionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  6811. /**
  6812. * Update one Disposition.
  6813. * @param {DispositionUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Disposition.
  6814. * @example
  6815. * // Update one Disposition
  6816. * const disposition = await prisma.disposition.update({
  6817. * where: {
  6818. * // ... provide filter here
  6819. * },
  6820. * data: {
  6821. * // ... provide data here
  6822. * }
  6823. * })
  6824. *
  6825. */
  6826. update<T extends DispositionUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, DispositionUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__DispositionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  6827. /**
  6828. * Delete zero or more Dispositions.
  6829. * @param {DispositionDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Dispositions to delete.
  6830. * @example
  6831. * // Delete a few Dispositions
  6832. * const { count } = await prisma.disposition.deleteMany({
  6833. * where: {
  6834. * // ... provide filter here
  6835. * }
  6836. * })
  6837. *
  6838. */
  6839. deleteMany<T extends DispositionDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, DispositionDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  6840. /**
  6841. * Update zero or more Dispositions.
  6842. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  6843. * Read more here:
  6844. * @param {DispositionUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  6845. * @example
  6846. * // Update many Dispositions
  6847. * const disposition = await prisma.disposition.updateMany({
  6848. * where: {
  6849. * // ... provide filter here
  6850. * },
  6851. * data: {
  6852. * // ... provide data here
  6853. * }
  6854. * })
  6855. *
  6856. */
  6857. updateMany<T extends DispositionUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, DispositionUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  6858. /**
  6859. * Create or update one Disposition.
  6860. * @param {DispositionUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Disposition.
  6861. * @example
  6862. * // Update or create a Disposition
  6863. * const disposition = await prisma.disposition.upsert({
  6864. * create: {
  6865. * // ... data to create a Disposition
  6866. * },
  6867. * update: {
  6868. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  6869. * },
  6870. * where: {
  6871. * // ... the filter for the Disposition we want to update
  6872. * }
  6873. * })
  6874. */
  6875. upsert<T extends DispositionUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, DispositionUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__DispositionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$DispositionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  6876. /**
  6877. * Count the number of Dispositions.
  6878. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  6879. * Read more here:
  6880. * @param {DispositionCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Dispositions to count.
  6881. * @example
  6882. * // Count the number of Dispositions
  6883. * const count = await prisma.disposition.count({
  6884. * where: {
  6885. * // ... the filter for the Dispositions we want to count
  6886. * }
  6887. * })
  6888. **/
  6889. count<T extends DispositionCountArgs>(
  6890. args?: Subset<T, DispositionCountArgs>,
  6891. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  6892. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  6893. ? T['select'] extends true
  6894. ? number
  6895. : GetScalarType<T['select'], DispositionCountAggregateOutputType>
  6896. : number
  6897. >
  6898. /**
  6899. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Disposition.
  6900. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  6901. * Read more here:
  6902. * @param {DispositionAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  6903. * @example
  6904. * // Ordered by age ascending
  6905. * // Where email contains
  6906. * // Limited to the 10 users
  6907. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  6908. * _avg: {
  6909. * age: true,
  6910. * },
  6911. * where: {
  6912. * email: {
  6913. * contains: "",
  6914. * },
  6915. * },
  6916. * orderBy: {
  6917. * age: "asc",
  6918. * },
  6919. * take: 10,
  6920. * })
  6921. **/
  6922. aggregate<T extends DispositionAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, DispositionAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetDispositionAggregateType<T>>
  6923. /**
  6924. * Group by Disposition.
  6925. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  6926. * Read more here:
  6927. * @param {DispositionGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  6928. * @example
  6929. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  6930. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  6931. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  6932. * orderBy: {
  6933. * createdAt: true
  6934. * },
  6935. * _count: {
  6936. * _all: true
  6937. * },
  6938. * })
  6939. *
  6940. **/
  6941. groupBy<
  6942. T extends DispositionGroupByArgs,
  6943. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  6944. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  6945. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  6946. >,
  6947. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  6948. ? { orderBy: DispositionGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  6949. : { orderBy?: DispositionGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  6950. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  6951. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  6952. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  6953. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  6954. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  6955. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  6956. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  6957. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  6958. : HavingValid extends False
  6959. ? {
  6960. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  6961. ? never
  6962. : P extends string
  6963. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  6964. : [
  6965. Error,
  6966. 'Field ',
  6967. P,
  6968. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  6969. ]
  6970. }[HavingFields]
  6971. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  6972. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  6973. ? ByValid extends True
  6974. ? {}
  6975. : {
  6976. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  6977. ? never
  6978. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  6979. }[OrderFields]
  6980. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  6981. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  6982. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  6983. ? ByValid extends True
  6984. ? {}
  6985. : {
  6986. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  6987. ? never
  6988. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  6989. }[OrderFields]
  6990. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  6991. : ByValid extends True
  6992. ? {}
  6993. : {
  6994. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  6995. ? never
  6996. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  6997. }[OrderFields]
  6998. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, DispositionGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetDispositionGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  6999. /**
  7000. * Fields of the Disposition model
  7001. */
  7002. readonly fields: DispositionFieldRefs;
  7003. }
  7004. /**
  7005. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for Disposition.
  7006. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  7007. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  7008. *
  7009. */
  7010. export interface Prisma__DispositionClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  7011. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  7012. /**
  7013. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  7014. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  7015. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  7016. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  7017. */
  7018. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  7019. /**
  7020. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  7021. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  7022. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  7023. */
  7024. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  7025. /**
  7026. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  7027. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  7028. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  7029. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  7030. */
  7031. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  7032. }
  7033. /**
  7034. * Fields of the Disposition model
  7035. */
  7036. interface DispositionFieldRefs {
  7037. readonly id: FieldRef<"Disposition", 'String'>
  7038. readonly module: FieldRef<"Disposition", 'String'>
  7039. readonly disposition_class: FieldRef<"Disposition", 'String'>
  7040. readonly disposition_type: FieldRef<"Disposition", 'String'>
  7041. readonly disposition_style: FieldRef<"Disposition", 'String'>
  7042. readonly disposition_theme: FieldRef<"Disposition", 'String'>
  7043. readonly user_id: FieldRef<"Disposition", 'String'>
  7044. readonly create_time: FieldRef<"Disposition", 'DateTime'>
  7045. }
  7046. // Custom InputTypes
  7047. /**
  7048. * Disposition findUnique
  7049. */
  7050. export type DispositionFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7051. /**
  7052. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Disposition
  7053. */
  7054. select?: DispositionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7055. /**
  7056. * Filter, which Disposition to fetch.
  7057. */
  7058. where: DispositionWhereUniqueInput
  7059. }
  7060. /**
  7061. * Disposition findUniqueOrThrow
  7062. */
  7063. export type DispositionFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7064. /**
  7065. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Disposition
  7066. */
  7067. select?: DispositionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7068. /**
  7069. * Filter, which Disposition to fetch.
  7070. */
  7071. where: DispositionWhereUniqueInput
  7072. }
  7073. /**
  7074. * Disposition findFirst
  7075. */
  7076. export type DispositionFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7077. /**
  7078. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Disposition
  7079. */
  7080. select?: DispositionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7081. /**
  7082. * Filter, which Disposition to fetch.
  7083. */
  7084. where?: DispositionWhereInput
  7085. /**
  7086. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  7087. *
  7088. * Determine the order of Dispositions to fetch.
  7089. */
  7090. orderBy?: DispositionOrderByWithRelationInput | DispositionOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  7091. /**
  7092. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  7093. *
  7094. * Sets the position for searching for Dispositions.
  7095. */
  7096. cursor?: DispositionWhereUniqueInput
  7097. /**
  7098. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7099. *
  7100. * Take `±n` Dispositions from the position of the cursor.
  7101. */
  7102. take?: number
  7103. /**
  7104. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7105. *
  7106. * Skip the first `n` Dispositions.
  7107. */
  7108. skip?: number
  7109. /**
  7110. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  7111. *
  7112. * Filter by unique combinations of Dispositions.
  7113. */
  7114. distinct?: DispositionScalarFieldEnum | DispositionScalarFieldEnum[]
  7115. }
  7116. /**
  7117. * Disposition findFirstOrThrow
  7118. */
  7119. export type DispositionFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7120. /**
  7121. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Disposition
  7122. */
  7123. select?: DispositionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7124. /**
  7125. * Filter, which Disposition to fetch.
  7126. */
  7127. where?: DispositionWhereInput
  7128. /**
  7129. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  7130. *
  7131. * Determine the order of Dispositions to fetch.
  7132. */
  7133. orderBy?: DispositionOrderByWithRelationInput | DispositionOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  7134. /**
  7135. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  7136. *
  7137. * Sets the position for searching for Dispositions.
  7138. */
  7139. cursor?: DispositionWhereUniqueInput
  7140. /**
  7141. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7142. *
  7143. * Take `±n` Dispositions from the position of the cursor.
  7144. */
  7145. take?: number
  7146. /**
  7147. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7148. *
  7149. * Skip the first `n` Dispositions.
  7150. */
  7151. skip?: number
  7152. /**
  7153. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  7154. *
  7155. * Filter by unique combinations of Dispositions.
  7156. */
  7157. distinct?: DispositionScalarFieldEnum | DispositionScalarFieldEnum[]
  7158. }
  7159. /**
  7160. * Disposition findMany
  7161. */
  7162. export type DispositionFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7163. /**
  7164. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Disposition
  7165. */
  7166. select?: DispositionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7167. /**
  7168. * Filter, which Dispositions to fetch.
  7169. */
  7170. where?: DispositionWhereInput
  7171. /**
  7172. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  7173. *
  7174. * Determine the order of Dispositions to fetch.
  7175. */
  7176. orderBy?: DispositionOrderByWithRelationInput | DispositionOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  7177. /**
  7178. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  7179. *
  7180. * Sets the position for listing Dispositions.
  7181. */
  7182. cursor?: DispositionWhereUniqueInput
  7183. /**
  7184. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7185. *
  7186. * Take `±n` Dispositions from the position of the cursor.
  7187. */
  7188. take?: number
  7189. /**
  7190. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7191. *
  7192. * Skip the first `n` Dispositions.
  7193. */
  7194. skip?: number
  7195. distinct?: DispositionScalarFieldEnum | DispositionScalarFieldEnum[]
  7196. }
  7197. /**
  7198. * Disposition create
  7199. */
  7200. export type DispositionCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7201. /**
  7202. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Disposition
  7203. */
  7204. select?: DispositionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7205. /**
  7206. * The data needed to create a Disposition.
  7207. */
  7208. data: XOR<DispositionCreateInput, DispositionUncheckedCreateInput>
  7209. }
  7210. /**
  7211. * Disposition createMany
  7212. */
  7213. export type DispositionCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7214. /**
  7215. * The data used to create many Dispositions.
  7216. */
  7217. data: DispositionCreateManyInput | DispositionCreateManyInput[]
  7218. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  7219. }
  7220. /**
  7221. * Disposition update
  7222. */
  7223. export type DispositionUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7224. /**
  7225. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Disposition
  7226. */
  7227. select?: DispositionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7228. /**
  7229. * The data needed to update a Disposition.
  7230. */
  7231. data: XOR<DispositionUpdateInput, DispositionUncheckedUpdateInput>
  7232. /**
  7233. * Choose, which Disposition to update.
  7234. */
  7235. where: DispositionWhereUniqueInput
  7236. }
  7237. /**
  7238. * Disposition updateMany
  7239. */
  7240. export type DispositionUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7241. /**
  7242. * The data used to update Dispositions.
  7243. */
  7244. data: XOR<DispositionUpdateManyMutationInput, DispositionUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  7245. /**
  7246. * Filter which Dispositions to update
  7247. */
  7248. where?: DispositionWhereInput
  7249. }
  7250. /**
  7251. * Disposition upsert
  7252. */
  7253. export type DispositionUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7254. /**
  7255. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Disposition
  7256. */
  7257. select?: DispositionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7258. /**
  7259. * The filter to search for the Disposition to update in case it exists.
  7260. */
  7261. where: DispositionWhereUniqueInput
  7262. /**
  7263. * In case the Disposition found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new Disposition with this data.
  7264. */
  7265. create: XOR<DispositionCreateInput, DispositionUncheckedCreateInput>
  7266. /**
  7267. * In case the Disposition was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  7268. */
  7269. update: XOR<DispositionUpdateInput, DispositionUncheckedUpdateInput>
  7270. }
  7271. /**
  7272. * Disposition delete
  7273. */
  7274. export type DispositionDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7275. /**
  7276. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Disposition
  7277. */
  7278. select?: DispositionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7279. /**
  7280. * Filter which Disposition to delete.
  7281. */
  7282. where: DispositionWhereUniqueInput
  7283. }
  7284. /**
  7285. * Disposition deleteMany
  7286. */
  7287. export type DispositionDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7288. /**
  7289. * Filter which Dispositions to delete
  7290. */
  7291. where?: DispositionWhereInput
  7292. }
  7293. /**
  7294. * Disposition without action
  7295. */
  7296. export type DispositionDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7297. /**
  7298. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Disposition
  7299. */
  7300. select?: DispositionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7301. }
  7302. /**
  7303. * Model Group
  7304. */
  7305. export type AggregateGroup = {
  7306. _count: GroupCountAggregateOutputType | null
  7307. _min: GroupMinAggregateOutputType | null
  7308. _max: GroupMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  7309. }
  7310. export type GroupMinAggregateOutputType = {
  7311. id: string | null
  7312. name: string | null
  7313. userid: string | null
  7314. createtime: Date | null
  7315. }
  7316. export type GroupMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  7317. id: string | null
  7318. name: string | null
  7319. userid: string | null
  7320. createtime: Date | null
  7321. }
  7322. export type GroupCountAggregateOutputType = {
  7323. id: number
  7324. name: number
  7325. userid: number
  7326. createtime: number
  7327. _all: number
  7328. }
  7329. export type GroupMinAggregateInputType = {
  7330. id?: true
  7331. name?: true
  7332. userid?: true
  7333. createtime?: true
  7334. }
  7335. export type GroupMaxAggregateInputType = {
  7336. id?: true
  7337. name?: true
  7338. userid?: true
  7339. createtime?: true
  7340. }
  7341. export type GroupCountAggregateInputType = {
  7342. id?: true
  7343. name?: true
  7344. userid?: true
  7345. createtime?: true
  7346. _all?: true
  7347. }
  7348. export type GroupAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7349. /**
  7350. * Filter which Group to aggregate.
  7351. */
  7352. where?: GroupWhereInput
  7353. /**
  7354. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  7355. *
  7356. * Determine the order of Groups to fetch.
  7357. */
  7358. orderBy?: GroupOrderByWithRelationInput | GroupOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  7359. /**
  7360. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  7361. *
  7362. * Sets the start position
  7363. */
  7364. cursor?: GroupWhereUniqueInput
  7365. /**
  7366. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7367. *
  7368. * Take `±n` Groups from the position of the cursor.
  7369. */
  7370. take?: number
  7371. /**
  7372. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7373. *
  7374. * Skip the first `n` Groups.
  7375. */
  7376. skip?: number
  7377. /**
  7378. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  7379. *
  7380. * Count returned Groups
  7381. **/
  7382. _count?: true | GroupCountAggregateInputType
  7383. /**
  7384. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  7385. *
  7386. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  7387. **/
  7388. _min?: GroupMinAggregateInputType
  7389. /**
  7390. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  7391. *
  7392. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  7393. **/
  7394. _max?: GroupMaxAggregateInputType
  7395. }
  7396. export type GetGroupAggregateType<T extends GroupAggregateArgs> = {
  7397. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateGroup]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  7398. ? T[P] extends true
  7399. ? number
  7400. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateGroup[P]>
  7401. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateGroup[P]>
  7402. }
  7403. export type GroupGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7404. where?: GroupWhereInput
  7405. orderBy?: GroupOrderByWithAggregationInput | GroupOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  7406. by: GroupScalarFieldEnum[] | GroupScalarFieldEnum
  7407. having?: GroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  7408. take?: number
  7409. skip?: number
  7410. _count?: GroupCountAggregateInputType | true
  7411. _min?: GroupMinAggregateInputType
  7412. _max?: GroupMaxAggregateInputType
  7413. }
  7414. export type GroupGroupByOutputType = {
  7415. id: string
  7416. name: string | null
  7417. userid: string | null
  7418. createtime: Date | null
  7419. _count: GroupCountAggregateOutputType | null
  7420. _min: GroupMinAggregateOutputType | null
  7421. _max: GroupMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  7422. }
  7423. type GetGroupGroupByPayload<T extends GroupGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  7424. Array<
  7425. PickEnumerable<GroupGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  7426. {
  7427. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof GroupGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  7428. ? T[P] extends boolean
  7429. ? number
  7430. : GetScalarType<T[P], GroupGroupByOutputType[P]>
  7431. : GetScalarType<T[P], GroupGroupByOutputType[P]>
  7432. }
  7433. >
  7434. >
  7435. export type GroupSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  7436. id?: boolean
  7437. name?: boolean
  7438. userid?: boolean
  7439. createtime?: boolean
  7440. }, ExtArgs["result"]["group"]>
  7441. export type GroupSelectScalar = {
  7442. id?: boolean
  7443. name?: boolean
  7444. userid?: boolean
  7445. createtime?: boolean
  7446. }
  7447. export type $GroupPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7448. name: "Group"
  7449. objects: {}
  7450. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  7451. id: string
  7452. name: string | null
  7453. userid: string | null
  7454. createtime: Date | null
  7455. }, ExtArgs["result"]["group"]>
  7456. composites: {}
  7457. }
  7458. type GroupGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | GroupDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload, S>
  7459. type GroupCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  7460. Omit<GroupFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  7461. select?: GroupCountAggregateInputType | true
  7462. }
  7463. export interface GroupDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  7464. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['Group'], meta: { name: 'Group' } }
  7465. /**
  7466. * Find zero or one Group that matches the filter.
  7467. * @param {GroupFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Group
  7468. * @example
  7469. * // Get one Group
  7470. * const group = await{
  7471. * where: {
  7472. * // ... provide filter here
  7473. * }
  7474. * })
  7475. */
  7476. findUnique<T extends GroupFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  7477. /**
  7478. * Find one Group that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  7479. * if no matches were found.
  7480. * @param {GroupFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Group
  7481. * @example
  7482. * // Get one Group
  7483. * const group = await{
  7484. * where: {
  7485. * // ... provide filter here
  7486. * }
  7487. * })
  7488. */
  7489. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends GroupFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  7490. /**
  7491. * Find the first Group that matches the filter.
  7492. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  7493. * Read more here:
  7494. * @param {GroupFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Group
  7495. * @example
  7496. * // Get one Group
  7497. * const group = await{
  7498. * where: {
  7499. * // ... provide filter here
  7500. * }
  7501. * })
  7502. */
  7503. findFirst<T extends GroupFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, GroupFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  7504. /**
  7505. * Find the first Group that matches the filter or
  7506. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  7507. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  7508. * Read more here:
  7509. * @param {GroupFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Group
  7510. * @example
  7511. * // Get one Group
  7512. * const group = await{
  7513. * where: {
  7514. * // ... provide filter here
  7515. * }
  7516. * })
  7517. */
  7518. findFirstOrThrow<T extends GroupFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, GroupFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  7519. /**
  7520. * Find zero or more Groups that matches the filter.
  7521. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  7522. * Read more here:
  7523. * @param {GroupFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  7524. * @example
  7525. * // Get all Groups
  7526. * const groups = await
  7527. *
  7528. * // Get first 10 Groups
  7529. * const groups = await{ take: 10 })
  7530. *
  7531. * // Only select the `id`
  7532. * const groupWithIdOnly = await{ select: { id: true } })
  7533. *
  7534. */
  7535. findMany<T extends GroupFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, GroupFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  7536. /**
  7537. * Create a Group.
  7538. * @param {GroupCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Group.
  7539. * @example
  7540. * // Create one Group
  7541. * const Group = await{
  7542. * data: {
  7543. * // ... data to create a Group
  7544. * }
  7545. * })
  7546. *
  7547. */
  7548. create<T extends GroupCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  7549. /**
  7550. * Create many Groups.
  7551. * @param {GroupCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Groups.
  7552. * @example
  7553. * // Create many Groups
  7554. * const group = await{
  7555. * data: [
  7556. * // ... provide data here
  7557. * ]
  7558. * })
  7559. *
  7560. */
  7561. createMany<T extends GroupCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, GroupCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  7562. /**
  7563. * Delete a Group.
  7564. * @param {GroupDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Group.
  7565. * @example
  7566. * // Delete one Group
  7567. * const Group = await{
  7568. * where: {
  7569. * // ... filter to delete one Group
  7570. * }
  7571. * })
  7572. *
  7573. */
  7574. delete<T extends GroupDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  7575. /**
  7576. * Update one Group.
  7577. * @param {GroupUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Group.
  7578. * @example
  7579. * // Update one Group
  7580. * const group = await{
  7581. * where: {
  7582. * // ... provide filter here
  7583. * },
  7584. * data: {
  7585. * // ... provide data here
  7586. * }
  7587. * })
  7588. *
  7589. */
  7590. update<T extends GroupUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  7591. /**
  7592. * Delete zero or more Groups.
  7593. * @param {GroupDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Groups to delete.
  7594. * @example
  7595. * // Delete a few Groups
  7596. * const { count } = await{
  7597. * where: {
  7598. * // ... provide filter here
  7599. * }
  7600. * })
  7601. *
  7602. */
  7603. deleteMany<T extends GroupDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, GroupDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  7604. /**
  7605. * Update zero or more Groups.
  7606. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  7607. * Read more here:
  7608. * @param {GroupUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  7609. * @example
  7610. * // Update many Groups
  7611. * const group = await{
  7612. * where: {
  7613. * // ... provide filter here
  7614. * },
  7615. * data: {
  7616. * // ... provide data here
  7617. * }
  7618. * })
  7619. *
  7620. */
  7621. updateMany<T extends GroupUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  7622. /**
  7623. * Create or update one Group.
  7624. * @param {GroupUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Group.
  7625. * @example
  7626. * // Update or create a Group
  7627. * const group = await{
  7628. * create: {
  7629. * // ... data to create a Group
  7630. * },
  7631. * update: {
  7632. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  7633. * },
  7634. * where: {
  7635. * // ... the filter for the Group we want to update
  7636. * }
  7637. * })
  7638. */
  7639. upsert<T extends GroupUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  7640. /**
  7641. * Count the number of Groups.
  7642. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  7643. * Read more here:
  7644. * @param {GroupCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Groups to count.
  7645. * @example
  7646. * // Count the number of Groups
  7647. * const count = await{
  7648. * where: {
  7649. * // ... the filter for the Groups we want to count
  7650. * }
  7651. * })
  7652. **/
  7653. count<T extends GroupCountArgs>(
  7654. args?: Subset<T, GroupCountArgs>,
  7655. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  7656. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  7657. ? T['select'] extends true
  7658. ? number
  7659. : GetScalarType<T['select'], GroupCountAggregateOutputType>
  7660. : number
  7661. >
  7662. /**
  7663. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Group.
  7664. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  7665. * Read more here:
  7666. * @param {GroupAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  7667. * @example
  7668. * // Ordered by age ascending
  7669. * // Where email contains
  7670. * // Limited to the 10 users
  7671. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  7672. * _avg: {
  7673. * age: true,
  7674. * },
  7675. * where: {
  7676. * email: {
  7677. * contains: "",
  7678. * },
  7679. * },
  7680. * orderBy: {
  7681. * age: "asc",
  7682. * },
  7683. * take: 10,
  7684. * })
  7685. **/
  7686. aggregate<T extends GroupAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, GroupAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetGroupAggregateType<T>>
  7687. /**
  7688. * Group by Group.
  7689. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  7690. * Read more here:
  7691. * @param {GroupGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  7692. * @example
  7693. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  7694. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  7695. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  7696. * orderBy: {
  7697. * createdAt: true
  7698. * },
  7699. * _count: {
  7700. * _all: true
  7701. * },
  7702. * })
  7703. *
  7704. **/
  7705. groupBy<
  7706. T extends GroupGroupByArgs,
  7707. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  7708. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  7709. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  7710. >,
  7711. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  7712. ? { orderBy: GroupGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  7713. : { orderBy?: GroupGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  7714. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  7715. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  7716. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  7717. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  7718. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  7719. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  7720. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  7721. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  7722. : HavingValid extends False
  7723. ? {
  7724. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  7725. ? never
  7726. : P extends string
  7727. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  7728. : [
  7729. Error,
  7730. 'Field ',
  7731. P,
  7732. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  7733. ]
  7734. }[HavingFields]
  7735. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  7736. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  7737. ? ByValid extends True
  7738. ? {}
  7739. : {
  7740. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  7741. ? never
  7742. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  7743. }[OrderFields]
  7744. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  7745. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  7746. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  7747. ? ByValid extends True
  7748. ? {}
  7749. : {
  7750. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  7751. ? never
  7752. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  7753. }[OrderFields]
  7754. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  7755. : ByValid extends True
  7756. ? {}
  7757. : {
  7758. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  7759. ? never
  7760. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  7761. }[OrderFields]
  7762. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, GroupGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetGroupGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  7763. /**
  7764. * Fields of the Group model
  7765. */
  7766. readonly fields: GroupFieldRefs;
  7767. }
  7768. /**
  7769. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for Group.
  7770. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  7771. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  7772. *
  7773. */
  7774. export interface Prisma__GroupClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  7775. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  7776. /**
  7777. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  7778. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  7779. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  7780. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  7781. */
  7782. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  7783. /**
  7784. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  7785. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  7786. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  7787. */
  7788. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  7789. /**
  7790. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  7791. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  7792. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  7793. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  7794. */
  7795. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  7796. }
  7797. /**
  7798. * Fields of the Group model
  7799. */
  7800. interface GroupFieldRefs {
  7801. readonly id: FieldRef<"Group", 'String'>
  7802. readonly name: FieldRef<"Group", 'String'>
  7803. readonly userid: FieldRef<"Group", 'String'>
  7804. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"Group", 'DateTime'>
  7805. }
  7806. // Custom InputTypes
  7807. /**
  7808. * Group findUnique
  7809. */
  7810. export type GroupFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7811. /**
  7812. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Group
  7813. */
  7814. select?: GroupSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7815. /**
  7816. * Filter, which Group to fetch.
  7817. */
  7818. where: GroupWhereUniqueInput
  7819. }
  7820. /**
  7821. * Group findUniqueOrThrow
  7822. */
  7823. export type GroupFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7824. /**
  7825. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Group
  7826. */
  7827. select?: GroupSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7828. /**
  7829. * Filter, which Group to fetch.
  7830. */
  7831. where: GroupWhereUniqueInput
  7832. }
  7833. /**
  7834. * Group findFirst
  7835. */
  7836. export type GroupFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7837. /**
  7838. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Group
  7839. */
  7840. select?: GroupSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7841. /**
  7842. * Filter, which Group to fetch.
  7843. */
  7844. where?: GroupWhereInput
  7845. /**
  7846. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  7847. *
  7848. * Determine the order of Groups to fetch.
  7849. */
  7850. orderBy?: GroupOrderByWithRelationInput | GroupOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  7851. /**
  7852. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  7853. *
  7854. * Sets the position for searching for Groups.
  7855. */
  7856. cursor?: GroupWhereUniqueInput
  7857. /**
  7858. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7859. *
  7860. * Take `±n` Groups from the position of the cursor.
  7861. */
  7862. take?: number
  7863. /**
  7864. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7865. *
  7866. * Skip the first `n` Groups.
  7867. */
  7868. skip?: number
  7869. /**
  7870. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  7871. *
  7872. * Filter by unique combinations of Groups.
  7873. */
  7874. distinct?: GroupScalarFieldEnum | GroupScalarFieldEnum[]
  7875. }
  7876. /**
  7877. * Group findFirstOrThrow
  7878. */
  7879. export type GroupFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7880. /**
  7881. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Group
  7882. */
  7883. select?: GroupSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7884. /**
  7885. * Filter, which Group to fetch.
  7886. */
  7887. where?: GroupWhereInput
  7888. /**
  7889. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  7890. *
  7891. * Determine the order of Groups to fetch.
  7892. */
  7893. orderBy?: GroupOrderByWithRelationInput | GroupOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  7894. /**
  7895. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  7896. *
  7897. * Sets the position for searching for Groups.
  7898. */
  7899. cursor?: GroupWhereUniqueInput
  7900. /**
  7901. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7902. *
  7903. * Take `±n` Groups from the position of the cursor.
  7904. */
  7905. take?: number
  7906. /**
  7907. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7908. *
  7909. * Skip the first `n` Groups.
  7910. */
  7911. skip?: number
  7912. /**
  7913. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  7914. *
  7915. * Filter by unique combinations of Groups.
  7916. */
  7917. distinct?: GroupScalarFieldEnum | GroupScalarFieldEnum[]
  7918. }
  7919. /**
  7920. * Group findMany
  7921. */
  7922. export type GroupFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7923. /**
  7924. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Group
  7925. */
  7926. select?: GroupSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7927. /**
  7928. * Filter, which Groups to fetch.
  7929. */
  7930. where?: GroupWhereInput
  7931. /**
  7932. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  7933. *
  7934. * Determine the order of Groups to fetch.
  7935. */
  7936. orderBy?: GroupOrderByWithRelationInput | GroupOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  7937. /**
  7938. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  7939. *
  7940. * Sets the position for listing Groups.
  7941. */
  7942. cursor?: GroupWhereUniqueInput
  7943. /**
  7944. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7945. *
  7946. * Take `±n` Groups from the position of the cursor.
  7947. */
  7948. take?: number
  7949. /**
  7950. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  7951. *
  7952. * Skip the first `n` Groups.
  7953. */
  7954. skip?: number
  7955. distinct?: GroupScalarFieldEnum | GroupScalarFieldEnum[]
  7956. }
  7957. /**
  7958. * Group create
  7959. */
  7960. export type GroupCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7961. /**
  7962. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Group
  7963. */
  7964. select?: GroupSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7965. /**
  7966. * The data needed to create a Group.
  7967. */
  7968. data: XOR<GroupCreateInput, GroupUncheckedCreateInput>
  7969. }
  7970. /**
  7971. * Group createMany
  7972. */
  7973. export type GroupCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7974. /**
  7975. * The data used to create many Groups.
  7976. */
  7977. data: GroupCreateManyInput | GroupCreateManyInput[]
  7978. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  7979. }
  7980. /**
  7981. * Group update
  7982. */
  7983. export type GroupUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  7984. /**
  7985. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Group
  7986. */
  7987. select?: GroupSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  7988. /**
  7989. * The data needed to update a Group.
  7990. */
  7991. data: XOR<GroupUpdateInput, GroupUncheckedUpdateInput>
  7992. /**
  7993. * Choose, which Group to update.
  7994. */
  7995. where: GroupWhereUniqueInput
  7996. }
  7997. /**
  7998. * Group updateMany
  7999. */
  8000. export type GroupUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8001. /**
  8002. * The data used to update Groups.
  8003. */
  8004. data: XOR<GroupUpdateManyMutationInput, GroupUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  8005. /**
  8006. * Filter which Groups to update
  8007. */
  8008. where?: GroupWhereInput
  8009. }
  8010. /**
  8011. * Group upsert
  8012. */
  8013. export type GroupUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8014. /**
  8015. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Group
  8016. */
  8017. select?: GroupSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8018. /**
  8019. * The filter to search for the Group to update in case it exists.
  8020. */
  8021. where: GroupWhereUniqueInput
  8022. /**
  8023. * In case the Group found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new Group with this data.
  8024. */
  8025. create: XOR<GroupCreateInput, GroupUncheckedCreateInput>
  8026. /**
  8027. * In case the Group was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  8028. */
  8029. update: XOR<GroupUpdateInput, GroupUncheckedUpdateInput>
  8030. }
  8031. /**
  8032. * Group delete
  8033. */
  8034. export type GroupDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8035. /**
  8036. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Group
  8037. */
  8038. select?: GroupSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8039. /**
  8040. * Filter which Group to delete.
  8041. */
  8042. where: GroupWhereUniqueInput
  8043. }
  8044. /**
  8045. * Group deleteMany
  8046. */
  8047. export type GroupDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8048. /**
  8049. * Filter which Groups to delete
  8050. */
  8051. where?: GroupWhereInput
  8052. }
  8053. /**
  8054. * Group without action
  8055. */
  8056. export type GroupDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8057. /**
  8058. * Select specific fields to fetch from the Group
  8059. */
  8060. select?: GroupSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8061. }
  8062. /**
  8063. * Model GroupFile
  8064. */
  8065. export type AggregateGroupFile = {
  8066. _count: GroupFileCountAggregateOutputType | null
  8067. _min: GroupFileMinAggregateOutputType | null
  8068. _max: GroupFileMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  8069. }
  8070. export type GroupFileMinAggregateOutputType = {
  8071. id: string | null
  8072. userid: string | null
  8073. fileurl: string | null
  8074. filename: string | null
  8075. groupid: string | null
  8076. abstract: string | null
  8077. assistantFileId: string | null
  8078. modelType: string | null
  8079. createtime: Date | null
  8080. }
  8081. export type GroupFileMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  8082. id: string | null
  8083. userid: string | null
  8084. fileurl: string | null
  8085. filename: string | null
  8086. groupid: string | null
  8087. abstract: string | null
  8088. assistantFileId: string | null
  8089. modelType: string | null
  8090. createtime: Date | null
  8091. }
  8092. export type GroupFileCountAggregateOutputType = {
  8093. id: number
  8094. userid: number
  8095. fileurl: number
  8096. filename: number
  8097. groupid: number
  8098. abstract: number
  8099. assistantFileId: number
  8100. modelType: number
  8101. createtime: number
  8102. _all: number
  8103. }
  8104. export type GroupFileMinAggregateInputType = {
  8105. id?: true
  8106. userid?: true
  8107. fileurl?: true
  8108. filename?: true
  8109. groupid?: true
  8110. abstract?: true
  8111. assistantFileId?: true
  8112. modelType?: true
  8113. createtime?: true
  8114. }
  8115. export type GroupFileMaxAggregateInputType = {
  8116. id?: true
  8117. userid?: true
  8118. fileurl?: true
  8119. filename?: true
  8120. groupid?: true
  8121. abstract?: true
  8122. assistantFileId?: true
  8123. modelType?: true
  8124. createtime?: true
  8125. }
  8126. export type GroupFileCountAggregateInputType = {
  8127. id?: true
  8128. userid?: true
  8129. fileurl?: true
  8130. filename?: true
  8131. groupid?: true
  8132. abstract?: true
  8133. assistantFileId?: true
  8134. modelType?: true
  8135. createtime?: true
  8136. _all?: true
  8137. }
  8138. export type GroupFileAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8139. /**
  8140. * Filter which GroupFile to aggregate.
  8141. */
  8142. where?: GroupFileWhereInput
  8143. /**
  8144. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  8145. *
  8146. * Determine the order of GroupFiles to fetch.
  8147. */
  8148. orderBy?: GroupFileOrderByWithRelationInput | GroupFileOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  8149. /**
  8150. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  8151. *
  8152. * Sets the start position
  8153. */
  8154. cursor?: GroupFileWhereUniqueInput
  8155. /**
  8156. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  8157. *
  8158. * Take `±n` GroupFiles from the position of the cursor.
  8159. */
  8160. take?: number
  8161. /**
  8162. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  8163. *
  8164. * Skip the first `n` GroupFiles.
  8165. */
  8166. skip?: number
  8167. /**
  8168. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  8169. *
  8170. * Count returned GroupFiles
  8171. **/
  8172. _count?: true | GroupFileCountAggregateInputType
  8173. /**
  8174. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  8175. *
  8176. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  8177. **/
  8178. _min?: GroupFileMinAggregateInputType
  8179. /**
  8180. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  8181. *
  8182. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  8183. **/
  8184. _max?: GroupFileMaxAggregateInputType
  8185. }
  8186. export type GetGroupFileAggregateType<T extends GroupFileAggregateArgs> = {
  8187. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateGroupFile]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  8188. ? T[P] extends true
  8189. ? number
  8190. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateGroupFile[P]>
  8191. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateGroupFile[P]>
  8192. }
  8193. export type GroupFileGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8194. where?: GroupFileWhereInput
  8195. orderBy?: GroupFileOrderByWithAggregationInput | GroupFileOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  8196. by: GroupFileScalarFieldEnum[] | GroupFileScalarFieldEnum
  8197. having?: GroupFileScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  8198. take?: number
  8199. skip?: number
  8200. _count?: GroupFileCountAggregateInputType | true
  8201. _min?: GroupFileMinAggregateInputType
  8202. _max?: GroupFileMaxAggregateInputType
  8203. }
  8204. export type GroupFileGroupByOutputType = {
  8205. id: string
  8206. userid: string | null
  8207. fileurl: string | null
  8208. filename: string | null
  8209. groupid: string | null
  8210. abstract: string | null
  8211. assistantFileId: string | null
  8212. modelType: string | null
  8213. createtime: Date | null
  8214. _count: GroupFileCountAggregateOutputType | null
  8215. _min: GroupFileMinAggregateOutputType | null
  8216. _max: GroupFileMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  8217. }
  8218. type GetGroupFileGroupByPayload<T extends GroupFileGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  8219. Array<
  8220. PickEnumerable<GroupFileGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  8221. {
  8222. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof GroupFileGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  8223. ? T[P] extends boolean
  8224. ? number
  8225. : GetScalarType<T[P], GroupFileGroupByOutputType[P]>
  8226. : GetScalarType<T[P], GroupFileGroupByOutputType[P]>
  8227. }
  8228. >
  8229. >
  8230. export type GroupFileSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  8231. id?: boolean
  8232. userid?: boolean
  8233. fileurl?: boolean
  8234. filename?: boolean
  8235. groupid?: boolean
  8236. abstract?: boolean
  8237. assistantFileId?: boolean
  8238. modelType?: boolean
  8239. createtime?: boolean
  8240. }, ExtArgs["result"]["groupFile"]>
  8241. export type GroupFileSelectScalar = {
  8242. id?: boolean
  8243. userid?: boolean
  8244. fileurl?: boolean
  8245. filename?: boolean
  8246. groupid?: boolean
  8247. abstract?: boolean
  8248. assistantFileId?: boolean
  8249. modelType?: boolean
  8250. createtime?: boolean
  8251. }
  8252. export type $GroupFilePayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8253. name: "GroupFile"
  8254. objects: {}
  8255. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  8256. id: string
  8257. userid: string | null
  8258. fileurl: string | null
  8259. filename: string | null
  8260. groupid: string | null
  8261. abstract: string | null
  8262. assistantFileId: string | null
  8263. modelType: string | null
  8264. createtime: Date | null
  8265. }, ExtArgs["result"]["groupFile"]>
  8266. composites: {}
  8267. }
  8268. type GroupFileGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | GroupFileDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload, S>
  8269. type GroupFileCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  8270. Omit<GroupFileFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  8271. select?: GroupFileCountAggregateInputType | true
  8272. }
  8273. export interface GroupFileDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  8274. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['GroupFile'], meta: { name: 'GroupFile' } }
  8275. /**
  8276. * Find zero or one GroupFile that matches the filter.
  8277. * @param {GroupFileFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a GroupFile
  8278. * @example
  8279. * // Get one GroupFile
  8280. * const groupFile = await prisma.groupFile.findUnique({
  8281. * where: {
  8282. * // ... provide filter here
  8283. * }
  8284. * })
  8285. */
  8286. findUnique<T extends GroupFileFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupFileClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  8287. /**
  8288. * Find one GroupFile that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  8289. * if no matches were found.
  8290. * @param {GroupFileFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a GroupFile
  8291. * @example
  8292. * // Get one GroupFile
  8293. * const groupFile = await prisma.groupFile.findUniqueOrThrow({
  8294. * where: {
  8295. * // ... provide filter here
  8296. * }
  8297. * })
  8298. */
  8299. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends GroupFileFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupFileClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  8300. /**
  8301. * Find the first GroupFile that matches the filter.
  8302. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  8303. * Read more here:
  8304. * @param {GroupFileFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a GroupFile
  8305. * @example
  8306. * // Get one GroupFile
  8307. * const groupFile = await prisma.groupFile.findFirst({
  8308. * where: {
  8309. * // ... provide filter here
  8310. * }
  8311. * })
  8312. */
  8313. findFirst<T extends GroupFileFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupFileClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  8314. /**
  8315. * Find the first GroupFile that matches the filter or
  8316. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  8317. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  8318. * Read more here:
  8319. * @param {GroupFileFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a GroupFile
  8320. * @example
  8321. * // Get one GroupFile
  8322. * const groupFile = await prisma.groupFile.findFirstOrThrow({
  8323. * where: {
  8324. * // ... provide filter here
  8325. * }
  8326. * })
  8327. */
  8328. findFirstOrThrow<T extends GroupFileFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupFileClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  8329. /**
  8330. * Find zero or more GroupFiles that matches the filter.
  8331. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  8332. * Read more here:
  8333. * @param {GroupFileFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  8334. * @example
  8335. * // Get all GroupFiles
  8336. * const groupFiles = await prisma.groupFile.findMany()
  8337. *
  8338. * // Get first 10 GroupFiles
  8339. * const groupFiles = await prisma.groupFile.findMany({ take: 10 })
  8340. *
  8341. * // Only select the `id`
  8342. * const groupFileWithIdOnly = await prisma.groupFile.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  8343. *
  8344. */
  8345. findMany<T extends GroupFileFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  8346. /**
  8347. * Create a GroupFile.
  8348. * @param {GroupFileCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a GroupFile.
  8349. * @example
  8350. * // Create one GroupFile
  8351. * const GroupFile = await prisma.groupFile.create({
  8352. * data: {
  8353. * // ... data to create a GroupFile
  8354. * }
  8355. * })
  8356. *
  8357. */
  8358. create<T extends GroupFileCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupFileClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  8359. /**
  8360. * Create many GroupFiles.
  8361. * @param {GroupFileCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many GroupFiles.
  8362. * @example
  8363. * // Create many GroupFiles
  8364. * const groupFile = await prisma.groupFile.createMany({
  8365. * data: [
  8366. * // ... provide data here
  8367. * ]
  8368. * })
  8369. *
  8370. */
  8371. createMany<T extends GroupFileCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  8372. /**
  8373. * Delete a GroupFile.
  8374. * @param {GroupFileDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one GroupFile.
  8375. * @example
  8376. * // Delete one GroupFile
  8377. * const GroupFile = await prisma.groupFile.delete({
  8378. * where: {
  8379. * // ... filter to delete one GroupFile
  8380. * }
  8381. * })
  8382. *
  8383. */
  8384. delete<T extends GroupFileDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupFileClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  8385. /**
  8386. * Update one GroupFile.
  8387. * @param {GroupFileUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one GroupFile.
  8388. * @example
  8389. * // Update one GroupFile
  8390. * const groupFile = await prisma.groupFile.update({
  8391. * where: {
  8392. * // ... provide filter here
  8393. * },
  8394. * data: {
  8395. * // ... provide data here
  8396. * }
  8397. * })
  8398. *
  8399. */
  8400. update<T extends GroupFileUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupFileClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  8401. /**
  8402. * Delete zero or more GroupFiles.
  8403. * @param {GroupFileDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter GroupFiles to delete.
  8404. * @example
  8405. * // Delete a few GroupFiles
  8406. * const { count } = await prisma.groupFile.deleteMany({
  8407. * where: {
  8408. * // ... provide filter here
  8409. * }
  8410. * })
  8411. *
  8412. */
  8413. deleteMany<T extends GroupFileDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  8414. /**
  8415. * Update zero or more GroupFiles.
  8416. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  8417. * Read more here:
  8418. * @param {GroupFileUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  8419. * @example
  8420. * // Update many GroupFiles
  8421. * const groupFile = await prisma.groupFile.updateMany({
  8422. * where: {
  8423. * // ... provide filter here
  8424. * },
  8425. * data: {
  8426. * // ... provide data here
  8427. * }
  8428. * })
  8429. *
  8430. */
  8431. updateMany<T extends GroupFileUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  8432. /**
  8433. * Create or update one GroupFile.
  8434. * @param {GroupFileUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a GroupFile.
  8435. * @example
  8436. * // Update or create a GroupFile
  8437. * const groupFile = await prisma.groupFile.upsert({
  8438. * create: {
  8439. * // ... data to create a GroupFile
  8440. * },
  8441. * update: {
  8442. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  8443. * },
  8444. * where: {
  8445. * // ... the filter for the GroupFile we want to update
  8446. * }
  8447. * })
  8448. */
  8449. upsert<T extends GroupFileUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, GroupFileUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__GroupFileClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$GroupFilePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  8450. /**
  8451. * Count the number of GroupFiles.
  8452. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  8453. * Read more here:
  8454. * @param {GroupFileCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter GroupFiles to count.
  8455. * @example
  8456. * // Count the number of GroupFiles
  8457. * const count = await prisma.groupFile.count({
  8458. * where: {
  8459. * // ... the filter for the GroupFiles we want to count
  8460. * }
  8461. * })
  8462. **/
  8463. count<T extends GroupFileCountArgs>(
  8464. args?: Subset<T, GroupFileCountArgs>,
  8465. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  8466. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  8467. ? T['select'] extends true
  8468. ? number
  8469. : GetScalarType<T['select'], GroupFileCountAggregateOutputType>
  8470. : number
  8471. >
  8472. /**
  8473. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a GroupFile.
  8474. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  8475. * Read more here:
  8476. * @param {GroupFileAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  8477. * @example
  8478. * // Ordered by age ascending
  8479. * // Where email contains
  8480. * // Limited to the 10 users
  8481. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  8482. * _avg: {
  8483. * age: true,
  8484. * },
  8485. * where: {
  8486. * email: {
  8487. * contains: "",
  8488. * },
  8489. * },
  8490. * orderBy: {
  8491. * age: "asc",
  8492. * },
  8493. * take: 10,
  8494. * })
  8495. **/
  8496. aggregate<T extends GroupFileAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, GroupFileAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetGroupFileAggregateType<T>>
  8497. /**
  8498. * Group by GroupFile.
  8499. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  8500. * Read more here:
  8501. * @param {GroupFileGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  8502. * @example
  8503. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  8504. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  8505. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  8506. * orderBy: {
  8507. * createdAt: true
  8508. * },
  8509. * _count: {
  8510. * _all: true
  8511. * },
  8512. * })
  8513. *
  8514. **/
  8515. groupBy<
  8516. T extends GroupFileGroupByArgs,
  8517. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  8518. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  8519. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  8520. >,
  8521. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  8522. ? { orderBy: GroupFileGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  8523. : { orderBy?: GroupFileGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  8524. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  8525. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  8526. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  8527. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  8528. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  8529. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  8530. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  8531. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  8532. : HavingValid extends False
  8533. ? {
  8534. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  8535. ? never
  8536. : P extends string
  8537. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  8538. : [
  8539. Error,
  8540. 'Field ',
  8541. P,
  8542. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  8543. ]
  8544. }[HavingFields]
  8545. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  8546. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  8547. ? ByValid extends True
  8548. ? {}
  8549. : {
  8550. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  8551. ? never
  8552. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  8553. }[OrderFields]
  8554. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  8555. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  8556. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  8557. ? ByValid extends True
  8558. ? {}
  8559. : {
  8560. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  8561. ? never
  8562. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  8563. }[OrderFields]
  8564. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  8565. : ByValid extends True
  8566. ? {}
  8567. : {
  8568. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  8569. ? never
  8570. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  8571. }[OrderFields]
  8572. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, GroupFileGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetGroupFileGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  8573. /**
  8574. * Fields of the GroupFile model
  8575. */
  8576. readonly fields: GroupFileFieldRefs;
  8577. }
  8578. /**
  8579. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for GroupFile.
  8580. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  8581. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  8582. *
  8583. */
  8584. export interface Prisma__GroupFileClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  8585. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  8586. /**
  8587. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  8588. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  8589. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  8590. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  8591. */
  8592. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  8593. /**
  8594. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  8595. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  8596. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  8597. */
  8598. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  8599. /**
  8600. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  8601. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  8602. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  8603. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  8604. */
  8605. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  8606. }
  8607. /**
  8608. * Fields of the GroupFile model
  8609. */
  8610. interface GroupFileFieldRefs {
  8611. readonly id: FieldRef<"GroupFile", 'String'>
  8612. readonly userid: FieldRef<"GroupFile", 'String'>
  8613. readonly fileurl: FieldRef<"GroupFile", 'String'>
  8614. readonly filename: FieldRef<"GroupFile", 'String'>
  8615. readonly groupid: FieldRef<"GroupFile", 'String'>
  8616. readonly abstract: FieldRef<"GroupFile", 'String'>
  8617. readonly assistantFileId: FieldRef<"GroupFile", 'String'>
  8618. readonly modelType: FieldRef<"GroupFile", 'String'>
  8619. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"GroupFile", 'DateTime'>
  8620. }
  8621. // Custom InputTypes
  8622. /**
  8623. * GroupFile findUnique
  8624. */
  8625. export type GroupFileFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8626. /**
  8627. * Select specific fields to fetch from the GroupFile
  8628. */
  8629. select?: GroupFileSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8630. /**
  8631. * Filter, which GroupFile to fetch.
  8632. */
  8633. where: GroupFileWhereUniqueInput
  8634. }
  8635. /**
  8636. * GroupFile findUniqueOrThrow
  8637. */
  8638. export type GroupFileFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8639. /**
  8640. * Select specific fields to fetch from the GroupFile
  8641. */
  8642. select?: GroupFileSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8643. /**
  8644. * Filter, which GroupFile to fetch.
  8645. */
  8646. where: GroupFileWhereUniqueInput
  8647. }
  8648. /**
  8649. * GroupFile findFirst
  8650. */
  8651. export type GroupFileFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8652. /**
  8653. * Select specific fields to fetch from the GroupFile
  8654. */
  8655. select?: GroupFileSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8656. /**
  8657. * Filter, which GroupFile to fetch.
  8658. */
  8659. where?: GroupFileWhereInput
  8660. /**
  8661. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  8662. *
  8663. * Determine the order of GroupFiles to fetch.
  8664. */
  8665. orderBy?: GroupFileOrderByWithRelationInput | GroupFileOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  8666. /**
  8667. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  8668. *
  8669. * Sets the position for searching for GroupFiles.
  8670. */
  8671. cursor?: GroupFileWhereUniqueInput
  8672. /**
  8673. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  8674. *
  8675. * Take `±n` GroupFiles from the position of the cursor.
  8676. */
  8677. take?: number
  8678. /**
  8679. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  8680. *
  8681. * Skip the first `n` GroupFiles.
  8682. */
  8683. skip?: number
  8684. /**
  8685. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  8686. *
  8687. * Filter by unique combinations of GroupFiles.
  8688. */
  8689. distinct?: GroupFileScalarFieldEnum | GroupFileScalarFieldEnum[]
  8690. }
  8691. /**
  8692. * GroupFile findFirstOrThrow
  8693. */
  8694. export type GroupFileFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8695. /**
  8696. * Select specific fields to fetch from the GroupFile
  8697. */
  8698. select?: GroupFileSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8699. /**
  8700. * Filter, which GroupFile to fetch.
  8701. */
  8702. where?: GroupFileWhereInput
  8703. /**
  8704. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  8705. *
  8706. * Determine the order of GroupFiles to fetch.
  8707. */
  8708. orderBy?: GroupFileOrderByWithRelationInput | GroupFileOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  8709. /**
  8710. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  8711. *
  8712. * Sets the position for searching for GroupFiles.
  8713. */
  8714. cursor?: GroupFileWhereUniqueInput
  8715. /**
  8716. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  8717. *
  8718. * Take `±n` GroupFiles from the position of the cursor.
  8719. */
  8720. take?: number
  8721. /**
  8722. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  8723. *
  8724. * Skip the first `n` GroupFiles.
  8725. */
  8726. skip?: number
  8727. /**
  8728. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  8729. *
  8730. * Filter by unique combinations of GroupFiles.
  8731. */
  8732. distinct?: GroupFileScalarFieldEnum | GroupFileScalarFieldEnum[]
  8733. }
  8734. /**
  8735. * GroupFile findMany
  8736. */
  8737. export type GroupFileFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8738. /**
  8739. * Select specific fields to fetch from the GroupFile
  8740. */
  8741. select?: GroupFileSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8742. /**
  8743. * Filter, which GroupFiles to fetch.
  8744. */
  8745. where?: GroupFileWhereInput
  8746. /**
  8747. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  8748. *
  8749. * Determine the order of GroupFiles to fetch.
  8750. */
  8751. orderBy?: GroupFileOrderByWithRelationInput | GroupFileOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  8752. /**
  8753. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  8754. *
  8755. * Sets the position for listing GroupFiles.
  8756. */
  8757. cursor?: GroupFileWhereUniqueInput
  8758. /**
  8759. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  8760. *
  8761. * Take `±n` GroupFiles from the position of the cursor.
  8762. */
  8763. take?: number
  8764. /**
  8765. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  8766. *
  8767. * Skip the first `n` GroupFiles.
  8768. */
  8769. skip?: number
  8770. distinct?: GroupFileScalarFieldEnum | GroupFileScalarFieldEnum[]
  8771. }
  8772. /**
  8773. * GroupFile create
  8774. */
  8775. export type GroupFileCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8776. /**
  8777. * Select specific fields to fetch from the GroupFile
  8778. */
  8779. select?: GroupFileSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8780. /**
  8781. * The data needed to create a GroupFile.
  8782. */
  8783. data: XOR<GroupFileCreateInput, GroupFileUncheckedCreateInput>
  8784. }
  8785. /**
  8786. * GroupFile createMany
  8787. */
  8788. export type GroupFileCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8789. /**
  8790. * The data used to create many GroupFiles.
  8791. */
  8792. data: GroupFileCreateManyInput | GroupFileCreateManyInput[]
  8793. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  8794. }
  8795. /**
  8796. * GroupFile update
  8797. */
  8798. export type GroupFileUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8799. /**
  8800. * Select specific fields to fetch from the GroupFile
  8801. */
  8802. select?: GroupFileSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8803. /**
  8804. * The data needed to update a GroupFile.
  8805. */
  8806. data: XOR<GroupFileUpdateInput, GroupFileUncheckedUpdateInput>
  8807. /**
  8808. * Choose, which GroupFile to update.
  8809. */
  8810. where: GroupFileWhereUniqueInput
  8811. }
  8812. /**
  8813. * GroupFile updateMany
  8814. */
  8815. export type GroupFileUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8816. /**
  8817. * The data used to update GroupFiles.
  8818. */
  8819. data: XOR<GroupFileUpdateManyMutationInput, GroupFileUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  8820. /**
  8821. * Filter which GroupFiles to update
  8822. */
  8823. where?: GroupFileWhereInput
  8824. }
  8825. /**
  8826. * GroupFile upsert
  8827. */
  8828. export type GroupFileUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8829. /**
  8830. * Select specific fields to fetch from the GroupFile
  8831. */
  8832. select?: GroupFileSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8833. /**
  8834. * The filter to search for the GroupFile to update in case it exists.
  8835. */
  8836. where: GroupFileWhereUniqueInput
  8837. /**
  8838. * In case the GroupFile found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new GroupFile with this data.
  8839. */
  8840. create: XOR<GroupFileCreateInput, GroupFileUncheckedCreateInput>
  8841. /**
  8842. * In case the GroupFile was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  8843. */
  8844. update: XOR<GroupFileUpdateInput, GroupFileUncheckedUpdateInput>
  8845. }
  8846. /**
  8847. * GroupFile delete
  8848. */
  8849. export type GroupFileDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8850. /**
  8851. * Select specific fields to fetch from the GroupFile
  8852. */
  8853. select?: GroupFileSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8854. /**
  8855. * Filter which GroupFile to delete.
  8856. */
  8857. where: GroupFileWhereUniqueInput
  8858. }
  8859. /**
  8860. * GroupFile deleteMany
  8861. */
  8862. export type GroupFileDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8863. /**
  8864. * Filter which GroupFiles to delete
  8865. */
  8866. where?: GroupFileWhereInput
  8867. }
  8868. /**
  8869. * GroupFile without action
  8870. */
  8871. export type GroupFileDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8872. /**
  8873. * Select specific fields to fetch from the GroupFile
  8874. */
  8875. select?: GroupFileSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  8876. }
  8877. /**
  8878. * Model InvitationCode
  8879. */
  8880. export type AggregateInvitationCode = {
  8881. _count: InvitationCodeCountAggregateOutputType | null
  8882. _avg: InvitationCodeAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  8883. _sum: InvitationCodeSumAggregateOutputType | null
  8884. _min: InvitationCodeMinAggregateOutputType | null
  8885. _max: InvitationCodeMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  8886. }
  8887. export type InvitationCodeAvgAggregateOutputType = {
  8888. type: number | null
  8889. }
  8890. export type InvitationCodeSumAggregateOutputType = {
  8891. type: number | null
  8892. }
  8893. export type InvitationCodeMinAggregateOutputType = {
  8894. id: string | null
  8895. cid: string | null
  8896. themeId: string | null
  8897. type: number | null
  8898. invitationCode: string | null
  8899. createtime: Date | null
  8900. }
  8901. export type InvitationCodeMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  8902. id: string | null
  8903. cid: string | null
  8904. themeId: string | null
  8905. type: number | null
  8906. invitationCode: string | null
  8907. createtime: Date | null
  8908. }
  8909. export type InvitationCodeCountAggregateOutputType = {
  8910. id: number
  8911. cid: number
  8912. themeId: number
  8913. type: number
  8914. invitationCode: number
  8915. createtime: number
  8916. _all: number
  8917. }
  8918. export type InvitationCodeAvgAggregateInputType = {
  8919. type?: true
  8920. }
  8921. export type InvitationCodeSumAggregateInputType = {
  8922. type?: true
  8923. }
  8924. export type InvitationCodeMinAggregateInputType = {
  8925. id?: true
  8926. cid?: true
  8927. themeId?: true
  8928. type?: true
  8929. invitationCode?: true
  8930. createtime?: true
  8931. }
  8932. export type InvitationCodeMaxAggregateInputType = {
  8933. id?: true
  8934. cid?: true
  8935. themeId?: true
  8936. type?: true
  8937. invitationCode?: true
  8938. createtime?: true
  8939. }
  8940. export type InvitationCodeCountAggregateInputType = {
  8941. id?: true
  8942. cid?: true
  8943. themeId?: true
  8944. type?: true
  8945. invitationCode?: true
  8946. createtime?: true
  8947. _all?: true
  8948. }
  8949. export type InvitationCodeAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  8950. /**
  8951. * Filter which InvitationCode to aggregate.
  8952. */
  8953. where?: InvitationCodeWhereInput
  8954. /**
  8955. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  8956. *
  8957. * Determine the order of InvitationCodes to fetch.
  8958. */
  8959. orderBy?: InvitationCodeOrderByWithRelationInput | InvitationCodeOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  8960. /**
  8961. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  8962. *
  8963. * Sets the start position
  8964. */
  8965. cursor?: InvitationCodeWhereUniqueInput
  8966. /**
  8967. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  8968. *
  8969. * Take `±n` InvitationCodes from the position of the cursor.
  8970. */
  8971. take?: number
  8972. /**
  8973. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  8974. *
  8975. * Skip the first `n` InvitationCodes.
  8976. */
  8977. skip?: number
  8978. /**
  8979. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  8980. *
  8981. * Count returned InvitationCodes
  8982. **/
  8983. _count?: true | InvitationCodeCountAggregateInputType
  8984. /**
  8985. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  8986. *
  8987. * Select which fields to average
  8988. **/
  8989. _avg?: InvitationCodeAvgAggregateInputType
  8990. /**
  8991. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  8992. *
  8993. * Select which fields to sum
  8994. **/
  8995. _sum?: InvitationCodeSumAggregateInputType
  8996. /**
  8997. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  8998. *
  8999. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  9000. **/
  9001. _min?: InvitationCodeMinAggregateInputType
  9002. /**
  9003. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  9004. *
  9005. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  9006. **/
  9007. _max?: InvitationCodeMaxAggregateInputType
  9008. }
  9009. export type GetInvitationCodeAggregateType<T extends InvitationCodeAggregateArgs> = {
  9010. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateInvitationCode]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  9011. ? T[P] extends true
  9012. ? number
  9013. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateInvitationCode[P]>
  9014. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateInvitationCode[P]>
  9015. }
  9016. export type InvitationCodeGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9017. where?: InvitationCodeWhereInput
  9018. orderBy?: InvitationCodeOrderByWithAggregationInput | InvitationCodeOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  9019. by: InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum[] | InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum
  9020. having?: InvitationCodeScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  9021. take?: number
  9022. skip?: number
  9023. _count?: InvitationCodeCountAggregateInputType | true
  9024. _avg?: InvitationCodeAvgAggregateInputType
  9025. _sum?: InvitationCodeSumAggregateInputType
  9026. _min?: InvitationCodeMinAggregateInputType
  9027. _max?: InvitationCodeMaxAggregateInputType
  9028. }
  9029. export type InvitationCodeGroupByOutputType = {
  9030. id: string
  9031. cid: string | null
  9032. themeId: string | null
  9033. type: number | null
  9034. invitationCode: string | null
  9035. createtime: Date | null
  9036. _count: InvitationCodeCountAggregateOutputType | null
  9037. _avg: InvitationCodeAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  9038. _sum: InvitationCodeSumAggregateOutputType | null
  9039. _min: InvitationCodeMinAggregateOutputType | null
  9040. _max: InvitationCodeMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  9041. }
  9042. type GetInvitationCodeGroupByPayload<T extends InvitationCodeGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  9043. Array<
  9044. PickEnumerable<InvitationCodeGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  9045. {
  9046. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof InvitationCodeGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  9047. ? T[P] extends boolean
  9048. ? number
  9049. : GetScalarType<T[P], InvitationCodeGroupByOutputType[P]>
  9050. : GetScalarType<T[P], InvitationCodeGroupByOutputType[P]>
  9051. }
  9052. >
  9053. >
  9054. export type InvitationCodeSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  9055. id?: boolean
  9056. cid?: boolean
  9057. themeId?: boolean
  9058. type?: boolean
  9059. invitationCode?: boolean
  9060. createtime?: boolean
  9061. }, ExtArgs["result"]["invitationCode"]>
  9062. export type InvitationCodeSelectScalar = {
  9063. id?: boolean
  9064. cid?: boolean
  9065. themeId?: boolean
  9066. type?: boolean
  9067. invitationCode?: boolean
  9068. createtime?: boolean
  9069. }
  9070. export type $InvitationCodePayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9071. name: "InvitationCode"
  9072. objects: {}
  9073. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  9074. id: string
  9075. cid: string | null
  9076. themeId: string | null
  9077. type: number | null
  9078. invitationCode: string | null
  9079. createtime: Date | null
  9080. }, ExtArgs["result"]["invitationCode"]>
  9081. composites: {}
  9082. }
  9083. type InvitationCodeGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | InvitationCodeDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload, S>
  9084. type InvitationCodeCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  9085. Omit<InvitationCodeFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  9086. select?: InvitationCodeCountAggregateInputType | true
  9087. }
  9088. export interface InvitationCodeDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  9089. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['InvitationCode'], meta: { name: 'InvitationCode' } }
  9090. /**
  9091. * Find zero or one InvitationCode that matches the filter.
  9092. * @param {InvitationCodeFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a InvitationCode
  9093. * @example
  9094. * // Get one InvitationCode
  9095. * const invitationCode = await prisma.invitationCode.findUnique({
  9096. * where: {
  9097. * // ... provide filter here
  9098. * }
  9099. * })
  9100. */
  9101. findUnique<T extends InvitationCodeFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__InvitationCodeClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  9102. /**
  9103. * Find one InvitationCode that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  9104. * if no matches were found.
  9105. * @param {InvitationCodeFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a InvitationCode
  9106. * @example
  9107. * // Get one InvitationCode
  9108. * const invitationCode = await prisma.invitationCode.findUniqueOrThrow({
  9109. * where: {
  9110. * // ... provide filter here
  9111. * }
  9112. * })
  9113. */
  9114. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends InvitationCodeFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__InvitationCodeClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  9115. /**
  9116. * Find the first InvitationCode that matches the filter.
  9117. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  9118. * Read more here:
  9119. * @param {InvitationCodeFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a InvitationCode
  9120. * @example
  9121. * // Get one InvitationCode
  9122. * const invitationCode = await prisma.invitationCode.findFirst({
  9123. * where: {
  9124. * // ... provide filter here
  9125. * }
  9126. * })
  9127. */
  9128. findFirst<T extends InvitationCodeFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__InvitationCodeClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  9129. /**
  9130. * Find the first InvitationCode that matches the filter or
  9131. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  9132. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  9133. * Read more here:
  9134. * @param {InvitationCodeFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a InvitationCode
  9135. * @example
  9136. * // Get one InvitationCode
  9137. * const invitationCode = await prisma.invitationCode.findFirstOrThrow({
  9138. * where: {
  9139. * // ... provide filter here
  9140. * }
  9141. * })
  9142. */
  9143. findFirstOrThrow<T extends InvitationCodeFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__InvitationCodeClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  9144. /**
  9145. * Find zero or more InvitationCodes that matches the filter.
  9146. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  9147. * Read more here:
  9148. * @param {InvitationCodeFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  9149. * @example
  9150. * // Get all InvitationCodes
  9151. * const invitationCodes = await prisma.invitationCode.findMany()
  9152. *
  9153. * // Get first 10 InvitationCodes
  9154. * const invitationCodes = await prisma.invitationCode.findMany({ take: 10 })
  9155. *
  9156. * // Only select the `id`
  9157. * const invitationCodeWithIdOnly = await prisma.invitationCode.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  9158. *
  9159. */
  9160. findMany<T extends InvitationCodeFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  9161. /**
  9162. * Create a InvitationCode.
  9163. * @param {InvitationCodeCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a InvitationCode.
  9164. * @example
  9165. * // Create one InvitationCode
  9166. * const InvitationCode = await prisma.invitationCode.create({
  9167. * data: {
  9168. * // ... data to create a InvitationCode
  9169. * }
  9170. * })
  9171. *
  9172. */
  9173. create<T extends InvitationCodeCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__InvitationCodeClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  9174. /**
  9175. * Create many InvitationCodes.
  9176. * @param {InvitationCodeCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many InvitationCodes.
  9177. * @example
  9178. * // Create many InvitationCodes
  9179. * const invitationCode = await prisma.invitationCode.createMany({
  9180. * data: [
  9181. * // ... provide data here
  9182. * ]
  9183. * })
  9184. *
  9185. */
  9186. createMany<T extends InvitationCodeCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  9187. /**
  9188. * Delete a InvitationCode.
  9189. * @param {InvitationCodeDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one InvitationCode.
  9190. * @example
  9191. * // Delete one InvitationCode
  9192. * const InvitationCode = await prisma.invitationCode.delete({
  9193. * where: {
  9194. * // ... filter to delete one InvitationCode
  9195. * }
  9196. * })
  9197. *
  9198. */
  9199. delete<T extends InvitationCodeDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__InvitationCodeClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  9200. /**
  9201. * Update one InvitationCode.
  9202. * @param {InvitationCodeUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one InvitationCode.
  9203. * @example
  9204. * // Update one InvitationCode
  9205. * const invitationCode = await prisma.invitationCode.update({
  9206. * where: {
  9207. * // ... provide filter here
  9208. * },
  9209. * data: {
  9210. * // ... provide data here
  9211. * }
  9212. * })
  9213. *
  9214. */
  9215. update<T extends InvitationCodeUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__InvitationCodeClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  9216. /**
  9217. * Delete zero or more InvitationCodes.
  9218. * @param {InvitationCodeDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter InvitationCodes to delete.
  9219. * @example
  9220. * // Delete a few InvitationCodes
  9221. * const { count } = await prisma.invitationCode.deleteMany({
  9222. * where: {
  9223. * // ... provide filter here
  9224. * }
  9225. * })
  9226. *
  9227. */
  9228. deleteMany<T extends InvitationCodeDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  9229. /**
  9230. * Update zero or more InvitationCodes.
  9231. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  9232. * Read more here:
  9233. * @param {InvitationCodeUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  9234. * @example
  9235. * // Update many InvitationCodes
  9236. * const invitationCode = await prisma.invitationCode.updateMany({
  9237. * where: {
  9238. * // ... provide filter here
  9239. * },
  9240. * data: {
  9241. * // ... provide data here
  9242. * }
  9243. * })
  9244. *
  9245. */
  9246. updateMany<T extends InvitationCodeUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  9247. /**
  9248. * Create or update one InvitationCode.
  9249. * @param {InvitationCodeUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a InvitationCode.
  9250. * @example
  9251. * // Update or create a InvitationCode
  9252. * const invitationCode = await prisma.invitationCode.upsert({
  9253. * create: {
  9254. * // ... data to create a InvitationCode
  9255. * },
  9256. * update: {
  9257. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  9258. * },
  9259. * where: {
  9260. * // ... the filter for the InvitationCode we want to update
  9261. * }
  9262. * })
  9263. */
  9264. upsert<T extends InvitationCodeUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, InvitationCodeUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__InvitationCodeClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$InvitationCodePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  9265. /**
  9266. * Count the number of InvitationCodes.
  9267. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  9268. * Read more here:
  9269. * @param {InvitationCodeCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter InvitationCodes to count.
  9270. * @example
  9271. * // Count the number of InvitationCodes
  9272. * const count = await prisma.invitationCode.count({
  9273. * where: {
  9274. * // ... the filter for the InvitationCodes we want to count
  9275. * }
  9276. * })
  9277. **/
  9278. count<T extends InvitationCodeCountArgs>(
  9279. args?: Subset<T, InvitationCodeCountArgs>,
  9280. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  9281. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  9282. ? T['select'] extends true
  9283. ? number
  9284. : GetScalarType<T['select'], InvitationCodeCountAggregateOutputType>
  9285. : number
  9286. >
  9287. /**
  9288. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a InvitationCode.
  9289. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  9290. * Read more here:
  9291. * @param {InvitationCodeAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  9292. * @example
  9293. * // Ordered by age ascending
  9294. * // Where email contains
  9295. * // Limited to the 10 users
  9296. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  9297. * _avg: {
  9298. * age: true,
  9299. * },
  9300. * where: {
  9301. * email: {
  9302. * contains: "",
  9303. * },
  9304. * },
  9305. * orderBy: {
  9306. * age: "asc",
  9307. * },
  9308. * take: 10,
  9309. * })
  9310. **/
  9311. aggregate<T extends InvitationCodeAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, InvitationCodeAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetInvitationCodeAggregateType<T>>
  9312. /**
  9313. * Group by InvitationCode.
  9314. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  9315. * Read more here:
  9316. * @param {InvitationCodeGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  9317. * @example
  9318. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  9319. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  9320. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  9321. * orderBy: {
  9322. * createdAt: true
  9323. * },
  9324. * _count: {
  9325. * _all: true
  9326. * },
  9327. * })
  9328. *
  9329. **/
  9330. groupBy<
  9331. T extends InvitationCodeGroupByArgs,
  9332. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  9333. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  9334. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  9335. >,
  9336. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  9337. ? { orderBy: InvitationCodeGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  9338. : { orderBy?: InvitationCodeGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  9339. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  9340. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  9341. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  9342. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  9343. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  9344. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  9345. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  9346. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  9347. : HavingValid extends False
  9348. ? {
  9349. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  9350. ? never
  9351. : P extends string
  9352. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  9353. : [
  9354. Error,
  9355. 'Field ',
  9356. P,
  9357. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  9358. ]
  9359. }[HavingFields]
  9360. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  9361. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  9362. ? ByValid extends True
  9363. ? {}
  9364. : {
  9365. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  9366. ? never
  9367. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  9368. }[OrderFields]
  9369. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  9370. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  9371. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  9372. ? ByValid extends True
  9373. ? {}
  9374. : {
  9375. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  9376. ? never
  9377. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  9378. }[OrderFields]
  9379. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  9380. : ByValid extends True
  9381. ? {}
  9382. : {
  9383. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  9384. ? never
  9385. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  9386. }[OrderFields]
  9387. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, InvitationCodeGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetInvitationCodeGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  9388. /**
  9389. * Fields of the InvitationCode model
  9390. */
  9391. readonly fields: InvitationCodeFieldRefs;
  9392. }
  9393. /**
  9394. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for InvitationCode.
  9395. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  9396. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  9397. *
  9398. */
  9399. export interface Prisma__InvitationCodeClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  9400. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  9401. /**
  9402. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  9403. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  9404. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  9405. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  9406. */
  9407. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  9408. /**
  9409. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  9410. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  9411. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  9412. */
  9413. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  9414. /**
  9415. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  9416. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  9417. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  9418. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  9419. */
  9420. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  9421. }
  9422. /**
  9423. * Fields of the InvitationCode model
  9424. */
  9425. interface InvitationCodeFieldRefs {
  9426. readonly id: FieldRef<"InvitationCode", 'String'>
  9427. readonly cid: FieldRef<"InvitationCode", 'String'>
  9428. readonly themeId: FieldRef<"InvitationCode", 'String'>
  9429. readonly type: FieldRef<"InvitationCode", 'Int'>
  9430. readonly invitationCode: FieldRef<"InvitationCode", 'String'>
  9431. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"InvitationCode", 'DateTime'>
  9432. }
  9433. // Custom InputTypes
  9434. /**
  9435. * InvitationCode findUnique
  9436. */
  9437. export type InvitationCodeFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9438. /**
  9439. * Select specific fields to fetch from the InvitationCode
  9440. */
  9441. select?: InvitationCodeSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  9442. /**
  9443. * Filter, which InvitationCode to fetch.
  9444. */
  9445. where: InvitationCodeWhereUniqueInput
  9446. }
  9447. /**
  9448. * InvitationCode findUniqueOrThrow
  9449. */
  9450. export type InvitationCodeFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9451. /**
  9452. * Select specific fields to fetch from the InvitationCode
  9453. */
  9454. select?: InvitationCodeSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  9455. /**
  9456. * Filter, which InvitationCode to fetch.
  9457. */
  9458. where: InvitationCodeWhereUniqueInput
  9459. }
  9460. /**
  9461. * InvitationCode findFirst
  9462. */
  9463. export type InvitationCodeFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9464. /**
  9465. * Select specific fields to fetch from the InvitationCode
  9466. */
  9467. select?: InvitationCodeSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  9468. /**
  9469. * Filter, which InvitationCode to fetch.
  9470. */
  9471. where?: InvitationCodeWhereInput
  9472. /**
  9473. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  9474. *
  9475. * Determine the order of InvitationCodes to fetch.
  9476. */
  9477. orderBy?: InvitationCodeOrderByWithRelationInput | InvitationCodeOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  9478. /**
  9479. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  9480. *
  9481. * Sets the position for searching for InvitationCodes.
  9482. */
  9483. cursor?: InvitationCodeWhereUniqueInput
  9484. /**
  9485. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  9486. *
  9487. * Take `±n` InvitationCodes from the position of the cursor.
  9488. */
  9489. take?: number
  9490. /**
  9491. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  9492. *
  9493. * Skip the first `n` InvitationCodes.
  9494. */
  9495. skip?: number
  9496. /**
  9497. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  9498. *
  9499. * Filter by unique combinations of InvitationCodes.
  9500. */
  9501. distinct?: InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum | InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum[]
  9502. }
  9503. /**
  9504. * InvitationCode findFirstOrThrow
  9505. */
  9506. export type InvitationCodeFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9507. /**
  9508. * Select specific fields to fetch from the InvitationCode
  9509. */
  9510. select?: InvitationCodeSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  9511. /**
  9512. * Filter, which InvitationCode to fetch.
  9513. */
  9514. where?: InvitationCodeWhereInput
  9515. /**
  9516. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  9517. *
  9518. * Determine the order of InvitationCodes to fetch.
  9519. */
  9520. orderBy?: InvitationCodeOrderByWithRelationInput | InvitationCodeOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  9521. /**
  9522. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  9523. *
  9524. * Sets the position for searching for InvitationCodes.
  9525. */
  9526. cursor?: InvitationCodeWhereUniqueInput
  9527. /**
  9528. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  9529. *
  9530. * Take `±n` InvitationCodes from the position of the cursor.
  9531. */
  9532. take?: number
  9533. /**
  9534. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  9535. *
  9536. * Skip the first `n` InvitationCodes.
  9537. */
  9538. skip?: number
  9539. /**
  9540. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  9541. *
  9542. * Filter by unique combinations of InvitationCodes.
  9543. */
  9544. distinct?: InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum | InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum[]
  9545. }
  9546. /**
  9547. * InvitationCode findMany
  9548. */
  9549. export type InvitationCodeFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9550. /**
  9551. * Select specific fields to fetch from the InvitationCode
  9552. */
  9553. select?: InvitationCodeSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  9554. /**
  9555. * Filter, which InvitationCodes to fetch.
  9556. */
  9557. where?: InvitationCodeWhereInput
  9558. /**
  9559. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  9560. *
  9561. * Determine the order of InvitationCodes to fetch.
  9562. */
  9563. orderBy?: InvitationCodeOrderByWithRelationInput | InvitationCodeOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  9564. /**
  9565. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  9566. *
  9567. * Sets the position for listing InvitationCodes.
  9568. */
  9569. cursor?: InvitationCodeWhereUniqueInput
  9570. /**
  9571. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  9572. *
  9573. * Take `±n` InvitationCodes from the position of the cursor.
  9574. */
  9575. take?: number
  9576. /**
  9577. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  9578. *
  9579. * Skip the first `n` InvitationCodes.
  9580. */
  9581. skip?: number
  9582. distinct?: InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum | InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum[]
  9583. }
  9584. /**
  9585. * InvitationCode create
  9586. */
  9587. export type InvitationCodeCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9588. /**
  9589. * Select specific fields to fetch from the InvitationCode
  9590. */
  9591. select?: InvitationCodeSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  9592. /**
  9593. * The data needed to create a InvitationCode.
  9594. */
  9595. data: XOR<InvitationCodeCreateInput, InvitationCodeUncheckedCreateInput>
  9596. }
  9597. /**
  9598. * InvitationCode createMany
  9599. */
  9600. export type InvitationCodeCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9601. /**
  9602. * The data used to create many InvitationCodes.
  9603. */
  9604. data: InvitationCodeCreateManyInput | InvitationCodeCreateManyInput[]
  9605. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  9606. }
  9607. /**
  9608. * InvitationCode update
  9609. */
  9610. export type InvitationCodeUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9611. /**
  9612. * Select specific fields to fetch from the InvitationCode
  9613. */
  9614. select?: InvitationCodeSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  9615. /**
  9616. * The data needed to update a InvitationCode.
  9617. */
  9618. data: XOR<InvitationCodeUpdateInput, InvitationCodeUncheckedUpdateInput>
  9619. /**
  9620. * Choose, which InvitationCode to update.
  9621. */
  9622. where: InvitationCodeWhereUniqueInput
  9623. }
  9624. /**
  9625. * InvitationCode updateMany
  9626. */
  9627. export type InvitationCodeUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9628. /**
  9629. * The data used to update InvitationCodes.
  9630. */
  9631. data: XOR<InvitationCodeUpdateManyMutationInput, InvitationCodeUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  9632. /**
  9633. * Filter which InvitationCodes to update
  9634. */
  9635. where?: InvitationCodeWhereInput
  9636. }
  9637. /**
  9638. * InvitationCode upsert
  9639. */
  9640. export type InvitationCodeUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9641. /**
  9642. * Select specific fields to fetch from the InvitationCode
  9643. */
  9644. select?: InvitationCodeSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  9645. /**
  9646. * The filter to search for the InvitationCode to update in case it exists.
  9647. */
  9648. where: InvitationCodeWhereUniqueInput
  9649. /**
  9650. * In case the InvitationCode found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new InvitationCode with this data.
  9651. */
  9652. create: XOR<InvitationCodeCreateInput, InvitationCodeUncheckedCreateInput>
  9653. /**
  9654. * In case the InvitationCode was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  9655. */
  9656. update: XOR<InvitationCodeUpdateInput, InvitationCodeUncheckedUpdateInput>
  9657. }
  9658. /**
  9659. * InvitationCode delete
  9660. */
  9661. export type InvitationCodeDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9662. /**
  9663. * Select specific fields to fetch from the InvitationCode
  9664. */
  9665. select?: InvitationCodeSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  9666. /**
  9667. * Filter which InvitationCode to delete.
  9668. */
  9669. where: InvitationCodeWhereUniqueInput
  9670. }
  9671. /**
  9672. * InvitationCode deleteMany
  9673. */
  9674. export type InvitationCodeDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9675. /**
  9676. * Filter which InvitationCodes to delete
  9677. */
  9678. where?: InvitationCodeWhereInput
  9679. }
  9680. /**
  9681. * InvitationCode without action
  9682. */
  9683. export type InvitationCodeDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9684. /**
  9685. * Select specific fields to fetch from the InvitationCode
  9686. */
  9687. select?: InvitationCodeSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  9688. }
  9689. /**
  9690. * Model ai_agent_park_session
  9691. */
  9692. export type AggregateAi_agent_park_session = {
  9693. _count: Ai_agent_park_sessionCountAggregateOutputType | null
  9694. _avg: Ai_agent_park_sessionAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  9695. _sum: Ai_agent_park_sessionSumAggregateOutputType | null
  9696. _min: Ai_agent_park_sessionMinAggregateOutputType | null
  9697. _max: Ai_agent_park_sessionMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  9698. }
  9699. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionAvgAggregateOutputType = {
  9700. isCocoNote: number | null
  9701. }
  9702. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionSumAggregateOutputType = {
  9703. isCocoNote: number | null
  9704. }
  9705. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionMinAggregateOutputType = {
  9706. id: string | null
  9707. session_name: string | null
  9708. user_id: string | null
  9709. isCocoNote: number | null
  9710. createtime: Date | null
  9711. work_area_text: string | null
  9712. scene: string | null
  9713. }
  9714. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  9715. id: string | null
  9716. session_name: string | null
  9717. user_id: string | null
  9718. isCocoNote: number | null
  9719. createtime: Date | null
  9720. work_area_text: string | null
  9721. scene: string | null
  9722. }
  9723. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionCountAggregateOutputType = {
  9724. id: number
  9725. session_name: number
  9726. user_id: number
  9727. isCocoNote: number
  9728. createtime: number
  9729. work_area_text: number
  9730. scene: number
  9731. _all: number
  9732. }
  9733. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionAvgAggregateInputType = {
  9734. isCocoNote?: true
  9735. }
  9736. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionSumAggregateInputType = {
  9737. isCocoNote?: true
  9738. }
  9739. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionMinAggregateInputType = {
  9740. id?: true
  9741. session_name?: true
  9742. user_id?: true
  9743. isCocoNote?: true
  9744. createtime?: true
  9745. work_area_text?: true
  9746. scene?: true
  9747. }
  9748. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionMaxAggregateInputType = {
  9749. id?: true
  9750. session_name?: true
  9751. user_id?: true
  9752. isCocoNote?: true
  9753. createtime?: true
  9754. work_area_text?: true
  9755. scene?: true
  9756. }
  9757. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionCountAggregateInputType = {
  9758. id?: true
  9759. session_name?: true
  9760. user_id?: true
  9761. isCocoNote?: true
  9762. createtime?: true
  9763. work_area_text?: true
  9764. scene?: true
  9765. _all?: true
  9766. }
  9767. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9768. /**
  9769. * Filter which ai_agent_park_session to aggregate.
  9770. */
  9771. where?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput
  9772. /**
  9773. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  9774. *
  9775. * Determine the order of ai_agent_park_sessions to fetch.
  9776. */
  9777. orderBy?: ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithRelationInput | ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  9778. /**
  9779. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  9780. *
  9781. * Sets the start position
  9782. */
  9783. cursor?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereUniqueInput
  9784. /**
  9785. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  9786. *
  9787. * Take `±n` ai_agent_park_sessions from the position of the cursor.
  9788. */
  9789. take?: number
  9790. /**
  9791. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  9792. *
  9793. * Skip the first `n` ai_agent_park_sessions.
  9794. */
  9795. skip?: number
  9796. /**
  9797. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  9798. *
  9799. * Count returned ai_agent_park_sessions
  9800. **/
  9801. _count?: true | Ai_agent_park_sessionCountAggregateInputType
  9802. /**
  9803. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  9804. *
  9805. * Select which fields to average
  9806. **/
  9807. _avg?: Ai_agent_park_sessionAvgAggregateInputType
  9808. /**
  9809. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  9810. *
  9811. * Select which fields to sum
  9812. **/
  9813. _sum?: Ai_agent_park_sessionSumAggregateInputType
  9814. /**
  9815. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  9816. *
  9817. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  9818. **/
  9819. _min?: Ai_agent_park_sessionMinAggregateInputType
  9820. /**
  9821. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  9822. *
  9823. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  9824. **/
  9825. _max?: Ai_agent_park_sessionMaxAggregateInputType
  9826. }
  9827. export type GetAi_agent_park_sessionAggregateType<T extends Ai_agent_park_sessionAggregateArgs> = {
  9828. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateAi_agent_park_session]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  9829. ? T[P] extends true
  9830. ? number
  9831. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateAi_agent_park_session[P]>
  9832. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateAi_agent_park_session[P]>
  9833. }
  9834. export type ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9835. where?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput
  9836. orderBy?: ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithAggregationInput | ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  9837. by: Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum[] | Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum
  9838. having?: ai_agent_park_sessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  9839. take?: number
  9840. skip?: number
  9841. _count?: Ai_agent_park_sessionCountAggregateInputType | true
  9842. _avg?: Ai_agent_park_sessionAvgAggregateInputType
  9843. _sum?: Ai_agent_park_sessionSumAggregateInputType
  9844. _min?: Ai_agent_park_sessionMinAggregateInputType
  9845. _max?: Ai_agent_park_sessionMaxAggregateInputType
  9846. }
  9847. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByOutputType = {
  9848. id: string
  9849. session_name: string | null
  9850. user_id: string | null
  9851. isCocoNote: number | null
  9852. createtime: Date | null
  9853. work_area_text: string | null
  9854. scene: string | null
  9855. _count: Ai_agent_park_sessionCountAggregateOutputType | null
  9856. _avg: Ai_agent_park_sessionAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  9857. _sum: Ai_agent_park_sessionSumAggregateOutputType | null
  9858. _min: Ai_agent_park_sessionMinAggregateOutputType | null
  9859. _max: Ai_agent_park_sessionMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  9860. }
  9861. type GetAi_agent_park_sessionGroupByPayload<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  9862. Array<
  9863. PickEnumerable<Ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  9864. {
  9865. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  9866. ? T[P] extends boolean
  9867. ? number
  9868. : GetScalarType<T[P], Ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByOutputType[P]>
  9869. : GetScalarType<T[P], Ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByOutputType[P]>
  9870. }
  9871. >
  9872. >
  9873. export type ai_agent_park_sessionSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  9874. id?: boolean
  9875. session_name?: boolean
  9876. user_id?: boolean
  9877. isCocoNote?: boolean
  9878. createtime?: boolean
  9879. work_area_text?: boolean
  9880. scene?: boolean
  9881. }, ExtArgs["result"]["ai_agent_park_session"]>
  9882. export type ai_agent_park_sessionSelectScalar = {
  9883. id?: boolean
  9884. session_name?: boolean
  9885. user_id?: boolean
  9886. isCocoNote?: boolean
  9887. createtime?: boolean
  9888. work_area_text?: boolean
  9889. scene?: boolean
  9890. }
  9891. export type $ai_agent_park_sessionPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  9892. name: "ai_agent_park_session"
  9893. objects: {}
  9894. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  9895. id: string
  9896. session_name: string | null
  9897. user_id: string | null
  9898. isCocoNote: number | null
  9899. createtime: Date | null
  9900. work_area_text: string | null
  9901. scene: string | null
  9902. }, ExtArgs["result"]["ai_agent_park_session"]>
  9903. composites: {}
  9904. }
  9905. type ai_agent_park_sessionGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | ai_agent_park_sessionDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload, S>
  9906. type ai_agent_park_sessionCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  9907. Omit<ai_agent_park_sessionFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  9908. select?: Ai_agent_park_sessionCountAggregateInputType | true
  9909. }
  9910. export interface ai_agent_park_sessionDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  9911. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['ai_agent_park_session'], meta: { name: 'ai_agent_park_session' } }
  9912. /**
  9913. * Find zero or one Ai_agent_park_session that matches the filter.
  9914. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_agent_park_session
  9915. * @example
  9916. * // Get one Ai_agent_park_session
  9917. * const ai_agent_park_session = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.findUnique({
  9918. * where: {
  9919. * // ... provide filter here
  9920. * }
  9921. * })
  9922. */
  9923. findUnique<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ai_agent_park_sessionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  9924. /**
  9925. * Find one Ai_agent_park_session that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  9926. * if no matches were found.
  9927. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_agent_park_session
  9928. * @example
  9929. * // Get one Ai_agent_park_session
  9930. * const ai_agent_park_session = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.findUniqueOrThrow({
  9931. * where: {
  9932. * // ... provide filter here
  9933. * }
  9934. * })
  9935. */
  9936. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ai_agent_park_sessionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  9937. /**
  9938. * Find the first Ai_agent_park_session that matches the filter.
  9939. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  9940. * Read more here:
  9941. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_agent_park_session
  9942. * @example
  9943. * // Get one Ai_agent_park_session
  9944. * const ai_agent_park_session = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.findFirst({
  9945. * where: {
  9946. * // ... provide filter here
  9947. * }
  9948. * })
  9949. */
  9950. findFirst<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ai_agent_park_sessionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  9951. /**
  9952. * Find the first Ai_agent_park_session that matches the filter or
  9953. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  9954. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  9955. * Read more here:
  9956. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Ai_agent_park_session
  9957. * @example
  9958. * // Get one Ai_agent_park_session
  9959. * const ai_agent_park_session = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.findFirstOrThrow({
  9960. * where: {
  9961. * // ... provide filter here
  9962. * }
  9963. * })
  9964. */
  9965. findFirstOrThrow<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ai_agent_park_sessionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  9966. /**
  9967. * Find zero or more Ai_agent_park_sessions that matches the filter.
  9968. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  9969. * Read more here:
  9970. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  9971. * @example
  9972. * // Get all Ai_agent_park_sessions
  9973. * const ai_agent_park_sessions = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.findMany()
  9974. *
  9975. * // Get first 10 Ai_agent_park_sessions
  9976. * const ai_agent_park_sessions = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.findMany({ take: 10 })
  9977. *
  9978. * // Only select the `id`
  9979. * const ai_agent_park_sessionWithIdOnly = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  9980. *
  9981. */
  9982. findMany<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  9983. /**
  9984. * Create a Ai_agent_park_session.
  9985. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Ai_agent_park_session.
  9986. * @example
  9987. * // Create one Ai_agent_park_session
  9988. * const Ai_agent_park_session = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.create({
  9989. * data: {
  9990. * // ... data to create a Ai_agent_park_session
  9991. * }
  9992. * })
  9993. *
  9994. */
  9995. create<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ai_agent_park_sessionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  9996. /**
  9997. * Create many Ai_agent_park_sessions.
  9998. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Ai_agent_park_sessions.
  9999. * @example
  10000. * // Create many Ai_agent_park_sessions
  10001. * const ai_agent_park_session = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.createMany({
  10002. * data: [
  10003. * // ... provide data here
  10004. * ]
  10005. * })
  10006. *
  10007. */
  10008. createMany<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  10009. /**
  10010. * Delete a Ai_agent_park_session.
  10011. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Ai_agent_park_session.
  10012. * @example
  10013. * // Delete one Ai_agent_park_session
  10014. * const Ai_agent_park_session = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.delete({
  10015. * where: {
  10016. * // ... filter to delete one Ai_agent_park_session
  10017. * }
  10018. * })
  10019. *
  10020. */
  10021. delete<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ai_agent_park_sessionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  10022. /**
  10023. * Update one Ai_agent_park_session.
  10024. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Ai_agent_park_session.
  10025. * @example
  10026. * // Update one Ai_agent_park_session
  10027. * const ai_agent_park_session = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.update({
  10028. * where: {
  10029. * // ... provide filter here
  10030. * },
  10031. * data: {
  10032. * // ... provide data here
  10033. * }
  10034. * })
  10035. *
  10036. */
  10037. update<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ai_agent_park_sessionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  10038. /**
  10039. * Delete zero or more Ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10040. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Ai_agent_park_sessions to delete.
  10041. * @example
  10042. * // Delete a few Ai_agent_park_sessions
  10043. * const { count } = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.deleteMany({
  10044. * where: {
  10045. * // ... provide filter here
  10046. * }
  10047. * })
  10048. *
  10049. */
  10050. deleteMany<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  10051. /**
  10052. * Update zero or more Ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10053. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  10054. * Read more here:
  10055. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  10056. * @example
  10057. * // Update many Ai_agent_park_sessions
  10058. * const ai_agent_park_session = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.updateMany({
  10059. * where: {
  10060. * // ... provide filter here
  10061. * },
  10062. * data: {
  10063. * // ... provide data here
  10064. * }
  10065. * })
  10066. *
  10067. */
  10068. updateMany<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  10069. /**
  10070. * Create or update one Ai_agent_park_session.
  10071. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Ai_agent_park_session.
  10072. * @example
  10073. * // Update or create a Ai_agent_park_session
  10074. * const ai_agent_park_session = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.upsert({
  10075. * create: {
  10076. * // ... data to create a Ai_agent_park_session
  10077. * },
  10078. * update: {
  10079. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  10080. * },
  10081. * where: {
  10082. * // ... the filter for the Ai_agent_park_session we want to update
  10083. * }
  10084. * })
  10085. */
  10086. upsert<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__ai_agent_park_sessionClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$ai_agent_park_sessionPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  10087. /**
  10088. * Count the number of Ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10089. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  10090. * Read more here:
  10091. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Ai_agent_park_sessions to count.
  10092. * @example
  10093. * // Count the number of Ai_agent_park_sessions
  10094. * const count = await prisma.ai_agent_park_session.count({
  10095. * where: {
  10096. * // ... the filter for the Ai_agent_park_sessions we want to count
  10097. * }
  10098. * })
  10099. **/
  10100. count<T extends ai_agent_park_sessionCountArgs>(
  10101. args?: Subset<T, ai_agent_park_sessionCountArgs>,
  10102. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  10103. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  10104. ? T['select'] extends true
  10105. ? number
  10106. : GetScalarType<T['select'], Ai_agent_park_sessionCountAggregateOutputType>
  10107. : number
  10108. >
  10109. /**
  10110. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Ai_agent_park_session.
  10111. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  10112. * Read more here:
  10113. * @param {Ai_agent_park_sessionAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  10114. * @example
  10115. * // Ordered by age ascending
  10116. * // Where email contains
  10117. * // Limited to the 10 users
  10118. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  10119. * _avg: {
  10120. * age: true,
  10121. * },
  10122. * where: {
  10123. * email: {
  10124. * contains: "",
  10125. * },
  10126. * },
  10127. * orderBy: {
  10128. * age: "asc",
  10129. * },
  10130. * take: 10,
  10131. * })
  10132. **/
  10133. aggregate<T extends Ai_agent_park_sessionAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, Ai_agent_park_sessionAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetAi_agent_park_sessionAggregateType<T>>
  10134. /**
  10135. * Group by Ai_agent_park_session.
  10136. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  10137. * Read more here:
  10138. * @param {ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  10139. * @example
  10140. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  10141. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  10142. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  10143. * orderBy: {
  10144. * createdAt: true
  10145. * },
  10146. * _count: {
  10147. * _all: true
  10148. * },
  10149. * })
  10150. *
  10151. **/
  10152. groupBy<
  10153. T extends ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByArgs,
  10154. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  10155. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  10156. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  10157. >,
  10158. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  10159. ? { orderBy: ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  10160. : { orderBy?: ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  10161. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  10162. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  10163. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  10164. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  10165. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  10166. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  10167. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  10168. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  10169. : HavingValid extends False
  10170. ? {
  10171. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  10172. ? never
  10173. : P extends string
  10174. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  10175. : [
  10176. Error,
  10177. 'Field ',
  10178. P,
  10179. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  10180. ]
  10181. }[HavingFields]
  10182. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  10183. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  10184. ? ByValid extends True
  10185. ? {}
  10186. : {
  10187. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  10188. ? never
  10189. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  10190. }[OrderFields]
  10191. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  10192. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  10193. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  10194. ? ByValid extends True
  10195. ? {}
  10196. : {
  10197. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  10198. ? never
  10199. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  10200. }[OrderFields]
  10201. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  10202. : ByValid extends True
  10203. ? {}
  10204. : {
  10205. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  10206. ? never
  10207. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  10208. }[OrderFields]
  10209. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, ai_agent_park_sessionGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetAi_agent_park_sessionGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  10210. /**
  10211. * Fields of the ai_agent_park_session model
  10212. */
  10213. readonly fields: ai_agent_park_sessionFieldRefs;
  10214. }
  10215. /**
  10216. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for ai_agent_park_session.
  10217. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  10218. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  10219. *
  10220. */
  10221. export interface Prisma__ai_agent_park_sessionClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  10222. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  10223. /**
  10224. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  10225. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  10226. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  10227. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  10228. */
  10229. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  10230. /**
  10231. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  10232. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  10233. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  10234. */
  10235. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  10236. /**
  10237. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  10238. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  10239. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  10240. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  10241. */
  10242. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  10243. }
  10244. /**
  10245. * Fields of the ai_agent_park_session model
  10246. */
  10247. interface ai_agent_park_sessionFieldRefs {
  10248. readonly id: FieldRef<"ai_agent_park_session", 'String'>
  10249. readonly session_name: FieldRef<"ai_agent_park_session", 'String'>
  10250. readonly user_id: FieldRef<"ai_agent_park_session", 'String'>
  10251. readonly isCocoNote: FieldRef<"ai_agent_park_session", 'Int'>
  10252. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"ai_agent_park_session", 'DateTime'>
  10253. readonly work_area_text: FieldRef<"ai_agent_park_session", 'String'>
  10254. readonly scene: FieldRef<"ai_agent_park_session", 'String'>
  10255. }
  10256. // Custom InputTypes
  10257. /**
  10258. * ai_agent_park_session findUnique
  10259. */
  10260. export type ai_agent_park_sessionFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10261. /**
  10262. * Select specific fields to fetch from the ai_agent_park_session
  10263. */
  10264. select?: ai_agent_park_sessionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  10265. /**
  10266. * Filter, which ai_agent_park_session to fetch.
  10267. */
  10268. where: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereUniqueInput
  10269. }
  10270. /**
  10271. * ai_agent_park_session findUniqueOrThrow
  10272. */
  10273. export type ai_agent_park_sessionFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10274. /**
  10275. * Select specific fields to fetch from the ai_agent_park_session
  10276. */
  10277. select?: ai_agent_park_sessionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  10278. /**
  10279. * Filter, which ai_agent_park_session to fetch.
  10280. */
  10281. where: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereUniqueInput
  10282. }
  10283. /**
  10284. * ai_agent_park_session findFirst
  10285. */
  10286. export type ai_agent_park_sessionFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10287. /**
  10288. * Select specific fields to fetch from the ai_agent_park_session
  10289. */
  10290. select?: ai_agent_park_sessionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  10291. /**
  10292. * Filter, which ai_agent_park_session to fetch.
  10293. */
  10294. where?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput
  10295. /**
  10296. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  10297. *
  10298. * Determine the order of ai_agent_park_sessions to fetch.
  10299. */
  10300. orderBy?: ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithRelationInput | ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  10301. /**
  10302. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  10303. *
  10304. * Sets the position for searching for ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10305. */
  10306. cursor?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereUniqueInput
  10307. /**
  10308. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  10309. *
  10310. * Take `±n` ai_agent_park_sessions from the position of the cursor.
  10311. */
  10312. take?: number
  10313. /**
  10314. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  10315. *
  10316. * Skip the first `n` ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10317. */
  10318. skip?: number
  10319. /**
  10320. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  10321. *
  10322. * Filter by unique combinations of ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10323. */
  10324. distinct?: Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum | Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum[]
  10325. }
  10326. /**
  10327. * ai_agent_park_session findFirstOrThrow
  10328. */
  10329. export type ai_agent_park_sessionFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10330. /**
  10331. * Select specific fields to fetch from the ai_agent_park_session
  10332. */
  10333. select?: ai_agent_park_sessionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  10334. /**
  10335. * Filter, which ai_agent_park_session to fetch.
  10336. */
  10337. where?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput
  10338. /**
  10339. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  10340. *
  10341. * Determine the order of ai_agent_park_sessions to fetch.
  10342. */
  10343. orderBy?: ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithRelationInput | ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  10344. /**
  10345. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  10346. *
  10347. * Sets the position for searching for ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10348. */
  10349. cursor?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereUniqueInput
  10350. /**
  10351. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  10352. *
  10353. * Take `±n` ai_agent_park_sessions from the position of the cursor.
  10354. */
  10355. take?: number
  10356. /**
  10357. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  10358. *
  10359. * Skip the first `n` ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10360. */
  10361. skip?: number
  10362. /**
  10363. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  10364. *
  10365. * Filter by unique combinations of ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10366. */
  10367. distinct?: Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum | Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum[]
  10368. }
  10369. /**
  10370. * ai_agent_park_session findMany
  10371. */
  10372. export type ai_agent_park_sessionFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10373. /**
  10374. * Select specific fields to fetch from the ai_agent_park_session
  10375. */
  10376. select?: ai_agent_park_sessionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  10377. /**
  10378. * Filter, which ai_agent_park_sessions to fetch.
  10379. */
  10380. where?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput
  10381. /**
  10382. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  10383. *
  10384. * Determine the order of ai_agent_park_sessions to fetch.
  10385. */
  10386. orderBy?: ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithRelationInput | ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  10387. /**
  10388. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  10389. *
  10390. * Sets the position for listing ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10391. */
  10392. cursor?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereUniqueInput
  10393. /**
  10394. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  10395. *
  10396. * Take `±n` ai_agent_park_sessions from the position of the cursor.
  10397. */
  10398. take?: number
  10399. /**
  10400. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  10401. *
  10402. * Skip the first `n` ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10403. */
  10404. skip?: number
  10405. distinct?: Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum | Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum[]
  10406. }
  10407. /**
  10408. * ai_agent_park_session create
  10409. */
  10410. export type ai_agent_park_sessionCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10411. /**
  10412. * Select specific fields to fetch from the ai_agent_park_session
  10413. */
  10414. select?: ai_agent_park_sessionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  10415. /**
  10416. * The data needed to create a ai_agent_park_session.
  10417. */
  10418. data: XOR<ai_agent_park_sessionCreateInput, ai_agent_park_sessionUncheckedCreateInput>
  10419. }
  10420. /**
  10421. * ai_agent_park_session createMany
  10422. */
  10423. export type ai_agent_park_sessionCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10424. /**
  10425. * The data used to create many ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10426. */
  10427. data: ai_agent_park_sessionCreateManyInput | ai_agent_park_sessionCreateManyInput[]
  10428. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  10429. }
  10430. /**
  10431. * ai_agent_park_session update
  10432. */
  10433. export type ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10434. /**
  10435. * Select specific fields to fetch from the ai_agent_park_session
  10436. */
  10437. select?: ai_agent_park_sessionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  10438. /**
  10439. * The data needed to update a ai_agent_park_session.
  10440. */
  10441. data: XOR<ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateInput, ai_agent_park_sessionUncheckedUpdateInput>
  10442. /**
  10443. * Choose, which ai_agent_park_session to update.
  10444. */
  10445. where: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereUniqueInput
  10446. }
  10447. /**
  10448. * ai_agent_park_session updateMany
  10449. */
  10450. export type ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10451. /**
  10452. * The data used to update ai_agent_park_sessions.
  10453. */
  10454. data: XOR<ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateManyMutationInput, ai_agent_park_sessionUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  10455. /**
  10456. * Filter which ai_agent_park_sessions to update
  10457. */
  10458. where?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput
  10459. }
  10460. /**
  10461. * ai_agent_park_session upsert
  10462. */
  10463. export type ai_agent_park_sessionUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10464. /**
  10465. * Select specific fields to fetch from the ai_agent_park_session
  10466. */
  10467. select?: ai_agent_park_sessionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  10468. /**
  10469. * The filter to search for the ai_agent_park_session to update in case it exists.
  10470. */
  10471. where: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereUniqueInput
  10472. /**
  10473. * In case the ai_agent_park_session found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new ai_agent_park_session with this data.
  10474. */
  10475. create: XOR<ai_agent_park_sessionCreateInput, ai_agent_park_sessionUncheckedCreateInput>
  10476. /**
  10477. * In case the ai_agent_park_session was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  10478. */
  10479. update: XOR<ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateInput, ai_agent_park_sessionUncheckedUpdateInput>
  10480. }
  10481. /**
  10482. * ai_agent_park_session delete
  10483. */
  10484. export type ai_agent_park_sessionDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10485. /**
  10486. * Select specific fields to fetch from the ai_agent_park_session
  10487. */
  10488. select?: ai_agent_park_sessionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  10489. /**
  10490. * Filter which ai_agent_park_session to delete.
  10491. */
  10492. where: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereUniqueInput
  10493. }
  10494. /**
  10495. * ai_agent_park_session deleteMany
  10496. */
  10497. export type ai_agent_park_sessionDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10498. /**
  10499. * Filter which ai_agent_park_sessions to delete
  10500. */
  10501. where?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput
  10502. }
  10503. /**
  10504. * ai_agent_park_session without action
  10505. */
  10506. export type ai_agent_park_sessionDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10507. /**
  10508. * Select specific fields to fetch from the ai_agent_park_session
  10509. */
  10510. select?: ai_agent_park_sessionSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  10511. }
  10512. /**
  10513. * Model classroom_ob_comment
  10514. */
  10515. export type AggregateClassroom_ob_comment = {
  10516. _count: Classroom_ob_commentCountAggregateOutputType | null
  10517. _avg: Classroom_ob_commentAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  10518. _sum: Classroom_ob_commentSumAggregateOutputType | null
  10519. _min: Classroom_ob_commentMinAggregateOutputType | null
  10520. _max: Classroom_ob_commentMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  10521. }
  10522. export type Classroom_ob_commentAvgAggregateOutputType = {
  10523. audit_status: number | null
  10524. }
  10525. export type Classroom_ob_commentSumAggregateOutputType = {
  10526. audit_status: number | null
  10527. }
  10528. export type Classroom_ob_commentMinAggregateOutputType = {
  10529. id: string | null
  10530. module_id: string | null
  10531. module_name: string | null
  10532. nickname: string | null
  10533. commentContent: string | null
  10534. audit_status: number | null
  10535. t_id: string | null
  10536. create_time: Date | null
  10537. }
  10538. export type Classroom_ob_commentMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  10539. id: string | null
  10540. module_id: string | null
  10541. module_name: string | null
  10542. nickname: string | null
  10543. commentContent: string | null
  10544. audit_status: number | null
  10545. t_id: string | null
  10546. create_time: Date | null
  10547. }
  10548. export type Classroom_ob_commentCountAggregateOutputType = {
  10549. id: number
  10550. module_id: number
  10551. module_name: number
  10552. nickname: number
  10553. commentContent: number
  10554. audit_status: number
  10555. t_id: number
  10556. create_time: number
  10557. _all: number
  10558. }
  10559. export type Classroom_ob_commentAvgAggregateInputType = {
  10560. audit_status?: true
  10561. }
  10562. export type Classroom_ob_commentSumAggregateInputType = {
  10563. audit_status?: true
  10564. }
  10565. export type Classroom_ob_commentMinAggregateInputType = {
  10566. id?: true
  10567. module_id?: true
  10568. module_name?: true
  10569. nickname?: true
  10570. commentContent?: true
  10571. audit_status?: true
  10572. t_id?: true
  10573. create_time?: true
  10574. }
  10575. export type Classroom_ob_commentMaxAggregateInputType = {
  10576. id?: true
  10577. module_id?: true
  10578. module_name?: true
  10579. nickname?: true
  10580. commentContent?: true
  10581. audit_status?: true
  10582. t_id?: true
  10583. create_time?: true
  10584. }
  10585. export type Classroom_ob_commentCountAggregateInputType = {
  10586. id?: true
  10587. module_id?: true
  10588. module_name?: true
  10589. nickname?: true
  10590. commentContent?: true
  10591. audit_status?: true
  10592. t_id?: true
  10593. create_time?: true
  10594. _all?: true
  10595. }
  10596. export type Classroom_ob_commentAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10597. /**
  10598. * Filter which classroom_ob_comment to aggregate.
  10599. */
  10600. where?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput
  10601. /**
  10602. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  10603. *
  10604. * Determine the order of classroom_ob_comments to fetch.
  10605. */
  10606. orderBy?: classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithRelationInput | classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  10607. /**
  10608. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  10609. *
  10610. * Sets the start position
  10611. */
  10612. cursor?: classroom_ob_commentWhereUniqueInput
  10613. /**
  10614. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  10615. *
  10616. * Take `±n` classroom_ob_comments from the position of the cursor.
  10617. */
  10618. take?: number
  10619. /**
  10620. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  10621. *
  10622. * Skip the first `n` classroom_ob_comments.
  10623. */
  10624. skip?: number
  10625. /**
  10626. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  10627. *
  10628. * Count returned classroom_ob_comments
  10629. **/
  10630. _count?: true | Classroom_ob_commentCountAggregateInputType
  10631. /**
  10632. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  10633. *
  10634. * Select which fields to average
  10635. **/
  10636. _avg?: Classroom_ob_commentAvgAggregateInputType
  10637. /**
  10638. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  10639. *
  10640. * Select which fields to sum
  10641. **/
  10642. _sum?: Classroom_ob_commentSumAggregateInputType
  10643. /**
  10644. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  10645. *
  10646. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  10647. **/
  10648. _min?: Classroom_ob_commentMinAggregateInputType
  10649. /**
  10650. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  10651. *
  10652. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  10653. **/
  10654. _max?: Classroom_ob_commentMaxAggregateInputType
  10655. }
  10656. export type GetClassroom_ob_commentAggregateType<T extends Classroom_ob_commentAggregateArgs> = {
  10657. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateClassroom_ob_comment]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  10658. ? T[P] extends true
  10659. ? number
  10660. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateClassroom_ob_comment[P]>
  10661. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateClassroom_ob_comment[P]>
  10662. }
  10663. export type classroom_ob_commentGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10664. where?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput
  10665. orderBy?: classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithAggregationInput | classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  10666. by: Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum[] | Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum
  10667. having?: classroom_ob_commentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  10668. take?: number
  10669. skip?: number
  10670. _count?: Classroom_ob_commentCountAggregateInputType | true
  10671. _avg?: Classroom_ob_commentAvgAggregateInputType
  10672. _sum?: Classroom_ob_commentSumAggregateInputType
  10673. _min?: Classroom_ob_commentMinAggregateInputType
  10674. _max?: Classroom_ob_commentMaxAggregateInputType
  10675. }
  10676. export type Classroom_ob_commentGroupByOutputType = {
  10677. id: string
  10678. module_id: string
  10679. module_name: string | null
  10680. nickname: string | null
  10681. commentContent: string | null
  10682. audit_status: number
  10683. t_id: string | null
  10684. create_time: Date | null
  10685. _count: Classroom_ob_commentCountAggregateOutputType | null
  10686. _avg: Classroom_ob_commentAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  10687. _sum: Classroom_ob_commentSumAggregateOutputType | null
  10688. _min: Classroom_ob_commentMinAggregateOutputType | null
  10689. _max: Classroom_ob_commentMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  10690. }
  10691. type GetClassroom_ob_commentGroupByPayload<T extends classroom_ob_commentGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  10692. Array<
  10693. PickEnumerable<Classroom_ob_commentGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  10694. {
  10695. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Classroom_ob_commentGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  10696. ? T[P] extends boolean
  10697. ? number
  10698. : GetScalarType<T[P], Classroom_ob_commentGroupByOutputType[P]>
  10699. : GetScalarType<T[P], Classroom_ob_commentGroupByOutputType[P]>
  10700. }
  10701. >
  10702. >
  10703. export type classroom_ob_commentSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  10704. id?: boolean
  10705. module_id?: boolean
  10706. module_name?: boolean
  10707. nickname?: boolean
  10708. commentContent?: boolean
  10709. audit_status?: boolean
  10710. t_id?: boolean
  10711. create_time?: boolean
  10712. }, ExtArgs["result"]["classroom_ob_comment"]>
  10713. export type classroom_ob_commentSelectScalar = {
  10714. id?: boolean
  10715. module_id?: boolean
  10716. module_name?: boolean
  10717. nickname?: boolean
  10718. commentContent?: boolean
  10719. audit_status?: boolean
  10720. t_id?: boolean
  10721. create_time?: boolean
  10722. }
  10723. export type $classroom_ob_commentPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  10724. name: "classroom_ob_comment"
  10725. objects: {}
  10726. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  10727. id: string
  10728. module_id: string
  10729. module_name: string | null
  10730. nickname: string | null
  10731. commentContent: string | null
  10732. audit_status: number
  10733. t_id: string | null
  10734. create_time: Date | null
  10735. }, ExtArgs["result"]["classroom_ob_comment"]>
  10736. composites: {}
  10737. }
  10738. type classroom_ob_commentGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | classroom_ob_commentDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload, S>
  10739. type classroom_ob_commentCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  10740. Omit<classroom_ob_commentFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  10741. select?: Classroom_ob_commentCountAggregateInputType | true
  10742. }
  10743. export interface classroom_ob_commentDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  10744. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['classroom_ob_comment'], meta: { name: 'classroom_ob_comment' } }
  10745. /**
  10746. * Find zero or one Classroom_ob_comment that matches the filter.
  10747. * @param {classroom_ob_commentFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Classroom_ob_comment
  10748. * @example
  10749. * // Get one Classroom_ob_comment
  10750. * const classroom_ob_comment = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.findUnique({
  10751. * where: {
  10752. * // ... provide filter here
  10753. * }
  10754. * })
  10755. */
  10756. findUnique<T extends classroom_ob_commentFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_ob_commentClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  10757. /**
  10758. * Find one Classroom_ob_comment that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  10759. * if no matches were found.
  10760. * @param {classroom_ob_commentFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Classroom_ob_comment
  10761. * @example
  10762. * // Get one Classroom_ob_comment
  10763. * const classroom_ob_comment = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.findUniqueOrThrow({
  10764. * where: {
  10765. * // ... provide filter here
  10766. * }
  10767. * })
  10768. */
  10769. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends classroom_ob_commentFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_ob_commentClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  10770. /**
  10771. * Find the first Classroom_ob_comment that matches the filter.
  10772. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  10773. * Read more here:
  10774. * @param {classroom_ob_commentFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Classroom_ob_comment
  10775. * @example
  10776. * // Get one Classroom_ob_comment
  10777. * const classroom_ob_comment = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.findFirst({
  10778. * where: {
  10779. * // ... provide filter here
  10780. * }
  10781. * })
  10782. */
  10783. findFirst<T extends classroom_ob_commentFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_ob_commentClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  10784. /**
  10785. * Find the first Classroom_ob_comment that matches the filter or
  10786. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  10787. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  10788. * Read more here:
  10789. * @param {classroom_ob_commentFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Classroom_ob_comment
  10790. * @example
  10791. * // Get one Classroom_ob_comment
  10792. * const classroom_ob_comment = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.findFirstOrThrow({
  10793. * where: {
  10794. * // ... provide filter here
  10795. * }
  10796. * })
  10797. */
  10798. findFirstOrThrow<T extends classroom_ob_commentFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_ob_commentClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  10799. /**
  10800. * Find zero or more Classroom_ob_comments that matches the filter.
  10801. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  10802. * Read more here:
  10803. * @param {classroom_ob_commentFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  10804. * @example
  10805. * // Get all Classroom_ob_comments
  10806. * const classroom_ob_comments = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.findMany()
  10807. *
  10808. * // Get first 10 Classroom_ob_comments
  10809. * const classroom_ob_comments = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.findMany({ take: 10 })
  10810. *
  10811. * // Only select the `id`
  10812. * const classroom_ob_commentWithIdOnly = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  10813. *
  10814. */
  10815. findMany<T extends classroom_ob_commentFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  10816. /**
  10817. * Create a Classroom_ob_comment.
  10818. * @param {classroom_ob_commentCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Classroom_ob_comment.
  10819. * @example
  10820. * // Create one Classroom_ob_comment
  10821. * const Classroom_ob_comment = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.create({
  10822. * data: {
  10823. * // ... data to create a Classroom_ob_comment
  10824. * }
  10825. * })
  10826. *
  10827. */
  10828. create<T extends classroom_ob_commentCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_ob_commentClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  10829. /**
  10830. * Create many Classroom_ob_comments.
  10831. * @param {classroom_ob_commentCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Classroom_ob_comments.
  10832. * @example
  10833. * // Create many Classroom_ob_comments
  10834. * const classroom_ob_comment = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.createMany({
  10835. * data: [
  10836. * // ... provide data here
  10837. * ]
  10838. * })
  10839. *
  10840. */
  10841. createMany<T extends classroom_ob_commentCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  10842. /**
  10843. * Delete a Classroom_ob_comment.
  10844. * @param {classroom_ob_commentDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Classroom_ob_comment.
  10845. * @example
  10846. * // Delete one Classroom_ob_comment
  10847. * const Classroom_ob_comment = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.delete({
  10848. * where: {
  10849. * // ... filter to delete one Classroom_ob_comment
  10850. * }
  10851. * })
  10852. *
  10853. */
  10854. delete<T extends classroom_ob_commentDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_ob_commentClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  10855. /**
  10856. * Update one Classroom_ob_comment.
  10857. * @param {classroom_ob_commentUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Classroom_ob_comment.
  10858. * @example
  10859. * // Update one Classroom_ob_comment
  10860. * const classroom_ob_comment = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.update({
  10861. * where: {
  10862. * // ... provide filter here
  10863. * },
  10864. * data: {
  10865. * // ... provide data here
  10866. * }
  10867. * })
  10868. *
  10869. */
  10870. update<T extends classroom_ob_commentUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_ob_commentClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  10871. /**
  10872. * Delete zero or more Classroom_ob_comments.
  10873. * @param {classroom_ob_commentDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Classroom_ob_comments to delete.
  10874. * @example
  10875. * // Delete a few Classroom_ob_comments
  10876. * const { count } = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.deleteMany({
  10877. * where: {
  10878. * // ... provide filter here
  10879. * }
  10880. * })
  10881. *
  10882. */
  10883. deleteMany<T extends classroom_ob_commentDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  10884. /**
  10885. * Update zero or more Classroom_ob_comments.
  10886. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  10887. * Read more here:
  10888. * @param {classroom_ob_commentUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  10889. * @example
  10890. * // Update many Classroom_ob_comments
  10891. * const classroom_ob_comment = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.updateMany({
  10892. * where: {
  10893. * // ... provide filter here
  10894. * },
  10895. * data: {
  10896. * // ... provide data here
  10897. * }
  10898. * })
  10899. *
  10900. */
  10901. updateMany<T extends classroom_ob_commentUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  10902. /**
  10903. * Create or update one Classroom_ob_comment.
  10904. * @param {classroom_ob_commentUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Classroom_ob_comment.
  10905. * @example
  10906. * // Update or create a Classroom_ob_comment
  10907. * const classroom_ob_comment = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.upsert({
  10908. * create: {
  10909. * // ... data to create a Classroom_ob_comment
  10910. * },
  10911. * update: {
  10912. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  10913. * },
  10914. * where: {
  10915. * // ... the filter for the Classroom_ob_comment we want to update
  10916. * }
  10917. * })
  10918. */
  10919. upsert<T extends classroom_ob_commentUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_ob_commentUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_ob_commentClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_ob_commentPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  10920. /**
  10921. * Count the number of Classroom_ob_comments.
  10922. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  10923. * Read more here:
  10924. * @param {classroom_ob_commentCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Classroom_ob_comments to count.
  10925. * @example
  10926. * // Count the number of Classroom_ob_comments
  10927. * const count = await prisma.classroom_ob_comment.count({
  10928. * where: {
  10929. * // ... the filter for the Classroom_ob_comments we want to count
  10930. * }
  10931. * })
  10932. **/
  10933. count<T extends classroom_ob_commentCountArgs>(
  10934. args?: Subset<T, classroom_ob_commentCountArgs>,
  10935. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  10936. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  10937. ? T['select'] extends true
  10938. ? number
  10939. : GetScalarType<T['select'], Classroom_ob_commentCountAggregateOutputType>
  10940. : number
  10941. >
  10942. /**
  10943. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Classroom_ob_comment.
  10944. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  10945. * Read more here:
  10946. * @param {Classroom_ob_commentAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  10947. * @example
  10948. * // Ordered by age ascending
  10949. * // Where email contains
  10950. * // Limited to the 10 users
  10951. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  10952. * _avg: {
  10953. * age: true,
  10954. * },
  10955. * where: {
  10956. * email: {
  10957. * contains: "",
  10958. * },
  10959. * },
  10960. * orderBy: {
  10961. * age: "asc",
  10962. * },
  10963. * take: 10,
  10964. * })
  10965. **/
  10966. aggregate<T extends Classroom_ob_commentAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, Classroom_ob_commentAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetClassroom_ob_commentAggregateType<T>>
  10967. /**
  10968. * Group by Classroom_ob_comment.
  10969. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  10970. * Read more here:
  10971. * @param {classroom_ob_commentGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  10972. * @example
  10973. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  10974. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  10975. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  10976. * orderBy: {
  10977. * createdAt: true
  10978. * },
  10979. * _count: {
  10980. * _all: true
  10981. * },
  10982. * })
  10983. *
  10984. **/
  10985. groupBy<
  10986. T extends classroom_ob_commentGroupByArgs,
  10987. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  10988. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  10989. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  10990. >,
  10991. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  10992. ? { orderBy: classroom_ob_commentGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  10993. : { orderBy?: classroom_ob_commentGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  10994. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  10995. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  10996. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  10997. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  10998. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  10999. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  11000. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  11001. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  11002. : HavingValid extends False
  11003. ? {
  11004. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  11005. ? never
  11006. : P extends string
  11007. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  11008. : [
  11009. Error,
  11010. 'Field ',
  11011. P,
  11012. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  11013. ]
  11014. }[HavingFields]
  11015. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  11016. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  11017. ? ByValid extends True
  11018. ? {}
  11019. : {
  11020. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  11021. ? never
  11022. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  11023. }[OrderFields]
  11024. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  11025. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  11026. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  11027. ? ByValid extends True
  11028. ? {}
  11029. : {
  11030. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  11031. ? never
  11032. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  11033. }[OrderFields]
  11034. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  11035. : ByValid extends True
  11036. ? {}
  11037. : {
  11038. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  11039. ? never
  11040. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  11041. }[OrderFields]
  11042. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, classroom_ob_commentGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetClassroom_ob_commentGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  11043. /**
  11044. * Fields of the classroom_ob_comment model
  11045. */
  11046. readonly fields: classroom_ob_commentFieldRefs;
  11047. }
  11048. /**
  11049. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for classroom_ob_comment.
  11050. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  11051. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  11052. *
  11053. */
  11054. export interface Prisma__classroom_ob_commentClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  11055. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  11056. /**
  11057. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  11058. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  11059. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  11060. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  11061. */
  11062. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  11063. /**
  11064. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  11065. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  11066. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  11067. */
  11068. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  11069. /**
  11070. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  11071. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  11072. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  11073. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  11074. */
  11075. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  11076. }
  11077. /**
  11078. * Fields of the classroom_ob_comment model
  11079. */
  11080. interface classroom_ob_commentFieldRefs {
  11081. readonly id: FieldRef<"classroom_ob_comment", 'String'>
  11082. readonly module_id: FieldRef<"classroom_ob_comment", 'String'>
  11083. readonly module_name: FieldRef<"classroom_ob_comment", 'String'>
  11084. readonly nickname: FieldRef<"classroom_ob_comment", 'String'>
  11085. readonly commentContent: FieldRef<"classroom_ob_comment", 'String'>
  11086. readonly audit_status: FieldRef<"classroom_ob_comment", 'Int'>
  11087. readonly t_id: FieldRef<"classroom_ob_comment", 'String'>
  11088. readonly create_time: FieldRef<"classroom_ob_comment", 'DateTime'>
  11089. }
  11090. // Custom InputTypes
  11091. /**
  11092. * classroom_ob_comment findUnique
  11093. */
  11094. export type classroom_ob_commentFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11095. /**
  11096. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_ob_comment
  11097. */
  11098. select?: classroom_ob_commentSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11099. /**
  11100. * Filter, which classroom_ob_comment to fetch.
  11101. */
  11102. where: classroom_ob_commentWhereUniqueInput
  11103. }
  11104. /**
  11105. * classroom_ob_comment findUniqueOrThrow
  11106. */
  11107. export type classroom_ob_commentFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11108. /**
  11109. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_ob_comment
  11110. */
  11111. select?: classroom_ob_commentSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11112. /**
  11113. * Filter, which classroom_ob_comment to fetch.
  11114. */
  11115. where: classroom_ob_commentWhereUniqueInput
  11116. }
  11117. /**
  11118. * classroom_ob_comment findFirst
  11119. */
  11120. export type classroom_ob_commentFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11121. /**
  11122. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_ob_comment
  11123. */
  11124. select?: classroom_ob_commentSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11125. /**
  11126. * Filter, which classroom_ob_comment to fetch.
  11127. */
  11128. where?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput
  11129. /**
  11130. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  11131. *
  11132. * Determine the order of classroom_ob_comments to fetch.
  11133. */
  11134. orderBy?: classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithRelationInput | classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  11135. /**
  11136. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  11137. *
  11138. * Sets the position for searching for classroom_ob_comments.
  11139. */
  11140. cursor?: classroom_ob_commentWhereUniqueInput
  11141. /**
  11142. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  11143. *
  11144. * Take `±n` classroom_ob_comments from the position of the cursor.
  11145. */
  11146. take?: number
  11147. /**
  11148. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  11149. *
  11150. * Skip the first `n` classroom_ob_comments.
  11151. */
  11152. skip?: number
  11153. /**
  11154. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  11155. *
  11156. * Filter by unique combinations of classroom_ob_comments.
  11157. */
  11158. distinct?: Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum | Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum[]
  11159. }
  11160. /**
  11161. * classroom_ob_comment findFirstOrThrow
  11162. */
  11163. export type classroom_ob_commentFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11164. /**
  11165. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_ob_comment
  11166. */
  11167. select?: classroom_ob_commentSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11168. /**
  11169. * Filter, which classroom_ob_comment to fetch.
  11170. */
  11171. where?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput
  11172. /**
  11173. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  11174. *
  11175. * Determine the order of classroom_ob_comments to fetch.
  11176. */
  11177. orderBy?: classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithRelationInput | classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  11178. /**
  11179. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  11180. *
  11181. * Sets the position for searching for classroom_ob_comments.
  11182. */
  11183. cursor?: classroom_ob_commentWhereUniqueInput
  11184. /**
  11185. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  11186. *
  11187. * Take `±n` classroom_ob_comments from the position of the cursor.
  11188. */
  11189. take?: number
  11190. /**
  11191. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  11192. *
  11193. * Skip the first `n` classroom_ob_comments.
  11194. */
  11195. skip?: number
  11196. /**
  11197. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  11198. *
  11199. * Filter by unique combinations of classroom_ob_comments.
  11200. */
  11201. distinct?: Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum | Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum[]
  11202. }
  11203. /**
  11204. * classroom_ob_comment findMany
  11205. */
  11206. export type classroom_ob_commentFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11207. /**
  11208. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_ob_comment
  11209. */
  11210. select?: classroom_ob_commentSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11211. /**
  11212. * Filter, which classroom_ob_comments to fetch.
  11213. */
  11214. where?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput
  11215. /**
  11216. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  11217. *
  11218. * Determine the order of classroom_ob_comments to fetch.
  11219. */
  11220. orderBy?: classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithRelationInput | classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  11221. /**
  11222. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  11223. *
  11224. * Sets the position for listing classroom_ob_comments.
  11225. */
  11226. cursor?: classroom_ob_commentWhereUniqueInput
  11227. /**
  11228. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  11229. *
  11230. * Take `±n` classroom_ob_comments from the position of the cursor.
  11231. */
  11232. take?: number
  11233. /**
  11234. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  11235. *
  11236. * Skip the first `n` classroom_ob_comments.
  11237. */
  11238. skip?: number
  11239. distinct?: Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum | Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum[]
  11240. }
  11241. /**
  11242. * classroom_ob_comment create
  11243. */
  11244. export type classroom_ob_commentCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11245. /**
  11246. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_ob_comment
  11247. */
  11248. select?: classroom_ob_commentSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11249. /**
  11250. * The data needed to create a classroom_ob_comment.
  11251. */
  11252. data: XOR<classroom_ob_commentCreateInput, classroom_ob_commentUncheckedCreateInput>
  11253. }
  11254. /**
  11255. * classroom_ob_comment createMany
  11256. */
  11257. export type classroom_ob_commentCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11258. /**
  11259. * The data used to create many classroom_ob_comments.
  11260. */
  11261. data: classroom_ob_commentCreateManyInput | classroom_ob_commentCreateManyInput[]
  11262. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  11263. }
  11264. /**
  11265. * classroom_ob_comment update
  11266. */
  11267. export type classroom_ob_commentUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11268. /**
  11269. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_ob_comment
  11270. */
  11271. select?: classroom_ob_commentSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11272. /**
  11273. * The data needed to update a classroom_ob_comment.
  11274. */
  11275. data: XOR<classroom_ob_commentUpdateInput, classroom_ob_commentUncheckedUpdateInput>
  11276. /**
  11277. * Choose, which classroom_ob_comment to update.
  11278. */
  11279. where: classroom_ob_commentWhereUniqueInput
  11280. }
  11281. /**
  11282. * classroom_ob_comment updateMany
  11283. */
  11284. export type classroom_ob_commentUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11285. /**
  11286. * The data used to update classroom_ob_comments.
  11287. */
  11288. data: XOR<classroom_ob_commentUpdateManyMutationInput, classroom_ob_commentUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  11289. /**
  11290. * Filter which classroom_ob_comments to update
  11291. */
  11292. where?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput
  11293. }
  11294. /**
  11295. * classroom_ob_comment upsert
  11296. */
  11297. export type classroom_ob_commentUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11298. /**
  11299. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_ob_comment
  11300. */
  11301. select?: classroom_ob_commentSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11302. /**
  11303. * The filter to search for the classroom_ob_comment to update in case it exists.
  11304. */
  11305. where: classroom_ob_commentWhereUniqueInput
  11306. /**
  11307. * In case the classroom_ob_comment found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new classroom_ob_comment with this data.
  11308. */
  11309. create: XOR<classroom_ob_commentCreateInput, classroom_ob_commentUncheckedCreateInput>
  11310. /**
  11311. * In case the classroom_ob_comment was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  11312. */
  11313. update: XOR<classroom_ob_commentUpdateInput, classroom_ob_commentUncheckedUpdateInput>
  11314. }
  11315. /**
  11316. * classroom_ob_comment delete
  11317. */
  11318. export type classroom_ob_commentDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11319. /**
  11320. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_ob_comment
  11321. */
  11322. select?: classroom_ob_commentSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11323. /**
  11324. * Filter which classroom_ob_comment to delete.
  11325. */
  11326. where: classroom_ob_commentWhereUniqueInput
  11327. }
  11328. /**
  11329. * classroom_ob_comment deleteMany
  11330. */
  11331. export type classroom_ob_commentDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11332. /**
  11333. * Filter which classroom_ob_comments to delete
  11334. */
  11335. where?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput
  11336. }
  11337. /**
  11338. * classroom_ob_comment without action
  11339. */
  11340. export type classroom_ob_commentDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11341. /**
  11342. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_ob_comment
  11343. */
  11344. select?: classroom_ob_commentSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11345. }
  11346. /**
  11347. * Model classroom_observation
  11348. */
  11349. export type AggregateClassroom_observation = {
  11350. _count: Classroom_observationCountAggregateOutputType | null
  11351. _avg: Classroom_observationAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  11352. _sum: Classroom_observationSumAggregateOutputType | null
  11353. _min: Classroom_observationMinAggregateOutputType | null
  11354. _max: Classroom_observationMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  11355. }
  11356. export type Classroom_observationAvgAggregateOutputType = {
  11357. Type: number | null
  11358. tIndex: number | null
  11359. like_num: number | null
  11360. isdel: number | null
  11361. }
  11362. export type Classroom_observationSumAggregateOutputType = {
  11363. Type: number | null
  11364. tIndex: number | null
  11365. like_num: number | null
  11366. isdel: number | null
  11367. }
  11368. export type Classroom_observationMinAggregateOutputType = {
  11369. id: string | null
  11370. jsonData: string | null
  11371. Type: number | null
  11372. tIndex: number | null
  11373. tId: string | null
  11374. createtime: Date | null
  11375. like_num: number | null
  11376. like_data: string | null
  11377. userid: string | null
  11378. isdel: number | null
  11379. limitData: string | null
  11380. }
  11381. export type Classroom_observationMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  11382. id: string | null
  11383. jsonData: string | null
  11384. Type: number | null
  11385. tIndex: number | null
  11386. tId: string | null
  11387. createtime: Date | null
  11388. like_num: number | null
  11389. like_data: string | null
  11390. userid: string | null
  11391. isdel: number | null
  11392. limitData: string | null
  11393. }
  11394. export type Classroom_observationCountAggregateOutputType = {
  11395. id: number
  11396. jsonData: number
  11397. Type: number
  11398. tIndex: number
  11399. tId: number
  11400. createtime: number
  11401. like_num: number
  11402. like_data: number
  11403. userid: number
  11404. isdel: number
  11405. limitData: number
  11406. _all: number
  11407. }
  11408. export type Classroom_observationAvgAggregateInputType = {
  11409. Type?: true
  11410. tIndex?: true
  11411. like_num?: true
  11412. isdel?: true
  11413. }
  11414. export type Classroom_observationSumAggregateInputType = {
  11415. Type?: true
  11416. tIndex?: true
  11417. like_num?: true
  11418. isdel?: true
  11419. }
  11420. export type Classroom_observationMinAggregateInputType = {
  11421. id?: true
  11422. jsonData?: true
  11423. Type?: true
  11424. tIndex?: true
  11425. tId?: true
  11426. createtime?: true
  11427. like_num?: true
  11428. like_data?: true
  11429. userid?: true
  11430. isdel?: true
  11431. limitData?: true
  11432. }
  11433. export type Classroom_observationMaxAggregateInputType = {
  11434. id?: true
  11435. jsonData?: true
  11436. Type?: true
  11437. tIndex?: true
  11438. tId?: true
  11439. createtime?: true
  11440. like_num?: true
  11441. like_data?: true
  11442. userid?: true
  11443. isdel?: true
  11444. limitData?: true
  11445. }
  11446. export type Classroom_observationCountAggregateInputType = {
  11447. id?: true
  11448. jsonData?: true
  11449. Type?: true
  11450. tIndex?: true
  11451. tId?: true
  11452. createtime?: true
  11453. like_num?: true
  11454. like_data?: true
  11455. userid?: true
  11456. isdel?: true
  11457. limitData?: true
  11458. _all?: true
  11459. }
  11460. export type Classroom_observationAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11461. /**
  11462. * Filter which classroom_observation to aggregate.
  11463. */
  11464. where?: classroom_observationWhereInput
  11465. /**
  11466. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  11467. *
  11468. * Determine the order of classroom_observations to fetch.
  11469. */
  11470. orderBy?: classroom_observationOrderByWithRelationInput | classroom_observationOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  11471. /**
  11472. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  11473. *
  11474. * Sets the start position
  11475. */
  11476. cursor?: classroom_observationWhereUniqueInput
  11477. /**
  11478. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  11479. *
  11480. * Take `±n` classroom_observations from the position of the cursor.
  11481. */
  11482. take?: number
  11483. /**
  11484. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  11485. *
  11486. * Skip the first `n` classroom_observations.
  11487. */
  11488. skip?: number
  11489. /**
  11490. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  11491. *
  11492. * Count returned classroom_observations
  11493. **/
  11494. _count?: true | Classroom_observationCountAggregateInputType
  11495. /**
  11496. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  11497. *
  11498. * Select which fields to average
  11499. **/
  11500. _avg?: Classroom_observationAvgAggregateInputType
  11501. /**
  11502. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  11503. *
  11504. * Select which fields to sum
  11505. **/
  11506. _sum?: Classroom_observationSumAggregateInputType
  11507. /**
  11508. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  11509. *
  11510. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  11511. **/
  11512. _min?: Classroom_observationMinAggregateInputType
  11513. /**
  11514. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  11515. *
  11516. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  11517. **/
  11518. _max?: Classroom_observationMaxAggregateInputType
  11519. }
  11520. export type GetClassroom_observationAggregateType<T extends Classroom_observationAggregateArgs> = {
  11521. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateClassroom_observation]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  11522. ? T[P] extends true
  11523. ? number
  11524. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateClassroom_observation[P]>
  11525. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateClassroom_observation[P]>
  11526. }
  11527. export type classroom_observationGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11528. where?: classroom_observationWhereInput
  11529. orderBy?: classroom_observationOrderByWithAggregationInput | classroom_observationOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  11530. by: Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum[] | Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum
  11531. having?: classroom_observationScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  11532. take?: number
  11533. skip?: number
  11534. _count?: Classroom_observationCountAggregateInputType | true
  11535. _avg?: Classroom_observationAvgAggregateInputType
  11536. _sum?: Classroom_observationSumAggregateInputType
  11537. _min?: Classroom_observationMinAggregateInputType
  11538. _max?: Classroom_observationMaxAggregateInputType
  11539. }
  11540. export type Classroom_observationGroupByOutputType = {
  11541. id: string
  11542. jsonData: string | null
  11543. Type: number | null
  11544. tIndex: number | null
  11545. tId: string | null
  11546. createtime: Date | null
  11547. like_num: number
  11548. like_data: string | null
  11549. userid: string | null
  11550. isdel: number | null
  11551. limitData: string | null
  11552. _count: Classroom_observationCountAggregateOutputType | null
  11553. _avg: Classroom_observationAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  11554. _sum: Classroom_observationSumAggregateOutputType | null
  11555. _min: Classroom_observationMinAggregateOutputType | null
  11556. _max: Classroom_observationMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  11557. }
  11558. type GetClassroom_observationGroupByPayload<T extends classroom_observationGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  11559. Array<
  11560. PickEnumerable<Classroom_observationGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  11561. {
  11562. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Classroom_observationGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  11563. ? T[P] extends boolean
  11564. ? number
  11565. : GetScalarType<T[P], Classroom_observationGroupByOutputType[P]>
  11566. : GetScalarType<T[P], Classroom_observationGroupByOutputType[P]>
  11567. }
  11568. >
  11569. >
  11570. export type classroom_observationSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  11571. id?: boolean
  11572. jsonData?: boolean
  11573. Type?: boolean
  11574. tIndex?: boolean
  11575. tId?: boolean
  11576. createtime?: boolean
  11577. like_num?: boolean
  11578. like_data?: boolean
  11579. userid?: boolean
  11580. isdel?: boolean
  11581. limitData?: boolean
  11582. }, ExtArgs["result"]["classroom_observation"]>
  11583. export type classroom_observationSelectScalar = {
  11584. id?: boolean
  11585. jsonData?: boolean
  11586. Type?: boolean
  11587. tIndex?: boolean
  11588. tId?: boolean
  11589. createtime?: boolean
  11590. like_num?: boolean
  11591. like_data?: boolean
  11592. userid?: boolean
  11593. isdel?: boolean
  11594. limitData?: boolean
  11595. }
  11596. export type $classroom_observationPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11597. name: "classroom_observation"
  11598. objects: {}
  11599. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  11600. id: string
  11601. jsonData: string | null
  11602. Type: number | null
  11603. tIndex: number | null
  11604. tId: string | null
  11605. createtime: Date | null
  11606. like_num: number
  11607. like_data: string | null
  11608. userid: string | null
  11609. isdel: number | null
  11610. limitData: string | null
  11611. }, ExtArgs["result"]["classroom_observation"]>
  11612. composites: {}
  11613. }
  11614. type classroom_observationGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | classroom_observationDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload, S>
  11615. type classroom_observationCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  11616. Omit<classroom_observationFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  11617. select?: Classroom_observationCountAggregateInputType | true
  11618. }
  11619. export interface classroom_observationDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  11620. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['classroom_observation'], meta: { name: 'classroom_observation' } }
  11621. /**
  11622. * Find zero or one Classroom_observation that matches the filter.
  11623. * @param {classroom_observationFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Classroom_observation
  11624. * @example
  11625. * // Get one Classroom_observation
  11626. * const classroom_observation = await prisma.classroom_observation.findUnique({
  11627. * where: {
  11628. * // ... provide filter here
  11629. * }
  11630. * })
  11631. */
  11632. findUnique<T extends classroom_observationFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_observationClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  11633. /**
  11634. * Find one Classroom_observation that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  11635. * if no matches were found.
  11636. * @param {classroom_observationFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Classroom_observation
  11637. * @example
  11638. * // Get one Classroom_observation
  11639. * const classroom_observation = await prisma.classroom_observation.findUniqueOrThrow({
  11640. * where: {
  11641. * // ... provide filter here
  11642. * }
  11643. * })
  11644. */
  11645. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends classroom_observationFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_observationClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  11646. /**
  11647. * Find the first Classroom_observation that matches the filter.
  11648. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  11649. * Read more here:
  11650. * @param {classroom_observationFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Classroom_observation
  11651. * @example
  11652. * // Get one Classroom_observation
  11653. * const classroom_observation = await prisma.classroom_observation.findFirst({
  11654. * where: {
  11655. * // ... provide filter here
  11656. * }
  11657. * })
  11658. */
  11659. findFirst<T extends classroom_observationFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_observationClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  11660. /**
  11661. * Find the first Classroom_observation that matches the filter or
  11662. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  11663. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  11664. * Read more here:
  11665. * @param {classroom_observationFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Classroom_observation
  11666. * @example
  11667. * // Get one Classroom_observation
  11668. * const classroom_observation = await prisma.classroom_observation.findFirstOrThrow({
  11669. * where: {
  11670. * // ... provide filter here
  11671. * }
  11672. * })
  11673. */
  11674. findFirstOrThrow<T extends classroom_observationFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_observationClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  11675. /**
  11676. * Find zero or more Classroom_observations that matches the filter.
  11677. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  11678. * Read more here:
  11679. * @param {classroom_observationFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  11680. * @example
  11681. * // Get all Classroom_observations
  11682. * const classroom_observations = await prisma.classroom_observation.findMany()
  11683. *
  11684. * // Get first 10 Classroom_observations
  11685. * const classroom_observations = await prisma.classroom_observation.findMany({ take: 10 })
  11686. *
  11687. * // Only select the `id`
  11688. * const classroom_observationWithIdOnly = await prisma.classroom_observation.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  11689. *
  11690. */
  11691. findMany<T extends classroom_observationFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  11692. /**
  11693. * Create a Classroom_observation.
  11694. * @param {classroom_observationCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Classroom_observation.
  11695. * @example
  11696. * // Create one Classroom_observation
  11697. * const Classroom_observation = await prisma.classroom_observation.create({
  11698. * data: {
  11699. * // ... data to create a Classroom_observation
  11700. * }
  11701. * })
  11702. *
  11703. */
  11704. create<T extends classroom_observationCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_observationClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  11705. /**
  11706. * Create many Classroom_observations.
  11707. * @param {classroom_observationCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Classroom_observations.
  11708. * @example
  11709. * // Create many Classroom_observations
  11710. * const classroom_observation = await prisma.classroom_observation.createMany({
  11711. * data: [
  11712. * // ... provide data here
  11713. * ]
  11714. * })
  11715. *
  11716. */
  11717. createMany<T extends classroom_observationCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  11718. /**
  11719. * Delete a Classroom_observation.
  11720. * @param {classroom_observationDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Classroom_observation.
  11721. * @example
  11722. * // Delete one Classroom_observation
  11723. * const Classroom_observation = await prisma.classroom_observation.delete({
  11724. * where: {
  11725. * // ... filter to delete one Classroom_observation
  11726. * }
  11727. * })
  11728. *
  11729. */
  11730. delete<T extends classroom_observationDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_observationClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  11731. /**
  11732. * Update one Classroom_observation.
  11733. * @param {classroom_observationUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Classroom_observation.
  11734. * @example
  11735. * // Update one Classroom_observation
  11736. * const classroom_observation = await prisma.classroom_observation.update({
  11737. * where: {
  11738. * // ... provide filter here
  11739. * },
  11740. * data: {
  11741. * // ... provide data here
  11742. * }
  11743. * })
  11744. *
  11745. */
  11746. update<T extends classroom_observationUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_observationClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  11747. /**
  11748. * Delete zero or more Classroom_observations.
  11749. * @param {classroom_observationDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Classroom_observations to delete.
  11750. * @example
  11751. * // Delete a few Classroom_observations
  11752. * const { count } = await prisma.classroom_observation.deleteMany({
  11753. * where: {
  11754. * // ... provide filter here
  11755. * }
  11756. * })
  11757. *
  11758. */
  11759. deleteMany<T extends classroom_observationDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  11760. /**
  11761. * Update zero or more Classroom_observations.
  11762. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  11763. * Read more here:
  11764. * @param {classroom_observationUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  11765. * @example
  11766. * // Update many Classroom_observations
  11767. * const classroom_observation = await prisma.classroom_observation.updateMany({
  11768. * where: {
  11769. * // ... provide filter here
  11770. * },
  11771. * data: {
  11772. * // ... provide data here
  11773. * }
  11774. * })
  11775. *
  11776. */
  11777. updateMany<T extends classroom_observationUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  11778. /**
  11779. * Create or update one Classroom_observation.
  11780. * @param {classroom_observationUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Classroom_observation.
  11781. * @example
  11782. * // Update or create a Classroom_observation
  11783. * const classroom_observation = await prisma.classroom_observation.upsert({
  11784. * create: {
  11785. * // ... data to create a Classroom_observation
  11786. * },
  11787. * update: {
  11788. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  11789. * },
  11790. * where: {
  11791. * // ... the filter for the Classroom_observation we want to update
  11792. * }
  11793. * })
  11794. */
  11795. upsert<T extends classroom_observationUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, classroom_observationUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__classroom_observationClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$classroom_observationPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  11796. /**
  11797. * Count the number of Classroom_observations.
  11798. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  11799. * Read more here:
  11800. * @param {classroom_observationCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Classroom_observations to count.
  11801. * @example
  11802. * // Count the number of Classroom_observations
  11803. * const count = await prisma.classroom_observation.count({
  11804. * where: {
  11805. * // ... the filter for the Classroom_observations we want to count
  11806. * }
  11807. * })
  11808. **/
  11809. count<T extends classroom_observationCountArgs>(
  11810. args?: Subset<T, classroom_observationCountArgs>,
  11811. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  11812. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  11813. ? T['select'] extends true
  11814. ? number
  11815. : GetScalarType<T['select'], Classroom_observationCountAggregateOutputType>
  11816. : number
  11817. >
  11818. /**
  11819. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Classroom_observation.
  11820. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  11821. * Read more here:
  11822. * @param {Classroom_observationAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  11823. * @example
  11824. * // Ordered by age ascending
  11825. * // Where email contains
  11826. * // Limited to the 10 users
  11827. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  11828. * _avg: {
  11829. * age: true,
  11830. * },
  11831. * where: {
  11832. * email: {
  11833. * contains: "",
  11834. * },
  11835. * },
  11836. * orderBy: {
  11837. * age: "asc",
  11838. * },
  11839. * take: 10,
  11840. * })
  11841. **/
  11842. aggregate<T extends Classroom_observationAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, Classroom_observationAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetClassroom_observationAggregateType<T>>
  11843. /**
  11844. * Group by Classroom_observation.
  11845. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  11846. * Read more here:
  11847. * @param {classroom_observationGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  11848. * @example
  11849. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  11850. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  11851. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  11852. * orderBy: {
  11853. * createdAt: true
  11854. * },
  11855. * _count: {
  11856. * _all: true
  11857. * },
  11858. * })
  11859. *
  11860. **/
  11861. groupBy<
  11862. T extends classroom_observationGroupByArgs,
  11863. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  11864. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  11865. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  11866. >,
  11867. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  11868. ? { orderBy: classroom_observationGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  11869. : { orderBy?: classroom_observationGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  11870. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  11871. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  11872. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  11873. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  11874. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  11875. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  11876. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  11877. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  11878. : HavingValid extends False
  11879. ? {
  11880. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  11881. ? never
  11882. : P extends string
  11883. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  11884. : [
  11885. Error,
  11886. 'Field ',
  11887. P,
  11888. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  11889. ]
  11890. }[HavingFields]
  11891. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  11892. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  11893. ? ByValid extends True
  11894. ? {}
  11895. : {
  11896. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  11897. ? never
  11898. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  11899. }[OrderFields]
  11900. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  11901. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  11902. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  11903. ? ByValid extends True
  11904. ? {}
  11905. : {
  11906. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  11907. ? never
  11908. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  11909. }[OrderFields]
  11910. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  11911. : ByValid extends True
  11912. ? {}
  11913. : {
  11914. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  11915. ? never
  11916. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  11917. }[OrderFields]
  11918. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, classroom_observationGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetClassroom_observationGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  11919. /**
  11920. * Fields of the classroom_observation model
  11921. */
  11922. readonly fields: classroom_observationFieldRefs;
  11923. }
  11924. /**
  11925. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for classroom_observation.
  11926. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  11927. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  11928. *
  11929. */
  11930. export interface Prisma__classroom_observationClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  11931. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  11932. /**
  11933. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  11934. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  11935. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  11936. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  11937. */
  11938. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  11939. /**
  11940. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  11941. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  11942. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  11943. */
  11944. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  11945. /**
  11946. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  11947. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  11948. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  11949. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  11950. */
  11951. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  11952. }
  11953. /**
  11954. * Fields of the classroom_observation model
  11955. */
  11956. interface classroom_observationFieldRefs {
  11957. readonly id: FieldRef<"classroom_observation", 'String'>
  11958. readonly jsonData: FieldRef<"classroom_observation", 'String'>
  11959. readonly Type: FieldRef<"classroom_observation", 'Int'>
  11960. readonly tIndex: FieldRef<"classroom_observation", 'Int'>
  11961. readonly tId: FieldRef<"classroom_observation", 'String'>
  11962. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"classroom_observation", 'DateTime'>
  11963. readonly like_num: FieldRef<"classroom_observation", 'Int'>
  11964. readonly like_data: FieldRef<"classroom_observation", 'String'>
  11965. readonly userid: FieldRef<"classroom_observation", 'String'>
  11966. readonly isdel: FieldRef<"classroom_observation", 'Int'>
  11967. readonly limitData: FieldRef<"classroom_observation", 'String'>
  11968. }
  11969. // Custom InputTypes
  11970. /**
  11971. * classroom_observation findUnique
  11972. */
  11973. export type classroom_observationFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11974. /**
  11975. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_observation
  11976. */
  11977. select?: classroom_observationSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11978. /**
  11979. * Filter, which classroom_observation to fetch.
  11980. */
  11981. where: classroom_observationWhereUniqueInput
  11982. }
  11983. /**
  11984. * classroom_observation findUniqueOrThrow
  11985. */
  11986. export type classroom_observationFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  11987. /**
  11988. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_observation
  11989. */
  11990. select?: classroom_observationSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  11991. /**
  11992. * Filter, which classroom_observation to fetch.
  11993. */
  11994. where: classroom_observationWhereUniqueInput
  11995. }
  11996. /**
  11997. * classroom_observation findFirst
  11998. */
  11999. export type classroom_observationFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12000. /**
  12001. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_observation
  12002. */
  12003. select?: classroom_observationSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12004. /**
  12005. * Filter, which classroom_observation to fetch.
  12006. */
  12007. where?: classroom_observationWhereInput
  12008. /**
  12009. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  12010. *
  12011. * Determine the order of classroom_observations to fetch.
  12012. */
  12013. orderBy?: classroom_observationOrderByWithRelationInput | classroom_observationOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  12014. /**
  12015. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  12016. *
  12017. * Sets the position for searching for classroom_observations.
  12018. */
  12019. cursor?: classroom_observationWhereUniqueInput
  12020. /**
  12021. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12022. *
  12023. * Take `±n` classroom_observations from the position of the cursor.
  12024. */
  12025. take?: number
  12026. /**
  12027. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12028. *
  12029. * Skip the first `n` classroom_observations.
  12030. */
  12031. skip?: number
  12032. /**
  12033. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  12034. *
  12035. * Filter by unique combinations of classroom_observations.
  12036. */
  12037. distinct?: Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum | Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum[]
  12038. }
  12039. /**
  12040. * classroom_observation findFirstOrThrow
  12041. */
  12042. export type classroom_observationFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12043. /**
  12044. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_observation
  12045. */
  12046. select?: classroom_observationSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12047. /**
  12048. * Filter, which classroom_observation to fetch.
  12049. */
  12050. where?: classroom_observationWhereInput
  12051. /**
  12052. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  12053. *
  12054. * Determine the order of classroom_observations to fetch.
  12055. */
  12056. orderBy?: classroom_observationOrderByWithRelationInput | classroom_observationOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  12057. /**
  12058. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  12059. *
  12060. * Sets the position for searching for classroom_observations.
  12061. */
  12062. cursor?: classroom_observationWhereUniqueInput
  12063. /**
  12064. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12065. *
  12066. * Take `±n` classroom_observations from the position of the cursor.
  12067. */
  12068. take?: number
  12069. /**
  12070. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12071. *
  12072. * Skip the first `n` classroom_observations.
  12073. */
  12074. skip?: number
  12075. /**
  12076. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  12077. *
  12078. * Filter by unique combinations of classroom_observations.
  12079. */
  12080. distinct?: Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum | Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum[]
  12081. }
  12082. /**
  12083. * classroom_observation findMany
  12084. */
  12085. export type classroom_observationFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12086. /**
  12087. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_observation
  12088. */
  12089. select?: classroom_observationSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12090. /**
  12091. * Filter, which classroom_observations to fetch.
  12092. */
  12093. where?: classroom_observationWhereInput
  12094. /**
  12095. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  12096. *
  12097. * Determine the order of classroom_observations to fetch.
  12098. */
  12099. orderBy?: classroom_observationOrderByWithRelationInput | classroom_observationOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  12100. /**
  12101. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  12102. *
  12103. * Sets the position for listing classroom_observations.
  12104. */
  12105. cursor?: classroom_observationWhereUniqueInput
  12106. /**
  12107. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12108. *
  12109. * Take `±n` classroom_observations from the position of the cursor.
  12110. */
  12111. take?: number
  12112. /**
  12113. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12114. *
  12115. * Skip the first `n` classroom_observations.
  12116. */
  12117. skip?: number
  12118. distinct?: Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum | Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum[]
  12119. }
  12120. /**
  12121. * classroom_observation create
  12122. */
  12123. export type classroom_observationCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12124. /**
  12125. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_observation
  12126. */
  12127. select?: classroom_observationSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12128. /**
  12129. * The data needed to create a classroom_observation.
  12130. */
  12131. data: XOR<classroom_observationCreateInput, classroom_observationUncheckedCreateInput>
  12132. }
  12133. /**
  12134. * classroom_observation createMany
  12135. */
  12136. export type classroom_observationCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12137. /**
  12138. * The data used to create many classroom_observations.
  12139. */
  12140. data: classroom_observationCreateManyInput | classroom_observationCreateManyInput[]
  12141. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  12142. }
  12143. /**
  12144. * classroom_observation update
  12145. */
  12146. export type classroom_observationUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12147. /**
  12148. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_observation
  12149. */
  12150. select?: classroom_observationSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12151. /**
  12152. * The data needed to update a classroom_observation.
  12153. */
  12154. data: XOR<classroom_observationUpdateInput, classroom_observationUncheckedUpdateInput>
  12155. /**
  12156. * Choose, which classroom_observation to update.
  12157. */
  12158. where: classroom_observationWhereUniqueInput
  12159. }
  12160. /**
  12161. * classroom_observation updateMany
  12162. */
  12163. export type classroom_observationUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12164. /**
  12165. * The data used to update classroom_observations.
  12166. */
  12167. data: XOR<classroom_observationUpdateManyMutationInput, classroom_observationUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  12168. /**
  12169. * Filter which classroom_observations to update
  12170. */
  12171. where?: classroom_observationWhereInput
  12172. }
  12173. /**
  12174. * classroom_observation upsert
  12175. */
  12176. export type classroom_observationUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12177. /**
  12178. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_observation
  12179. */
  12180. select?: classroom_observationSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12181. /**
  12182. * The filter to search for the classroom_observation to update in case it exists.
  12183. */
  12184. where: classroom_observationWhereUniqueInput
  12185. /**
  12186. * In case the classroom_observation found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new classroom_observation with this data.
  12187. */
  12188. create: XOR<classroom_observationCreateInput, classroom_observationUncheckedCreateInput>
  12189. /**
  12190. * In case the classroom_observation was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  12191. */
  12192. update: XOR<classroom_observationUpdateInput, classroom_observationUncheckedUpdateInput>
  12193. }
  12194. /**
  12195. * classroom_observation delete
  12196. */
  12197. export type classroom_observationDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12198. /**
  12199. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_observation
  12200. */
  12201. select?: classroom_observationSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12202. /**
  12203. * Filter which classroom_observation to delete.
  12204. */
  12205. where: classroom_observationWhereUniqueInput
  12206. }
  12207. /**
  12208. * classroom_observation deleteMany
  12209. */
  12210. export type classroom_observationDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12211. /**
  12212. * Filter which classroom_observations to delete
  12213. */
  12214. where?: classroom_observationWhereInput
  12215. }
  12216. /**
  12217. * classroom_observation without action
  12218. */
  12219. export type classroom_observationDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12220. /**
  12221. * Select specific fields to fetch from the classroom_observation
  12222. */
  12223. select?: classroom_observationSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12224. }
  12225. /**
  12226. * Model course_resource
  12227. */
  12228. export type AggregateCourse_resource = {
  12229. _count: Course_resourceCountAggregateOutputType | null
  12230. _min: Course_resourceMinAggregateOutputType | null
  12231. _max: Course_resourceMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  12232. }
  12233. export type Course_resourceMinAggregateOutputType = {
  12234. id: string | null
  12235. subject: string | null
  12236. grade: string | null
  12237. textbook: string | null
  12238. book_type: string | null
  12239. unit: string | null
  12240. period: string | null
  12241. unit_content: string | null
  12242. course_content: string | null
  12243. }
  12244. export type Course_resourceMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  12245. id: string | null
  12246. subject: string | null
  12247. grade: string | null
  12248. textbook: string | null
  12249. book_type: string | null
  12250. unit: string | null
  12251. period: string | null
  12252. unit_content: string | null
  12253. course_content: string | null
  12254. }
  12255. export type Course_resourceCountAggregateOutputType = {
  12256. id: number
  12257. subject: number
  12258. grade: number
  12259. textbook: number
  12260. book_type: number
  12261. unit: number
  12262. period: number
  12263. unit_content: number
  12264. course_content: number
  12265. _all: number
  12266. }
  12267. export type Course_resourceMinAggregateInputType = {
  12268. id?: true
  12269. subject?: true
  12270. grade?: true
  12271. textbook?: true
  12272. book_type?: true
  12273. unit?: true
  12274. period?: true
  12275. unit_content?: true
  12276. course_content?: true
  12277. }
  12278. export type Course_resourceMaxAggregateInputType = {
  12279. id?: true
  12280. subject?: true
  12281. grade?: true
  12282. textbook?: true
  12283. book_type?: true
  12284. unit?: true
  12285. period?: true
  12286. unit_content?: true
  12287. course_content?: true
  12288. }
  12289. export type Course_resourceCountAggregateInputType = {
  12290. id?: true
  12291. subject?: true
  12292. grade?: true
  12293. textbook?: true
  12294. book_type?: true
  12295. unit?: true
  12296. period?: true
  12297. unit_content?: true
  12298. course_content?: true
  12299. _all?: true
  12300. }
  12301. export type Course_resourceAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12302. /**
  12303. * Filter which course_resource to aggregate.
  12304. */
  12305. where?: course_resourceWhereInput
  12306. /**
  12307. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  12308. *
  12309. * Determine the order of course_resources to fetch.
  12310. */
  12311. orderBy?: course_resourceOrderByWithRelationInput | course_resourceOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  12312. /**
  12313. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  12314. *
  12315. * Sets the start position
  12316. */
  12317. cursor?: course_resourceWhereUniqueInput
  12318. /**
  12319. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12320. *
  12321. * Take `±n` course_resources from the position of the cursor.
  12322. */
  12323. take?: number
  12324. /**
  12325. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12326. *
  12327. * Skip the first `n` course_resources.
  12328. */
  12329. skip?: number
  12330. /**
  12331. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  12332. *
  12333. * Count returned course_resources
  12334. **/
  12335. _count?: true | Course_resourceCountAggregateInputType
  12336. /**
  12337. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  12338. *
  12339. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  12340. **/
  12341. _min?: Course_resourceMinAggregateInputType
  12342. /**
  12343. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  12344. *
  12345. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  12346. **/
  12347. _max?: Course_resourceMaxAggregateInputType
  12348. }
  12349. export type GetCourse_resourceAggregateType<T extends Course_resourceAggregateArgs> = {
  12350. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateCourse_resource]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  12351. ? T[P] extends true
  12352. ? number
  12353. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateCourse_resource[P]>
  12354. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateCourse_resource[P]>
  12355. }
  12356. export type course_resourceGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12357. where?: course_resourceWhereInput
  12358. orderBy?: course_resourceOrderByWithAggregationInput | course_resourceOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  12359. by: Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum[] | Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum
  12360. having?: course_resourceScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  12361. take?: number
  12362. skip?: number
  12363. _count?: Course_resourceCountAggregateInputType | true
  12364. _min?: Course_resourceMinAggregateInputType
  12365. _max?: Course_resourceMaxAggregateInputType
  12366. }
  12367. export type Course_resourceGroupByOutputType = {
  12368. id: string
  12369. subject: string | null
  12370. grade: string | null
  12371. textbook: string | null
  12372. book_type: string | null
  12373. unit: string | null
  12374. period: string | null
  12375. unit_content: string | null
  12376. course_content: string | null
  12377. _count: Course_resourceCountAggregateOutputType | null
  12378. _min: Course_resourceMinAggregateOutputType | null
  12379. _max: Course_resourceMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  12380. }
  12381. type GetCourse_resourceGroupByPayload<T extends course_resourceGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  12382. Array<
  12383. PickEnumerable<Course_resourceGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  12384. {
  12385. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Course_resourceGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  12386. ? T[P] extends boolean
  12387. ? number
  12388. : GetScalarType<T[P], Course_resourceGroupByOutputType[P]>
  12389. : GetScalarType<T[P], Course_resourceGroupByOutputType[P]>
  12390. }
  12391. >
  12392. >
  12393. export type course_resourceSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  12394. id?: boolean
  12395. subject?: boolean
  12396. grade?: boolean
  12397. textbook?: boolean
  12398. book_type?: boolean
  12399. unit?: boolean
  12400. period?: boolean
  12401. unit_content?: boolean
  12402. course_content?: boolean
  12403. }, ExtArgs["result"]["course_resource"]>
  12404. export type course_resourceSelectScalar = {
  12405. id?: boolean
  12406. subject?: boolean
  12407. grade?: boolean
  12408. textbook?: boolean
  12409. book_type?: boolean
  12410. unit?: boolean
  12411. period?: boolean
  12412. unit_content?: boolean
  12413. course_content?: boolean
  12414. }
  12415. export type $course_resourcePayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12416. name: "course_resource"
  12417. objects: {}
  12418. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  12419. id: string
  12420. subject: string | null
  12421. grade: string | null
  12422. textbook: string | null
  12423. book_type: string | null
  12424. unit: string | null
  12425. period: string | null
  12426. unit_content: string | null
  12427. course_content: string | null
  12428. }, ExtArgs["result"]["course_resource"]>
  12429. composites: {}
  12430. }
  12431. type course_resourceGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | course_resourceDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload, S>
  12432. type course_resourceCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  12433. Omit<course_resourceFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  12434. select?: Course_resourceCountAggregateInputType | true
  12435. }
  12436. export interface course_resourceDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  12437. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['course_resource'], meta: { name: 'course_resource' } }
  12438. /**
  12439. * Find zero or one Course_resource that matches the filter.
  12440. * @param {course_resourceFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Course_resource
  12441. * @example
  12442. * // Get one Course_resource
  12443. * const course_resource = await prisma.course_resource.findUnique({
  12444. * where: {
  12445. * // ... provide filter here
  12446. * }
  12447. * })
  12448. */
  12449. findUnique<T extends course_resourceFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__course_resourceClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  12450. /**
  12451. * Find one Course_resource that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  12452. * if no matches were found.
  12453. * @param {course_resourceFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Course_resource
  12454. * @example
  12455. * // Get one Course_resource
  12456. * const course_resource = await prisma.course_resource.findUniqueOrThrow({
  12457. * where: {
  12458. * // ... provide filter here
  12459. * }
  12460. * })
  12461. */
  12462. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends course_resourceFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__course_resourceClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  12463. /**
  12464. * Find the first Course_resource that matches the filter.
  12465. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  12466. * Read more here:
  12467. * @param {course_resourceFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Course_resource
  12468. * @example
  12469. * // Get one Course_resource
  12470. * const course_resource = await prisma.course_resource.findFirst({
  12471. * where: {
  12472. * // ... provide filter here
  12473. * }
  12474. * })
  12475. */
  12476. findFirst<T extends course_resourceFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__course_resourceClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  12477. /**
  12478. * Find the first Course_resource that matches the filter or
  12479. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  12480. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  12481. * Read more here:
  12482. * @param {course_resourceFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Course_resource
  12483. * @example
  12484. * // Get one Course_resource
  12485. * const course_resource = await prisma.course_resource.findFirstOrThrow({
  12486. * where: {
  12487. * // ... provide filter here
  12488. * }
  12489. * })
  12490. */
  12491. findFirstOrThrow<T extends course_resourceFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__course_resourceClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  12492. /**
  12493. * Find zero or more Course_resources that matches the filter.
  12494. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  12495. * Read more here:
  12496. * @param {course_resourceFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  12497. * @example
  12498. * // Get all Course_resources
  12499. * const course_resources = await prisma.course_resource.findMany()
  12500. *
  12501. * // Get first 10 Course_resources
  12502. * const course_resources = await prisma.course_resource.findMany({ take: 10 })
  12503. *
  12504. * // Only select the `id`
  12505. * const course_resourceWithIdOnly = await prisma.course_resource.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  12506. *
  12507. */
  12508. findMany<T extends course_resourceFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  12509. /**
  12510. * Create a Course_resource.
  12511. * @param {course_resourceCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Course_resource.
  12512. * @example
  12513. * // Create one Course_resource
  12514. * const Course_resource = await prisma.course_resource.create({
  12515. * data: {
  12516. * // ... data to create a Course_resource
  12517. * }
  12518. * })
  12519. *
  12520. */
  12521. create<T extends course_resourceCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__course_resourceClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  12522. /**
  12523. * Create many Course_resources.
  12524. * @param {course_resourceCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Course_resources.
  12525. * @example
  12526. * // Create many Course_resources
  12527. * const course_resource = await prisma.course_resource.createMany({
  12528. * data: [
  12529. * // ... provide data here
  12530. * ]
  12531. * })
  12532. *
  12533. */
  12534. createMany<T extends course_resourceCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  12535. /**
  12536. * Delete a Course_resource.
  12537. * @param {course_resourceDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Course_resource.
  12538. * @example
  12539. * // Delete one Course_resource
  12540. * const Course_resource = await prisma.course_resource.delete({
  12541. * where: {
  12542. * // ... filter to delete one Course_resource
  12543. * }
  12544. * })
  12545. *
  12546. */
  12547. delete<T extends course_resourceDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__course_resourceClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  12548. /**
  12549. * Update one Course_resource.
  12550. * @param {course_resourceUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Course_resource.
  12551. * @example
  12552. * // Update one Course_resource
  12553. * const course_resource = await prisma.course_resource.update({
  12554. * where: {
  12555. * // ... provide filter here
  12556. * },
  12557. * data: {
  12558. * // ... provide data here
  12559. * }
  12560. * })
  12561. *
  12562. */
  12563. update<T extends course_resourceUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__course_resourceClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  12564. /**
  12565. * Delete zero or more Course_resources.
  12566. * @param {course_resourceDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Course_resources to delete.
  12567. * @example
  12568. * // Delete a few Course_resources
  12569. * const { count } = await prisma.course_resource.deleteMany({
  12570. * where: {
  12571. * // ... provide filter here
  12572. * }
  12573. * })
  12574. *
  12575. */
  12576. deleteMany<T extends course_resourceDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  12577. /**
  12578. * Update zero or more Course_resources.
  12579. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  12580. * Read more here:
  12581. * @param {course_resourceUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  12582. * @example
  12583. * // Update many Course_resources
  12584. * const course_resource = await prisma.course_resource.updateMany({
  12585. * where: {
  12586. * // ... provide filter here
  12587. * },
  12588. * data: {
  12589. * // ... provide data here
  12590. * }
  12591. * })
  12592. *
  12593. */
  12594. updateMany<T extends course_resourceUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  12595. /**
  12596. * Create or update one Course_resource.
  12597. * @param {course_resourceUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Course_resource.
  12598. * @example
  12599. * // Update or create a Course_resource
  12600. * const course_resource = await prisma.course_resource.upsert({
  12601. * create: {
  12602. * // ... data to create a Course_resource
  12603. * },
  12604. * update: {
  12605. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  12606. * },
  12607. * where: {
  12608. * // ... the filter for the Course_resource we want to update
  12609. * }
  12610. * })
  12611. */
  12612. upsert<T extends course_resourceUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, course_resourceUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__course_resourceClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$course_resourcePayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  12613. /**
  12614. * Count the number of Course_resources.
  12615. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  12616. * Read more here:
  12617. * @param {course_resourceCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Course_resources to count.
  12618. * @example
  12619. * // Count the number of Course_resources
  12620. * const count = await prisma.course_resource.count({
  12621. * where: {
  12622. * // ... the filter for the Course_resources we want to count
  12623. * }
  12624. * })
  12625. **/
  12626. count<T extends course_resourceCountArgs>(
  12627. args?: Subset<T, course_resourceCountArgs>,
  12628. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  12629. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  12630. ? T['select'] extends true
  12631. ? number
  12632. : GetScalarType<T['select'], Course_resourceCountAggregateOutputType>
  12633. : number
  12634. >
  12635. /**
  12636. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Course_resource.
  12637. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  12638. * Read more here:
  12639. * @param {Course_resourceAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  12640. * @example
  12641. * // Ordered by age ascending
  12642. * // Where email contains
  12643. * // Limited to the 10 users
  12644. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  12645. * _avg: {
  12646. * age: true,
  12647. * },
  12648. * where: {
  12649. * email: {
  12650. * contains: "",
  12651. * },
  12652. * },
  12653. * orderBy: {
  12654. * age: "asc",
  12655. * },
  12656. * take: 10,
  12657. * })
  12658. **/
  12659. aggregate<T extends Course_resourceAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, Course_resourceAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetCourse_resourceAggregateType<T>>
  12660. /**
  12661. * Group by Course_resource.
  12662. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  12663. * Read more here:
  12664. * @param {course_resourceGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  12665. * @example
  12666. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  12667. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  12668. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  12669. * orderBy: {
  12670. * createdAt: true
  12671. * },
  12672. * _count: {
  12673. * _all: true
  12674. * },
  12675. * })
  12676. *
  12677. **/
  12678. groupBy<
  12679. T extends course_resourceGroupByArgs,
  12680. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  12681. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  12682. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  12683. >,
  12684. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  12685. ? { orderBy: course_resourceGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  12686. : { orderBy?: course_resourceGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  12687. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  12688. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  12689. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  12690. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  12691. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  12692. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  12693. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  12694. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  12695. : HavingValid extends False
  12696. ? {
  12697. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  12698. ? never
  12699. : P extends string
  12700. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  12701. : [
  12702. Error,
  12703. 'Field ',
  12704. P,
  12705. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  12706. ]
  12707. }[HavingFields]
  12708. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  12709. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  12710. ? ByValid extends True
  12711. ? {}
  12712. : {
  12713. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  12714. ? never
  12715. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  12716. }[OrderFields]
  12717. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  12718. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  12719. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  12720. ? ByValid extends True
  12721. ? {}
  12722. : {
  12723. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  12724. ? never
  12725. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  12726. }[OrderFields]
  12727. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  12728. : ByValid extends True
  12729. ? {}
  12730. : {
  12731. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  12732. ? never
  12733. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  12734. }[OrderFields]
  12735. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, course_resourceGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetCourse_resourceGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  12736. /**
  12737. * Fields of the course_resource model
  12738. */
  12739. readonly fields: course_resourceFieldRefs;
  12740. }
  12741. /**
  12742. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for course_resource.
  12743. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  12744. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  12745. *
  12746. */
  12747. export interface Prisma__course_resourceClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  12748. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  12749. /**
  12750. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  12751. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  12752. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  12753. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  12754. */
  12755. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  12756. /**
  12757. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  12758. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  12759. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  12760. */
  12761. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  12762. /**
  12763. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  12764. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  12765. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  12766. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  12767. */
  12768. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  12769. }
  12770. /**
  12771. * Fields of the course_resource model
  12772. */
  12773. interface course_resourceFieldRefs {
  12774. readonly id: FieldRef<"course_resource", 'String'>
  12775. readonly subject: FieldRef<"course_resource", 'String'>
  12776. readonly grade: FieldRef<"course_resource", 'String'>
  12777. readonly textbook: FieldRef<"course_resource", 'String'>
  12778. readonly book_type: FieldRef<"course_resource", 'String'>
  12779. readonly unit: FieldRef<"course_resource", 'String'>
  12780. readonly period: FieldRef<"course_resource", 'String'>
  12781. readonly unit_content: FieldRef<"course_resource", 'String'>
  12782. readonly course_content: FieldRef<"course_resource", 'String'>
  12783. }
  12784. // Custom InputTypes
  12785. /**
  12786. * course_resource findUnique
  12787. */
  12788. export type course_resourceFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12789. /**
  12790. * Select specific fields to fetch from the course_resource
  12791. */
  12792. select?: course_resourceSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12793. /**
  12794. * Filter, which course_resource to fetch.
  12795. */
  12796. where: course_resourceWhereUniqueInput
  12797. }
  12798. /**
  12799. * course_resource findUniqueOrThrow
  12800. */
  12801. export type course_resourceFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12802. /**
  12803. * Select specific fields to fetch from the course_resource
  12804. */
  12805. select?: course_resourceSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12806. /**
  12807. * Filter, which course_resource to fetch.
  12808. */
  12809. where: course_resourceWhereUniqueInput
  12810. }
  12811. /**
  12812. * course_resource findFirst
  12813. */
  12814. export type course_resourceFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12815. /**
  12816. * Select specific fields to fetch from the course_resource
  12817. */
  12818. select?: course_resourceSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12819. /**
  12820. * Filter, which course_resource to fetch.
  12821. */
  12822. where?: course_resourceWhereInput
  12823. /**
  12824. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  12825. *
  12826. * Determine the order of course_resources to fetch.
  12827. */
  12828. orderBy?: course_resourceOrderByWithRelationInput | course_resourceOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  12829. /**
  12830. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  12831. *
  12832. * Sets the position for searching for course_resources.
  12833. */
  12834. cursor?: course_resourceWhereUniqueInput
  12835. /**
  12836. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12837. *
  12838. * Take `±n` course_resources from the position of the cursor.
  12839. */
  12840. take?: number
  12841. /**
  12842. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12843. *
  12844. * Skip the first `n` course_resources.
  12845. */
  12846. skip?: number
  12847. /**
  12848. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  12849. *
  12850. * Filter by unique combinations of course_resources.
  12851. */
  12852. distinct?: Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum | Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum[]
  12853. }
  12854. /**
  12855. * course_resource findFirstOrThrow
  12856. */
  12857. export type course_resourceFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12858. /**
  12859. * Select specific fields to fetch from the course_resource
  12860. */
  12861. select?: course_resourceSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12862. /**
  12863. * Filter, which course_resource to fetch.
  12864. */
  12865. where?: course_resourceWhereInput
  12866. /**
  12867. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  12868. *
  12869. * Determine the order of course_resources to fetch.
  12870. */
  12871. orderBy?: course_resourceOrderByWithRelationInput | course_resourceOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  12872. /**
  12873. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  12874. *
  12875. * Sets the position for searching for course_resources.
  12876. */
  12877. cursor?: course_resourceWhereUniqueInput
  12878. /**
  12879. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12880. *
  12881. * Take `±n` course_resources from the position of the cursor.
  12882. */
  12883. take?: number
  12884. /**
  12885. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12886. *
  12887. * Skip the first `n` course_resources.
  12888. */
  12889. skip?: number
  12890. /**
  12891. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  12892. *
  12893. * Filter by unique combinations of course_resources.
  12894. */
  12895. distinct?: Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum | Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum[]
  12896. }
  12897. /**
  12898. * course_resource findMany
  12899. */
  12900. export type course_resourceFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12901. /**
  12902. * Select specific fields to fetch from the course_resource
  12903. */
  12904. select?: course_resourceSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12905. /**
  12906. * Filter, which course_resources to fetch.
  12907. */
  12908. where?: course_resourceWhereInput
  12909. /**
  12910. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  12911. *
  12912. * Determine the order of course_resources to fetch.
  12913. */
  12914. orderBy?: course_resourceOrderByWithRelationInput | course_resourceOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  12915. /**
  12916. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  12917. *
  12918. * Sets the position for listing course_resources.
  12919. */
  12920. cursor?: course_resourceWhereUniqueInput
  12921. /**
  12922. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12923. *
  12924. * Take `±n` course_resources from the position of the cursor.
  12925. */
  12926. take?: number
  12927. /**
  12928. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  12929. *
  12930. * Skip the first `n` course_resources.
  12931. */
  12932. skip?: number
  12933. distinct?: Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum | Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum[]
  12934. }
  12935. /**
  12936. * course_resource create
  12937. */
  12938. export type course_resourceCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12939. /**
  12940. * Select specific fields to fetch from the course_resource
  12941. */
  12942. select?: course_resourceSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12943. /**
  12944. * The data needed to create a course_resource.
  12945. */
  12946. data: XOR<course_resourceCreateInput, course_resourceUncheckedCreateInput>
  12947. }
  12948. /**
  12949. * course_resource createMany
  12950. */
  12951. export type course_resourceCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12952. /**
  12953. * The data used to create many course_resources.
  12954. */
  12955. data: course_resourceCreateManyInput | course_resourceCreateManyInput[]
  12956. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  12957. }
  12958. /**
  12959. * course_resource update
  12960. */
  12961. export type course_resourceUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12962. /**
  12963. * Select specific fields to fetch from the course_resource
  12964. */
  12965. select?: course_resourceSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12966. /**
  12967. * The data needed to update a course_resource.
  12968. */
  12969. data: XOR<course_resourceUpdateInput, course_resourceUncheckedUpdateInput>
  12970. /**
  12971. * Choose, which course_resource to update.
  12972. */
  12973. where: course_resourceWhereUniqueInput
  12974. }
  12975. /**
  12976. * course_resource updateMany
  12977. */
  12978. export type course_resourceUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12979. /**
  12980. * The data used to update course_resources.
  12981. */
  12982. data: XOR<course_resourceUpdateManyMutationInput, course_resourceUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  12983. /**
  12984. * Filter which course_resources to update
  12985. */
  12986. where?: course_resourceWhereInput
  12987. }
  12988. /**
  12989. * course_resource upsert
  12990. */
  12991. export type course_resourceUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  12992. /**
  12993. * Select specific fields to fetch from the course_resource
  12994. */
  12995. select?: course_resourceSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  12996. /**
  12997. * The filter to search for the course_resource to update in case it exists.
  12998. */
  12999. where: course_resourceWhereUniqueInput
  13000. /**
  13001. * In case the course_resource found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new course_resource with this data.
  13002. */
  13003. create: XOR<course_resourceCreateInput, course_resourceUncheckedCreateInput>
  13004. /**
  13005. * In case the course_resource was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  13006. */
  13007. update: XOR<course_resourceUpdateInput, course_resourceUncheckedUpdateInput>
  13008. }
  13009. /**
  13010. * course_resource delete
  13011. */
  13012. export type course_resourceDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13013. /**
  13014. * Select specific fields to fetch from the course_resource
  13015. */
  13016. select?: course_resourceSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13017. /**
  13018. * Filter which course_resource to delete.
  13019. */
  13020. where: course_resourceWhereUniqueInput
  13021. }
  13022. /**
  13023. * course_resource deleteMany
  13024. */
  13025. export type course_resourceDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13026. /**
  13027. * Filter which course_resources to delete
  13028. */
  13029. where?: course_resourceWhereInput
  13030. }
  13031. /**
  13032. * course_resource without action
  13033. */
  13034. export type course_resourceDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13035. /**
  13036. * Select specific fields to fetch from the course_resource
  13037. */
  13038. select?: course_resourceSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13039. }
  13040. /**
  13041. * Model knowledge_construction_doc
  13042. */
  13043. export type AggregateKnowledge_construction_doc = {
  13044. _count: Knowledge_construction_docCountAggregateOutputType | null
  13045. _min: Knowledge_construction_docMinAggregateOutputType | null
  13046. _max: Knowledge_construction_docMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  13047. }
  13048. export type Knowledge_construction_docMinAggregateOutputType = {
  13049. id: string | null
  13050. muti_id: string | null
  13051. user_id: string | null
  13052. session_id: string | null
  13053. content: string | null
  13054. create_time: Date | null
  13055. }
  13056. export type Knowledge_construction_docMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  13057. id: string | null
  13058. muti_id: string | null
  13059. user_id: string | null
  13060. session_id: string | null
  13061. content: string | null
  13062. create_time: Date | null
  13063. }
  13064. export type Knowledge_construction_docCountAggregateOutputType = {
  13065. id: number
  13066. muti_id: number
  13067. user_id: number
  13068. session_id: number
  13069. content: number
  13070. create_time: number
  13071. _all: number
  13072. }
  13073. export type Knowledge_construction_docMinAggregateInputType = {
  13074. id?: true
  13075. muti_id?: true
  13076. user_id?: true
  13077. session_id?: true
  13078. content?: true
  13079. create_time?: true
  13080. }
  13081. export type Knowledge_construction_docMaxAggregateInputType = {
  13082. id?: true
  13083. muti_id?: true
  13084. user_id?: true
  13085. session_id?: true
  13086. content?: true
  13087. create_time?: true
  13088. }
  13089. export type Knowledge_construction_docCountAggregateInputType = {
  13090. id?: true
  13091. muti_id?: true
  13092. user_id?: true
  13093. session_id?: true
  13094. content?: true
  13095. create_time?: true
  13096. _all?: true
  13097. }
  13098. export type Knowledge_construction_docAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13099. /**
  13100. * Filter which knowledge_construction_doc to aggregate.
  13101. */
  13102. where?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput
  13103. /**
  13104. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  13105. *
  13106. * Determine the order of knowledge_construction_docs to fetch.
  13107. */
  13108. orderBy?: knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithRelationInput | knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  13109. /**
  13110. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  13111. *
  13112. * Sets the start position
  13113. */
  13114. cursor?: knowledge_construction_docWhereUniqueInput
  13115. /**
  13116. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  13117. *
  13118. * Take `±n` knowledge_construction_docs from the position of the cursor.
  13119. */
  13120. take?: number
  13121. /**
  13122. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  13123. *
  13124. * Skip the first `n` knowledge_construction_docs.
  13125. */
  13126. skip?: number
  13127. /**
  13128. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  13129. *
  13130. * Count returned knowledge_construction_docs
  13131. **/
  13132. _count?: true | Knowledge_construction_docCountAggregateInputType
  13133. /**
  13134. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  13135. *
  13136. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  13137. **/
  13138. _min?: Knowledge_construction_docMinAggregateInputType
  13139. /**
  13140. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  13141. *
  13142. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  13143. **/
  13144. _max?: Knowledge_construction_docMaxAggregateInputType
  13145. }
  13146. export type GetKnowledge_construction_docAggregateType<T extends Knowledge_construction_docAggregateArgs> = {
  13147. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateKnowledge_construction_doc]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  13148. ? T[P] extends true
  13149. ? number
  13150. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateKnowledge_construction_doc[P]>
  13151. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateKnowledge_construction_doc[P]>
  13152. }
  13153. export type knowledge_construction_docGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13154. where?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput
  13155. orderBy?: knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithAggregationInput | knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  13156. by: Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum[] | Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum
  13157. having?: knowledge_construction_docScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  13158. take?: number
  13159. skip?: number
  13160. _count?: Knowledge_construction_docCountAggregateInputType | true
  13161. _min?: Knowledge_construction_docMinAggregateInputType
  13162. _max?: Knowledge_construction_docMaxAggregateInputType
  13163. }
  13164. export type Knowledge_construction_docGroupByOutputType = {
  13165. id: string
  13166. muti_id: string | null
  13167. user_id: string | null
  13168. session_id: string | null
  13169. content: string | null
  13170. create_time: Date | null
  13171. _count: Knowledge_construction_docCountAggregateOutputType | null
  13172. _min: Knowledge_construction_docMinAggregateOutputType | null
  13173. _max: Knowledge_construction_docMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  13174. }
  13175. type GetKnowledge_construction_docGroupByPayload<T extends knowledge_construction_docGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  13176. Array<
  13177. PickEnumerable<Knowledge_construction_docGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  13178. {
  13179. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Knowledge_construction_docGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  13180. ? T[P] extends boolean
  13181. ? number
  13182. : GetScalarType<T[P], Knowledge_construction_docGroupByOutputType[P]>
  13183. : GetScalarType<T[P], Knowledge_construction_docGroupByOutputType[P]>
  13184. }
  13185. >
  13186. >
  13187. export type knowledge_construction_docSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  13188. id?: boolean
  13189. muti_id?: boolean
  13190. user_id?: boolean
  13191. session_id?: boolean
  13192. content?: boolean
  13193. create_time?: boolean
  13194. }, ExtArgs["result"]["knowledge_construction_doc"]>
  13195. export type knowledge_construction_docSelectScalar = {
  13196. id?: boolean
  13197. muti_id?: boolean
  13198. user_id?: boolean
  13199. session_id?: boolean
  13200. content?: boolean
  13201. create_time?: boolean
  13202. }
  13203. export type $knowledge_construction_docPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13204. name: "knowledge_construction_doc"
  13205. objects: {}
  13206. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  13207. id: string
  13208. muti_id: string | null
  13209. user_id: string | null
  13210. session_id: string | null
  13211. content: string | null
  13212. create_time: Date | null
  13213. }, ExtArgs["result"]["knowledge_construction_doc"]>
  13214. composites: {}
  13215. }
  13216. type knowledge_construction_docGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | knowledge_construction_docDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload, S>
  13217. type knowledge_construction_docCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  13218. Omit<knowledge_construction_docFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  13219. select?: Knowledge_construction_docCountAggregateInputType | true
  13220. }
  13221. export interface knowledge_construction_docDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  13222. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['knowledge_construction_doc'], meta: { name: 'knowledge_construction_doc' } }
  13223. /**
  13224. * Find zero or one Knowledge_construction_doc that matches the filter.
  13225. * @param {knowledge_construction_docFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Knowledge_construction_doc
  13226. * @example
  13227. * // Get one Knowledge_construction_doc
  13228. * const knowledge_construction_doc = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.findUnique({
  13229. * where: {
  13230. * // ... provide filter here
  13231. * }
  13232. * })
  13233. */
  13234. findUnique<T extends knowledge_construction_docFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__knowledge_construction_docClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  13235. /**
  13236. * Find one Knowledge_construction_doc that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  13237. * if no matches were found.
  13238. * @param {knowledge_construction_docFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Knowledge_construction_doc
  13239. * @example
  13240. * // Get one Knowledge_construction_doc
  13241. * const knowledge_construction_doc = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.findUniqueOrThrow({
  13242. * where: {
  13243. * // ... provide filter here
  13244. * }
  13245. * })
  13246. */
  13247. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends knowledge_construction_docFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__knowledge_construction_docClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  13248. /**
  13249. * Find the first Knowledge_construction_doc that matches the filter.
  13250. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  13251. * Read more here:
  13252. * @param {knowledge_construction_docFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Knowledge_construction_doc
  13253. * @example
  13254. * // Get one Knowledge_construction_doc
  13255. * const knowledge_construction_doc = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.findFirst({
  13256. * where: {
  13257. * // ... provide filter here
  13258. * }
  13259. * })
  13260. */
  13261. findFirst<T extends knowledge_construction_docFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__knowledge_construction_docClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  13262. /**
  13263. * Find the first Knowledge_construction_doc that matches the filter or
  13264. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  13265. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  13266. * Read more here:
  13267. * @param {knowledge_construction_docFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Knowledge_construction_doc
  13268. * @example
  13269. * // Get one Knowledge_construction_doc
  13270. * const knowledge_construction_doc = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.findFirstOrThrow({
  13271. * where: {
  13272. * // ... provide filter here
  13273. * }
  13274. * })
  13275. */
  13276. findFirstOrThrow<T extends knowledge_construction_docFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__knowledge_construction_docClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  13277. /**
  13278. * Find zero or more Knowledge_construction_docs that matches the filter.
  13279. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  13280. * Read more here:
  13281. * @param {knowledge_construction_docFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  13282. * @example
  13283. * // Get all Knowledge_construction_docs
  13284. * const knowledge_construction_docs = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.findMany()
  13285. *
  13286. * // Get first 10 Knowledge_construction_docs
  13287. * const knowledge_construction_docs = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.findMany({ take: 10 })
  13288. *
  13289. * // Only select the `id`
  13290. * const knowledge_construction_docWithIdOnly = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  13291. *
  13292. */
  13293. findMany<T extends knowledge_construction_docFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  13294. /**
  13295. * Create a Knowledge_construction_doc.
  13296. * @param {knowledge_construction_docCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Knowledge_construction_doc.
  13297. * @example
  13298. * // Create one Knowledge_construction_doc
  13299. * const Knowledge_construction_doc = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.create({
  13300. * data: {
  13301. * // ... data to create a Knowledge_construction_doc
  13302. * }
  13303. * })
  13304. *
  13305. */
  13306. create<T extends knowledge_construction_docCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__knowledge_construction_docClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  13307. /**
  13308. * Create many Knowledge_construction_docs.
  13309. * @param {knowledge_construction_docCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Knowledge_construction_docs.
  13310. * @example
  13311. * // Create many Knowledge_construction_docs
  13312. * const knowledge_construction_doc = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.createMany({
  13313. * data: [
  13314. * // ... provide data here
  13315. * ]
  13316. * })
  13317. *
  13318. */
  13319. createMany<T extends knowledge_construction_docCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  13320. /**
  13321. * Delete a Knowledge_construction_doc.
  13322. * @param {knowledge_construction_docDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Knowledge_construction_doc.
  13323. * @example
  13324. * // Delete one Knowledge_construction_doc
  13325. * const Knowledge_construction_doc = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.delete({
  13326. * where: {
  13327. * // ... filter to delete one Knowledge_construction_doc
  13328. * }
  13329. * })
  13330. *
  13331. */
  13332. delete<T extends knowledge_construction_docDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__knowledge_construction_docClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  13333. /**
  13334. * Update one Knowledge_construction_doc.
  13335. * @param {knowledge_construction_docUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Knowledge_construction_doc.
  13336. * @example
  13337. * // Update one Knowledge_construction_doc
  13338. * const knowledge_construction_doc = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.update({
  13339. * where: {
  13340. * // ... provide filter here
  13341. * },
  13342. * data: {
  13343. * // ... provide data here
  13344. * }
  13345. * })
  13346. *
  13347. */
  13348. update<T extends knowledge_construction_docUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__knowledge_construction_docClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  13349. /**
  13350. * Delete zero or more Knowledge_construction_docs.
  13351. * @param {knowledge_construction_docDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Knowledge_construction_docs to delete.
  13352. * @example
  13353. * // Delete a few Knowledge_construction_docs
  13354. * const { count } = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.deleteMany({
  13355. * where: {
  13356. * // ... provide filter here
  13357. * }
  13358. * })
  13359. *
  13360. */
  13361. deleteMany<T extends knowledge_construction_docDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  13362. /**
  13363. * Update zero or more Knowledge_construction_docs.
  13364. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  13365. * Read more here:
  13366. * @param {knowledge_construction_docUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  13367. * @example
  13368. * // Update many Knowledge_construction_docs
  13369. * const knowledge_construction_doc = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.updateMany({
  13370. * where: {
  13371. * // ... provide filter here
  13372. * },
  13373. * data: {
  13374. * // ... provide data here
  13375. * }
  13376. * })
  13377. *
  13378. */
  13379. updateMany<T extends knowledge_construction_docUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  13380. /**
  13381. * Create or update one Knowledge_construction_doc.
  13382. * @param {knowledge_construction_docUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Knowledge_construction_doc.
  13383. * @example
  13384. * // Update or create a Knowledge_construction_doc
  13385. * const knowledge_construction_doc = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.upsert({
  13386. * create: {
  13387. * // ... data to create a Knowledge_construction_doc
  13388. * },
  13389. * update: {
  13390. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  13391. * },
  13392. * where: {
  13393. * // ... the filter for the Knowledge_construction_doc we want to update
  13394. * }
  13395. * })
  13396. */
  13397. upsert<T extends knowledge_construction_docUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, knowledge_construction_docUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__knowledge_construction_docClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$knowledge_construction_docPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  13398. /**
  13399. * Count the number of Knowledge_construction_docs.
  13400. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  13401. * Read more here:
  13402. * @param {knowledge_construction_docCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Knowledge_construction_docs to count.
  13403. * @example
  13404. * // Count the number of Knowledge_construction_docs
  13405. * const count = await prisma.knowledge_construction_doc.count({
  13406. * where: {
  13407. * // ... the filter for the Knowledge_construction_docs we want to count
  13408. * }
  13409. * })
  13410. **/
  13411. count<T extends knowledge_construction_docCountArgs>(
  13412. args?: Subset<T, knowledge_construction_docCountArgs>,
  13413. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  13414. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  13415. ? T['select'] extends true
  13416. ? number
  13417. : GetScalarType<T['select'], Knowledge_construction_docCountAggregateOutputType>
  13418. : number
  13419. >
  13420. /**
  13421. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Knowledge_construction_doc.
  13422. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  13423. * Read more here:
  13424. * @param {Knowledge_construction_docAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  13425. * @example
  13426. * // Ordered by age ascending
  13427. * // Where email contains
  13428. * // Limited to the 10 users
  13429. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  13430. * _avg: {
  13431. * age: true,
  13432. * },
  13433. * where: {
  13434. * email: {
  13435. * contains: "",
  13436. * },
  13437. * },
  13438. * orderBy: {
  13439. * age: "asc",
  13440. * },
  13441. * take: 10,
  13442. * })
  13443. **/
  13444. aggregate<T extends Knowledge_construction_docAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, Knowledge_construction_docAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetKnowledge_construction_docAggregateType<T>>
  13445. /**
  13446. * Group by Knowledge_construction_doc.
  13447. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  13448. * Read more here:
  13449. * @param {knowledge_construction_docGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  13450. * @example
  13451. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  13452. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  13453. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  13454. * orderBy: {
  13455. * createdAt: true
  13456. * },
  13457. * _count: {
  13458. * _all: true
  13459. * },
  13460. * })
  13461. *
  13462. **/
  13463. groupBy<
  13464. T extends knowledge_construction_docGroupByArgs,
  13465. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  13466. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  13467. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  13468. >,
  13469. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  13470. ? { orderBy: knowledge_construction_docGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  13471. : { orderBy?: knowledge_construction_docGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  13472. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  13473. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  13474. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  13475. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  13476. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  13477. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  13478. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  13479. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  13480. : HavingValid extends False
  13481. ? {
  13482. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  13483. ? never
  13484. : P extends string
  13485. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  13486. : [
  13487. Error,
  13488. 'Field ',
  13489. P,
  13490. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  13491. ]
  13492. }[HavingFields]
  13493. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  13494. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  13495. ? ByValid extends True
  13496. ? {}
  13497. : {
  13498. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  13499. ? never
  13500. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  13501. }[OrderFields]
  13502. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  13503. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  13504. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  13505. ? ByValid extends True
  13506. ? {}
  13507. : {
  13508. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  13509. ? never
  13510. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  13511. }[OrderFields]
  13512. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  13513. : ByValid extends True
  13514. ? {}
  13515. : {
  13516. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  13517. ? never
  13518. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  13519. }[OrderFields]
  13520. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, knowledge_construction_docGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetKnowledge_construction_docGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  13521. /**
  13522. * Fields of the knowledge_construction_doc model
  13523. */
  13524. readonly fields: knowledge_construction_docFieldRefs;
  13525. }
  13526. /**
  13527. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for knowledge_construction_doc.
  13528. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  13529. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  13530. *
  13531. */
  13532. export interface Prisma__knowledge_construction_docClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  13533. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  13534. /**
  13535. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  13536. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  13537. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  13538. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  13539. */
  13540. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  13541. /**
  13542. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  13543. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  13544. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  13545. */
  13546. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  13547. /**
  13548. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  13549. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  13550. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  13551. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  13552. */
  13553. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  13554. }
  13555. /**
  13556. * Fields of the knowledge_construction_doc model
  13557. */
  13558. interface knowledge_construction_docFieldRefs {
  13559. readonly id: FieldRef<"knowledge_construction_doc", 'String'>
  13560. readonly muti_id: FieldRef<"knowledge_construction_doc", 'String'>
  13561. readonly user_id: FieldRef<"knowledge_construction_doc", 'String'>
  13562. readonly session_id: FieldRef<"knowledge_construction_doc", 'String'>
  13563. readonly content: FieldRef<"knowledge_construction_doc", 'String'>
  13564. readonly create_time: FieldRef<"knowledge_construction_doc", 'DateTime'>
  13565. }
  13566. // Custom InputTypes
  13567. /**
  13568. * knowledge_construction_doc findUnique
  13569. */
  13570. export type knowledge_construction_docFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13571. /**
  13572. * Select specific fields to fetch from the knowledge_construction_doc
  13573. */
  13574. select?: knowledge_construction_docSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13575. /**
  13576. * Filter, which knowledge_construction_doc to fetch.
  13577. */
  13578. where: knowledge_construction_docWhereUniqueInput
  13579. }
  13580. /**
  13581. * knowledge_construction_doc findUniqueOrThrow
  13582. */
  13583. export type knowledge_construction_docFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13584. /**
  13585. * Select specific fields to fetch from the knowledge_construction_doc
  13586. */
  13587. select?: knowledge_construction_docSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13588. /**
  13589. * Filter, which knowledge_construction_doc to fetch.
  13590. */
  13591. where: knowledge_construction_docWhereUniqueInput
  13592. }
  13593. /**
  13594. * knowledge_construction_doc findFirst
  13595. */
  13596. export type knowledge_construction_docFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13597. /**
  13598. * Select specific fields to fetch from the knowledge_construction_doc
  13599. */
  13600. select?: knowledge_construction_docSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13601. /**
  13602. * Filter, which knowledge_construction_doc to fetch.
  13603. */
  13604. where?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput
  13605. /**
  13606. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  13607. *
  13608. * Determine the order of knowledge_construction_docs to fetch.
  13609. */
  13610. orderBy?: knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithRelationInput | knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  13611. /**
  13612. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  13613. *
  13614. * Sets the position for searching for knowledge_construction_docs.
  13615. */
  13616. cursor?: knowledge_construction_docWhereUniqueInput
  13617. /**
  13618. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  13619. *
  13620. * Take `±n` knowledge_construction_docs from the position of the cursor.
  13621. */
  13622. take?: number
  13623. /**
  13624. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  13625. *
  13626. * Skip the first `n` knowledge_construction_docs.
  13627. */
  13628. skip?: number
  13629. /**
  13630. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  13631. *
  13632. * Filter by unique combinations of knowledge_construction_docs.
  13633. */
  13634. distinct?: Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum | Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum[]
  13635. }
  13636. /**
  13637. * knowledge_construction_doc findFirstOrThrow
  13638. */
  13639. export type knowledge_construction_docFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13640. /**
  13641. * Select specific fields to fetch from the knowledge_construction_doc
  13642. */
  13643. select?: knowledge_construction_docSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13644. /**
  13645. * Filter, which knowledge_construction_doc to fetch.
  13646. */
  13647. where?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput
  13648. /**
  13649. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  13650. *
  13651. * Determine the order of knowledge_construction_docs to fetch.
  13652. */
  13653. orderBy?: knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithRelationInput | knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  13654. /**
  13655. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  13656. *
  13657. * Sets the position for searching for knowledge_construction_docs.
  13658. */
  13659. cursor?: knowledge_construction_docWhereUniqueInput
  13660. /**
  13661. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  13662. *
  13663. * Take `±n` knowledge_construction_docs from the position of the cursor.
  13664. */
  13665. take?: number
  13666. /**
  13667. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  13668. *
  13669. * Skip the first `n` knowledge_construction_docs.
  13670. */
  13671. skip?: number
  13672. /**
  13673. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  13674. *
  13675. * Filter by unique combinations of knowledge_construction_docs.
  13676. */
  13677. distinct?: Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum | Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum[]
  13678. }
  13679. /**
  13680. * knowledge_construction_doc findMany
  13681. */
  13682. export type knowledge_construction_docFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13683. /**
  13684. * Select specific fields to fetch from the knowledge_construction_doc
  13685. */
  13686. select?: knowledge_construction_docSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13687. /**
  13688. * Filter, which knowledge_construction_docs to fetch.
  13689. */
  13690. where?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput
  13691. /**
  13692. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  13693. *
  13694. * Determine the order of knowledge_construction_docs to fetch.
  13695. */
  13696. orderBy?: knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithRelationInput | knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  13697. /**
  13698. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  13699. *
  13700. * Sets the position for listing knowledge_construction_docs.
  13701. */
  13702. cursor?: knowledge_construction_docWhereUniqueInput
  13703. /**
  13704. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  13705. *
  13706. * Take `±n` knowledge_construction_docs from the position of the cursor.
  13707. */
  13708. take?: number
  13709. /**
  13710. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  13711. *
  13712. * Skip the first `n` knowledge_construction_docs.
  13713. */
  13714. skip?: number
  13715. distinct?: Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum | Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum[]
  13716. }
  13717. /**
  13718. * knowledge_construction_doc create
  13719. */
  13720. export type knowledge_construction_docCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13721. /**
  13722. * Select specific fields to fetch from the knowledge_construction_doc
  13723. */
  13724. select?: knowledge_construction_docSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13725. /**
  13726. * The data needed to create a knowledge_construction_doc.
  13727. */
  13728. data: XOR<knowledge_construction_docCreateInput, knowledge_construction_docUncheckedCreateInput>
  13729. }
  13730. /**
  13731. * knowledge_construction_doc createMany
  13732. */
  13733. export type knowledge_construction_docCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13734. /**
  13735. * The data used to create many knowledge_construction_docs.
  13736. */
  13737. data: knowledge_construction_docCreateManyInput | knowledge_construction_docCreateManyInput[]
  13738. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  13739. }
  13740. /**
  13741. * knowledge_construction_doc update
  13742. */
  13743. export type knowledge_construction_docUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13744. /**
  13745. * Select specific fields to fetch from the knowledge_construction_doc
  13746. */
  13747. select?: knowledge_construction_docSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13748. /**
  13749. * The data needed to update a knowledge_construction_doc.
  13750. */
  13751. data: XOR<knowledge_construction_docUpdateInput, knowledge_construction_docUncheckedUpdateInput>
  13752. /**
  13753. * Choose, which knowledge_construction_doc to update.
  13754. */
  13755. where: knowledge_construction_docWhereUniqueInput
  13756. }
  13757. /**
  13758. * knowledge_construction_doc updateMany
  13759. */
  13760. export type knowledge_construction_docUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13761. /**
  13762. * The data used to update knowledge_construction_docs.
  13763. */
  13764. data: XOR<knowledge_construction_docUpdateManyMutationInput, knowledge_construction_docUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  13765. /**
  13766. * Filter which knowledge_construction_docs to update
  13767. */
  13768. where?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput
  13769. }
  13770. /**
  13771. * knowledge_construction_doc upsert
  13772. */
  13773. export type knowledge_construction_docUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13774. /**
  13775. * Select specific fields to fetch from the knowledge_construction_doc
  13776. */
  13777. select?: knowledge_construction_docSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13778. /**
  13779. * The filter to search for the knowledge_construction_doc to update in case it exists.
  13780. */
  13781. where: knowledge_construction_docWhereUniqueInput
  13782. /**
  13783. * In case the knowledge_construction_doc found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new knowledge_construction_doc with this data.
  13784. */
  13785. create: XOR<knowledge_construction_docCreateInput, knowledge_construction_docUncheckedCreateInput>
  13786. /**
  13787. * In case the knowledge_construction_doc was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  13788. */
  13789. update: XOR<knowledge_construction_docUpdateInput, knowledge_construction_docUncheckedUpdateInput>
  13790. }
  13791. /**
  13792. * knowledge_construction_doc delete
  13793. */
  13794. export type knowledge_construction_docDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13795. /**
  13796. * Select specific fields to fetch from the knowledge_construction_doc
  13797. */
  13798. select?: knowledge_construction_docSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13799. /**
  13800. * Filter which knowledge_construction_doc to delete.
  13801. */
  13802. where: knowledge_construction_docWhereUniqueInput
  13803. }
  13804. /**
  13805. * knowledge_construction_doc deleteMany
  13806. */
  13807. export type knowledge_construction_docDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13808. /**
  13809. * Filter which knowledge_construction_docs to delete
  13810. */
  13811. where?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput
  13812. }
  13813. /**
  13814. * knowledge_construction_doc without action
  13815. */
  13816. export type knowledge_construction_docDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13817. /**
  13818. * Select specific fields to fetch from the knowledge_construction_doc
  13819. */
  13820. select?: knowledge_construction_docSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  13821. }
  13822. /**
  13823. * Model meeting_trick
  13824. */
  13825. export type AggregateMeeting_trick = {
  13826. _count: Meeting_trickCountAggregateOutputType | null
  13827. _min: Meeting_trickMinAggregateOutputType | null
  13828. _max: Meeting_trickMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  13829. }
  13830. export type Meeting_trickMinAggregateOutputType = {
  13831. id: string | null
  13832. createtime: Date | null
  13833. userid: string | null
  13834. meeting_name: string | null
  13835. meeting_original: string | null
  13836. meeting_minutes: string | null
  13837. audio_url: string | null
  13838. duration: string | null
  13839. ab: string | null
  13840. }
  13841. export type Meeting_trickMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  13842. id: string | null
  13843. createtime: Date | null
  13844. userid: string | null
  13845. meeting_name: string | null
  13846. meeting_original: string | null
  13847. meeting_minutes: string | null
  13848. audio_url: string | null
  13849. duration: string | null
  13850. ab: string | null
  13851. }
  13852. export type Meeting_trickCountAggregateOutputType = {
  13853. id: number
  13854. createtime: number
  13855. userid: number
  13856. meeting_name: number
  13857. meeting_original: number
  13858. meeting_minutes: number
  13859. audio_url: number
  13860. duration: number
  13861. ab: number
  13862. _all: number
  13863. }
  13864. export type Meeting_trickMinAggregateInputType = {
  13865. id?: true
  13866. createtime?: true
  13867. userid?: true
  13868. meeting_name?: true
  13869. meeting_original?: true
  13870. meeting_minutes?: true
  13871. audio_url?: true
  13872. duration?: true
  13873. ab?: true
  13874. }
  13875. export type Meeting_trickMaxAggregateInputType = {
  13876. id?: true
  13877. createtime?: true
  13878. userid?: true
  13879. meeting_name?: true
  13880. meeting_original?: true
  13881. meeting_minutes?: true
  13882. audio_url?: true
  13883. duration?: true
  13884. ab?: true
  13885. }
  13886. export type Meeting_trickCountAggregateInputType = {
  13887. id?: true
  13888. createtime?: true
  13889. userid?: true
  13890. meeting_name?: true
  13891. meeting_original?: true
  13892. meeting_minutes?: true
  13893. audio_url?: true
  13894. duration?: true
  13895. ab?: true
  13896. _all?: true
  13897. }
  13898. export type Meeting_trickAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13899. /**
  13900. * Filter which meeting_trick to aggregate.
  13901. */
  13902. where?: meeting_trickWhereInput
  13903. /**
  13904. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  13905. *
  13906. * Determine the order of meeting_tricks to fetch.
  13907. */
  13908. orderBy?: meeting_trickOrderByWithRelationInput | meeting_trickOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  13909. /**
  13910. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  13911. *
  13912. * Sets the start position
  13913. */
  13914. cursor?: meeting_trickWhereUniqueInput
  13915. /**
  13916. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  13917. *
  13918. * Take `±n` meeting_tricks from the position of the cursor.
  13919. */
  13920. take?: number
  13921. /**
  13922. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  13923. *
  13924. * Skip the first `n` meeting_tricks.
  13925. */
  13926. skip?: number
  13927. /**
  13928. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  13929. *
  13930. * Count returned meeting_tricks
  13931. **/
  13932. _count?: true | Meeting_trickCountAggregateInputType
  13933. /**
  13934. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  13935. *
  13936. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  13937. **/
  13938. _min?: Meeting_trickMinAggregateInputType
  13939. /**
  13940. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  13941. *
  13942. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  13943. **/
  13944. _max?: Meeting_trickMaxAggregateInputType
  13945. }
  13946. export type GetMeeting_trickAggregateType<T extends Meeting_trickAggregateArgs> = {
  13947. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateMeeting_trick]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  13948. ? T[P] extends true
  13949. ? number
  13950. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateMeeting_trick[P]>
  13951. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateMeeting_trick[P]>
  13952. }
  13953. export type meeting_trickGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  13954. where?: meeting_trickWhereInput
  13955. orderBy?: meeting_trickOrderByWithAggregationInput | meeting_trickOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  13956. by: Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum[] | Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum
  13957. having?: meeting_trickScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  13958. take?: number
  13959. skip?: number
  13960. _count?: Meeting_trickCountAggregateInputType | true
  13961. _min?: Meeting_trickMinAggregateInputType
  13962. _max?: Meeting_trickMaxAggregateInputType
  13963. }
  13964. export type Meeting_trickGroupByOutputType = {
  13965. id: string
  13966. createtime: Date | null
  13967. userid: string | null
  13968. meeting_name: string | null
  13969. meeting_original: string | null
  13970. meeting_minutes: string | null
  13971. audio_url: string | null
  13972. duration: string | null
  13973. ab: string | null
  13974. _count: Meeting_trickCountAggregateOutputType | null
  13975. _min: Meeting_trickMinAggregateOutputType | null
  13976. _max: Meeting_trickMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  13977. }
  13978. type GetMeeting_trickGroupByPayload<T extends meeting_trickGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  13979. Array<
  13980. PickEnumerable<Meeting_trickGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  13981. {
  13982. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Meeting_trickGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  13983. ? T[P] extends boolean
  13984. ? number
  13985. : GetScalarType<T[P], Meeting_trickGroupByOutputType[P]>
  13986. : GetScalarType<T[P], Meeting_trickGroupByOutputType[P]>
  13987. }
  13988. >
  13989. >
  13990. export type meeting_trickSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  13991. id?: boolean
  13992. createtime?: boolean
  13993. userid?: boolean
  13994. meeting_name?: boolean
  13995. meeting_original?: boolean
  13996. meeting_minutes?: boolean
  13997. audio_url?: boolean
  13998. duration?: boolean
  13999. ab?: boolean
  14000. }, ExtArgs["result"]["meeting_trick"]>
  14001. export type meeting_trickSelectScalar = {
  14002. id?: boolean
  14003. createtime?: boolean
  14004. userid?: boolean
  14005. meeting_name?: boolean
  14006. meeting_original?: boolean
  14007. meeting_minutes?: boolean
  14008. audio_url?: boolean
  14009. duration?: boolean
  14010. ab?: boolean
  14011. }
  14012. export type $meeting_trickPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14013. name: "meeting_trick"
  14014. objects: {}
  14015. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  14016. id: string
  14017. createtime: Date | null
  14018. userid: string | null
  14019. meeting_name: string | null
  14020. meeting_original: string | null
  14021. meeting_minutes: string | null
  14022. audio_url: string | null
  14023. duration: string | null
  14024. ab: string | null
  14025. }, ExtArgs["result"]["meeting_trick"]>
  14026. composites: {}
  14027. }
  14028. type meeting_trickGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | meeting_trickDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload, S>
  14029. type meeting_trickCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  14030. Omit<meeting_trickFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  14031. select?: Meeting_trickCountAggregateInputType | true
  14032. }
  14033. export interface meeting_trickDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  14034. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['meeting_trick'], meta: { name: 'meeting_trick' } }
  14035. /**
  14036. * Find zero or one Meeting_trick that matches the filter.
  14037. * @param {meeting_trickFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Meeting_trick
  14038. * @example
  14039. * // Get one Meeting_trick
  14040. * const meeting_trick = await prisma.meeting_trick.findUnique({
  14041. * where: {
  14042. * // ... provide filter here
  14043. * }
  14044. * })
  14045. */
  14046. findUnique<T extends meeting_trickFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trickClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  14047. /**
  14048. * Find one Meeting_trick that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  14049. * if no matches were found.
  14050. * @param {meeting_trickFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Meeting_trick
  14051. * @example
  14052. * // Get one Meeting_trick
  14053. * const meeting_trick = await prisma.meeting_trick.findUniqueOrThrow({
  14054. * where: {
  14055. * // ... provide filter here
  14056. * }
  14057. * })
  14058. */
  14059. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends meeting_trickFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trickClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  14060. /**
  14061. * Find the first Meeting_trick that matches the filter.
  14062. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14063. * Read more here:
  14064. * @param {meeting_trickFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Meeting_trick
  14065. * @example
  14066. * // Get one Meeting_trick
  14067. * const meeting_trick = await prisma.meeting_trick.findFirst({
  14068. * where: {
  14069. * // ... provide filter here
  14070. * }
  14071. * })
  14072. */
  14073. findFirst<T extends meeting_trickFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trickClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  14074. /**
  14075. * Find the first Meeting_trick that matches the filter or
  14076. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  14077. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14078. * Read more here:
  14079. * @param {meeting_trickFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Meeting_trick
  14080. * @example
  14081. * // Get one Meeting_trick
  14082. * const meeting_trick = await prisma.meeting_trick.findFirstOrThrow({
  14083. * where: {
  14084. * // ... provide filter here
  14085. * }
  14086. * })
  14087. */
  14088. findFirstOrThrow<T extends meeting_trickFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trickClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  14089. /**
  14090. * Find zero or more Meeting_tricks that matches the filter.
  14091. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14092. * Read more here:
  14093. * @param {meeting_trickFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  14094. * @example
  14095. * // Get all Meeting_tricks
  14096. * const meeting_tricks = await prisma.meeting_trick.findMany()
  14097. *
  14098. * // Get first 10 Meeting_tricks
  14099. * const meeting_tricks = await prisma.meeting_trick.findMany({ take: 10 })
  14100. *
  14101. * // Only select the `id`
  14102. * const meeting_trickWithIdOnly = await prisma.meeting_trick.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  14103. *
  14104. */
  14105. findMany<T extends meeting_trickFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  14106. /**
  14107. * Create a Meeting_trick.
  14108. * @param {meeting_trickCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Meeting_trick.
  14109. * @example
  14110. * // Create one Meeting_trick
  14111. * const Meeting_trick = await prisma.meeting_trick.create({
  14112. * data: {
  14113. * // ... data to create a Meeting_trick
  14114. * }
  14115. * })
  14116. *
  14117. */
  14118. create<T extends meeting_trickCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trickClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  14119. /**
  14120. * Create many Meeting_tricks.
  14121. * @param {meeting_trickCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Meeting_tricks.
  14122. * @example
  14123. * // Create many Meeting_tricks
  14124. * const meeting_trick = await prisma.meeting_trick.createMany({
  14125. * data: [
  14126. * // ... provide data here
  14127. * ]
  14128. * })
  14129. *
  14130. */
  14131. createMany<T extends meeting_trickCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  14132. /**
  14133. * Delete a Meeting_trick.
  14134. * @param {meeting_trickDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Meeting_trick.
  14135. * @example
  14136. * // Delete one Meeting_trick
  14137. * const Meeting_trick = await prisma.meeting_trick.delete({
  14138. * where: {
  14139. * // ... filter to delete one Meeting_trick
  14140. * }
  14141. * })
  14142. *
  14143. */
  14144. delete<T extends meeting_trickDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trickClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  14145. /**
  14146. * Update one Meeting_trick.
  14147. * @param {meeting_trickUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Meeting_trick.
  14148. * @example
  14149. * // Update one Meeting_trick
  14150. * const meeting_trick = await prisma.meeting_trick.update({
  14151. * where: {
  14152. * // ... provide filter here
  14153. * },
  14154. * data: {
  14155. * // ... provide data here
  14156. * }
  14157. * })
  14158. *
  14159. */
  14160. update<T extends meeting_trickUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trickClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  14161. /**
  14162. * Delete zero or more Meeting_tricks.
  14163. * @param {meeting_trickDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Meeting_tricks to delete.
  14164. * @example
  14165. * // Delete a few Meeting_tricks
  14166. * const { count } = await prisma.meeting_trick.deleteMany({
  14167. * where: {
  14168. * // ... provide filter here
  14169. * }
  14170. * })
  14171. *
  14172. */
  14173. deleteMany<T extends meeting_trickDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  14174. /**
  14175. * Update zero or more Meeting_tricks.
  14176. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14177. * Read more here:
  14178. * @param {meeting_trickUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  14179. * @example
  14180. * // Update many Meeting_tricks
  14181. * const meeting_trick = await prisma.meeting_trick.updateMany({
  14182. * where: {
  14183. * // ... provide filter here
  14184. * },
  14185. * data: {
  14186. * // ... provide data here
  14187. * }
  14188. * })
  14189. *
  14190. */
  14191. updateMany<T extends meeting_trickUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  14192. /**
  14193. * Create or update one Meeting_trick.
  14194. * @param {meeting_trickUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Meeting_trick.
  14195. * @example
  14196. * // Update or create a Meeting_trick
  14197. * const meeting_trick = await prisma.meeting_trick.upsert({
  14198. * create: {
  14199. * // ... data to create a Meeting_trick
  14200. * },
  14201. * update: {
  14202. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  14203. * },
  14204. * where: {
  14205. * // ... the filter for the Meeting_trick we want to update
  14206. * }
  14207. * })
  14208. */
  14209. upsert<T extends meeting_trickUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trickUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trickClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trickPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  14210. /**
  14211. * Count the number of Meeting_tricks.
  14212. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14213. * Read more here:
  14214. * @param {meeting_trickCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Meeting_tricks to count.
  14215. * @example
  14216. * // Count the number of Meeting_tricks
  14217. * const count = await prisma.meeting_trick.count({
  14218. * where: {
  14219. * // ... the filter for the Meeting_tricks we want to count
  14220. * }
  14221. * })
  14222. **/
  14223. count<T extends meeting_trickCountArgs>(
  14224. args?: Subset<T, meeting_trickCountArgs>,
  14225. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  14226. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  14227. ? T['select'] extends true
  14228. ? number
  14229. : GetScalarType<T['select'], Meeting_trickCountAggregateOutputType>
  14230. : number
  14231. >
  14232. /**
  14233. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Meeting_trick.
  14234. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14235. * Read more here:
  14236. * @param {Meeting_trickAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  14237. * @example
  14238. * // Ordered by age ascending
  14239. * // Where email contains
  14240. * // Limited to the 10 users
  14241. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  14242. * _avg: {
  14243. * age: true,
  14244. * },
  14245. * where: {
  14246. * email: {
  14247. * contains: "",
  14248. * },
  14249. * },
  14250. * orderBy: {
  14251. * age: "asc",
  14252. * },
  14253. * take: 10,
  14254. * })
  14255. **/
  14256. aggregate<T extends Meeting_trickAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, Meeting_trickAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetMeeting_trickAggregateType<T>>
  14257. /**
  14258. * Group by Meeting_trick.
  14259. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14260. * Read more here:
  14261. * @param {meeting_trickGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  14262. * @example
  14263. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  14264. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  14265. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  14266. * orderBy: {
  14267. * createdAt: true
  14268. * },
  14269. * _count: {
  14270. * _all: true
  14271. * },
  14272. * })
  14273. *
  14274. **/
  14275. groupBy<
  14276. T extends meeting_trickGroupByArgs,
  14277. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  14278. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  14279. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  14280. >,
  14281. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  14282. ? { orderBy: meeting_trickGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  14283. : { orderBy?: meeting_trickGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  14284. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  14285. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  14286. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  14287. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  14288. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  14289. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  14290. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  14291. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  14292. : HavingValid extends False
  14293. ? {
  14294. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  14295. ? never
  14296. : P extends string
  14297. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  14298. : [
  14299. Error,
  14300. 'Field ',
  14301. P,
  14302. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  14303. ]
  14304. }[HavingFields]
  14305. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  14306. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  14307. ? ByValid extends True
  14308. ? {}
  14309. : {
  14310. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  14311. ? never
  14312. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  14313. }[OrderFields]
  14314. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  14315. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  14316. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  14317. ? ByValid extends True
  14318. ? {}
  14319. : {
  14320. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  14321. ? never
  14322. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  14323. }[OrderFields]
  14324. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  14325. : ByValid extends True
  14326. ? {}
  14327. : {
  14328. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  14329. ? never
  14330. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  14331. }[OrderFields]
  14332. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, meeting_trickGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetMeeting_trickGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  14333. /**
  14334. * Fields of the meeting_trick model
  14335. */
  14336. readonly fields: meeting_trickFieldRefs;
  14337. }
  14338. /**
  14339. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for meeting_trick.
  14340. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  14341. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  14342. *
  14343. */
  14344. export interface Prisma__meeting_trickClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  14345. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  14346. /**
  14347. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  14348. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  14349. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  14350. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  14351. */
  14352. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  14353. /**
  14354. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  14355. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  14356. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  14357. */
  14358. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  14359. /**
  14360. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  14361. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  14362. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  14363. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  14364. */
  14365. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  14366. }
  14367. /**
  14368. * Fields of the meeting_trick model
  14369. */
  14370. interface meeting_trickFieldRefs {
  14371. readonly id: FieldRef<"meeting_trick", 'String'>
  14372. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"meeting_trick", 'DateTime'>
  14373. readonly userid: FieldRef<"meeting_trick", 'String'>
  14374. readonly meeting_name: FieldRef<"meeting_trick", 'String'>
  14375. readonly meeting_original: FieldRef<"meeting_trick", 'String'>
  14376. readonly meeting_minutes: FieldRef<"meeting_trick", 'String'>
  14377. readonly audio_url: FieldRef<"meeting_trick", 'String'>
  14378. readonly duration: FieldRef<"meeting_trick", 'String'>
  14379. readonly ab: FieldRef<"meeting_trick", 'String'>
  14380. }
  14381. // Custom InputTypes
  14382. /**
  14383. * meeting_trick findUnique
  14384. */
  14385. export type meeting_trickFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14386. /**
  14387. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick
  14388. */
  14389. select?: meeting_trickSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  14390. /**
  14391. * Filter, which meeting_trick to fetch.
  14392. */
  14393. where: meeting_trickWhereUniqueInput
  14394. }
  14395. /**
  14396. * meeting_trick findUniqueOrThrow
  14397. */
  14398. export type meeting_trickFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14399. /**
  14400. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick
  14401. */
  14402. select?: meeting_trickSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  14403. /**
  14404. * Filter, which meeting_trick to fetch.
  14405. */
  14406. where: meeting_trickWhereUniqueInput
  14407. }
  14408. /**
  14409. * meeting_trick findFirst
  14410. */
  14411. export type meeting_trickFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14412. /**
  14413. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick
  14414. */
  14415. select?: meeting_trickSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  14416. /**
  14417. * Filter, which meeting_trick to fetch.
  14418. */
  14419. where?: meeting_trickWhereInput
  14420. /**
  14421. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  14422. *
  14423. * Determine the order of meeting_tricks to fetch.
  14424. */
  14425. orderBy?: meeting_trickOrderByWithRelationInput | meeting_trickOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  14426. /**
  14427. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  14428. *
  14429. * Sets the position for searching for meeting_tricks.
  14430. */
  14431. cursor?: meeting_trickWhereUniqueInput
  14432. /**
  14433. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  14434. *
  14435. * Take `±n` meeting_tricks from the position of the cursor.
  14436. */
  14437. take?: number
  14438. /**
  14439. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  14440. *
  14441. * Skip the first `n` meeting_tricks.
  14442. */
  14443. skip?: number
  14444. /**
  14445. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  14446. *
  14447. * Filter by unique combinations of meeting_tricks.
  14448. */
  14449. distinct?: Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum | Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum[]
  14450. }
  14451. /**
  14452. * meeting_trick findFirstOrThrow
  14453. */
  14454. export type meeting_trickFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14455. /**
  14456. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick
  14457. */
  14458. select?: meeting_trickSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  14459. /**
  14460. * Filter, which meeting_trick to fetch.
  14461. */
  14462. where?: meeting_trickWhereInput
  14463. /**
  14464. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  14465. *
  14466. * Determine the order of meeting_tricks to fetch.
  14467. */
  14468. orderBy?: meeting_trickOrderByWithRelationInput | meeting_trickOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  14469. /**
  14470. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  14471. *
  14472. * Sets the position for searching for meeting_tricks.
  14473. */
  14474. cursor?: meeting_trickWhereUniqueInput
  14475. /**
  14476. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  14477. *
  14478. * Take `±n` meeting_tricks from the position of the cursor.
  14479. */
  14480. take?: number
  14481. /**
  14482. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  14483. *
  14484. * Skip the first `n` meeting_tricks.
  14485. */
  14486. skip?: number
  14487. /**
  14488. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  14489. *
  14490. * Filter by unique combinations of meeting_tricks.
  14491. */
  14492. distinct?: Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum | Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum[]
  14493. }
  14494. /**
  14495. * meeting_trick findMany
  14496. */
  14497. export type meeting_trickFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14498. /**
  14499. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick
  14500. */
  14501. select?: meeting_trickSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  14502. /**
  14503. * Filter, which meeting_tricks to fetch.
  14504. */
  14505. where?: meeting_trickWhereInput
  14506. /**
  14507. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  14508. *
  14509. * Determine the order of meeting_tricks to fetch.
  14510. */
  14511. orderBy?: meeting_trickOrderByWithRelationInput | meeting_trickOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  14512. /**
  14513. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  14514. *
  14515. * Sets the position for listing meeting_tricks.
  14516. */
  14517. cursor?: meeting_trickWhereUniqueInput
  14518. /**
  14519. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  14520. *
  14521. * Take `±n` meeting_tricks from the position of the cursor.
  14522. */
  14523. take?: number
  14524. /**
  14525. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  14526. *
  14527. * Skip the first `n` meeting_tricks.
  14528. */
  14529. skip?: number
  14530. distinct?: Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum | Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum[]
  14531. }
  14532. /**
  14533. * meeting_trick create
  14534. */
  14535. export type meeting_trickCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14536. /**
  14537. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick
  14538. */
  14539. select?: meeting_trickSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  14540. /**
  14541. * The data needed to create a meeting_trick.
  14542. */
  14543. data: XOR<meeting_trickCreateInput, meeting_trickUncheckedCreateInput>
  14544. }
  14545. /**
  14546. * meeting_trick createMany
  14547. */
  14548. export type meeting_trickCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14549. /**
  14550. * The data used to create many meeting_tricks.
  14551. */
  14552. data: meeting_trickCreateManyInput | meeting_trickCreateManyInput[]
  14553. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  14554. }
  14555. /**
  14556. * meeting_trick update
  14557. */
  14558. export type meeting_trickUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14559. /**
  14560. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick
  14561. */
  14562. select?: meeting_trickSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  14563. /**
  14564. * The data needed to update a meeting_trick.
  14565. */
  14566. data: XOR<meeting_trickUpdateInput, meeting_trickUncheckedUpdateInput>
  14567. /**
  14568. * Choose, which meeting_trick to update.
  14569. */
  14570. where: meeting_trickWhereUniqueInput
  14571. }
  14572. /**
  14573. * meeting_trick updateMany
  14574. */
  14575. export type meeting_trickUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14576. /**
  14577. * The data used to update meeting_tricks.
  14578. */
  14579. data: XOR<meeting_trickUpdateManyMutationInput, meeting_trickUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  14580. /**
  14581. * Filter which meeting_tricks to update
  14582. */
  14583. where?: meeting_trickWhereInput
  14584. }
  14585. /**
  14586. * meeting_trick upsert
  14587. */
  14588. export type meeting_trickUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14589. /**
  14590. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick
  14591. */
  14592. select?: meeting_trickSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  14593. /**
  14594. * The filter to search for the meeting_trick to update in case it exists.
  14595. */
  14596. where: meeting_trickWhereUniqueInput
  14597. /**
  14598. * In case the meeting_trick found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new meeting_trick with this data.
  14599. */
  14600. create: XOR<meeting_trickCreateInput, meeting_trickUncheckedCreateInput>
  14601. /**
  14602. * In case the meeting_trick was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  14603. */
  14604. update: XOR<meeting_trickUpdateInput, meeting_trickUncheckedUpdateInput>
  14605. }
  14606. /**
  14607. * meeting_trick delete
  14608. */
  14609. export type meeting_trickDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14610. /**
  14611. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick
  14612. */
  14613. select?: meeting_trickSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  14614. /**
  14615. * Filter which meeting_trick to delete.
  14616. */
  14617. where: meeting_trickWhereUniqueInput
  14618. }
  14619. /**
  14620. * meeting_trick deleteMany
  14621. */
  14622. export type meeting_trickDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14623. /**
  14624. * Filter which meeting_tricks to delete
  14625. */
  14626. where?: meeting_trickWhereInput
  14627. }
  14628. /**
  14629. * meeting_trick without action
  14630. */
  14631. export type meeting_trickDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14632. /**
  14633. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick
  14634. */
  14635. select?: meeting_trickSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  14636. }
  14637. /**
  14638. * Model meeting_trick_chat
  14639. */
  14640. export type AggregateMeeting_trick_chat = {
  14641. _count: Meeting_trick_chatCountAggregateOutputType | null
  14642. _min: Meeting_trick_chatMinAggregateOutputType | null
  14643. _max: Meeting_trick_chatMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  14644. }
  14645. export type Meeting_trick_chatMinAggregateOutputType = {
  14646. id: string | null
  14647. meeting_id: string | null
  14648. createtime: Date | null
  14649. user_content: string | null
  14650. ai_content: string | null
  14651. }
  14652. export type Meeting_trick_chatMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  14653. id: string | null
  14654. meeting_id: string | null
  14655. createtime: Date | null
  14656. user_content: string | null
  14657. ai_content: string | null
  14658. }
  14659. export type Meeting_trick_chatCountAggregateOutputType = {
  14660. id: number
  14661. meeting_id: number
  14662. createtime: number
  14663. user_content: number
  14664. ai_content: number
  14665. _all: number
  14666. }
  14667. export type Meeting_trick_chatMinAggregateInputType = {
  14668. id?: true
  14669. meeting_id?: true
  14670. createtime?: true
  14671. user_content?: true
  14672. ai_content?: true
  14673. }
  14674. export type Meeting_trick_chatMaxAggregateInputType = {
  14675. id?: true
  14676. meeting_id?: true
  14677. createtime?: true
  14678. user_content?: true
  14679. ai_content?: true
  14680. }
  14681. export type Meeting_trick_chatCountAggregateInputType = {
  14682. id?: true
  14683. meeting_id?: true
  14684. createtime?: true
  14685. user_content?: true
  14686. ai_content?: true
  14687. _all?: true
  14688. }
  14689. export type Meeting_trick_chatAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14690. /**
  14691. * Filter which meeting_trick_chat to aggregate.
  14692. */
  14693. where?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput
  14694. /**
  14695. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  14696. *
  14697. * Determine the order of meeting_trick_chats to fetch.
  14698. */
  14699. orderBy?: meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithRelationInput | meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  14700. /**
  14701. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  14702. *
  14703. * Sets the start position
  14704. */
  14705. cursor?: meeting_trick_chatWhereUniqueInput
  14706. /**
  14707. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  14708. *
  14709. * Take `±n` meeting_trick_chats from the position of the cursor.
  14710. */
  14711. take?: number
  14712. /**
  14713. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  14714. *
  14715. * Skip the first `n` meeting_trick_chats.
  14716. */
  14717. skip?: number
  14718. /**
  14719. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  14720. *
  14721. * Count returned meeting_trick_chats
  14722. **/
  14723. _count?: true | Meeting_trick_chatCountAggregateInputType
  14724. /**
  14725. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  14726. *
  14727. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  14728. **/
  14729. _min?: Meeting_trick_chatMinAggregateInputType
  14730. /**
  14731. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  14732. *
  14733. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  14734. **/
  14735. _max?: Meeting_trick_chatMaxAggregateInputType
  14736. }
  14737. export type GetMeeting_trick_chatAggregateType<T extends Meeting_trick_chatAggregateArgs> = {
  14738. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateMeeting_trick_chat]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  14739. ? T[P] extends true
  14740. ? number
  14741. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateMeeting_trick_chat[P]>
  14742. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateMeeting_trick_chat[P]>
  14743. }
  14744. export type meeting_trick_chatGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14745. where?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput
  14746. orderBy?: meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithAggregationInput | meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  14747. by: Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum[] | Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum
  14748. having?: meeting_trick_chatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  14749. take?: number
  14750. skip?: number
  14751. _count?: Meeting_trick_chatCountAggregateInputType | true
  14752. _min?: Meeting_trick_chatMinAggregateInputType
  14753. _max?: Meeting_trick_chatMaxAggregateInputType
  14754. }
  14755. export type Meeting_trick_chatGroupByOutputType = {
  14756. id: string
  14757. meeting_id: string | null
  14758. createtime: Date | null
  14759. user_content: string | null
  14760. ai_content: string | null
  14761. _count: Meeting_trick_chatCountAggregateOutputType | null
  14762. _min: Meeting_trick_chatMinAggregateOutputType | null
  14763. _max: Meeting_trick_chatMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  14764. }
  14765. type GetMeeting_trick_chatGroupByPayload<T extends meeting_trick_chatGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  14766. Array<
  14767. PickEnumerable<Meeting_trick_chatGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  14768. {
  14769. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Meeting_trick_chatGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  14770. ? T[P] extends boolean
  14771. ? number
  14772. : GetScalarType<T[P], Meeting_trick_chatGroupByOutputType[P]>
  14773. : GetScalarType<T[P], Meeting_trick_chatGroupByOutputType[P]>
  14774. }
  14775. >
  14776. >
  14777. export type meeting_trick_chatSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  14778. id?: boolean
  14779. meeting_id?: boolean
  14780. createtime?: boolean
  14781. user_content?: boolean
  14782. ai_content?: boolean
  14783. }, ExtArgs["result"]["meeting_trick_chat"]>
  14784. export type meeting_trick_chatSelectScalar = {
  14785. id?: boolean
  14786. meeting_id?: boolean
  14787. createtime?: boolean
  14788. user_content?: boolean
  14789. ai_content?: boolean
  14790. }
  14791. export type $meeting_trick_chatPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  14792. name: "meeting_trick_chat"
  14793. objects: {}
  14794. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  14795. id: string
  14796. meeting_id: string | null
  14797. createtime: Date | null
  14798. user_content: string | null
  14799. ai_content: string | null
  14800. }, ExtArgs["result"]["meeting_trick_chat"]>
  14801. composites: {}
  14802. }
  14803. type meeting_trick_chatGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | meeting_trick_chatDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload, S>
  14804. type meeting_trick_chatCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  14805. Omit<meeting_trick_chatFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  14806. select?: Meeting_trick_chatCountAggregateInputType | true
  14807. }
  14808. export interface meeting_trick_chatDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  14809. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['meeting_trick_chat'], meta: { name: 'meeting_trick_chat' } }
  14810. /**
  14811. * Find zero or one Meeting_trick_chat that matches the filter.
  14812. * @param {meeting_trick_chatFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Meeting_trick_chat
  14813. * @example
  14814. * // Get one Meeting_trick_chat
  14815. * const meeting_trick_chat = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.findUnique({
  14816. * where: {
  14817. * // ... provide filter here
  14818. * }
  14819. * })
  14820. */
  14821. findUnique<T extends meeting_trick_chatFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trick_chatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  14822. /**
  14823. * Find one Meeting_trick_chat that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  14824. * if no matches were found.
  14825. * @param {meeting_trick_chatFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Meeting_trick_chat
  14826. * @example
  14827. * // Get one Meeting_trick_chat
  14828. * const meeting_trick_chat = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.findUniqueOrThrow({
  14829. * where: {
  14830. * // ... provide filter here
  14831. * }
  14832. * })
  14833. */
  14834. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends meeting_trick_chatFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trick_chatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  14835. /**
  14836. * Find the first Meeting_trick_chat that matches the filter.
  14837. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14838. * Read more here:
  14839. * @param {meeting_trick_chatFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Meeting_trick_chat
  14840. * @example
  14841. * // Get one Meeting_trick_chat
  14842. * const meeting_trick_chat = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.findFirst({
  14843. * where: {
  14844. * // ... provide filter here
  14845. * }
  14846. * })
  14847. */
  14848. findFirst<T extends meeting_trick_chatFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trick_chatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  14849. /**
  14850. * Find the first Meeting_trick_chat that matches the filter or
  14851. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  14852. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14853. * Read more here:
  14854. * @param {meeting_trick_chatFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Meeting_trick_chat
  14855. * @example
  14856. * // Get one Meeting_trick_chat
  14857. * const meeting_trick_chat = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.findFirstOrThrow({
  14858. * where: {
  14859. * // ... provide filter here
  14860. * }
  14861. * })
  14862. */
  14863. findFirstOrThrow<T extends meeting_trick_chatFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trick_chatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  14864. /**
  14865. * Find zero or more Meeting_trick_chats that matches the filter.
  14866. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14867. * Read more here:
  14868. * @param {meeting_trick_chatFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  14869. * @example
  14870. * // Get all Meeting_trick_chats
  14871. * const meeting_trick_chats = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.findMany()
  14872. *
  14873. * // Get first 10 Meeting_trick_chats
  14874. * const meeting_trick_chats = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.findMany({ take: 10 })
  14875. *
  14876. * // Only select the `id`
  14877. * const meeting_trick_chatWithIdOnly = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  14878. *
  14879. */
  14880. findMany<T extends meeting_trick_chatFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  14881. /**
  14882. * Create a Meeting_trick_chat.
  14883. * @param {meeting_trick_chatCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Meeting_trick_chat.
  14884. * @example
  14885. * // Create one Meeting_trick_chat
  14886. * const Meeting_trick_chat = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.create({
  14887. * data: {
  14888. * // ... data to create a Meeting_trick_chat
  14889. * }
  14890. * })
  14891. *
  14892. */
  14893. create<T extends meeting_trick_chatCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trick_chatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  14894. /**
  14895. * Create many Meeting_trick_chats.
  14896. * @param {meeting_trick_chatCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Meeting_trick_chats.
  14897. * @example
  14898. * // Create many Meeting_trick_chats
  14899. * const meeting_trick_chat = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.createMany({
  14900. * data: [
  14901. * // ... provide data here
  14902. * ]
  14903. * })
  14904. *
  14905. */
  14906. createMany<T extends meeting_trick_chatCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  14907. /**
  14908. * Delete a Meeting_trick_chat.
  14909. * @param {meeting_trick_chatDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Meeting_trick_chat.
  14910. * @example
  14911. * // Delete one Meeting_trick_chat
  14912. * const Meeting_trick_chat = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.delete({
  14913. * where: {
  14914. * // ... filter to delete one Meeting_trick_chat
  14915. * }
  14916. * })
  14917. *
  14918. */
  14919. delete<T extends meeting_trick_chatDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trick_chatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  14920. /**
  14921. * Update one Meeting_trick_chat.
  14922. * @param {meeting_trick_chatUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Meeting_trick_chat.
  14923. * @example
  14924. * // Update one Meeting_trick_chat
  14925. * const meeting_trick_chat = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.update({
  14926. * where: {
  14927. * // ... provide filter here
  14928. * },
  14929. * data: {
  14930. * // ... provide data here
  14931. * }
  14932. * })
  14933. *
  14934. */
  14935. update<T extends meeting_trick_chatUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trick_chatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  14936. /**
  14937. * Delete zero or more Meeting_trick_chats.
  14938. * @param {meeting_trick_chatDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Meeting_trick_chats to delete.
  14939. * @example
  14940. * // Delete a few Meeting_trick_chats
  14941. * const { count } = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.deleteMany({
  14942. * where: {
  14943. * // ... provide filter here
  14944. * }
  14945. * })
  14946. *
  14947. */
  14948. deleteMany<T extends meeting_trick_chatDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  14949. /**
  14950. * Update zero or more Meeting_trick_chats.
  14951. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14952. * Read more here:
  14953. * @param {meeting_trick_chatUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  14954. * @example
  14955. * // Update many Meeting_trick_chats
  14956. * const meeting_trick_chat = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.updateMany({
  14957. * where: {
  14958. * // ... provide filter here
  14959. * },
  14960. * data: {
  14961. * // ... provide data here
  14962. * }
  14963. * })
  14964. *
  14965. */
  14966. updateMany<T extends meeting_trick_chatUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  14967. /**
  14968. * Create or update one Meeting_trick_chat.
  14969. * @param {meeting_trick_chatUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Meeting_trick_chat.
  14970. * @example
  14971. * // Update or create a Meeting_trick_chat
  14972. * const meeting_trick_chat = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.upsert({
  14973. * create: {
  14974. * // ... data to create a Meeting_trick_chat
  14975. * },
  14976. * update: {
  14977. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  14978. * },
  14979. * where: {
  14980. * // ... the filter for the Meeting_trick_chat we want to update
  14981. * }
  14982. * })
  14983. */
  14984. upsert<T extends meeting_trick_chatUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, meeting_trick_chatUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__meeting_trick_chatClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$meeting_trick_chatPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  14985. /**
  14986. * Count the number of Meeting_trick_chats.
  14987. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  14988. * Read more here:
  14989. * @param {meeting_trick_chatCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Meeting_trick_chats to count.
  14990. * @example
  14991. * // Count the number of Meeting_trick_chats
  14992. * const count = await prisma.meeting_trick_chat.count({
  14993. * where: {
  14994. * // ... the filter for the Meeting_trick_chats we want to count
  14995. * }
  14996. * })
  14997. **/
  14998. count<T extends meeting_trick_chatCountArgs>(
  14999. args?: Subset<T, meeting_trick_chatCountArgs>,
  15000. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  15001. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  15002. ? T['select'] extends true
  15003. ? number
  15004. : GetScalarType<T['select'], Meeting_trick_chatCountAggregateOutputType>
  15005. : number
  15006. >
  15007. /**
  15008. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Meeting_trick_chat.
  15009. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  15010. * Read more here:
  15011. * @param {Meeting_trick_chatAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  15012. * @example
  15013. * // Ordered by age ascending
  15014. * // Where email contains
  15015. * // Limited to the 10 users
  15016. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  15017. * _avg: {
  15018. * age: true,
  15019. * },
  15020. * where: {
  15021. * email: {
  15022. * contains: "",
  15023. * },
  15024. * },
  15025. * orderBy: {
  15026. * age: "asc",
  15027. * },
  15028. * take: 10,
  15029. * })
  15030. **/
  15031. aggregate<T extends Meeting_trick_chatAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, Meeting_trick_chatAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetMeeting_trick_chatAggregateType<T>>
  15032. /**
  15033. * Group by Meeting_trick_chat.
  15034. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  15035. * Read more here:
  15036. * @param {meeting_trick_chatGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  15037. * @example
  15038. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  15039. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  15040. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  15041. * orderBy: {
  15042. * createdAt: true
  15043. * },
  15044. * _count: {
  15045. * _all: true
  15046. * },
  15047. * })
  15048. *
  15049. **/
  15050. groupBy<
  15051. T extends meeting_trick_chatGroupByArgs,
  15052. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  15053. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  15054. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  15055. >,
  15056. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  15057. ? { orderBy: meeting_trick_chatGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  15058. : { orderBy?: meeting_trick_chatGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  15059. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  15060. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  15061. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  15062. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  15063. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  15064. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  15065. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  15066. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  15067. : HavingValid extends False
  15068. ? {
  15069. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  15070. ? never
  15071. : P extends string
  15072. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  15073. : [
  15074. Error,
  15075. 'Field ',
  15076. P,
  15077. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  15078. ]
  15079. }[HavingFields]
  15080. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  15081. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  15082. ? ByValid extends True
  15083. ? {}
  15084. : {
  15085. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  15086. ? never
  15087. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  15088. }[OrderFields]
  15089. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  15090. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  15091. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  15092. ? ByValid extends True
  15093. ? {}
  15094. : {
  15095. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  15096. ? never
  15097. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  15098. }[OrderFields]
  15099. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  15100. : ByValid extends True
  15101. ? {}
  15102. : {
  15103. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  15104. ? never
  15105. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  15106. }[OrderFields]
  15107. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, meeting_trick_chatGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetMeeting_trick_chatGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  15108. /**
  15109. * Fields of the meeting_trick_chat model
  15110. */
  15111. readonly fields: meeting_trick_chatFieldRefs;
  15112. }
  15113. /**
  15114. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for meeting_trick_chat.
  15115. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  15116. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  15117. *
  15118. */
  15119. export interface Prisma__meeting_trick_chatClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  15120. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  15121. /**
  15122. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  15123. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  15124. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  15125. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  15126. */
  15127. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  15128. /**
  15129. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  15130. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  15131. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  15132. */
  15133. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  15134. /**
  15135. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  15136. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  15137. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  15138. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  15139. */
  15140. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  15141. }
  15142. /**
  15143. * Fields of the meeting_trick_chat model
  15144. */
  15145. interface meeting_trick_chatFieldRefs {
  15146. readonly id: FieldRef<"meeting_trick_chat", 'String'>
  15147. readonly meeting_id: FieldRef<"meeting_trick_chat", 'String'>
  15148. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"meeting_trick_chat", 'DateTime'>
  15149. readonly user_content: FieldRef<"meeting_trick_chat", 'String'>
  15150. readonly ai_content: FieldRef<"meeting_trick_chat", 'String'>
  15151. }
  15152. // Custom InputTypes
  15153. /**
  15154. * meeting_trick_chat findUnique
  15155. */
  15156. export type meeting_trick_chatFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15157. /**
  15158. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick_chat
  15159. */
  15160. select?: meeting_trick_chatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  15161. /**
  15162. * Filter, which meeting_trick_chat to fetch.
  15163. */
  15164. where: meeting_trick_chatWhereUniqueInput
  15165. }
  15166. /**
  15167. * meeting_trick_chat findUniqueOrThrow
  15168. */
  15169. export type meeting_trick_chatFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15170. /**
  15171. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick_chat
  15172. */
  15173. select?: meeting_trick_chatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  15174. /**
  15175. * Filter, which meeting_trick_chat to fetch.
  15176. */
  15177. where: meeting_trick_chatWhereUniqueInput
  15178. }
  15179. /**
  15180. * meeting_trick_chat findFirst
  15181. */
  15182. export type meeting_trick_chatFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15183. /**
  15184. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick_chat
  15185. */
  15186. select?: meeting_trick_chatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  15187. /**
  15188. * Filter, which meeting_trick_chat to fetch.
  15189. */
  15190. where?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput
  15191. /**
  15192. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  15193. *
  15194. * Determine the order of meeting_trick_chats to fetch.
  15195. */
  15196. orderBy?: meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithRelationInput | meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  15197. /**
  15198. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  15199. *
  15200. * Sets the position for searching for meeting_trick_chats.
  15201. */
  15202. cursor?: meeting_trick_chatWhereUniqueInput
  15203. /**
  15204. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  15205. *
  15206. * Take `±n` meeting_trick_chats from the position of the cursor.
  15207. */
  15208. take?: number
  15209. /**
  15210. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  15211. *
  15212. * Skip the first `n` meeting_trick_chats.
  15213. */
  15214. skip?: number
  15215. /**
  15216. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  15217. *
  15218. * Filter by unique combinations of meeting_trick_chats.
  15219. */
  15220. distinct?: Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum | Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum[]
  15221. }
  15222. /**
  15223. * meeting_trick_chat findFirstOrThrow
  15224. */
  15225. export type meeting_trick_chatFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15226. /**
  15227. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick_chat
  15228. */
  15229. select?: meeting_trick_chatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  15230. /**
  15231. * Filter, which meeting_trick_chat to fetch.
  15232. */
  15233. where?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput
  15234. /**
  15235. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  15236. *
  15237. * Determine the order of meeting_trick_chats to fetch.
  15238. */
  15239. orderBy?: meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithRelationInput | meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  15240. /**
  15241. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  15242. *
  15243. * Sets the position for searching for meeting_trick_chats.
  15244. */
  15245. cursor?: meeting_trick_chatWhereUniqueInput
  15246. /**
  15247. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  15248. *
  15249. * Take `±n` meeting_trick_chats from the position of the cursor.
  15250. */
  15251. take?: number
  15252. /**
  15253. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  15254. *
  15255. * Skip the first `n` meeting_trick_chats.
  15256. */
  15257. skip?: number
  15258. /**
  15259. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  15260. *
  15261. * Filter by unique combinations of meeting_trick_chats.
  15262. */
  15263. distinct?: Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum | Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum[]
  15264. }
  15265. /**
  15266. * meeting_trick_chat findMany
  15267. */
  15268. export type meeting_trick_chatFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15269. /**
  15270. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick_chat
  15271. */
  15272. select?: meeting_trick_chatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  15273. /**
  15274. * Filter, which meeting_trick_chats to fetch.
  15275. */
  15276. where?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput
  15277. /**
  15278. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  15279. *
  15280. * Determine the order of meeting_trick_chats to fetch.
  15281. */
  15282. orderBy?: meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithRelationInput | meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  15283. /**
  15284. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  15285. *
  15286. * Sets the position for listing meeting_trick_chats.
  15287. */
  15288. cursor?: meeting_trick_chatWhereUniqueInput
  15289. /**
  15290. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  15291. *
  15292. * Take `±n` meeting_trick_chats from the position of the cursor.
  15293. */
  15294. take?: number
  15295. /**
  15296. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  15297. *
  15298. * Skip the first `n` meeting_trick_chats.
  15299. */
  15300. skip?: number
  15301. distinct?: Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum | Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum[]
  15302. }
  15303. /**
  15304. * meeting_trick_chat create
  15305. */
  15306. export type meeting_trick_chatCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15307. /**
  15308. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick_chat
  15309. */
  15310. select?: meeting_trick_chatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  15311. /**
  15312. * The data needed to create a meeting_trick_chat.
  15313. */
  15314. data: XOR<meeting_trick_chatCreateInput, meeting_trick_chatUncheckedCreateInput>
  15315. }
  15316. /**
  15317. * meeting_trick_chat createMany
  15318. */
  15319. export type meeting_trick_chatCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15320. /**
  15321. * The data used to create many meeting_trick_chats.
  15322. */
  15323. data: meeting_trick_chatCreateManyInput | meeting_trick_chatCreateManyInput[]
  15324. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  15325. }
  15326. /**
  15327. * meeting_trick_chat update
  15328. */
  15329. export type meeting_trick_chatUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15330. /**
  15331. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick_chat
  15332. */
  15333. select?: meeting_trick_chatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  15334. /**
  15335. * The data needed to update a meeting_trick_chat.
  15336. */
  15337. data: XOR<meeting_trick_chatUpdateInput, meeting_trick_chatUncheckedUpdateInput>
  15338. /**
  15339. * Choose, which meeting_trick_chat to update.
  15340. */
  15341. where: meeting_trick_chatWhereUniqueInput
  15342. }
  15343. /**
  15344. * meeting_trick_chat updateMany
  15345. */
  15346. export type meeting_trick_chatUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15347. /**
  15348. * The data used to update meeting_trick_chats.
  15349. */
  15350. data: XOR<meeting_trick_chatUpdateManyMutationInput, meeting_trick_chatUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  15351. /**
  15352. * Filter which meeting_trick_chats to update
  15353. */
  15354. where?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput
  15355. }
  15356. /**
  15357. * meeting_trick_chat upsert
  15358. */
  15359. export type meeting_trick_chatUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15360. /**
  15361. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick_chat
  15362. */
  15363. select?: meeting_trick_chatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  15364. /**
  15365. * The filter to search for the meeting_trick_chat to update in case it exists.
  15366. */
  15367. where: meeting_trick_chatWhereUniqueInput
  15368. /**
  15369. * In case the meeting_trick_chat found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new meeting_trick_chat with this data.
  15370. */
  15371. create: XOR<meeting_trick_chatCreateInput, meeting_trick_chatUncheckedCreateInput>
  15372. /**
  15373. * In case the meeting_trick_chat was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  15374. */
  15375. update: XOR<meeting_trick_chatUpdateInput, meeting_trick_chatUncheckedUpdateInput>
  15376. }
  15377. /**
  15378. * meeting_trick_chat delete
  15379. */
  15380. export type meeting_trick_chatDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15381. /**
  15382. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick_chat
  15383. */
  15384. select?: meeting_trick_chatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  15385. /**
  15386. * Filter which meeting_trick_chat to delete.
  15387. */
  15388. where: meeting_trick_chatWhereUniqueInput
  15389. }
  15390. /**
  15391. * meeting_trick_chat deleteMany
  15392. */
  15393. export type meeting_trick_chatDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15394. /**
  15395. * Filter which meeting_trick_chats to delete
  15396. */
  15397. where?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput
  15398. }
  15399. /**
  15400. * meeting_trick_chat without action
  15401. */
  15402. export type meeting_trick_chatDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15403. /**
  15404. * Select specific fields to fetch from the meeting_trick_chat
  15405. */
  15406. select?: meeting_trick_chatSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  15407. }
  15408. /**
  15409. * Model muti_agent_list
  15410. */
  15411. export type AggregateMuti_agent_list = {
  15412. _count: Muti_agent_listCountAggregateOutputType | null
  15413. _avg: Muti_agent_listAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  15414. _sum: Muti_agent_listSumAggregateOutputType | null
  15415. _min: Muti_agent_listMinAggregateOutputType | null
  15416. _max: Muti_agent_listMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  15417. }
  15418. export type Muti_agent_listAvgAggregateOutputType = {
  15419. knowledge_construction: number | null
  15420. }
  15421. export type Muti_agent_listSumAggregateOutputType = {
  15422. knowledge_construction: number | null
  15423. }
  15424. export type Muti_agent_listMinAggregateOutputType = {
  15425. id: string | null
  15426. userid: string | null
  15427. username: string | null
  15428. muti_name: string | null
  15429. description: string | null
  15430. isPublish: boolean | null
  15431. organizeid: string | null
  15432. content: string | null
  15433. create_time: Date | null
  15434. knowledge_construction: number | null
  15435. }
  15436. export type Muti_agent_listMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  15437. id: string | null
  15438. userid: string | null
  15439. username: string | null
  15440. muti_name: string | null
  15441. description: string | null
  15442. isPublish: boolean | null
  15443. organizeid: string | null
  15444. content: string | null
  15445. create_time: Date | null
  15446. knowledge_construction: number | null
  15447. }
  15448. export type Muti_agent_listCountAggregateOutputType = {
  15449. id: number
  15450. userid: number
  15451. username: number
  15452. muti_name: number
  15453. description: number
  15454. isPublish: number
  15455. organizeid: number
  15456. content: number
  15457. create_time: number
  15458. knowledge_construction: number
  15459. _all: number
  15460. }
  15461. export type Muti_agent_listAvgAggregateInputType = {
  15462. knowledge_construction?: true
  15463. }
  15464. export type Muti_agent_listSumAggregateInputType = {
  15465. knowledge_construction?: true
  15466. }
  15467. export type Muti_agent_listMinAggregateInputType = {
  15468. id?: true
  15469. userid?: true
  15470. username?: true
  15471. muti_name?: true
  15472. description?: true
  15473. isPublish?: true
  15474. organizeid?: true
  15475. content?: true
  15476. create_time?: true
  15477. knowledge_construction?: true
  15478. }
  15479. export type Muti_agent_listMaxAggregateInputType = {
  15480. id?: true
  15481. userid?: true
  15482. username?: true
  15483. muti_name?: true
  15484. description?: true
  15485. isPublish?: true
  15486. organizeid?: true
  15487. content?: true
  15488. create_time?: true
  15489. knowledge_construction?: true
  15490. }
  15491. export type Muti_agent_listCountAggregateInputType = {
  15492. id?: true
  15493. userid?: true
  15494. username?: true
  15495. muti_name?: true
  15496. description?: true
  15497. isPublish?: true
  15498. organizeid?: true
  15499. content?: true
  15500. create_time?: true
  15501. knowledge_construction?: true
  15502. _all?: true
  15503. }
  15504. export type Muti_agent_listAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15505. /**
  15506. * Filter which muti_agent_list to aggregate.
  15507. */
  15508. where?: muti_agent_listWhereInput
  15509. /**
  15510. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  15511. *
  15512. * Determine the order of muti_agent_lists to fetch.
  15513. */
  15514. orderBy?: muti_agent_listOrderByWithRelationInput | muti_agent_listOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  15515. /**
  15516. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  15517. *
  15518. * Sets the start position
  15519. */
  15520. cursor?: muti_agent_listWhereUniqueInput
  15521. /**
  15522. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  15523. *
  15524. * Take `±n` muti_agent_lists from the position of the cursor.
  15525. */
  15526. take?: number
  15527. /**
  15528. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  15529. *
  15530. * Skip the first `n` muti_agent_lists.
  15531. */
  15532. skip?: number
  15533. /**
  15534. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  15535. *
  15536. * Count returned muti_agent_lists
  15537. **/
  15538. _count?: true | Muti_agent_listCountAggregateInputType
  15539. /**
  15540. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  15541. *
  15542. * Select which fields to average
  15543. **/
  15544. _avg?: Muti_agent_listAvgAggregateInputType
  15545. /**
  15546. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  15547. *
  15548. * Select which fields to sum
  15549. **/
  15550. _sum?: Muti_agent_listSumAggregateInputType
  15551. /**
  15552. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  15553. *
  15554. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  15555. **/
  15556. _min?: Muti_agent_listMinAggregateInputType
  15557. /**
  15558. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  15559. *
  15560. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  15561. **/
  15562. _max?: Muti_agent_listMaxAggregateInputType
  15563. }
  15564. export type GetMuti_agent_listAggregateType<T extends Muti_agent_listAggregateArgs> = {
  15565. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateMuti_agent_list]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  15566. ? T[P] extends true
  15567. ? number
  15568. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateMuti_agent_list[P]>
  15569. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateMuti_agent_list[P]>
  15570. }
  15571. export type muti_agent_listGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15572. where?: muti_agent_listWhereInput
  15573. orderBy?: muti_agent_listOrderByWithAggregationInput | muti_agent_listOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  15574. by: Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum[] | Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum
  15575. having?: muti_agent_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  15576. take?: number
  15577. skip?: number
  15578. _count?: Muti_agent_listCountAggregateInputType | true
  15579. _avg?: Muti_agent_listAvgAggregateInputType
  15580. _sum?: Muti_agent_listSumAggregateInputType
  15581. _min?: Muti_agent_listMinAggregateInputType
  15582. _max?: Muti_agent_listMaxAggregateInputType
  15583. }
  15584. export type Muti_agent_listGroupByOutputType = {
  15585. id: string
  15586. userid: string | null
  15587. username: string | null
  15588. muti_name: string | null
  15589. description: string | null
  15590. isPublish: boolean | null
  15591. organizeid: string | null
  15592. content: string | null
  15593. create_time: Date | null
  15594. knowledge_construction: number | null
  15595. _count: Muti_agent_listCountAggregateOutputType | null
  15596. _avg: Muti_agent_listAvgAggregateOutputType | null
  15597. _sum: Muti_agent_listSumAggregateOutputType | null
  15598. _min: Muti_agent_listMinAggregateOutputType | null
  15599. _max: Muti_agent_listMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  15600. }
  15601. type GetMuti_agent_listGroupByPayload<T extends muti_agent_listGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  15602. Array<
  15603. PickEnumerable<Muti_agent_listGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  15604. {
  15605. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Muti_agent_listGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  15606. ? T[P] extends boolean
  15607. ? number
  15608. : GetScalarType<T[P], Muti_agent_listGroupByOutputType[P]>
  15609. : GetScalarType<T[P], Muti_agent_listGroupByOutputType[P]>
  15610. }
  15611. >
  15612. >
  15613. export type muti_agent_listSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  15614. id?: boolean
  15615. userid?: boolean
  15616. username?: boolean
  15617. muti_name?: boolean
  15618. description?: boolean
  15619. isPublish?: boolean
  15620. organizeid?: boolean
  15621. content?: boolean
  15622. create_time?: boolean
  15623. knowledge_construction?: boolean
  15624. }, ExtArgs["result"]["muti_agent_list"]>
  15625. export type muti_agent_listSelectScalar = {
  15626. id?: boolean
  15627. userid?: boolean
  15628. username?: boolean
  15629. muti_name?: boolean
  15630. description?: boolean
  15631. isPublish?: boolean
  15632. organizeid?: boolean
  15633. content?: boolean
  15634. create_time?: boolean
  15635. knowledge_construction?: boolean
  15636. }
  15637. export type $muti_agent_listPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  15638. name: "muti_agent_list"
  15639. objects: {}
  15640. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  15641. id: string
  15642. userid: string | null
  15643. username: string | null
  15644. muti_name: string | null
  15645. description: string | null
  15646. isPublish: boolean | null
  15647. organizeid: string | null
  15648. content: string | null
  15649. create_time: Date | null
  15650. knowledge_construction: number | null
  15651. }, ExtArgs["result"]["muti_agent_list"]>
  15652. composites: {}
  15653. }
  15654. type muti_agent_listGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | muti_agent_listDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload, S>
  15655. type muti_agent_listCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  15656. Omit<muti_agent_listFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  15657. select?: Muti_agent_listCountAggregateInputType | true
  15658. }
  15659. export interface muti_agent_listDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  15660. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['muti_agent_list'], meta: { name: 'muti_agent_list' } }
  15661. /**
  15662. * Find zero or one Muti_agent_list that matches the filter.
  15663. * @param {muti_agent_listFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Muti_agent_list
  15664. * @example
  15665. * // Get one Muti_agent_list
  15666. * const muti_agent_list = await prisma.muti_agent_list.findUnique({
  15667. * where: {
  15668. * // ... provide filter here
  15669. * }
  15670. * })
  15671. */
  15672. findUnique<T extends muti_agent_listFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__muti_agent_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  15673. /**
  15674. * Find one Muti_agent_list that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  15675. * if no matches were found.
  15676. * @param {muti_agent_listFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Muti_agent_list
  15677. * @example
  15678. * // Get one Muti_agent_list
  15679. * const muti_agent_list = await prisma.muti_agent_list.findUniqueOrThrow({
  15680. * where: {
  15681. * // ... provide filter here
  15682. * }
  15683. * })
  15684. */
  15685. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends muti_agent_listFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__muti_agent_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  15686. /**
  15687. * Find the first Muti_agent_list that matches the filter.
  15688. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  15689. * Read more here:
  15690. * @param {muti_agent_listFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Muti_agent_list
  15691. * @example
  15692. * // Get one Muti_agent_list
  15693. * const muti_agent_list = await prisma.muti_agent_list.findFirst({
  15694. * where: {
  15695. * // ... provide filter here
  15696. * }
  15697. * })
  15698. */
  15699. findFirst<T extends muti_agent_listFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__muti_agent_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  15700. /**
  15701. * Find the first Muti_agent_list that matches the filter or
  15702. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  15703. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  15704. * Read more here:
  15705. * @param {muti_agent_listFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Muti_agent_list
  15706. * @example
  15707. * // Get one Muti_agent_list
  15708. * const muti_agent_list = await prisma.muti_agent_list.findFirstOrThrow({
  15709. * where: {
  15710. * // ... provide filter here
  15711. * }
  15712. * })
  15713. */
  15714. findFirstOrThrow<T extends muti_agent_listFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__muti_agent_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  15715. /**
  15716. * Find zero or more Muti_agent_lists that matches the filter.
  15717. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  15718. * Read more here:
  15719. * @param {muti_agent_listFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  15720. * @example
  15721. * // Get all Muti_agent_lists
  15722. * const muti_agent_lists = await prisma.muti_agent_list.findMany()
  15723. *
  15724. * // Get first 10 Muti_agent_lists
  15725. * const muti_agent_lists = await prisma.muti_agent_list.findMany({ take: 10 })
  15726. *
  15727. * // Only select the `id`
  15728. * const muti_agent_listWithIdOnly = await prisma.muti_agent_list.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  15729. *
  15730. */
  15731. findMany<T extends muti_agent_listFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  15732. /**
  15733. * Create a Muti_agent_list.
  15734. * @param {muti_agent_listCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Muti_agent_list.
  15735. * @example
  15736. * // Create one Muti_agent_list
  15737. * const Muti_agent_list = await prisma.muti_agent_list.create({
  15738. * data: {
  15739. * // ... data to create a Muti_agent_list
  15740. * }
  15741. * })
  15742. *
  15743. */
  15744. create<T extends muti_agent_listCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__muti_agent_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  15745. /**
  15746. * Create many Muti_agent_lists.
  15747. * @param {muti_agent_listCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Muti_agent_lists.
  15748. * @example
  15749. * // Create many Muti_agent_lists
  15750. * const muti_agent_list = await prisma.muti_agent_list.createMany({
  15751. * data: [
  15752. * // ... provide data here
  15753. * ]
  15754. * })
  15755. *
  15756. */
  15757. createMany<T extends muti_agent_listCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  15758. /**
  15759. * Delete a Muti_agent_list.
  15760. * @param {muti_agent_listDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Muti_agent_list.
  15761. * @example
  15762. * // Delete one Muti_agent_list
  15763. * const Muti_agent_list = await prisma.muti_agent_list.delete({
  15764. * where: {
  15765. * // ... filter to delete one Muti_agent_list
  15766. * }
  15767. * })
  15768. *
  15769. */
  15770. delete<T extends muti_agent_listDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__muti_agent_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  15771. /**
  15772. * Update one Muti_agent_list.
  15773. * @param {muti_agent_listUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Muti_agent_list.
  15774. * @example
  15775. * // Update one Muti_agent_list
  15776. * const muti_agent_list = await prisma.muti_agent_list.update({
  15777. * where: {
  15778. * // ... provide filter here
  15779. * },
  15780. * data: {
  15781. * // ... provide data here
  15782. * }
  15783. * })
  15784. *
  15785. */
  15786. update<T extends muti_agent_listUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__muti_agent_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  15787. /**
  15788. * Delete zero or more Muti_agent_lists.
  15789. * @param {muti_agent_listDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Muti_agent_lists to delete.
  15790. * @example
  15791. * // Delete a few Muti_agent_lists
  15792. * const { count } = await prisma.muti_agent_list.deleteMany({
  15793. * where: {
  15794. * // ... provide filter here
  15795. * }
  15796. * })
  15797. *
  15798. */
  15799. deleteMany<T extends muti_agent_listDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  15800. /**
  15801. * Update zero or more Muti_agent_lists.
  15802. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  15803. * Read more here:
  15804. * @param {muti_agent_listUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  15805. * @example
  15806. * // Update many Muti_agent_lists
  15807. * const muti_agent_list = await prisma.muti_agent_list.updateMany({
  15808. * where: {
  15809. * // ... provide filter here
  15810. * },
  15811. * data: {
  15812. * // ... provide data here
  15813. * }
  15814. * })
  15815. *
  15816. */
  15817. updateMany<T extends muti_agent_listUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  15818. /**
  15819. * Create or update one Muti_agent_list.
  15820. * @param {muti_agent_listUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Muti_agent_list.
  15821. * @example
  15822. * // Update or create a Muti_agent_list
  15823. * const muti_agent_list = await prisma.muti_agent_list.upsert({
  15824. * create: {
  15825. * // ... data to create a Muti_agent_list
  15826. * },
  15827. * update: {
  15828. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  15829. * },
  15830. * where: {
  15831. * // ... the filter for the Muti_agent_list we want to update
  15832. * }
  15833. * })
  15834. */
  15835. upsert<T extends muti_agent_listUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, muti_agent_listUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__muti_agent_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$muti_agent_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  15836. /**
  15837. * Count the number of Muti_agent_lists.
  15838. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  15839. * Read more here:
  15840. * @param {muti_agent_listCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Muti_agent_lists to count.
  15841. * @example
  15842. * // Count the number of Muti_agent_lists
  15843. * const count = await prisma.muti_agent_list.count({
  15844. * where: {
  15845. * // ... the filter for the Muti_agent_lists we want to count
  15846. * }
  15847. * })
  15848. **/
  15849. count<T extends muti_agent_listCountArgs>(
  15850. args?: Subset<T, muti_agent_listCountArgs>,
  15851. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  15852. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  15853. ? T['select'] extends true
  15854. ? number
  15855. : GetScalarType<T['select'], Muti_agent_listCountAggregateOutputType>
  15856. : number
  15857. >
  15858. /**
  15859. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Muti_agent_list.
  15860. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  15861. * Read more here:
  15862. * @param {Muti_agent_listAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  15863. * @example
  15864. * // Ordered by age ascending
  15865. * // Where email contains
  15866. * // Limited to the 10 users
  15867. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  15868. * _avg: {
  15869. * age: true,
  15870. * },
  15871. * where: {
  15872. * email: {
  15873. * contains: "",
  15874. * },
  15875. * },
  15876. * orderBy: {
  15877. * age: "asc",
  15878. * },
  15879. * take: 10,
  15880. * })
  15881. **/
  15882. aggregate<T extends Muti_agent_listAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, Muti_agent_listAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetMuti_agent_listAggregateType<T>>
  15883. /**
  15884. * Group by Muti_agent_list.
  15885. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  15886. * Read more here:
  15887. * @param {muti_agent_listGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  15888. * @example
  15889. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  15890. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  15891. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  15892. * orderBy: {
  15893. * createdAt: true
  15894. * },
  15895. * _count: {
  15896. * _all: true
  15897. * },
  15898. * })
  15899. *
  15900. **/
  15901. groupBy<
  15902. T extends muti_agent_listGroupByArgs,
  15903. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  15904. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  15905. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  15906. >,
  15907. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  15908. ? { orderBy: muti_agent_listGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  15909. : { orderBy?: muti_agent_listGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  15910. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  15911. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  15912. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  15913. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  15914. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  15915. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  15916. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  15917. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  15918. : HavingValid extends False
  15919. ? {
  15920. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  15921. ? never
  15922. : P extends string
  15923. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  15924. : [
  15925. Error,
  15926. 'Field ',
  15927. P,
  15928. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  15929. ]
  15930. }[HavingFields]
  15931. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  15932. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  15933. ? ByValid extends True
  15934. ? {}
  15935. : {
  15936. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  15937. ? never
  15938. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  15939. }[OrderFields]
  15940. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  15941. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  15942. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  15943. ? ByValid extends True
  15944. ? {}
  15945. : {
  15946. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  15947. ? never
  15948. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  15949. }[OrderFields]
  15950. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  15951. : ByValid extends True
  15952. ? {}
  15953. : {
  15954. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  15955. ? never
  15956. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  15957. }[OrderFields]
  15958. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, muti_agent_listGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetMuti_agent_listGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  15959. /**
  15960. * Fields of the muti_agent_list model
  15961. */
  15962. readonly fields: muti_agent_listFieldRefs;
  15963. }
  15964. /**
  15965. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for muti_agent_list.
  15966. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  15967. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  15968. *
  15969. */
  15970. export interface Prisma__muti_agent_listClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  15971. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  15972. /**
  15973. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  15974. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  15975. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  15976. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  15977. */
  15978. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  15979. /**
  15980. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  15981. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  15982. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  15983. */
  15984. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  15985. /**
  15986. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  15987. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  15988. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  15989. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  15990. */
  15991. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  15992. }
  15993. /**
  15994. * Fields of the muti_agent_list model
  15995. */
  15996. interface muti_agent_listFieldRefs {
  15997. readonly id: FieldRef<"muti_agent_list", 'String'>
  15998. readonly userid: FieldRef<"muti_agent_list", 'String'>
  15999. readonly username: FieldRef<"muti_agent_list", 'String'>
  16000. readonly muti_name: FieldRef<"muti_agent_list", 'String'>
  16001. readonly description: FieldRef<"muti_agent_list", 'String'>
  16002. readonly isPublish: FieldRef<"muti_agent_list", 'Boolean'>
  16003. readonly organizeid: FieldRef<"muti_agent_list", 'String'>
  16004. readonly content: FieldRef<"muti_agent_list", 'String'>
  16005. readonly create_time: FieldRef<"muti_agent_list", 'DateTime'>
  16006. readonly knowledge_construction: FieldRef<"muti_agent_list", 'Int'>
  16007. }
  16008. // Custom InputTypes
  16009. /**
  16010. * muti_agent_list findUnique
  16011. */
  16012. export type muti_agent_listFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16013. /**
  16014. * Select specific fields to fetch from the muti_agent_list
  16015. */
  16016. select?: muti_agent_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16017. /**
  16018. * Filter, which muti_agent_list to fetch.
  16019. */
  16020. where: muti_agent_listWhereUniqueInput
  16021. }
  16022. /**
  16023. * muti_agent_list findUniqueOrThrow
  16024. */
  16025. export type muti_agent_listFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16026. /**
  16027. * Select specific fields to fetch from the muti_agent_list
  16028. */
  16029. select?: muti_agent_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16030. /**
  16031. * Filter, which muti_agent_list to fetch.
  16032. */
  16033. where: muti_agent_listWhereUniqueInput
  16034. }
  16035. /**
  16036. * muti_agent_list findFirst
  16037. */
  16038. export type muti_agent_listFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16039. /**
  16040. * Select specific fields to fetch from the muti_agent_list
  16041. */
  16042. select?: muti_agent_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16043. /**
  16044. * Filter, which muti_agent_list to fetch.
  16045. */
  16046. where?: muti_agent_listWhereInput
  16047. /**
  16048. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  16049. *
  16050. * Determine the order of muti_agent_lists to fetch.
  16051. */
  16052. orderBy?: muti_agent_listOrderByWithRelationInput | muti_agent_listOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  16053. /**
  16054. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  16055. *
  16056. * Sets the position for searching for muti_agent_lists.
  16057. */
  16058. cursor?: muti_agent_listWhereUniqueInput
  16059. /**
  16060. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16061. *
  16062. * Take `±n` muti_agent_lists from the position of the cursor.
  16063. */
  16064. take?: number
  16065. /**
  16066. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16067. *
  16068. * Skip the first `n` muti_agent_lists.
  16069. */
  16070. skip?: number
  16071. /**
  16072. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  16073. *
  16074. * Filter by unique combinations of muti_agent_lists.
  16075. */
  16076. distinct?: Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum | Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum[]
  16077. }
  16078. /**
  16079. * muti_agent_list findFirstOrThrow
  16080. */
  16081. export type muti_agent_listFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16082. /**
  16083. * Select specific fields to fetch from the muti_agent_list
  16084. */
  16085. select?: muti_agent_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16086. /**
  16087. * Filter, which muti_agent_list to fetch.
  16088. */
  16089. where?: muti_agent_listWhereInput
  16090. /**
  16091. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  16092. *
  16093. * Determine the order of muti_agent_lists to fetch.
  16094. */
  16095. orderBy?: muti_agent_listOrderByWithRelationInput | muti_agent_listOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  16096. /**
  16097. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  16098. *
  16099. * Sets the position for searching for muti_agent_lists.
  16100. */
  16101. cursor?: muti_agent_listWhereUniqueInput
  16102. /**
  16103. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16104. *
  16105. * Take `±n` muti_agent_lists from the position of the cursor.
  16106. */
  16107. take?: number
  16108. /**
  16109. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16110. *
  16111. * Skip the first `n` muti_agent_lists.
  16112. */
  16113. skip?: number
  16114. /**
  16115. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  16116. *
  16117. * Filter by unique combinations of muti_agent_lists.
  16118. */
  16119. distinct?: Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum | Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum[]
  16120. }
  16121. /**
  16122. * muti_agent_list findMany
  16123. */
  16124. export type muti_agent_listFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16125. /**
  16126. * Select specific fields to fetch from the muti_agent_list
  16127. */
  16128. select?: muti_agent_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16129. /**
  16130. * Filter, which muti_agent_lists to fetch.
  16131. */
  16132. where?: muti_agent_listWhereInput
  16133. /**
  16134. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  16135. *
  16136. * Determine the order of muti_agent_lists to fetch.
  16137. */
  16138. orderBy?: muti_agent_listOrderByWithRelationInput | muti_agent_listOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  16139. /**
  16140. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  16141. *
  16142. * Sets the position for listing muti_agent_lists.
  16143. */
  16144. cursor?: muti_agent_listWhereUniqueInput
  16145. /**
  16146. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16147. *
  16148. * Take `±n` muti_agent_lists from the position of the cursor.
  16149. */
  16150. take?: number
  16151. /**
  16152. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16153. *
  16154. * Skip the first `n` muti_agent_lists.
  16155. */
  16156. skip?: number
  16157. distinct?: Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum | Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum[]
  16158. }
  16159. /**
  16160. * muti_agent_list create
  16161. */
  16162. export type muti_agent_listCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16163. /**
  16164. * Select specific fields to fetch from the muti_agent_list
  16165. */
  16166. select?: muti_agent_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16167. /**
  16168. * The data needed to create a muti_agent_list.
  16169. */
  16170. data: XOR<muti_agent_listCreateInput, muti_agent_listUncheckedCreateInput>
  16171. }
  16172. /**
  16173. * muti_agent_list createMany
  16174. */
  16175. export type muti_agent_listCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16176. /**
  16177. * The data used to create many muti_agent_lists.
  16178. */
  16179. data: muti_agent_listCreateManyInput | muti_agent_listCreateManyInput[]
  16180. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  16181. }
  16182. /**
  16183. * muti_agent_list update
  16184. */
  16185. export type muti_agent_listUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16186. /**
  16187. * Select specific fields to fetch from the muti_agent_list
  16188. */
  16189. select?: muti_agent_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16190. /**
  16191. * The data needed to update a muti_agent_list.
  16192. */
  16193. data: XOR<muti_agent_listUpdateInput, muti_agent_listUncheckedUpdateInput>
  16194. /**
  16195. * Choose, which muti_agent_list to update.
  16196. */
  16197. where: muti_agent_listWhereUniqueInput
  16198. }
  16199. /**
  16200. * muti_agent_list updateMany
  16201. */
  16202. export type muti_agent_listUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16203. /**
  16204. * The data used to update muti_agent_lists.
  16205. */
  16206. data: XOR<muti_agent_listUpdateManyMutationInput, muti_agent_listUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  16207. /**
  16208. * Filter which muti_agent_lists to update
  16209. */
  16210. where?: muti_agent_listWhereInput
  16211. }
  16212. /**
  16213. * muti_agent_list upsert
  16214. */
  16215. export type muti_agent_listUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16216. /**
  16217. * Select specific fields to fetch from the muti_agent_list
  16218. */
  16219. select?: muti_agent_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16220. /**
  16221. * The filter to search for the muti_agent_list to update in case it exists.
  16222. */
  16223. where: muti_agent_listWhereUniqueInput
  16224. /**
  16225. * In case the muti_agent_list found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new muti_agent_list with this data.
  16226. */
  16227. create: XOR<muti_agent_listCreateInput, muti_agent_listUncheckedCreateInput>
  16228. /**
  16229. * In case the muti_agent_list was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  16230. */
  16231. update: XOR<muti_agent_listUpdateInput, muti_agent_listUncheckedUpdateInput>
  16232. }
  16233. /**
  16234. * muti_agent_list delete
  16235. */
  16236. export type muti_agent_listDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16237. /**
  16238. * Select specific fields to fetch from the muti_agent_list
  16239. */
  16240. select?: muti_agent_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16241. /**
  16242. * Filter which muti_agent_list to delete.
  16243. */
  16244. where: muti_agent_listWhereUniqueInput
  16245. }
  16246. /**
  16247. * muti_agent_list deleteMany
  16248. */
  16249. export type muti_agent_listDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16250. /**
  16251. * Filter which muti_agent_lists to delete
  16252. */
  16253. where?: muti_agent_listWhereInput
  16254. }
  16255. /**
  16256. * muti_agent_list without action
  16257. */
  16258. export type muti_agent_listDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16259. /**
  16260. * Select specific fields to fetch from the muti_agent_list
  16261. */
  16262. select?: muti_agent_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16263. }
  16264. /**
  16265. * Model park_chat_file_list
  16266. */
  16267. export type AggregatePark_chat_file_list = {
  16268. _count: Park_chat_file_listCountAggregateOutputType | null
  16269. _min: Park_chat_file_listMinAggregateOutputType | null
  16270. _max: Park_chat_file_listMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  16271. }
  16272. export type Park_chat_file_listMinAggregateOutputType = {
  16273. id: string | null
  16274. user_id: string | null
  16275. file_names: string | null
  16276. file_ids: string | null
  16277. create_time: Date | null
  16278. file_urls: string | null
  16279. }
  16280. export type Park_chat_file_listMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  16281. id: string | null
  16282. user_id: string | null
  16283. file_names: string | null
  16284. file_ids: string | null
  16285. create_time: Date | null
  16286. file_urls: string | null
  16287. }
  16288. export type Park_chat_file_listCountAggregateOutputType = {
  16289. id: number
  16290. user_id: number
  16291. file_names: number
  16292. file_ids: number
  16293. create_time: number
  16294. file_urls: number
  16295. _all: number
  16296. }
  16297. export type Park_chat_file_listMinAggregateInputType = {
  16298. id?: true
  16299. user_id?: true
  16300. file_names?: true
  16301. file_ids?: true
  16302. create_time?: true
  16303. file_urls?: true
  16304. }
  16305. export type Park_chat_file_listMaxAggregateInputType = {
  16306. id?: true
  16307. user_id?: true
  16308. file_names?: true
  16309. file_ids?: true
  16310. create_time?: true
  16311. file_urls?: true
  16312. }
  16313. export type Park_chat_file_listCountAggregateInputType = {
  16314. id?: true
  16315. user_id?: true
  16316. file_names?: true
  16317. file_ids?: true
  16318. create_time?: true
  16319. file_urls?: true
  16320. _all?: true
  16321. }
  16322. export type Park_chat_file_listAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16323. /**
  16324. * Filter which park_chat_file_list to aggregate.
  16325. */
  16326. where?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput
  16327. /**
  16328. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  16329. *
  16330. * Determine the order of park_chat_file_lists to fetch.
  16331. */
  16332. orderBy?: park_chat_file_listOrderByWithRelationInput | park_chat_file_listOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  16333. /**
  16334. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  16335. *
  16336. * Sets the start position
  16337. */
  16338. cursor?: park_chat_file_listWhereUniqueInput
  16339. /**
  16340. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16341. *
  16342. * Take `±n` park_chat_file_lists from the position of the cursor.
  16343. */
  16344. take?: number
  16345. /**
  16346. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16347. *
  16348. * Skip the first `n` park_chat_file_lists.
  16349. */
  16350. skip?: number
  16351. /**
  16352. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  16353. *
  16354. * Count returned park_chat_file_lists
  16355. **/
  16356. _count?: true | Park_chat_file_listCountAggregateInputType
  16357. /**
  16358. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  16359. *
  16360. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  16361. **/
  16362. _min?: Park_chat_file_listMinAggregateInputType
  16363. /**
  16364. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  16365. *
  16366. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  16367. **/
  16368. _max?: Park_chat_file_listMaxAggregateInputType
  16369. }
  16370. export type GetPark_chat_file_listAggregateType<T extends Park_chat_file_listAggregateArgs> = {
  16371. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregatePark_chat_file_list]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  16372. ? T[P] extends true
  16373. ? number
  16374. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregatePark_chat_file_list[P]>
  16375. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregatePark_chat_file_list[P]>
  16376. }
  16377. export type park_chat_file_listGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16378. where?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput
  16379. orderBy?: park_chat_file_listOrderByWithAggregationInput | park_chat_file_listOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  16380. by: Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum[] | Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum
  16381. having?: park_chat_file_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  16382. take?: number
  16383. skip?: number
  16384. _count?: Park_chat_file_listCountAggregateInputType | true
  16385. _min?: Park_chat_file_listMinAggregateInputType
  16386. _max?: Park_chat_file_listMaxAggregateInputType
  16387. }
  16388. export type Park_chat_file_listGroupByOutputType = {
  16389. id: string
  16390. user_id: string | null
  16391. file_names: string
  16392. file_ids: string
  16393. create_time: Date | null
  16394. file_urls: string | null
  16395. _count: Park_chat_file_listCountAggregateOutputType | null
  16396. _min: Park_chat_file_listMinAggregateOutputType | null
  16397. _max: Park_chat_file_listMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  16398. }
  16399. type GetPark_chat_file_listGroupByPayload<T extends park_chat_file_listGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  16400. Array<
  16401. PickEnumerable<Park_chat_file_listGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  16402. {
  16403. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof Park_chat_file_listGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  16404. ? T[P] extends boolean
  16405. ? number
  16406. : GetScalarType<T[P], Park_chat_file_listGroupByOutputType[P]>
  16407. : GetScalarType<T[P], Park_chat_file_listGroupByOutputType[P]>
  16408. }
  16409. >
  16410. >
  16411. export type park_chat_file_listSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  16412. id?: boolean
  16413. user_id?: boolean
  16414. file_names?: boolean
  16415. file_ids?: boolean
  16416. create_time?: boolean
  16417. file_urls?: boolean
  16418. }, ExtArgs["result"]["park_chat_file_list"]>
  16419. export type park_chat_file_listSelectScalar = {
  16420. id?: boolean
  16421. user_id?: boolean
  16422. file_names?: boolean
  16423. file_ids?: boolean
  16424. create_time?: boolean
  16425. file_urls?: boolean
  16426. }
  16427. export type $park_chat_file_listPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16428. name: "park_chat_file_list"
  16429. objects: {}
  16430. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  16431. id: string
  16432. user_id: string | null
  16433. file_names: string
  16434. file_ids: string
  16435. create_time: Date | null
  16436. file_urls: string | null
  16437. }, ExtArgs["result"]["park_chat_file_list"]>
  16438. composites: {}
  16439. }
  16440. type park_chat_file_listGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | park_chat_file_listDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload, S>
  16441. type park_chat_file_listCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  16442. Omit<park_chat_file_listFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  16443. select?: Park_chat_file_listCountAggregateInputType | true
  16444. }
  16445. export interface park_chat_file_listDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  16446. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['park_chat_file_list'], meta: { name: 'park_chat_file_list' } }
  16447. /**
  16448. * Find zero or one Park_chat_file_list that matches the filter.
  16449. * @param {park_chat_file_listFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Park_chat_file_list
  16450. * @example
  16451. * // Get one Park_chat_file_list
  16452. * const park_chat_file_list = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.findUnique({
  16453. * where: {
  16454. * // ... provide filter here
  16455. * }
  16456. * })
  16457. */
  16458. findUnique<T extends park_chat_file_listFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__park_chat_file_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  16459. /**
  16460. * Find one Park_chat_file_list that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  16461. * if no matches were found.
  16462. * @param {park_chat_file_listFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Park_chat_file_list
  16463. * @example
  16464. * // Get one Park_chat_file_list
  16465. * const park_chat_file_list = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.findUniqueOrThrow({
  16466. * where: {
  16467. * // ... provide filter here
  16468. * }
  16469. * })
  16470. */
  16471. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends park_chat_file_listFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__park_chat_file_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  16472. /**
  16473. * Find the first Park_chat_file_list that matches the filter.
  16474. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  16475. * Read more here:
  16476. * @param {park_chat_file_listFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Park_chat_file_list
  16477. * @example
  16478. * // Get one Park_chat_file_list
  16479. * const park_chat_file_list = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.findFirst({
  16480. * where: {
  16481. * // ... provide filter here
  16482. * }
  16483. * })
  16484. */
  16485. findFirst<T extends park_chat_file_listFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__park_chat_file_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  16486. /**
  16487. * Find the first Park_chat_file_list that matches the filter or
  16488. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  16489. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  16490. * Read more here:
  16491. * @param {park_chat_file_listFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Park_chat_file_list
  16492. * @example
  16493. * // Get one Park_chat_file_list
  16494. * const park_chat_file_list = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.findFirstOrThrow({
  16495. * where: {
  16496. * // ... provide filter here
  16497. * }
  16498. * })
  16499. */
  16500. findFirstOrThrow<T extends park_chat_file_listFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__park_chat_file_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  16501. /**
  16502. * Find zero or more Park_chat_file_lists that matches the filter.
  16503. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  16504. * Read more here:
  16505. * @param {park_chat_file_listFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  16506. * @example
  16507. * // Get all Park_chat_file_lists
  16508. * const park_chat_file_lists = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.findMany()
  16509. *
  16510. * // Get first 10 Park_chat_file_lists
  16511. * const park_chat_file_lists = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.findMany({ take: 10 })
  16512. *
  16513. * // Only select the `id`
  16514. * const park_chat_file_listWithIdOnly = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  16515. *
  16516. */
  16517. findMany<T extends park_chat_file_listFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  16518. /**
  16519. * Create a Park_chat_file_list.
  16520. * @param {park_chat_file_listCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Park_chat_file_list.
  16521. * @example
  16522. * // Create one Park_chat_file_list
  16523. * const Park_chat_file_list = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.create({
  16524. * data: {
  16525. * // ... data to create a Park_chat_file_list
  16526. * }
  16527. * })
  16528. *
  16529. */
  16530. create<T extends park_chat_file_listCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__park_chat_file_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  16531. /**
  16532. * Create many Park_chat_file_lists.
  16533. * @param {park_chat_file_listCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Park_chat_file_lists.
  16534. * @example
  16535. * // Create many Park_chat_file_lists
  16536. * const park_chat_file_list = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.createMany({
  16537. * data: [
  16538. * // ... provide data here
  16539. * ]
  16540. * })
  16541. *
  16542. */
  16543. createMany<T extends park_chat_file_listCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  16544. /**
  16545. * Delete a Park_chat_file_list.
  16546. * @param {park_chat_file_listDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Park_chat_file_list.
  16547. * @example
  16548. * // Delete one Park_chat_file_list
  16549. * const Park_chat_file_list = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.delete({
  16550. * where: {
  16551. * // ... filter to delete one Park_chat_file_list
  16552. * }
  16553. * })
  16554. *
  16555. */
  16556. delete<T extends park_chat_file_listDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__park_chat_file_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  16557. /**
  16558. * Update one Park_chat_file_list.
  16559. * @param {park_chat_file_listUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Park_chat_file_list.
  16560. * @example
  16561. * // Update one Park_chat_file_list
  16562. * const park_chat_file_list = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.update({
  16563. * where: {
  16564. * // ... provide filter here
  16565. * },
  16566. * data: {
  16567. * // ... provide data here
  16568. * }
  16569. * })
  16570. *
  16571. */
  16572. update<T extends park_chat_file_listUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__park_chat_file_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  16573. /**
  16574. * Delete zero or more Park_chat_file_lists.
  16575. * @param {park_chat_file_listDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Park_chat_file_lists to delete.
  16576. * @example
  16577. * // Delete a few Park_chat_file_lists
  16578. * const { count } = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.deleteMany({
  16579. * where: {
  16580. * // ... provide filter here
  16581. * }
  16582. * })
  16583. *
  16584. */
  16585. deleteMany<T extends park_chat_file_listDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  16586. /**
  16587. * Update zero or more Park_chat_file_lists.
  16588. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  16589. * Read more here:
  16590. * @param {park_chat_file_listUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  16591. * @example
  16592. * // Update many Park_chat_file_lists
  16593. * const park_chat_file_list = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.updateMany({
  16594. * where: {
  16595. * // ... provide filter here
  16596. * },
  16597. * data: {
  16598. * // ... provide data here
  16599. * }
  16600. * })
  16601. *
  16602. */
  16603. updateMany<T extends park_chat_file_listUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  16604. /**
  16605. * Create or update one Park_chat_file_list.
  16606. * @param {park_chat_file_listUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Park_chat_file_list.
  16607. * @example
  16608. * // Update or create a Park_chat_file_list
  16609. * const park_chat_file_list = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.upsert({
  16610. * create: {
  16611. * // ... data to create a Park_chat_file_list
  16612. * },
  16613. * update: {
  16614. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  16615. * },
  16616. * where: {
  16617. * // ... the filter for the Park_chat_file_list we want to update
  16618. * }
  16619. * })
  16620. */
  16621. upsert<T extends park_chat_file_listUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, park_chat_file_listUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__park_chat_file_listClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$park_chat_file_listPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  16622. /**
  16623. * Count the number of Park_chat_file_lists.
  16624. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  16625. * Read more here:
  16626. * @param {park_chat_file_listCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Park_chat_file_lists to count.
  16627. * @example
  16628. * // Count the number of Park_chat_file_lists
  16629. * const count = await prisma.park_chat_file_list.count({
  16630. * where: {
  16631. * // ... the filter for the Park_chat_file_lists we want to count
  16632. * }
  16633. * })
  16634. **/
  16635. count<T extends park_chat_file_listCountArgs>(
  16636. args?: Subset<T, park_chat_file_listCountArgs>,
  16637. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  16638. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  16639. ? T['select'] extends true
  16640. ? number
  16641. : GetScalarType<T['select'], Park_chat_file_listCountAggregateOutputType>
  16642. : number
  16643. >
  16644. /**
  16645. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Park_chat_file_list.
  16646. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  16647. * Read more here:
  16648. * @param {Park_chat_file_listAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  16649. * @example
  16650. * // Ordered by age ascending
  16651. * // Where email contains
  16652. * // Limited to the 10 users
  16653. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  16654. * _avg: {
  16655. * age: true,
  16656. * },
  16657. * where: {
  16658. * email: {
  16659. * contains: "",
  16660. * },
  16661. * },
  16662. * orderBy: {
  16663. * age: "asc",
  16664. * },
  16665. * take: 10,
  16666. * })
  16667. **/
  16668. aggregate<T extends Park_chat_file_listAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, Park_chat_file_listAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetPark_chat_file_listAggregateType<T>>
  16669. /**
  16670. * Group by Park_chat_file_list.
  16671. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  16672. * Read more here:
  16673. * @param {park_chat_file_listGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  16674. * @example
  16675. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  16676. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  16677. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  16678. * orderBy: {
  16679. * createdAt: true
  16680. * },
  16681. * _count: {
  16682. * _all: true
  16683. * },
  16684. * })
  16685. *
  16686. **/
  16687. groupBy<
  16688. T extends park_chat_file_listGroupByArgs,
  16689. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  16690. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  16691. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  16692. >,
  16693. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  16694. ? { orderBy: park_chat_file_listGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  16695. : { orderBy?: park_chat_file_listGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  16696. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  16697. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  16698. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  16699. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  16700. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  16701. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  16702. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  16703. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  16704. : HavingValid extends False
  16705. ? {
  16706. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  16707. ? never
  16708. : P extends string
  16709. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  16710. : [
  16711. Error,
  16712. 'Field ',
  16713. P,
  16714. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  16715. ]
  16716. }[HavingFields]
  16717. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  16718. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  16719. ? ByValid extends True
  16720. ? {}
  16721. : {
  16722. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  16723. ? never
  16724. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  16725. }[OrderFields]
  16726. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  16727. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  16728. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  16729. ? ByValid extends True
  16730. ? {}
  16731. : {
  16732. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  16733. ? never
  16734. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  16735. }[OrderFields]
  16736. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  16737. : ByValid extends True
  16738. ? {}
  16739. : {
  16740. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  16741. ? never
  16742. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  16743. }[OrderFields]
  16744. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, park_chat_file_listGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetPark_chat_file_listGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  16745. /**
  16746. * Fields of the park_chat_file_list model
  16747. */
  16748. readonly fields: park_chat_file_listFieldRefs;
  16749. }
  16750. /**
  16751. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for park_chat_file_list.
  16752. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  16753. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  16754. *
  16755. */
  16756. export interface Prisma__park_chat_file_listClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  16757. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  16758. /**
  16759. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  16760. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  16761. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  16762. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  16763. */
  16764. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  16765. /**
  16766. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  16767. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  16768. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  16769. */
  16770. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  16771. /**
  16772. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  16773. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  16774. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  16775. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  16776. */
  16777. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  16778. }
  16779. /**
  16780. * Fields of the park_chat_file_list model
  16781. */
  16782. interface park_chat_file_listFieldRefs {
  16783. readonly id: FieldRef<"park_chat_file_list", 'String'>
  16784. readonly user_id: FieldRef<"park_chat_file_list", 'String'>
  16785. readonly file_names: FieldRef<"park_chat_file_list", 'String'>
  16786. readonly file_ids: FieldRef<"park_chat_file_list", 'String'>
  16787. readonly create_time: FieldRef<"park_chat_file_list", 'DateTime'>
  16788. readonly file_urls: FieldRef<"park_chat_file_list", 'String'>
  16789. }
  16790. // Custom InputTypes
  16791. /**
  16792. * park_chat_file_list findUnique
  16793. */
  16794. export type park_chat_file_listFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16795. /**
  16796. * Select specific fields to fetch from the park_chat_file_list
  16797. */
  16798. select?: park_chat_file_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16799. /**
  16800. * Filter, which park_chat_file_list to fetch.
  16801. */
  16802. where: park_chat_file_listWhereUniqueInput
  16803. }
  16804. /**
  16805. * park_chat_file_list findUniqueOrThrow
  16806. */
  16807. export type park_chat_file_listFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16808. /**
  16809. * Select specific fields to fetch from the park_chat_file_list
  16810. */
  16811. select?: park_chat_file_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16812. /**
  16813. * Filter, which park_chat_file_list to fetch.
  16814. */
  16815. where: park_chat_file_listWhereUniqueInput
  16816. }
  16817. /**
  16818. * park_chat_file_list findFirst
  16819. */
  16820. export type park_chat_file_listFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16821. /**
  16822. * Select specific fields to fetch from the park_chat_file_list
  16823. */
  16824. select?: park_chat_file_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16825. /**
  16826. * Filter, which park_chat_file_list to fetch.
  16827. */
  16828. where?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput
  16829. /**
  16830. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  16831. *
  16832. * Determine the order of park_chat_file_lists to fetch.
  16833. */
  16834. orderBy?: park_chat_file_listOrderByWithRelationInput | park_chat_file_listOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  16835. /**
  16836. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  16837. *
  16838. * Sets the position for searching for park_chat_file_lists.
  16839. */
  16840. cursor?: park_chat_file_listWhereUniqueInput
  16841. /**
  16842. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16843. *
  16844. * Take `±n` park_chat_file_lists from the position of the cursor.
  16845. */
  16846. take?: number
  16847. /**
  16848. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16849. *
  16850. * Skip the first `n` park_chat_file_lists.
  16851. */
  16852. skip?: number
  16853. /**
  16854. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  16855. *
  16856. * Filter by unique combinations of park_chat_file_lists.
  16857. */
  16858. distinct?: Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum | Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum[]
  16859. }
  16860. /**
  16861. * park_chat_file_list findFirstOrThrow
  16862. */
  16863. export type park_chat_file_listFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16864. /**
  16865. * Select specific fields to fetch from the park_chat_file_list
  16866. */
  16867. select?: park_chat_file_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16868. /**
  16869. * Filter, which park_chat_file_list to fetch.
  16870. */
  16871. where?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput
  16872. /**
  16873. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  16874. *
  16875. * Determine the order of park_chat_file_lists to fetch.
  16876. */
  16877. orderBy?: park_chat_file_listOrderByWithRelationInput | park_chat_file_listOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  16878. /**
  16879. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  16880. *
  16881. * Sets the position for searching for park_chat_file_lists.
  16882. */
  16883. cursor?: park_chat_file_listWhereUniqueInput
  16884. /**
  16885. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16886. *
  16887. * Take `±n` park_chat_file_lists from the position of the cursor.
  16888. */
  16889. take?: number
  16890. /**
  16891. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16892. *
  16893. * Skip the first `n` park_chat_file_lists.
  16894. */
  16895. skip?: number
  16896. /**
  16897. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  16898. *
  16899. * Filter by unique combinations of park_chat_file_lists.
  16900. */
  16901. distinct?: Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum | Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum[]
  16902. }
  16903. /**
  16904. * park_chat_file_list findMany
  16905. */
  16906. export type park_chat_file_listFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16907. /**
  16908. * Select specific fields to fetch from the park_chat_file_list
  16909. */
  16910. select?: park_chat_file_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16911. /**
  16912. * Filter, which park_chat_file_lists to fetch.
  16913. */
  16914. where?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput
  16915. /**
  16916. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  16917. *
  16918. * Determine the order of park_chat_file_lists to fetch.
  16919. */
  16920. orderBy?: park_chat_file_listOrderByWithRelationInput | park_chat_file_listOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  16921. /**
  16922. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  16923. *
  16924. * Sets the position for listing park_chat_file_lists.
  16925. */
  16926. cursor?: park_chat_file_listWhereUniqueInput
  16927. /**
  16928. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16929. *
  16930. * Take `±n` park_chat_file_lists from the position of the cursor.
  16931. */
  16932. take?: number
  16933. /**
  16934. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  16935. *
  16936. * Skip the first `n` park_chat_file_lists.
  16937. */
  16938. skip?: number
  16939. distinct?: Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum | Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum[]
  16940. }
  16941. /**
  16942. * park_chat_file_list create
  16943. */
  16944. export type park_chat_file_listCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16945. /**
  16946. * Select specific fields to fetch from the park_chat_file_list
  16947. */
  16948. select?: park_chat_file_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16949. /**
  16950. * The data needed to create a park_chat_file_list.
  16951. */
  16952. data: XOR<park_chat_file_listCreateInput, park_chat_file_listUncheckedCreateInput>
  16953. }
  16954. /**
  16955. * park_chat_file_list createMany
  16956. */
  16957. export type park_chat_file_listCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16958. /**
  16959. * The data used to create many park_chat_file_lists.
  16960. */
  16961. data: park_chat_file_listCreateManyInput | park_chat_file_listCreateManyInput[]
  16962. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  16963. }
  16964. /**
  16965. * park_chat_file_list update
  16966. */
  16967. export type park_chat_file_listUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16968. /**
  16969. * Select specific fields to fetch from the park_chat_file_list
  16970. */
  16971. select?: park_chat_file_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  16972. /**
  16973. * The data needed to update a park_chat_file_list.
  16974. */
  16975. data: XOR<park_chat_file_listUpdateInput, park_chat_file_listUncheckedUpdateInput>
  16976. /**
  16977. * Choose, which park_chat_file_list to update.
  16978. */
  16979. where: park_chat_file_listWhereUniqueInput
  16980. }
  16981. /**
  16982. * park_chat_file_list updateMany
  16983. */
  16984. export type park_chat_file_listUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16985. /**
  16986. * The data used to update park_chat_file_lists.
  16987. */
  16988. data: XOR<park_chat_file_listUpdateManyMutationInput, park_chat_file_listUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  16989. /**
  16990. * Filter which park_chat_file_lists to update
  16991. */
  16992. where?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput
  16993. }
  16994. /**
  16995. * park_chat_file_list upsert
  16996. */
  16997. export type park_chat_file_listUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  16998. /**
  16999. * Select specific fields to fetch from the park_chat_file_list
  17000. */
  17001. select?: park_chat_file_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17002. /**
  17003. * The filter to search for the park_chat_file_list to update in case it exists.
  17004. */
  17005. where: park_chat_file_listWhereUniqueInput
  17006. /**
  17007. * In case the park_chat_file_list found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new park_chat_file_list with this data.
  17008. */
  17009. create: XOR<park_chat_file_listCreateInput, park_chat_file_listUncheckedCreateInput>
  17010. /**
  17011. * In case the park_chat_file_list was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  17012. */
  17013. update: XOR<park_chat_file_listUpdateInput, park_chat_file_listUncheckedUpdateInput>
  17014. }
  17015. /**
  17016. * park_chat_file_list delete
  17017. */
  17018. export type park_chat_file_listDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17019. /**
  17020. * Select specific fields to fetch from the park_chat_file_list
  17021. */
  17022. select?: park_chat_file_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17023. /**
  17024. * Filter which park_chat_file_list to delete.
  17025. */
  17026. where: park_chat_file_listWhereUniqueInput
  17027. }
  17028. /**
  17029. * park_chat_file_list deleteMany
  17030. */
  17031. export type park_chat_file_listDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17032. /**
  17033. * Filter which park_chat_file_lists to delete
  17034. */
  17035. where?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput
  17036. }
  17037. /**
  17038. * park_chat_file_list without action
  17039. */
  17040. export type park_chat_file_listDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17041. /**
  17042. * Select specific fields to fetch from the park_chat_file_list
  17043. */
  17044. select?: park_chat_file_listSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17045. }
  17046. /**
  17047. * Model token
  17048. */
  17049. export type AggregateToken = {
  17050. _count: TokenCountAggregateOutputType | null
  17051. _min: TokenMinAggregateOutputType | null
  17052. _max: TokenMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  17053. }
  17054. export type TokenMinAggregateOutputType = {
  17055. id: string | null
  17056. schoolId: string | null
  17057. key: string | null
  17058. createUsername: string | null
  17059. createtime: Date | null
  17060. }
  17061. export type TokenMaxAggregateOutputType = {
  17062. id: string | null
  17063. schoolId: string | null
  17064. key: string | null
  17065. createUsername: string | null
  17066. createtime: Date | null
  17067. }
  17068. export type TokenCountAggregateOutputType = {
  17069. id: number
  17070. schoolId: number
  17071. key: number
  17072. createUsername: number
  17073. createtime: number
  17074. _all: number
  17075. }
  17076. export type TokenMinAggregateInputType = {
  17077. id?: true
  17078. schoolId?: true
  17079. key?: true
  17080. createUsername?: true
  17081. createtime?: true
  17082. }
  17083. export type TokenMaxAggregateInputType = {
  17084. id?: true
  17085. schoolId?: true
  17086. key?: true
  17087. createUsername?: true
  17088. createtime?: true
  17089. }
  17090. export type TokenCountAggregateInputType = {
  17091. id?: true
  17092. schoolId?: true
  17093. key?: true
  17094. createUsername?: true
  17095. createtime?: true
  17096. _all?: true
  17097. }
  17098. export type TokenAggregateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17099. /**
  17100. * Filter which token to aggregate.
  17101. */
  17102. where?: tokenWhereInput
  17103. /**
  17104. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  17105. *
  17106. * Determine the order of tokens to fetch.
  17107. */
  17108. orderBy?: tokenOrderByWithRelationInput | tokenOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  17109. /**
  17110. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  17111. *
  17112. * Sets the start position
  17113. */
  17114. cursor?: tokenWhereUniqueInput
  17115. /**
  17116. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  17117. *
  17118. * Take `±n` tokens from the position of the cursor.
  17119. */
  17120. take?: number
  17121. /**
  17122. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  17123. *
  17124. * Skip the first `n` tokens.
  17125. */
  17126. skip?: number
  17127. /**
  17128. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  17129. *
  17130. * Count returned tokens
  17131. **/
  17132. _count?: true | TokenCountAggregateInputType
  17133. /**
  17134. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  17135. *
  17136. * Select which fields to find the minimum value
  17137. **/
  17138. _min?: TokenMinAggregateInputType
  17139. /**
  17140. * {@link Aggregation Docs}
  17141. *
  17142. * Select which fields to find the maximum value
  17143. **/
  17144. _max?: TokenMaxAggregateInputType
  17145. }
  17146. export type GetTokenAggregateType<T extends TokenAggregateArgs> = {
  17147. [P in keyof T & keyof AggregateToken]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
  17148. ? T[P] extends true
  17149. ? number
  17150. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateToken[P]>
  17151. : GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateToken[P]>
  17152. }
  17153. export type tokenGroupByArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17154. where?: tokenWhereInput
  17155. orderBy?: tokenOrderByWithAggregationInput | tokenOrderByWithAggregationInput[]
  17156. by: TokenScalarFieldEnum[] | TokenScalarFieldEnum
  17157. having?: tokenScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
  17158. take?: number
  17159. skip?: number
  17160. _count?: TokenCountAggregateInputType | true
  17161. _min?: TokenMinAggregateInputType
  17162. _max?: TokenMaxAggregateInputType
  17163. }
  17164. export type TokenGroupByOutputType = {
  17165. id: string
  17166. schoolId: string | null
  17167. key: string | null
  17168. createUsername: string | null
  17169. createtime: Date | null
  17170. _count: TokenCountAggregateOutputType | null
  17171. _min: TokenMinAggregateOutputType | null
  17172. _max: TokenMaxAggregateOutputType | null
  17173. }
  17174. type GetTokenGroupByPayload<T extends tokenGroupByArgs> = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  17175. Array<
  17176. PickEnumerable<TokenGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
  17177. {
  17178. [P in ((keyof T) & (keyof TokenGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
  17179. ? T[P] extends boolean
  17180. ? number
  17181. : GetScalarType<T[P], TokenGroupByOutputType[P]>
  17182. : GetScalarType<T[P], TokenGroupByOutputType[P]>
  17183. }
  17184. >
  17185. >
  17186. export type tokenSelect<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = $Extensions.GetSelect<{
  17187. id?: boolean
  17188. schoolId?: boolean
  17189. key?: boolean
  17190. createUsername?: boolean
  17191. createtime?: boolean
  17192. }, ExtArgs["result"]["token"]>
  17193. export type tokenSelectScalar = {
  17194. id?: boolean
  17195. schoolId?: boolean
  17196. key?: boolean
  17197. createUsername?: boolean
  17198. createtime?: boolean
  17199. }
  17200. export type $tokenPayload<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17201. name: "token"
  17202. objects: {}
  17203. scalars: $Extensions.GetPayloadResult<{
  17204. id: string
  17205. schoolId: string | null
  17206. key: string | null
  17207. createUsername: string | null
  17208. createtime: Date | null
  17209. }, ExtArgs["result"]["token"]>
  17210. composites: {}
  17211. }
  17212. type tokenGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | tokenDefaultArgs> = $Result.GetResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload, S>
  17213. type tokenCountArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> =
  17214. Omit<tokenFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include' | 'distinct'> & {
  17215. select?: TokenCountAggregateInputType | true
  17216. }
  17217. export interface tokenDelegate<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> {
  17218. [K: symbol]: { types: Prisma.TypeMap<ExtArgs>['model']['token'], meta: { name: 'token' } }
  17219. /**
  17220. * Find zero or one Token that matches the filter.
  17221. * @param {tokenFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a Token
  17222. * @example
  17223. * // Get one Token
  17224. * const token = await prisma.token.findUnique({
  17225. * where: {
  17226. * // ... provide filter here
  17227. * }
  17228. * })
  17229. */
  17230. findUnique<T extends tokenFindUniqueArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, tokenFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__tokenClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUnique"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  17231. /**
  17232. * Find one Token that matches the filter or throw an error with `error.code='P2025'`
  17233. * if no matches were found.
  17234. * @param {tokenFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Token
  17235. * @example
  17236. * // Get one Token
  17237. * const token = await prisma.token.findUniqueOrThrow({
  17238. * where: {
  17239. * // ... provide filter here
  17240. * }
  17241. * })
  17242. */
  17243. findUniqueOrThrow<T extends tokenFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, tokenFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__tokenClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findUniqueOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  17244. /**
  17245. * Find the first Token that matches the filter.
  17246. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  17247. * Read more here:
  17248. * @param {tokenFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a Token
  17249. * @example
  17250. * // Get one Token
  17251. * const token = await prisma.token.findFirst({
  17252. * where: {
  17253. * // ... provide filter here
  17254. * }
  17255. * })
  17256. */
  17257. findFirst<T extends tokenFindFirstArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, tokenFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__tokenClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirst"> | null, null, ExtArgs>
  17258. /**
  17259. * Find the first Token that matches the filter or
  17260. * throw `PrismaKnownClientError` with `P2025` code if no matches were found.
  17261. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  17262. * Read more here:
  17263. * @param {tokenFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a Token
  17264. * @example
  17265. * // Get one Token
  17266. * const token = await prisma.token.findFirstOrThrow({
  17267. * where: {
  17268. * // ... provide filter here
  17269. * }
  17270. * })
  17271. */
  17272. findFirstOrThrow<T extends tokenFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, tokenFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__tokenClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findFirstOrThrow">, never, ExtArgs>
  17273. /**
  17274. * Find zero or more Tokens that matches the filter.
  17275. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  17276. * Read more here:
  17277. * @param {tokenFindManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
  17278. * @example
  17279. * // Get all Tokens
  17280. * const tokens = await prisma.token.findMany()
  17281. *
  17282. * // Get first 10 Tokens
  17283. * const tokens = await prisma.token.findMany({ take: 10 })
  17284. *
  17285. * // Only select the `id`
  17286. * const tokenWithIdOnly = await prisma.token.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
  17287. *
  17288. */
  17289. findMany<T extends tokenFindManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, tokenFindManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "findMany">>
  17290. /**
  17291. * Create a Token.
  17292. * @param {tokenCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a Token.
  17293. * @example
  17294. * // Create one Token
  17295. * const Token = await prisma.token.create({
  17296. * data: {
  17297. * // ... data to create a Token
  17298. * }
  17299. * })
  17300. *
  17301. */
  17302. create<T extends tokenCreateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, tokenCreateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__tokenClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "create">, never, ExtArgs>
  17303. /**
  17304. * Create many Tokens.
  17305. * @param {tokenCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Tokens.
  17306. * @example
  17307. * // Create many Tokens
  17308. * const token = await prisma.token.createMany({
  17309. * data: [
  17310. * // ... provide data here
  17311. * ]
  17312. * })
  17313. *
  17314. */
  17315. createMany<T extends tokenCreateManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, tokenCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  17316. /**
  17317. * Delete a Token.
  17318. * @param {tokenDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one Token.
  17319. * @example
  17320. * // Delete one Token
  17321. * const Token = await prisma.token.delete({
  17322. * where: {
  17323. * // ... filter to delete one Token
  17324. * }
  17325. * })
  17326. *
  17327. */
  17328. delete<T extends tokenDeleteArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, tokenDeleteArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__tokenClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "delete">, never, ExtArgs>
  17329. /**
  17330. * Update one Token.
  17331. * @param {tokenUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one Token.
  17332. * @example
  17333. * // Update one Token
  17334. * const token = await prisma.token.update({
  17335. * where: {
  17336. * // ... provide filter here
  17337. * },
  17338. * data: {
  17339. * // ... provide data here
  17340. * }
  17341. * })
  17342. *
  17343. */
  17344. update<T extends tokenUpdateArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, tokenUpdateArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__tokenClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "update">, never, ExtArgs>
  17345. /**
  17346. * Delete zero or more Tokens.
  17347. * @param {tokenDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Tokens to delete.
  17348. * @example
  17349. * // Delete a few Tokens
  17350. * const { count } = await prisma.token.deleteMany({
  17351. * where: {
  17352. * // ... provide filter here
  17353. * }
  17354. * })
  17355. *
  17356. */
  17357. deleteMany<T extends tokenDeleteManyArgs>(args?: SelectSubset<T, tokenDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  17358. /**
  17359. * Update zero or more Tokens.
  17360. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  17361. * Read more here:
  17362. * @param {tokenUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
  17363. * @example
  17364. * // Update many Tokens
  17365. * const token = await prisma.token.updateMany({
  17366. * where: {
  17367. * // ... provide filter here
  17368. * },
  17369. * data: {
  17370. * // ... provide data here
  17371. * }
  17372. * })
  17373. *
  17374. */
  17375. updateMany<T extends tokenUpdateManyArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, tokenUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>
  17376. /**
  17377. * Create or update one Token.
  17378. * @param {tokenUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a Token.
  17379. * @example
  17380. * // Update or create a Token
  17381. * const token = await prisma.token.upsert({
  17382. * create: {
  17383. * // ... data to create a Token
  17384. * },
  17385. * update: {
  17386. * // ... in case it already exists, update
  17387. * },
  17388. * where: {
  17389. * // ... the filter for the Token we want to update
  17390. * }
  17391. * })
  17392. */
  17393. upsert<T extends tokenUpsertArgs>(args: SelectSubset<T, tokenUpsertArgs<ExtArgs>>): Prisma__tokenClient<$Result.GetResult<Prisma.$tokenPayload<ExtArgs>, T, "upsert">, never, ExtArgs>
  17394. /**
  17395. * Count the number of Tokens.
  17396. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  17397. * Read more here:
  17398. * @param {tokenCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Tokens to count.
  17399. * @example
  17400. * // Count the number of Tokens
  17401. * const count = await prisma.token.count({
  17402. * where: {
  17403. * // ... the filter for the Tokens we want to count
  17404. * }
  17405. * })
  17406. **/
  17407. count<T extends tokenCountArgs>(
  17408. args?: Subset<T, tokenCountArgs>,
  17409. ): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  17410. T extends $Utils.Record<'select', any>
  17411. ? T['select'] extends true
  17412. ? number
  17413. : GetScalarType<T['select'], TokenCountAggregateOutputType>
  17414. : number
  17415. >
  17416. /**
  17417. * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a Token.
  17418. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  17419. * Read more here:
  17420. * @param {TokenAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
  17421. * @example
  17422. * // Ordered by age ascending
  17423. * // Where email contains
  17424. * // Limited to the 10 users
  17425. * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
  17426. * _avg: {
  17427. * age: true,
  17428. * },
  17429. * where: {
  17430. * email: {
  17431. * contains: "",
  17432. * },
  17433. * },
  17434. * orderBy: {
  17435. * age: "asc",
  17436. * },
  17437. * take: 10,
  17438. * })
  17439. **/
  17440. aggregate<T extends TokenAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, TokenAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetTokenAggregateType<T>>
  17441. /**
  17442. * Group by Token.
  17443. * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
  17444. * Read more here:
  17445. * @param {tokenGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
  17446. * @example
  17447. * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
  17448. * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
  17449. * by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
  17450. * orderBy: {
  17451. * createdAt: true
  17452. * },
  17453. * _count: {
  17454. * _all: true
  17455. * },
  17456. * })
  17457. *
  17458. **/
  17459. groupBy<
  17460. T extends tokenGroupByArgs,
  17461. HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
  17462. Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
  17463. Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  17464. >,
  17465. OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
  17466. ? { orderBy: tokenGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
  17467. : { orderBy?: tokenGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  17468. OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  17469. ByFields extends MaybeTupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  17470. ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  17471. HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  17472. HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  17473. ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  17474. InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  17475. ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  17476. : HavingValid extends False
  17477. ? {
  17478. [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
  17479. ? never
  17480. : P extends string
  17481. ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
  17482. : [
  17483. Error,
  17484. 'Field ',
  17485. P,
  17486. ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  17487. ]
  17488. }[HavingFields]
  17489. : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  17490. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  17491. ? ByValid extends True
  17492. ? {}
  17493. : {
  17494. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  17495. ? never
  17496. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  17497. }[OrderFields]
  17498. : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  17499. : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  17500. ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
  17501. ? ByValid extends True
  17502. ? {}
  17503. : {
  17504. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  17505. ? never
  17506. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  17507. }[OrderFields]
  17508. : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  17509. : ByValid extends True
  17510. ? {}
  17511. : {
  17512. [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
  17513. ? never
  17514. : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
  17515. }[OrderFields]
  17516. >(args: SubsetIntersection<T, tokenGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetTokenGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>
  17517. /**
  17518. * Fields of the token model
  17519. */
  17520. readonly fields: tokenFieldRefs;
  17521. }
  17522. /**
  17523. * The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for token.
  17524. * Why is this prefixed with `Prisma__`?
  17525. * Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  17526. *
  17527. */
  17528. export interface Prisma__tokenClient<T, Null = never, ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> extends Prisma.PrismaPromise<T> {
  17529. readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PrismaPromise"
  17530. /**
  17531. * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
  17532. * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
  17533. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  17534. * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
  17535. */
  17536. then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<TResult1 | TResult2>
  17537. /**
  17538. * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
  17539. * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
  17540. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  17541. */
  17542. catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T | TResult>
  17543. /**
  17544. * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
  17545. * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
  17546. * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
  17547. * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
  17548. */
  17549. finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): $Utils.JsPromise<T>
  17550. }
  17551. /**
  17552. * Fields of the token model
  17553. */
  17554. interface tokenFieldRefs {
  17555. readonly id: FieldRef<"token", 'String'>
  17556. readonly schoolId: FieldRef<"token", 'String'>
  17557. readonly key: FieldRef<"token", 'String'>
  17558. readonly createUsername: FieldRef<"token", 'String'>
  17559. readonly createtime: FieldRef<"token", 'DateTime'>
  17560. }
  17561. // Custom InputTypes
  17562. /**
  17563. * token findUnique
  17564. */
  17565. export type tokenFindUniqueArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17566. /**
  17567. * Select specific fields to fetch from the token
  17568. */
  17569. select?: tokenSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17570. /**
  17571. * Filter, which token to fetch.
  17572. */
  17573. where: tokenWhereUniqueInput
  17574. }
  17575. /**
  17576. * token findUniqueOrThrow
  17577. */
  17578. export type tokenFindUniqueOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17579. /**
  17580. * Select specific fields to fetch from the token
  17581. */
  17582. select?: tokenSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17583. /**
  17584. * Filter, which token to fetch.
  17585. */
  17586. where: tokenWhereUniqueInput
  17587. }
  17588. /**
  17589. * token findFirst
  17590. */
  17591. export type tokenFindFirstArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17592. /**
  17593. * Select specific fields to fetch from the token
  17594. */
  17595. select?: tokenSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17596. /**
  17597. * Filter, which token to fetch.
  17598. */
  17599. where?: tokenWhereInput
  17600. /**
  17601. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  17602. *
  17603. * Determine the order of tokens to fetch.
  17604. */
  17605. orderBy?: tokenOrderByWithRelationInput | tokenOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  17606. /**
  17607. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  17608. *
  17609. * Sets the position for searching for tokens.
  17610. */
  17611. cursor?: tokenWhereUniqueInput
  17612. /**
  17613. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  17614. *
  17615. * Take `±n` tokens from the position of the cursor.
  17616. */
  17617. take?: number
  17618. /**
  17619. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  17620. *
  17621. * Skip the first `n` tokens.
  17622. */
  17623. skip?: number
  17624. /**
  17625. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  17626. *
  17627. * Filter by unique combinations of tokens.
  17628. */
  17629. distinct?: TokenScalarFieldEnum | TokenScalarFieldEnum[]
  17630. }
  17631. /**
  17632. * token findFirstOrThrow
  17633. */
  17634. export type tokenFindFirstOrThrowArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17635. /**
  17636. * Select specific fields to fetch from the token
  17637. */
  17638. select?: tokenSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17639. /**
  17640. * Filter, which token to fetch.
  17641. */
  17642. where?: tokenWhereInput
  17643. /**
  17644. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  17645. *
  17646. * Determine the order of tokens to fetch.
  17647. */
  17648. orderBy?: tokenOrderByWithRelationInput | tokenOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  17649. /**
  17650. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  17651. *
  17652. * Sets the position for searching for tokens.
  17653. */
  17654. cursor?: tokenWhereUniqueInput
  17655. /**
  17656. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  17657. *
  17658. * Take `±n` tokens from the position of the cursor.
  17659. */
  17660. take?: number
  17661. /**
  17662. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  17663. *
  17664. * Skip the first `n` tokens.
  17665. */
  17666. skip?: number
  17667. /**
  17668. * {@link Distinct Docs}
  17669. *
  17670. * Filter by unique combinations of tokens.
  17671. */
  17672. distinct?: TokenScalarFieldEnum | TokenScalarFieldEnum[]
  17673. }
  17674. /**
  17675. * token findMany
  17676. */
  17677. export type tokenFindManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17678. /**
  17679. * Select specific fields to fetch from the token
  17680. */
  17681. select?: tokenSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17682. /**
  17683. * Filter, which tokens to fetch.
  17684. */
  17685. where?: tokenWhereInput
  17686. /**
  17687. * {@link Sorting Docs}
  17688. *
  17689. * Determine the order of tokens to fetch.
  17690. */
  17691. orderBy?: tokenOrderByWithRelationInput | tokenOrderByWithRelationInput[]
  17692. /**
  17693. * {@link Cursor Docs}
  17694. *
  17695. * Sets the position for listing tokens.
  17696. */
  17697. cursor?: tokenWhereUniqueInput
  17698. /**
  17699. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  17700. *
  17701. * Take `±n` tokens from the position of the cursor.
  17702. */
  17703. take?: number
  17704. /**
  17705. * {@link Pagination Docs}
  17706. *
  17707. * Skip the first `n` tokens.
  17708. */
  17709. skip?: number
  17710. distinct?: TokenScalarFieldEnum | TokenScalarFieldEnum[]
  17711. }
  17712. /**
  17713. * token create
  17714. */
  17715. export type tokenCreateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17716. /**
  17717. * Select specific fields to fetch from the token
  17718. */
  17719. select?: tokenSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17720. /**
  17721. * The data needed to create a token.
  17722. */
  17723. data: XOR<tokenCreateInput, tokenUncheckedCreateInput>
  17724. }
  17725. /**
  17726. * token createMany
  17727. */
  17728. export type tokenCreateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17729. /**
  17730. * The data used to create many tokens.
  17731. */
  17732. data: tokenCreateManyInput | tokenCreateManyInput[]
  17733. skipDuplicates?: boolean
  17734. }
  17735. /**
  17736. * token update
  17737. */
  17738. export type tokenUpdateArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17739. /**
  17740. * Select specific fields to fetch from the token
  17741. */
  17742. select?: tokenSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17743. /**
  17744. * The data needed to update a token.
  17745. */
  17746. data: XOR<tokenUpdateInput, tokenUncheckedUpdateInput>
  17747. /**
  17748. * Choose, which token to update.
  17749. */
  17750. where: tokenWhereUniqueInput
  17751. }
  17752. /**
  17753. * token updateMany
  17754. */
  17755. export type tokenUpdateManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17756. /**
  17757. * The data used to update tokens.
  17758. */
  17759. data: XOR<tokenUpdateManyMutationInput, tokenUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
  17760. /**
  17761. * Filter which tokens to update
  17762. */
  17763. where?: tokenWhereInput
  17764. }
  17765. /**
  17766. * token upsert
  17767. */
  17768. export type tokenUpsertArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17769. /**
  17770. * Select specific fields to fetch from the token
  17771. */
  17772. select?: tokenSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17773. /**
  17774. * The filter to search for the token to update in case it exists.
  17775. */
  17776. where: tokenWhereUniqueInput
  17777. /**
  17778. * In case the token found by the `where` argument doesn't exist, create a new token with this data.
  17779. */
  17780. create: XOR<tokenCreateInput, tokenUncheckedCreateInput>
  17781. /**
  17782. * In case the token was found with the provided `where` argument, update it with this data.
  17783. */
  17784. update: XOR<tokenUpdateInput, tokenUncheckedUpdateInput>
  17785. }
  17786. /**
  17787. * token delete
  17788. */
  17789. export type tokenDeleteArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17790. /**
  17791. * Select specific fields to fetch from the token
  17792. */
  17793. select?: tokenSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17794. /**
  17795. * Filter which token to delete.
  17796. */
  17797. where: tokenWhereUniqueInput
  17798. }
  17799. /**
  17800. * token deleteMany
  17801. */
  17802. export type tokenDeleteManyArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17803. /**
  17804. * Filter which tokens to delete
  17805. */
  17806. where?: tokenWhereInput
  17807. }
  17808. /**
  17809. * token without action
  17810. */
  17811. export type tokenDefaultArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = {
  17812. /**
  17813. * Select specific fields to fetch from the token
  17814. */
  17815. select?: tokenSelect<ExtArgs> | null
  17816. }
  17817. /**
  17818. * Enums
  17819. */
  17820. export const TransactionIsolationLevel: {
  17821. ReadUncommitted: 'ReadUncommitted',
  17822. ReadCommitted: 'ReadCommitted',
  17823. RepeatableRead: 'RepeatableRead',
  17824. Serializable: 'Serializable'
  17825. };
  17826. export type TransactionIsolationLevel = (typeof TransactionIsolationLevel)[keyof typeof TransactionIsolationLevel]
  17827. export const AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum: {
  17828. id: 'id',
  17829. assistant_id: 'assistant_id',
  17830. agent_bedrock_policy: 'agent_bedrock_policy',
  17831. agent_kb_schema_policy: 'agent_kb_schema_policy',
  17832. kb_bedrock_policy: 'kb_bedrock_policy',
  17833. kb_aoss_policy: 'kb_aoss_policy',
  17834. kb_s3_policy: 'kb_s3_policy',
  17835. agent_role_name: 'agent_role_name',
  17836. kb_role_name: 'kb_role_name',
  17837. createtime: 'createtime'
  17838. };
  17839. export type AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum = (typeof AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof AWS_Policy_RoleScalarFieldEnum]
  17840. export const Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum: {
  17841. id: 'id',
  17842. userId: 'userId',
  17843. username: 'username',
  17844. agent_sort: 'agent_sort',
  17845. agent_tag: 'agent_tag',
  17846. assistantName: 'assistantName',
  17847. description: 'description',
  17848. prologue: 'prologue',
  17849. headUrl: 'headUrl',
  17850. instructions: 'instructions',
  17851. isRetrieval: 'isRetrieval',
  17852. isCode: 'isCode',
  17853. isGoogle: 'isGoogle',
  17854. isDalleImage: 'isDalleImage',
  17855. functionNames: 'functionNames',
  17856. functionContents: 'functionContents',
  17857. assistant_id: 'assistant_id',
  17858. thread_id: 'thread_id',
  17859. file_ids: 'file_ids',
  17860. file_names: 'file_names',
  17861. isPublish: 'isPublish',
  17862. organize_id: 'organize_id',
  17863. vector_store_id: 'vector_store_id',
  17864. modelType: 'modelType',
  17865. createtime: 'createtime',
  17866. updatetime: 'updatetime',
  17867. a: 'a'
  17868. };
  17869. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarFieldEnum]
  17870. export const Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum: {
  17871. id: 'id',
  17872. userId: 'userId',
  17873. assistant_id: 'assistant_id',
  17874. thread_id: 'thread_id',
  17875. createtime: 'createtime',
  17876. session_name: 'session_name'
  17877. };
  17878. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarFieldEnum]
  17879. export const AssistantScalarFieldEnum: {
  17880. id: 'id',
  17881. uid: 'uid',
  17882. assistant_id: 'assistant_id',
  17883. thread_id: 'thread_id',
  17884. file_ids: 'file_ids',
  17885. vector_store_id: 'vector_store_id',
  17886. createtime: 'createtime'
  17887. };
  17888. export type AssistantScalarFieldEnum = (typeof AssistantScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof AssistantScalarFieldEnum]
  17889. export const ChatScalarFieldEnum: {
  17890. id: 'id',
  17891. groupid: 'groupid',
  17892. userid: 'userid',
  17893. username: 'username',
  17894. answer: 'answer',
  17895. problem: 'problem',
  17896. createtime: 'createtime',
  17897. fileid: 'fileid',
  17898. isMindMap: 'isMindMap',
  17899. filename: 'filename',
  17900. session_name: 'session_name',
  17901. scene: 'scene'
  17902. };
  17903. export type ChatScalarFieldEnum = (typeof ChatScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof ChatScalarFieldEnum]
  17904. export const DispositionScalarFieldEnum: {
  17905. id: 'id',
  17906. module: 'module',
  17907. disposition_class: 'disposition_class',
  17908. disposition_type: 'disposition_type',
  17909. disposition_style: 'disposition_style',
  17910. disposition_theme: 'disposition_theme',
  17911. user_id: 'user_id',
  17912. create_time: 'create_time'
  17913. };
  17914. export type DispositionScalarFieldEnum = (typeof DispositionScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof DispositionScalarFieldEnum]
  17915. export const GroupScalarFieldEnum: {
  17916. id: 'id',
  17917. name: 'name',
  17918. userid: 'userid',
  17919. createtime: 'createtime'
  17920. };
  17921. export type GroupScalarFieldEnum = (typeof GroupScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof GroupScalarFieldEnum]
  17922. export const GroupFileScalarFieldEnum: {
  17923. id: 'id',
  17924. userid: 'userid',
  17925. fileurl: 'fileurl',
  17926. filename: 'filename',
  17927. groupid: 'groupid',
  17928. abstract: 'abstract',
  17929. assistantFileId: 'assistantFileId',
  17930. modelType: 'modelType',
  17931. createtime: 'createtime'
  17932. };
  17933. export type GroupFileScalarFieldEnum = (typeof GroupFileScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof GroupFileScalarFieldEnum]
  17934. export const InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum: {
  17935. id: 'id',
  17936. cid: 'cid',
  17937. themeId: 'themeId',
  17938. type: 'type',
  17939. invitationCode: 'invitationCode',
  17940. createtime: 'createtime'
  17941. };
  17942. export type InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum = (typeof InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof InvitationCodeScalarFieldEnum]
  17943. export const Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum: {
  17944. id: 'id',
  17945. session_name: 'session_name',
  17946. user_id: 'user_id',
  17947. isCocoNote: 'isCocoNote',
  17948. createtime: 'createtime',
  17949. work_area_text: 'work_area_text',
  17950. scene: 'scene'
  17951. };
  17952. export type Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Ai_agent_park_sessionScalarFieldEnum]
  17953. export const Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum: {
  17954. id: 'id',
  17955. module_id: 'module_id',
  17956. module_name: 'module_name',
  17957. nickname: 'nickname',
  17958. commentContent: 'commentContent',
  17959. audit_status: 'audit_status',
  17960. t_id: 't_id',
  17961. create_time: 'create_time'
  17962. };
  17963. export type Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Classroom_ob_commentScalarFieldEnum]
  17964. export const Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum: {
  17965. id: 'id',
  17966. jsonData: 'jsonData',
  17967. Type: 'Type',
  17968. tIndex: 'tIndex',
  17969. tId: 'tId',
  17970. createtime: 'createtime',
  17971. like_num: 'like_num',
  17972. like_data: 'like_data',
  17973. userid: 'userid',
  17974. isdel: 'isdel',
  17975. limitData: 'limitData'
  17976. };
  17977. export type Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Classroom_observationScalarFieldEnum]
  17978. export const Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum: {
  17979. id: 'id',
  17980. subject: 'subject',
  17981. grade: 'grade',
  17982. textbook: 'textbook',
  17983. book_type: 'book_type',
  17984. unit: 'unit',
  17985. period: 'period',
  17986. unit_content: 'unit_content',
  17987. course_content: 'course_content'
  17988. };
  17989. export type Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Course_resourceScalarFieldEnum]
  17990. export const Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum: {
  17991. id: 'id',
  17992. muti_id: 'muti_id',
  17993. user_id: 'user_id',
  17994. session_id: 'session_id',
  17995. content: 'content',
  17996. create_time: 'create_time'
  17997. };
  17998. export type Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Knowledge_construction_docScalarFieldEnum]
  17999. export const Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum: {
  18000. id: 'id',
  18001. createtime: 'createtime',
  18002. userid: 'userid',
  18003. meeting_name: 'meeting_name',
  18004. meeting_original: 'meeting_original',
  18005. meeting_minutes: 'meeting_minutes',
  18006. audio_url: 'audio_url',
  18007. duration: 'duration',
  18008. ab: 'ab'
  18009. };
  18010. export type Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Meeting_trickScalarFieldEnum]
  18011. export const Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum: {
  18012. id: 'id',
  18013. meeting_id: 'meeting_id',
  18014. createtime: 'createtime',
  18015. user_content: 'user_content',
  18016. ai_content: 'ai_content'
  18017. };
  18018. export type Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Meeting_trick_chatScalarFieldEnum]
  18019. export const Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum: {
  18020. id: 'id',
  18021. userid: 'userid',
  18022. username: 'username',
  18023. muti_name: 'muti_name',
  18024. description: 'description',
  18025. isPublish: 'isPublish',
  18026. organizeid: 'organizeid',
  18027. content: 'content',
  18028. create_time: 'create_time',
  18029. knowledge_construction: 'knowledge_construction'
  18030. };
  18031. export type Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Muti_agent_listScalarFieldEnum]
  18032. export const Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum: {
  18033. id: 'id',
  18034. user_id: 'user_id',
  18035. file_names: 'file_names',
  18036. file_ids: 'file_ids',
  18037. create_time: 'create_time',
  18038. file_urls: 'file_urls'
  18039. };
  18040. export type Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum = (typeof Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof Park_chat_file_listScalarFieldEnum]
  18041. export const TokenScalarFieldEnum: {
  18042. id: 'id',
  18043. schoolId: 'schoolId',
  18044. key: 'key',
  18045. createUsername: 'createUsername',
  18046. createtime: 'createtime'
  18047. };
  18048. export type TokenScalarFieldEnum = (typeof TokenScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof TokenScalarFieldEnum]
  18049. export const SortOrder: {
  18050. asc: 'asc',
  18051. desc: 'desc'
  18052. };
  18053. export type SortOrder = (typeof SortOrder)[keyof typeof SortOrder]
  18054. export const NullsOrder: {
  18055. first: 'first',
  18056. last: 'last'
  18057. };
  18058. export type NullsOrder = (typeof NullsOrder)[keyof typeof NullsOrder]
  18059. /**
  18060. * Field references
  18061. */
  18062. /**
  18063. * Reference to a field of type 'String'
  18064. */
  18065. export type StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> = FieldRefInputType<$PrismaModel, 'String'>
  18066. /**
  18067. * Reference to a field of type 'DateTime'
  18068. */
  18069. export type DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> = FieldRefInputType<$PrismaModel, 'DateTime'>
  18070. /**
  18071. * Reference to a field of type 'Boolean'
  18072. */
  18073. export type BooleanFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> = FieldRefInputType<$PrismaModel, 'Boolean'>
  18074. /**
  18075. * Reference to a field of type 'Int'
  18076. */
  18077. export type IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> = FieldRefInputType<$PrismaModel, 'Int'>
  18078. /**
  18079. * Reference to a field of type 'Float'
  18080. */
  18081. export type FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> = FieldRefInputType<$PrismaModel, 'Float'>
  18082. /**
  18083. * Deep Input Types
  18084. */
  18085. export type AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput = {
  18086. AND?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput | AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput[]
  18087. OR?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput[]
  18088. NOT?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput | AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput[]
  18089. id?: StringFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string
  18090. assistant_id?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18091. agent_bedrock_policy?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18092. agent_kb_schema_policy?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18093. kb_bedrock_policy?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18094. kb_aoss_policy?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18095. kb_s3_policy?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18096. agent_role_name?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18097. kb_role_name?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18098. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | Date | string | null
  18099. }
  18100. export type AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18101. id?: SortOrder
  18102. assistant_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18103. agent_bedrock_policy?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18104. agent_kb_schema_policy?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18105. kb_bedrock_policy?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18106. kb_aoss_policy?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18107. kb_s3_policy?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18108. agent_role_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18109. kb_role_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18110. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18111. }
  18112. export type AWS_Policy_RoleWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18113. id?: string
  18114. AND?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput | AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput[]
  18115. OR?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput[]
  18116. NOT?: AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput | AWS_Policy_RoleWhereInput[]
  18117. assistant_id?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18118. agent_bedrock_policy?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18119. agent_kb_schema_policy?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18120. kb_bedrock_policy?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18121. kb_aoss_policy?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18122. kb_s3_policy?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18123. agent_role_name?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18124. kb_role_name?: StringNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18125. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | Date | string | null
  18126. }, "id">
  18127. export type AWS_Policy_RoleOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18128. id?: SortOrder
  18129. assistant_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18130. agent_bedrock_policy?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18131. agent_kb_schema_policy?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18132. kb_bedrock_policy?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18133. kb_aoss_policy?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18134. kb_s3_policy?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18135. agent_role_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18136. kb_role_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18137. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18138. _count?: AWS_Policy_RoleCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18139. _max?: AWS_Policy_RoleMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18140. _min?: AWS_Policy_RoleMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18141. }
  18142. export type AWS_Policy_RoleScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18143. AND?: AWS_Policy_RoleScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | AWS_Policy_RoleScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18144. OR?: AWS_Policy_RoleScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18145. NOT?: AWS_Policy_RoleScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | AWS_Policy_RoleScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18146. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string
  18147. assistant_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18148. agent_bedrock_policy?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18149. agent_kb_schema_policy?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18150. kb_bedrock_policy?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18151. kb_aoss_policy?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18152. kb_s3_policy?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18153. agent_role_name?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18154. kb_role_name?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | string | null
  18155. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"AWS_Policy_Role"> | Date | string | null
  18156. }
  18157. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput = {
  18158. AND?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput[]
  18159. OR?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput[]
  18160. NOT?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput[]
  18161. id?: StringFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string
  18162. userId?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18163. username?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18164. agent_sort?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18165. agent_tag?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18166. assistantName?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18167. description?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18168. prologue?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18169. headUrl?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18170. instructions?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18171. isRetrieval?: BoolNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18172. isCode?: BoolNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18173. isGoogle?: BoolNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18174. isDalleImage?: BoolNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18175. functionNames?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18176. functionContents?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18177. assistant_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18178. thread_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18179. file_ids?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18180. file_names?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18181. isPublish?: BoolNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18182. organize_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18183. vector_store_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18184. modelType?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18185. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | Date | string | null
  18186. updatetime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | Date | string | null
  18187. a?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18188. }
  18189. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18190. id?: SortOrder
  18191. userId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18192. username?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18193. agent_sort?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18194. agent_tag?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18195. assistantName?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18196. description?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18197. prologue?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18198. headUrl?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18199. instructions?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18200. isRetrieval?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18201. isCode?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18202. isGoogle?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18203. isDalleImage?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18204. functionNames?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18205. functionContents?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18206. assistant_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18207. thread_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18208. file_ids?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18209. file_names?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18210. isPublish?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18211. organize_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18212. vector_store_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18213. modelType?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18214. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18215. updatetime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18216. a?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18217. }
  18218. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18219. id?: string
  18220. AND?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput[]
  18221. OR?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput[]
  18222. NOT?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsWhereInput[]
  18223. userId?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18224. username?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18225. agent_sort?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18226. agent_tag?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18227. assistantName?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18228. description?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18229. prologue?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18230. headUrl?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18231. instructions?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18232. isRetrieval?: BoolNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18233. isCode?: BoolNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18234. isGoogle?: BoolNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18235. isDalleImage?: BoolNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18236. functionNames?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18237. functionContents?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18238. assistant_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18239. thread_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18240. file_ids?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18241. file_names?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18242. isPublish?: BoolNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18243. organize_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18244. vector_store_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18245. modelType?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18246. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | Date | string | null
  18247. updatetime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | Date | string | null
  18248. a?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18249. }, "id">
  18250. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18251. id?: SortOrder
  18252. userId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18253. username?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18254. agent_sort?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18255. agent_tag?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18256. assistantName?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18257. description?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18258. prologue?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18259. headUrl?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18260. instructions?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18261. isRetrieval?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18262. isCode?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18263. isGoogle?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18264. isDalleImage?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18265. functionNames?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18266. functionContents?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18267. assistant_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18268. thread_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18269. file_ids?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18270. file_names?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18271. isPublish?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18272. organize_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18273. vector_store_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18274. modelType?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18275. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18276. updatetime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18277. a?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18278. _count?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18279. _max?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18280. _min?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18281. }
  18282. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18283. AND?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18284. OR?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18285. NOT?: Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | Ai_Agent_AssistantsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18286. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string
  18287. userId?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18288. username?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18289. agent_sort?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18290. agent_tag?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18291. assistantName?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18292. description?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18293. prologue?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18294. headUrl?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18295. instructions?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18296. isRetrieval?: BoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18297. isCode?: BoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18298. isGoogle?: BoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18299. isDalleImage?: BoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18300. functionNames?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18301. functionContents?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18302. assistant_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18303. thread_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18304. file_ids?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18305. file_names?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18306. isPublish?: BoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | boolean | null
  18307. organize_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18308. vector_store_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18309. modelType?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18310. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | Date | string | null
  18311. updatetime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | Date | string | null
  18312. a?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Assistants"> | string | null
  18313. }
  18314. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput = {
  18315. AND?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput[]
  18316. OR?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput[]
  18317. NOT?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput[]
  18318. id?: StringFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string
  18319. userId?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string | null
  18320. assistant_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string | null
  18321. thread_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string | null
  18322. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | Date | string | null
  18323. session_name?: StringFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string
  18324. }
  18325. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18326. id?: SortOrder
  18327. userId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18328. assistant_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18329. thread_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18330. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18331. session_name?: SortOrder
  18332. }
  18333. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18334. id?: string
  18335. AND?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput[]
  18336. OR?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput[]
  18337. NOT?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsWhereInput[]
  18338. userId?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string | null
  18339. assistant_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string | null
  18340. thread_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string | null
  18341. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | Date | string | null
  18342. session_name?: StringFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string
  18343. }, "id">
  18344. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18345. id?: SortOrder
  18346. userId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18347. assistant_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18348. thread_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18349. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18350. session_name?: SortOrder
  18351. _count?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18352. _max?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18353. _min?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18354. }
  18355. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18356. AND?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18357. OR?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18358. NOT?: Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | Ai_Agent_ThreadsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18359. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string
  18360. userId?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string | null
  18361. assistant_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string | null
  18362. thread_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string | null
  18363. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | Date | string | null
  18364. session_name?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"Ai_Agent_Threads"> | string
  18365. }
  18366. export type AssistantWhereInput = {
  18367. AND?: AssistantWhereInput | AssistantWhereInput[]
  18368. OR?: AssistantWhereInput[]
  18369. NOT?: AssistantWhereInput | AssistantWhereInput[]
  18370. id?: StringFilter<"Assistant"> | string
  18371. uid?: StringNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18372. assistant_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18373. thread_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18374. file_ids?: StringNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18375. vector_store_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18376. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | Date | string | null
  18377. }
  18378. export type AssistantOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18379. id?: SortOrder
  18380. uid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18381. assistant_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18382. thread_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18383. file_ids?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18384. vector_store_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18385. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18386. }
  18387. export type AssistantWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18388. id?: string
  18389. AND?: AssistantWhereInput | AssistantWhereInput[]
  18390. OR?: AssistantWhereInput[]
  18391. NOT?: AssistantWhereInput | AssistantWhereInput[]
  18392. uid?: StringNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18393. assistant_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18394. thread_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18395. file_ids?: StringNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18396. vector_store_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18397. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Assistant"> | Date | string | null
  18398. }, "id">
  18399. export type AssistantOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18400. id?: SortOrder
  18401. uid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18402. assistant_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18403. thread_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18404. file_ids?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18405. vector_store_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18406. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18407. _count?: AssistantCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18408. _max?: AssistantMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18409. _min?: AssistantMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18410. }
  18411. export type AssistantScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18412. AND?: AssistantScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | AssistantScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18413. OR?: AssistantScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18414. NOT?: AssistantScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | AssistantScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18415. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"Assistant"> | string
  18416. uid?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18417. assistant_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18418. thread_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18419. file_ids?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18420. vector_store_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Assistant"> | string | null
  18421. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Assistant"> | Date | string | null
  18422. }
  18423. export type ChatWhereInput = {
  18424. AND?: ChatWhereInput | ChatWhereInput[]
  18425. OR?: ChatWhereInput[]
  18426. NOT?: ChatWhereInput | ChatWhereInput[]
  18427. id?: StringFilter<"Chat"> | string
  18428. groupid?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18429. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18430. username?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18431. answer?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18432. problem?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18433. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Chat"> | Date | string | null
  18434. fileid?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18435. isMindMap?: IntNullableFilter<"Chat"> | number | null
  18436. filename?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18437. session_name?: StringFilter<"Chat"> | string
  18438. scene?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18439. }
  18440. export type ChatOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18441. id?: SortOrder
  18442. groupid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18443. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18444. username?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18445. answer?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18446. problem?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18447. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18448. fileid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18449. isMindMap?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18450. filename?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18451. session_name?: SortOrder
  18452. scene?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18453. }
  18454. export type ChatWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18455. id?: string
  18456. AND?: ChatWhereInput | ChatWhereInput[]
  18457. OR?: ChatWhereInput[]
  18458. NOT?: ChatWhereInput | ChatWhereInput[]
  18459. groupid?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18460. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18461. username?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18462. answer?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18463. problem?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18464. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Chat"> | Date | string | null
  18465. fileid?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18466. isMindMap?: IntNullableFilter<"Chat"> | number | null
  18467. filename?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18468. session_name?: StringFilter<"Chat"> | string
  18469. scene?: StringNullableFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18470. }, "id">
  18471. export type ChatOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18472. id?: SortOrder
  18473. groupid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18474. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18475. username?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18476. answer?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18477. problem?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18478. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18479. fileid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18480. isMindMap?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18481. filename?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18482. session_name?: SortOrder
  18483. scene?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18484. _count?: ChatCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18485. _avg?: ChatAvgOrderByAggregateInput
  18486. _max?: ChatMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18487. _min?: ChatMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18488. _sum?: ChatSumOrderByAggregateInput
  18489. }
  18490. export type ChatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18491. AND?: ChatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | ChatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18492. OR?: ChatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18493. NOT?: ChatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | ChatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18494. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | string
  18495. groupid?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18496. userid?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18497. username?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18498. answer?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18499. problem?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18500. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | Date | string | null
  18501. fileid?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18502. isMindMap?: IntNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | number | null
  18503. filename?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18504. session_name?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | string
  18505. scene?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Chat"> | string | null
  18506. }
  18507. export type DispositionWhereInput = {
  18508. AND?: DispositionWhereInput | DispositionWhereInput[]
  18509. OR?: DispositionWhereInput[]
  18510. NOT?: DispositionWhereInput | DispositionWhereInput[]
  18511. id?: StringFilter<"Disposition"> | string
  18512. module?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18513. disposition_class?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18514. disposition_type?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18515. disposition_style?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18516. disposition_theme?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18517. user_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18518. create_time?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | Date | string | null
  18519. }
  18520. export type DispositionOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18521. id?: SortOrder
  18522. module?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18523. disposition_class?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18524. disposition_type?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18525. disposition_style?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18526. disposition_theme?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18527. user_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18528. create_time?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18529. }
  18530. export type DispositionWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18531. id?: string
  18532. AND?: DispositionWhereInput | DispositionWhereInput[]
  18533. OR?: DispositionWhereInput[]
  18534. NOT?: DispositionWhereInput | DispositionWhereInput[]
  18535. module?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18536. disposition_class?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18537. disposition_type?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18538. disposition_style?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18539. disposition_theme?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18540. user_id?: StringNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18541. create_time?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Disposition"> | Date | string | null
  18542. }, "id">
  18543. export type DispositionOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18544. id?: SortOrder
  18545. module?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18546. disposition_class?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18547. disposition_type?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18548. disposition_style?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18549. disposition_theme?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18550. user_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18551. create_time?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18552. _count?: DispositionCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18553. _max?: DispositionMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18554. _min?: DispositionMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18555. }
  18556. export type DispositionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18557. AND?: DispositionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | DispositionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18558. OR?: DispositionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18559. NOT?: DispositionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | DispositionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18560. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"Disposition"> | string
  18561. module?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18562. disposition_class?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18563. disposition_type?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18564. disposition_style?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18565. disposition_theme?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18566. user_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Disposition"> | string | null
  18567. create_time?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Disposition"> | Date | string | null
  18568. }
  18569. export type GroupWhereInput = {
  18570. AND?: GroupWhereInput | GroupWhereInput[]
  18571. OR?: GroupWhereInput[]
  18572. NOT?: GroupWhereInput | GroupWhereInput[]
  18573. id?: StringFilter<"Group"> | string
  18574. name?: StringNullableFilter<"Group"> | string | null
  18575. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"Group"> | string | null
  18576. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Group"> | Date | string | null
  18577. }
  18578. export type GroupOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18579. id?: SortOrder
  18580. name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18581. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18582. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18583. }
  18584. export type GroupWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18585. id?: string
  18586. AND?: GroupWhereInput | GroupWhereInput[]
  18587. OR?: GroupWhereInput[]
  18588. NOT?: GroupWhereInput | GroupWhereInput[]
  18589. name?: StringNullableFilter<"Group"> | string | null
  18590. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"Group"> | string | null
  18591. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"Group"> | Date | string | null
  18592. }, "id">
  18593. export type GroupOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18594. id?: SortOrder
  18595. name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18596. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18597. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18598. _count?: GroupCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18599. _max?: GroupMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18600. _min?: GroupMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18601. }
  18602. export type GroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18603. AND?: GroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | GroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18604. OR?: GroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18605. NOT?: GroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | GroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18606. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"Group"> | string
  18607. name?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Group"> | string | null
  18608. userid?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Group"> | string | null
  18609. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"Group"> | Date | string | null
  18610. }
  18611. export type GroupFileWhereInput = {
  18612. AND?: GroupFileWhereInput | GroupFileWhereInput[]
  18613. OR?: GroupFileWhereInput[]
  18614. NOT?: GroupFileWhereInput | GroupFileWhereInput[]
  18615. id?: StringFilter<"GroupFile"> | string
  18616. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18617. fileurl?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18618. filename?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18619. groupid?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18620. abstract?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18621. assistantFileId?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18622. modelType?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18623. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | Date | string | null
  18624. }
  18625. export type GroupFileOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18626. id?: SortOrder
  18627. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18628. fileurl?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18629. filename?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18630. groupid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18631. abstract?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18632. assistantFileId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18633. modelType?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18634. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18635. }
  18636. export type GroupFileWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18637. id?: string
  18638. AND?: GroupFileWhereInput | GroupFileWhereInput[]
  18639. OR?: GroupFileWhereInput[]
  18640. NOT?: GroupFileWhereInput | GroupFileWhereInput[]
  18641. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18642. fileurl?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18643. filename?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18644. groupid?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18645. abstract?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18646. assistantFileId?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18647. modelType?: StringNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18648. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"GroupFile"> | Date | string | null
  18649. }, "id">
  18650. export type GroupFileOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18651. id?: SortOrder
  18652. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18653. fileurl?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18654. filename?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18655. groupid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18656. abstract?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18657. assistantFileId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18658. modelType?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18659. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18660. _count?: GroupFileCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18661. _max?: GroupFileMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18662. _min?: GroupFileMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18663. }
  18664. export type GroupFileScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18665. AND?: GroupFileScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | GroupFileScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18666. OR?: GroupFileScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18667. NOT?: GroupFileScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | GroupFileScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18668. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"GroupFile"> | string
  18669. userid?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18670. fileurl?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18671. filename?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18672. groupid?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18673. abstract?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18674. assistantFileId?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18675. modelType?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"GroupFile"> | string | null
  18676. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"GroupFile"> | Date | string | null
  18677. }
  18678. export type InvitationCodeWhereInput = {
  18679. AND?: InvitationCodeWhereInput | InvitationCodeWhereInput[]
  18680. OR?: InvitationCodeWhereInput[]
  18681. NOT?: InvitationCodeWhereInput | InvitationCodeWhereInput[]
  18682. id?: StringFilter<"InvitationCode"> | string
  18683. cid?: StringNullableFilter<"InvitationCode"> | string | null
  18684. themeId?: StringNullableFilter<"InvitationCode"> | string | null
  18685. type?: IntNullableFilter<"InvitationCode"> | number | null
  18686. invitationCode?: StringNullableFilter<"InvitationCode"> | string | null
  18687. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"InvitationCode"> | Date | string | null
  18688. }
  18689. export type InvitationCodeOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18690. id?: SortOrder
  18691. cid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18692. themeId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18693. type?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18694. invitationCode?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18695. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18696. }
  18697. export type InvitationCodeWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18698. id?: string
  18699. AND?: InvitationCodeWhereInput | InvitationCodeWhereInput[]
  18700. OR?: InvitationCodeWhereInput[]
  18701. NOT?: InvitationCodeWhereInput | InvitationCodeWhereInput[]
  18702. cid?: StringNullableFilter<"InvitationCode"> | string | null
  18703. themeId?: StringNullableFilter<"InvitationCode"> | string | null
  18704. type?: IntNullableFilter<"InvitationCode"> | number | null
  18705. invitationCode?: StringNullableFilter<"InvitationCode"> | string | null
  18706. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"InvitationCode"> | Date | string | null
  18707. }, "id">
  18708. export type InvitationCodeOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18709. id?: SortOrder
  18710. cid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18711. themeId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18712. type?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18713. invitationCode?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18714. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18715. _count?: InvitationCodeCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18716. _avg?: InvitationCodeAvgOrderByAggregateInput
  18717. _max?: InvitationCodeMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18718. _min?: InvitationCodeMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18719. _sum?: InvitationCodeSumOrderByAggregateInput
  18720. }
  18721. export type InvitationCodeScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18722. AND?: InvitationCodeScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | InvitationCodeScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18723. OR?: InvitationCodeScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18724. NOT?: InvitationCodeScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | InvitationCodeScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18725. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"InvitationCode"> | string
  18726. cid?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"InvitationCode"> | string | null
  18727. themeId?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"InvitationCode"> | string | null
  18728. type?: IntNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"InvitationCode"> | number | null
  18729. invitationCode?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"InvitationCode"> | string | null
  18730. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"InvitationCode"> | Date | string | null
  18731. }
  18732. export type ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput = {
  18733. AND?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput | ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput[]
  18734. OR?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput[]
  18735. NOT?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput | ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput[]
  18736. id?: StringFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string
  18737. session_name?: StringNullableFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string | null
  18738. user_id?: StringNullableFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string | null
  18739. isCocoNote?: IntNullableFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | number | null
  18740. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | Date | string | null
  18741. work_area_text?: StringNullableFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string | null
  18742. scene?: StringNullableFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string | null
  18743. }
  18744. export type ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18745. id?: SortOrder
  18746. session_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18747. user_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18748. isCocoNote?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18749. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18750. work_area_text?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18751. scene?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18752. }
  18753. export type ai_agent_park_sessionWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18754. id?: string
  18755. AND?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput | ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput[]
  18756. OR?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput[]
  18757. NOT?: ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput | ai_agent_park_sessionWhereInput[]
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  18759. user_id?: StringNullableFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string | null
  18760. isCocoNote?: IntNullableFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | number | null
  18761. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | Date | string | null
  18762. work_area_text?: StringNullableFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string | null
  18763. scene?: StringNullableFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string | null
  18764. }, "id">
  18765. export type ai_agent_park_sessionOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18766. id?: SortOrder
  18767. session_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18768. user_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18769. isCocoNote?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18770. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18771. work_area_text?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18772. scene?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18773. _count?: ai_agent_park_sessionCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18774. _avg?: ai_agent_park_sessionAvgOrderByAggregateInput
  18775. _max?: ai_agent_park_sessionMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18776. _min?: ai_agent_park_sessionMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18777. _sum?: ai_agent_park_sessionSumOrderByAggregateInput
  18778. }
  18779. export type ai_agent_park_sessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18780. AND?: ai_agent_park_sessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | ai_agent_park_sessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18781. OR?: ai_agent_park_sessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18782. NOT?: ai_agent_park_sessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | ai_agent_park_sessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18783. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string
  18784. session_name?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string | null
  18785. user_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string | null
  18786. isCocoNote?: IntNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | number | null
  18787. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | Date | string | null
  18788. work_area_text?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string | null
  18789. scene?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"ai_agent_park_session"> | string | null
  18790. }
  18791. export type classroom_ob_commentWhereInput = {
  18792. AND?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput | classroom_ob_commentWhereInput[]
  18793. OR?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput[]
  18794. NOT?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput | classroom_ob_commentWhereInput[]
  18795. id?: StringFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string
  18796. module_id?: StringFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string
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  18798. nickname?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string | null
  18799. commentContent?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string | null
  18800. audit_status?: IntFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | number
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  18802. create_time?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | Date | string | null
  18803. }
  18804. export type classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18805. id?: SortOrder
  18806. module_id?: SortOrder
  18807. module_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18808. nickname?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18809. commentContent?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18810. audit_status?: SortOrder
  18811. t_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18812. create_time?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18813. }
  18814. export type classroom_ob_commentWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18815. id?: string
  18816. AND?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput | classroom_ob_commentWhereInput[]
  18817. OR?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput[]
  18818. NOT?: classroom_ob_commentWhereInput | classroom_ob_commentWhereInput[]
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  18820. module_name?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string | null
  18821. nickname?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string | null
  18822. commentContent?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string | null
  18823. audit_status?: IntFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | number
  18824. t_id?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string | null
  18825. create_time?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | Date | string | null
  18826. }, "id">
  18827. export type classroom_ob_commentOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18828. id?: SortOrder
  18829. module_id?: SortOrder
  18830. module_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18831. nickname?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18832. commentContent?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18833. audit_status?: SortOrder
  18834. t_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18835. create_time?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18836. _count?: classroom_ob_commentCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18837. _avg?: classroom_ob_commentAvgOrderByAggregateInput
  18838. _max?: classroom_ob_commentMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18839. _min?: classroom_ob_commentMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18840. _sum?: classroom_ob_commentSumOrderByAggregateInput
  18841. }
  18842. export type classroom_ob_commentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18843. AND?: classroom_ob_commentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | classroom_ob_commentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18844. OR?: classroom_ob_commentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18845. NOT?: classroom_ob_commentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | classroom_ob_commentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18846. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string
  18847. module_id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string
  18848. module_name?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string | null
  18849. nickname?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string | null
  18850. commentContent?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string | null
  18851. audit_status?: IntWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | number
  18852. t_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | string | null
  18853. create_time?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_ob_comment"> | Date | string | null
  18854. }
  18855. export type classroom_observationWhereInput = {
  18856. AND?: classroom_observationWhereInput | classroom_observationWhereInput[]
  18857. OR?: classroom_observationWhereInput[]
  18858. NOT?: classroom_observationWhereInput | classroom_observationWhereInput[]
  18859. id?: StringFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string
  18860. jsonData?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18861. Type?: IntNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number | null
  18862. tIndex?: IntNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number | null
  18863. tId?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18864. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | Date | string | null
  18865. like_num?: IntFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number
  18866. like_data?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18867. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18868. isdel?: IntNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number | null
  18869. limitData?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18870. }
  18871. export type classroom_observationOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18872. id?: SortOrder
  18873. jsonData?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18874. Type?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18875. tIndex?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18876. tId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18877. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18878. like_num?: SortOrder
  18879. like_data?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18880. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18881. isdel?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18882. limitData?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18883. }
  18884. export type classroom_observationWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18885. id?: string
  18886. AND?: classroom_observationWhereInput | classroom_observationWhereInput[]
  18887. OR?: classroom_observationWhereInput[]
  18888. NOT?: classroom_observationWhereInput | classroom_observationWhereInput[]
  18889. jsonData?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18890. Type?: IntNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number | null
  18891. tIndex?: IntNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number | null
  18892. tId?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18893. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | Date | string | null
  18894. like_num?: IntFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number
  18895. like_data?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18896. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18897. isdel?: IntNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number | null
  18898. limitData?: StringNullableFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18899. }, "id">
  18900. export type classroom_observationOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18901. id?: SortOrder
  18902. jsonData?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18903. Type?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18904. tIndex?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18905. tId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18906. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18907. like_num?: SortOrder
  18908. like_data?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18909. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18910. isdel?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18911. limitData?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18912. _count?: classroom_observationCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18913. _avg?: classroom_observationAvgOrderByAggregateInput
  18914. _max?: classroom_observationMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18915. _min?: classroom_observationMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18916. _sum?: classroom_observationSumOrderByAggregateInput
  18917. }
  18918. export type classroom_observationScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18919. AND?: classroom_observationScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | classroom_observationScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18920. OR?: classroom_observationScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18921. NOT?: classroom_observationScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | classroom_observationScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18922. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string
  18923. jsonData?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18924. Type?: IntNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number | null
  18925. tIndex?: IntNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number | null
  18926. tId?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18927. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_observation"> | Date | string | null
  18928. like_num?: IntWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number
  18929. like_data?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18930. userid?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18931. isdel?: IntNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_observation"> | number | null
  18932. limitData?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"classroom_observation"> | string | null
  18933. }
  18934. export type course_resourceWhereInput = {
  18935. AND?: course_resourceWhereInput | course_resourceWhereInput[]
  18936. OR?: course_resourceWhereInput[]
  18937. NOT?: course_resourceWhereInput | course_resourceWhereInput[]
  18938. id?: StringFilter<"course_resource"> | string
  18939. subject?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18940. grade?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18941. textbook?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18942. book_type?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18943. unit?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18944. period?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18945. unit_content?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18946. course_content?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18947. }
  18948. export type course_resourceOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  18949. id?: SortOrder
  18950. subject?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18951. grade?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18952. textbook?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18953. book_type?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18954. unit?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18955. period?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18956. unit_content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18957. course_content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18958. }
  18959. export type course_resourceWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  18960. id?: string
  18961. AND?: course_resourceWhereInput | course_resourceWhereInput[]
  18962. OR?: course_resourceWhereInput[]
  18963. NOT?: course_resourceWhereInput | course_resourceWhereInput[]
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  18965. grade?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18966. textbook?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18967. book_type?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18968. unit?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18969. period?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18970. unit_content?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18971. course_content?: StringNullableFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18972. }, "id">
  18973. export type course_resourceOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  18974. id?: SortOrder
  18975. subject?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18976. grade?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18977. textbook?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18978. book_type?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18979. unit?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18980. period?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18981. unit_content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18982. course_content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  18983. _count?: course_resourceCountOrderByAggregateInput
  18984. _max?: course_resourceMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  18985. _min?: course_resourceMinOrderByAggregateInput
  18986. }
  18987. export type course_resourceScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  18988. AND?: course_resourceScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | course_resourceScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18989. OR?: course_resourceScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18990. NOT?: course_resourceScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | course_resourceScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  18991. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"course_resource"> | string
  18992. subject?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18993. grade?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18994. textbook?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18995. book_type?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18996. unit?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18997. period?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18998. unit_content?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  18999. course_content?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"course_resource"> | string | null
  19000. }
  19001. export type knowledge_construction_docWhereInput = {
  19002. AND?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput | knowledge_construction_docWhereInput[]
  19003. OR?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput[]
  19004. NOT?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput | knowledge_construction_docWhereInput[]
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  19007. user_id?: StringNullableFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | string | null
  19008. session_id?: StringNullableFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | string | null
  19009. content?: StringNullableFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | string | null
  19010. create_time?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | Date | string | null
  19011. }
  19012. export type knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  19013. id?: SortOrder
  19014. muti_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19015. user_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19016. session_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19017. content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19018. create_time?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19019. }
  19020. export type knowledge_construction_docWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  19021. id?: string
  19022. AND?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput | knowledge_construction_docWhereInput[]
  19023. OR?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput[]
  19024. NOT?: knowledge_construction_docWhereInput | knowledge_construction_docWhereInput[]
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  19026. user_id?: StringNullableFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | string | null
  19027. session_id?: StringNullableFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | string | null
  19028. content?: StringNullableFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | string | null
  19029. create_time?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | Date | string | null
  19030. }, "id">
  19031. export type knowledge_construction_docOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  19032. id?: SortOrder
  19033. muti_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19034. user_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19035. session_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19036. content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19037. create_time?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19038. _count?: knowledge_construction_docCountOrderByAggregateInput
  19039. _max?: knowledge_construction_docMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  19040. _min?: knowledge_construction_docMinOrderByAggregateInput
  19041. }
  19042. export type knowledge_construction_docScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  19043. AND?: knowledge_construction_docScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | knowledge_construction_docScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19044. OR?: knowledge_construction_docScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19045. NOT?: knowledge_construction_docScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | knowledge_construction_docScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
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  19048. user_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | string | null
  19049. session_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | string | null
  19050. content?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | string | null
  19051. create_time?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"knowledge_construction_doc"> | Date | string | null
  19052. }
  19053. export type meeting_trickWhereInput = {
  19054. AND?: meeting_trickWhereInput | meeting_trickWhereInput[]
  19055. OR?: meeting_trickWhereInput[]
  19056. NOT?: meeting_trickWhereInput | meeting_trickWhereInput[]
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  19058. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | Date | string | null
  19059. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19060. meeting_name?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19061. meeting_original?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19062. meeting_minutes?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19063. audio_url?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19064. duration?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19065. ab?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19066. }
  19067. export type meeting_trickOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  19068. id?: SortOrder
  19069. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19070. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19071. meeting_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19072. meeting_original?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19073. meeting_minutes?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19074. audio_url?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19075. duration?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19076. ab?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19077. }
  19078. export type meeting_trickWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  19079. id?: string
  19080. AND?: meeting_trickWhereInput | meeting_trickWhereInput[]
  19081. OR?: meeting_trickWhereInput[]
  19082. NOT?: meeting_trickWhereInput | meeting_trickWhereInput[]
  19083. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | Date | string | null
  19084. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19085. meeting_name?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19086. meeting_original?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19087. meeting_minutes?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19088. audio_url?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19089. duration?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19090. ab?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19091. }, "id">
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  19093. id?: SortOrder
  19094. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19095. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19096. meeting_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19097. meeting_original?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19098. meeting_minutes?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19099. audio_url?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19100. duration?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19101. ab?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19102. _count?: meeting_trickCountOrderByAggregateInput
  19103. _max?: meeting_trickMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  19104. _min?: meeting_trickMinOrderByAggregateInput
  19105. }
  19106. export type meeting_trickScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  19107. AND?: meeting_trickScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | meeting_trickScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19108. OR?: meeting_trickScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19109. NOT?: meeting_trickScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | meeting_trickScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19110. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string
  19111. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick"> | Date | string | null
  19112. userid?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
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  19114. meeting_original?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19115. meeting_minutes?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19116. audio_url?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19117. duration?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19118. ab?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick"> | string | null
  19119. }
  19120. export type meeting_trick_chatWhereInput = {
  19121. AND?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput | meeting_trick_chatWhereInput[]
  19122. OR?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput[]
  19123. NOT?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput | meeting_trick_chatWhereInput[]
  19124. id?: StringFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | string
  19125. meeting_id?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | string | null
  19126. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | Date | string | null
  19127. user_content?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | string | null
  19128. ai_content?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | string | null
  19129. }
  19130. export type meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  19131. id?: SortOrder
  19132. meeting_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19133. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19134. user_content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19135. ai_content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19136. }
  19137. export type meeting_trick_chatWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  19138. id?: string
  19139. AND?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput | meeting_trick_chatWhereInput[]
  19140. OR?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput[]
  19141. NOT?: meeting_trick_chatWhereInput | meeting_trick_chatWhereInput[]
  19142. meeting_id?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | string | null
  19143. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | Date | string | null
  19144. user_content?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | string | null
  19145. ai_content?: StringNullableFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | string | null
  19146. }, "id">
  19147. export type meeting_trick_chatOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  19148. id?: SortOrder
  19149. meeting_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19150. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19151. user_content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19152. ai_content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19153. _count?: meeting_trick_chatCountOrderByAggregateInput
  19154. _max?: meeting_trick_chatMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  19155. _min?: meeting_trick_chatMinOrderByAggregateInput
  19156. }
  19157. export type meeting_trick_chatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  19158. AND?: meeting_trick_chatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | meeting_trick_chatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19159. OR?: meeting_trick_chatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19160. NOT?: meeting_trick_chatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | meeting_trick_chatScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19161. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | string
  19162. meeting_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | string | null
  19163. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | Date | string | null
  19164. user_content?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | string | null
  19165. ai_content?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"meeting_trick_chat"> | string | null
  19166. }
  19167. export type muti_agent_listWhereInput = {
  19168. AND?: muti_agent_listWhereInput | muti_agent_listWhereInput[]
  19169. OR?: muti_agent_listWhereInput[]
  19170. NOT?: muti_agent_listWhereInput | muti_agent_listWhereInput[]
  19171. id?: StringFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string
  19172. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19173. username?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19174. muti_name?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19175. description?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19176. isPublish?: BoolNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | boolean | null
  19177. organizeid?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19178. content?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19179. create_time?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | Date | string | null
  19180. knowledge_construction?: IntNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | number | null
  19181. }
  19182. export type muti_agent_listOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  19183. id?: SortOrder
  19184. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19185. username?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19186. muti_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19187. description?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19188. isPublish?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19189. organizeid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19190. content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19191. create_time?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19192. knowledge_construction?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19193. }
  19194. export type muti_agent_listWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  19195. id?: string
  19196. AND?: muti_agent_listWhereInput | muti_agent_listWhereInput[]
  19197. OR?: muti_agent_listWhereInput[]
  19198. NOT?: muti_agent_listWhereInput | muti_agent_listWhereInput[]
  19199. userid?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19200. username?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19201. muti_name?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19202. description?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19203. isPublish?: BoolNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | boolean | null
  19204. organizeid?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19205. content?: StringNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19206. create_time?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | Date | string | null
  19207. knowledge_construction?: IntNullableFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | number | null
  19208. }, "id">
  19209. export type muti_agent_listOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  19210. id?: SortOrder
  19211. userid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19212. username?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19213. muti_name?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19214. description?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19215. isPublish?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19216. organizeid?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19217. content?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19218. create_time?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19219. knowledge_construction?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19220. _count?: muti_agent_listCountOrderByAggregateInput
  19221. _avg?: muti_agent_listAvgOrderByAggregateInput
  19222. _max?: muti_agent_listMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  19223. _min?: muti_agent_listMinOrderByAggregateInput
  19224. _sum?: muti_agent_listSumOrderByAggregateInput
  19225. }
  19226. export type muti_agent_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  19227. AND?: muti_agent_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | muti_agent_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19228. OR?: muti_agent_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19229. NOT?: muti_agent_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | muti_agent_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19230. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string
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  19232. username?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
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  19234. description?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19235. isPublish?: BoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | boolean | null
  19236. organizeid?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19237. content?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | string | null
  19238. create_time?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | Date | string | null
  19239. knowledge_construction?: IntNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"muti_agent_list"> | number | null
  19240. }
  19241. export type park_chat_file_listWhereInput = {
  19242. AND?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput | park_chat_file_listWhereInput[]
  19243. OR?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput[]
  19244. NOT?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput | park_chat_file_listWhereInput[]
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  19246. user_id?: StringNullableFilter<"park_chat_file_list"> | string | null
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  19248. file_ids?: StringFilter<"park_chat_file_list"> | string
  19249. create_time?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"park_chat_file_list"> | Date | string | null
  19250. file_urls?: StringNullableFilter<"park_chat_file_list"> | string | null
  19251. }
  19252. export type park_chat_file_listOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  19253. id?: SortOrder
  19254. user_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19255. file_names?: SortOrder
  19256. file_ids?: SortOrder
  19257. create_time?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19258. file_urls?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19259. }
  19260. export type park_chat_file_listWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  19261. id?: string
  19262. AND?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput | park_chat_file_listWhereInput[]
  19263. OR?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput[]
  19264. NOT?: park_chat_file_listWhereInput | park_chat_file_listWhereInput[]
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  19267. file_ids?: StringFilter<"park_chat_file_list"> | string
  19268. create_time?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"park_chat_file_list"> | Date | string | null
  19269. file_urls?: StringNullableFilter<"park_chat_file_list"> | string | null
  19270. }, "id">
  19271. export type park_chat_file_listOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  19272. id?: SortOrder
  19273. user_id?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19274. file_names?: SortOrder
  19275. file_ids?: SortOrder
  19276. create_time?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19277. file_urls?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19278. _count?: park_chat_file_listCountOrderByAggregateInput
  19279. _max?: park_chat_file_listMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  19280. _min?: park_chat_file_listMinOrderByAggregateInput
  19281. }
  19282. export type park_chat_file_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  19283. AND?: park_chat_file_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | park_chat_file_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19284. OR?: park_chat_file_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19285. NOT?: park_chat_file_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | park_chat_file_listScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19286. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"park_chat_file_list"> | string
  19287. user_id?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"park_chat_file_list"> | string | null
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  19290. create_time?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"park_chat_file_list"> | Date | string | null
  19291. file_urls?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"park_chat_file_list"> | string | null
  19292. }
  19293. export type tokenWhereInput = {
  19294. AND?: tokenWhereInput | tokenWhereInput[]
  19295. OR?: tokenWhereInput[]
  19296. NOT?: tokenWhereInput | tokenWhereInput[]
  19297. id?: StringFilter<"token"> | string
  19298. schoolId?: StringNullableFilter<"token"> | string | null
  19299. key?: StringNullableFilter<"token"> | string | null
  19300. createUsername?: StringNullableFilter<"token"> | string | null
  19301. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"token"> | Date | string | null
  19302. }
  19303. export type tokenOrderByWithRelationInput = {
  19304. id?: SortOrder
  19305. schoolId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19306. key?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19307. createUsername?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19308. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19309. }
  19310. export type tokenWhereUniqueInput = Prisma.AtLeast<{
  19311. id?: string
  19312. AND?: tokenWhereInput | tokenWhereInput[]
  19313. OR?: tokenWhereInput[]
  19314. NOT?: tokenWhereInput | tokenWhereInput[]
  19315. schoolId?: StringNullableFilter<"token"> | string | null
  19316. key?: StringNullableFilter<"token"> | string | null
  19317. createUsername?: StringNullableFilter<"token"> | string | null
  19318. createtime?: DateTimeNullableFilter<"token"> | Date | string | null
  19319. }, "id">
  19320. export type tokenOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
  19321. id?: SortOrder
  19322. schoolId?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19323. key?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19324. createUsername?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19325. createtime?: SortOrderInput | SortOrder
  19326. _count?: tokenCountOrderByAggregateInput
  19327. _max?: tokenMaxOrderByAggregateInput
  19328. _min?: tokenMinOrderByAggregateInput
  19329. }
  19330. export type tokenScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
  19331. AND?: tokenScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | tokenScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19332. OR?: tokenScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19333. NOT?: tokenScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | tokenScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[]
  19334. id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter<"token"> | string
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  19337. createUsername?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"token"> | string | null
  19338. createtime?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<"token"> | Date | string | null
  19339. }
  19340. export type AWS_Policy_RoleCreateInput = {
  19341. id: string
  19342. assistant_id?: string | null
  19343. agent_bedrock_policy?: string | null
  19344. agent_kb_schema_policy?: string | null
  19345. kb_bedrock_policy?: string | null
  19346. kb_aoss_policy?: string | null
  19347. kb_s3_policy?: string | null
  19348. agent_role_name?: string | null
  19349. kb_role_name?: string | null
  19350. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19351. }
  19352. export type AWS_Policy_RoleUncheckedCreateInput = {
  19353. id: string
  19354. assistant_id?: string | null
  19355. agent_bedrock_policy?: string | null
  19356. agent_kb_schema_policy?: string | null
  19357. kb_bedrock_policy?: string | null
  19358. kb_aoss_policy?: string | null
  19359. kb_s3_policy?: string | null
  19360. agent_role_name?: string | null
  19361. kb_role_name?: string | null
  19362. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19363. }
  19364. export type AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateInput = {
  19365. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19366. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19367. agent_bedrock_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19368. agent_kb_schema_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19369. kb_bedrock_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19370. kb_aoss_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19371. kb_s3_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19372. agent_role_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19373. kb_role_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19374. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19375. }
  19376. export type AWS_Policy_RoleUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  19377. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19378. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19379. agent_bedrock_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19380. agent_kb_schema_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19381. kb_bedrock_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19382. kb_aoss_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19383. kb_s3_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19384. agent_role_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19385. kb_role_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19386. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19387. }
  19388. export type AWS_Policy_RoleCreateManyInput = {
  19389. id: string
  19390. assistant_id?: string | null
  19391. agent_bedrock_policy?: string | null
  19392. agent_kb_schema_policy?: string | null
  19393. kb_bedrock_policy?: string | null
  19394. kb_aoss_policy?: string | null
  19395. kb_s3_policy?: string | null
  19396. agent_role_name?: string | null
  19397. kb_role_name?: string | null
  19398. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19399. }
  19400. export type AWS_Policy_RoleUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  19401. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19402. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19403. agent_bedrock_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19404. agent_kb_schema_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19405. kb_bedrock_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19406. kb_aoss_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19407. kb_s3_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19408. agent_role_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19409. kb_role_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19410. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19411. }
  19412. export type AWS_Policy_RoleUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  19413. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19414. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19415. agent_bedrock_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19416. agent_kb_schema_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19417. kb_bedrock_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19418. kb_aoss_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19419. kb_s3_policy?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19420. agent_role_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19421. kb_role_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19422. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19423. }
  19424. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateInput = {
  19425. id: string
  19426. userId?: string | null
  19427. username?: string | null
  19428. agent_sort?: string | null
  19429. agent_tag?: string | null
  19430. assistantName?: string | null
  19431. description?: string | null
  19432. prologue?: string | null
  19433. headUrl?: string | null
  19434. instructions?: string | null
  19435. isRetrieval?: boolean | null
  19436. isCode?: boolean | null
  19437. isGoogle?: boolean | null
  19438. isDalleImage?: boolean | null
  19439. functionNames?: string | null
  19440. functionContents?: string | null
  19441. assistant_id?: string | null
  19442. thread_id?: string | null
  19443. file_ids?: string | null
  19444. file_names?: string | null
  19445. isPublish?: boolean | null
  19446. organize_id?: string | null
  19447. vector_store_id?: string | null
  19448. modelType?: string | null
  19449. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19450. updatetime?: Date | string | null
  19451. a?: string | null
  19452. }
  19453. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsUncheckedCreateInput = {
  19454. id: string
  19455. userId?: string | null
  19456. username?: string | null
  19457. agent_sort?: string | null
  19458. agent_tag?: string | null
  19459. assistantName?: string | null
  19460. description?: string | null
  19461. prologue?: string | null
  19462. headUrl?: string | null
  19463. instructions?: string | null
  19464. isRetrieval?: boolean | null
  19465. isCode?: boolean | null
  19466. isGoogle?: boolean | null
  19467. isDalleImage?: boolean | null
  19468. functionNames?: string | null
  19469. functionContents?: string | null
  19470. assistant_id?: string | null
  19471. thread_id?: string | null
  19472. file_ids?: string | null
  19473. file_names?: string | null
  19474. isPublish?: boolean | null
  19475. organize_id?: string | null
  19476. vector_store_id?: string | null
  19477. modelType?: string | null
  19478. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19479. updatetime?: Date | string | null
  19480. a?: string | null
  19481. }
  19482. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateInput = {
  19483. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19484. userId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19485. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19486. agent_sort?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19487. agent_tag?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19488. assistantName?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19489. description?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19490. prologue?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19491. headUrl?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19492. instructions?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19493. isRetrieval?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19494. isCode?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19495. isGoogle?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19496. isDalleImage?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19497. functionNames?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19498. functionContents?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19499. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19500. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19501. file_ids?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19502. file_names?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19503. isPublish?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19504. organize_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19505. vector_store_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19506. modelType?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19507. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19508. updatetime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19509. a?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19510. }
  19511. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  19512. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19513. userId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19514. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19515. agent_sort?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19516. agent_tag?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19517. assistantName?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19518. description?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19519. prologue?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19520. headUrl?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19521. instructions?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19522. isRetrieval?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19523. isCode?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19524. isGoogle?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19525. isDalleImage?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19526. functionNames?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19527. functionContents?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19528. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19529. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19530. file_ids?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19531. file_names?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19532. isPublish?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19533. organize_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19534. vector_store_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19535. modelType?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19536. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19537. updatetime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19538. a?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19539. }
  19540. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsCreateManyInput = {
  19541. id: string
  19542. userId?: string | null
  19543. username?: string | null
  19544. agent_sort?: string | null
  19545. agent_tag?: string | null
  19546. assistantName?: string | null
  19547. description?: string | null
  19548. prologue?: string | null
  19549. headUrl?: string | null
  19550. instructions?: string | null
  19551. isRetrieval?: boolean | null
  19552. isCode?: boolean | null
  19553. isGoogle?: boolean | null
  19554. isDalleImage?: boolean | null
  19555. functionNames?: string | null
  19556. functionContents?: string | null
  19557. assistant_id?: string | null
  19558. thread_id?: string | null
  19559. file_ids?: string | null
  19560. file_names?: string | null
  19561. isPublish?: boolean | null
  19562. organize_id?: string | null
  19563. vector_store_id?: string | null
  19564. modelType?: string | null
  19565. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19566. updatetime?: Date | string | null
  19567. a?: string | null
  19568. }
  19569. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  19570. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19571. userId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19572. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19573. agent_sort?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19574. agent_tag?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19575. assistantName?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19576. description?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19577. prologue?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19578. headUrl?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19579. instructions?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19580. isRetrieval?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19581. isCode?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19582. isGoogle?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19583. isDalleImage?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19584. functionNames?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19585. functionContents?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19586. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19587. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19588. file_ids?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19589. file_names?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19590. isPublish?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19591. organize_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19592. vector_store_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19593. modelType?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19594. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19595. updatetime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19596. a?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19597. }
  19598. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  19599. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19600. userId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19601. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19602. agent_sort?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19603. agent_tag?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19604. assistantName?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19605. description?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19606. prologue?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19607. headUrl?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19608. instructions?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19609. isRetrieval?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19610. isCode?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19611. isGoogle?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19612. isDalleImage?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19613. functionNames?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19614. functionContents?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19615. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19616. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19617. file_ids?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19618. file_names?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19619. isPublish?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  19620. organize_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19621. vector_store_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19622. modelType?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19623. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19624. updatetime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19625. a?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19626. }
  19627. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateInput = {
  19628. id: string
  19629. userId?: string | null
  19630. assistant_id?: string | null
  19631. thread_id?: string | null
  19632. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19633. session_name?: string
  19634. }
  19635. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsUncheckedCreateInput = {
  19636. id: string
  19637. userId?: string | null
  19638. assistant_id?: string | null
  19639. thread_id?: string | null
  19640. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19641. session_name?: string
  19642. }
  19643. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateInput = {
  19644. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19645. userId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19646. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19647. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19648. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19649. session_name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19650. }
  19651. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  19652. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19653. userId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19654. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19655. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19656. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19657. session_name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19658. }
  19659. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsCreateManyInput = {
  19660. id: string
  19661. userId?: string | null
  19662. assistant_id?: string | null
  19663. thread_id?: string | null
  19664. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19665. session_name?: string
  19666. }
  19667. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  19668. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19669. userId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19670. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19671. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19672. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19673. session_name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19674. }
  19675. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  19676. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19677. userId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19678. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19679. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19680. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19681. session_name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19682. }
  19683. export type AssistantCreateInput = {
  19684. id: string
  19685. uid?: string | null
  19686. assistant_id?: string | null
  19687. thread_id?: string | null
  19688. file_ids?: string | null
  19689. vector_store_id?: string | null
  19690. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19691. }
  19692. export type AssistantUncheckedCreateInput = {
  19693. id: string
  19694. uid?: string | null
  19695. assistant_id?: string | null
  19696. thread_id?: string | null
  19697. file_ids?: string | null
  19698. vector_store_id?: string | null
  19699. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19700. }
  19701. export type AssistantUpdateInput = {
  19702. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19703. uid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19704. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19705. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19706. file_ids?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19707. vector_store_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19708. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19709. }
  19710. export type AssistantUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  19711. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19712. uid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19713. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19714. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19715. file_ids?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19716. vector_store_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19717. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19718. }
  19719. export type AssistantCreateManyInput = {
  19720. id: string
  19721. uid?: string | null
  19722. assistant_id?: string | null
  19723. thread_id?: string | null
  19724. file_ids?: string | null
  19725. vector_store_id?: string | null
  19726. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19727. }
  19728. export type AssistantUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  19729. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19730. uid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19731. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19732. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19733. file_ids?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19734. vector_store_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19735. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19736. }
  19737. export type AssistantUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  19738. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19739. uid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19740. assistant_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19741. thread_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19742. file_ids?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19743. vector_store_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19744. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19745. }
  19746. export type ChatCreateInput = {
  19747. id?: string
  19748. groupid?: string | null
  19749. userid?: string | null
  19750. username?: string | null
  19751. answer?: string | null
  19752. problem?: string | null
  19753. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19754. fileid?: string | null
  19755. isMindMap?: number | null
  19756. filename?: string | null
  19757. session_name?: string
  19758. scene?: string | null
  19759. }
  19760. export type ChatUncheckedCreateInput = {
  19761. id?: string
  19762. groupid?: string | null
  19763. userid?: string | null
  19764. username?: string | null
  19765. answer?: string | null
  19766. problem?: string | null
  19767. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19768. fileid?: string | null
  19769. isMindMap?: number | null
  19770. filename?: string | null
  19771. session_name?: string
  19772. scene?: string | null
  19773. }
  19774. export type ChatUpdateInput = {
  19775. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19776. groupid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19777. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19778. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19779. answer?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19780. problem?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19781. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19782. fileid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19783. isMindMap?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  19784. filename?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19785. session_name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19786. scene?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19787. }
  19788. export type ChatUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  19789. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19790. groupid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19791. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19792. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19793. answer?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19794. problem?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19795. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19796. fileid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19797. isMindMap?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  19798. filename?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19799. session_name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19800. scene?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19801. }
  19802. export type ChatCreateManyInput = {
  19803. id?: string
  19804. groupid?: string | null
  19805. userid?: string | null
  19806. username?: string | null
  19807. answer?: string | null
  19808. problem?: string | null
  19809. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19810. fileid?: string | null
  19811. isMindMap?: number | null
  19812. filename?: string | null
  19813. session_name?: string
  19814. scene?: string | null
  19815. }
  19816. export type ChatUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  19817. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19818. groupid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19819. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19820. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19821. answer?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19822. problem?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19823. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19824. fileid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19825. isMindMap?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  19826. filename?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19827. session_name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19828. scene?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19829. }
  19830. export type ChatUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  19831. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19832. groupid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19833. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19834. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19835. answer?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19836. problem?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19837. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19838. fileid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19839. isMindMap?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  19840. filename?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19841. session_name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19842. scene?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19843. }
  19844. export type DispositionCreateInput = {
  19845. id: string
  19846. module?: string | null
  19847. disposition_class?: string | null
  19848. disposition_type?: string | null
  19849. disposition_style?: string | null
  19850. disposition_theme?: string | null
  19851. user_id?: string | null
  19852. create_time?: Date | string | null
  19853. }
  19854. export type DispositionUncheckedCreateInput = {
  19855. id: string
  19856. module?: string | null
  19857. disposition_class?: string | null
  19858. disposition_type?: string | null
  19859. disposition_style?: string | null
  19860. disposition_theme?: string | null
  19861. user_id?: string | null
  19862. create_time?: Date | string | null
  19863. }
  19864. export type DispositionUpdateInput = {
  19865. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19866. module?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19867. disposition_class?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19868. disposition_type?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19869. disposition_style?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19870. disposition_theme?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19871. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19872. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19873. }
  19874. export type DispositionUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  19875. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19876. module?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19877. disposition_class?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19878. disposition_type?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19879. disposition_style?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19880. disposition_theme?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19881. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19882. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19883. }
  19884. export type DispositionCreateManyInput = {
  19885. id: string
  19886. module?: string | null
  19887. disposition_class?: string | null
  19888. disposition_type?: string | null
  19889. disposition_style?: string | null
  19890. disposition_theme?: string | null
  19891. user_id?: string | null
  19892. create_time?: Date | string | null
  19893. }
  19894. export type DispositionUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  19895. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19896. module?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19897. disposition_class?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19898. disposition_type?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19899. disposition_style?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19900. disposition_theme?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19901. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19902. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19903. }
  19904. export type DispositionUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  19905. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19906. module?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19907. disposition_class?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19908. disposition_type?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19909. disposition_style?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19910. disposition_theme?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19911. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19912. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19913. }
  19914. export type GroupCreateInput = {
  19915. id: string
  19916. name?: string | null
  19917. userid?: string | null
  19918. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19919. }
  19920. export type GroupUncheckedCreateInput = {
  19921. id: string
  19922. name?: string | null
  19923. userid?: string | null
  19924. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19925. }
  19926. export type GroupUpdateInput = {
  19927. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19928. name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19929. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19930. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19931. }
  19932. export type GroupUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  19933. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19934. name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19935. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19936. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19937. }
  19938. export type GroupCreateManyInput = {
  19939. id: string
  19940. name?: string | null
  19941. userid?: string | null
  19942. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19943. }
  19944. export type GroupUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  19945. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19946. name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19947. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19948. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19949. }
  19950. export type GroupUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  19951. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19952. name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19953. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19954. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19955. }
  19956. export type GroupFileCreateInput = {
  19957. id: string
  19958. userid?: string | null
  19959. fileurl?: string | null
  19960. filename?: string | null
  19961. groupid?: string | null
  19962. abstract?: string | null
  19963. assistantFileId?: string | null
  19964. modelType?: string | null
  19965. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19966. }
  19967. export type GroupFileUncheckedCreateInput = {
  19968. id: string
  19969. userid?: string | null
  19970. fileurl?: string | null
  19971. filename?: string | null
  19972. groupid?: string | null
  19973. abstract?: string | null
  19974. assistantFileId?: string | null
  19975. modelType?: string | null
  19976. createtime?: Date | string | null
  19977. }
  19978. export type GroupFileUpdateInput = {
  19979. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19980. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19981. fileurl?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19982. filename?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19983. groupid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19984. abstract?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19985. assistantFileId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19986. modelType?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19987. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19988. }
  19989. export type GroupFileUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  19990. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  19991. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19992. fileurl?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19993. filename?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19994. groupid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19995. abstract?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19996. assistantFileId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19997. modelType?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  19998. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  19999. }
  20000. export type GroupFileCreateManyInput = {
  20001. id: string
  20002. userid?: string | null
  20003. fileurl?: string | null
  20004. filename?: string | null
  20005. groupid?: string | null
  20006. abstract?: string | null
  20007. assistantFileId?: string | null
  20008. modelType?: string | null
  20009. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20010. }
  20011. export type GroupFileUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20012. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20013. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20014. fileurl?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20015. filename?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20016. groupid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20017. abstract?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20018. assistantFileId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20019. modelType?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20020. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20021. }
  20022. export type GroupFileUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20023. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20024. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20025. fileurl?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20026. filename?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20027. groupid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20028. abstract?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20029. assistantFileId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20030. modelType?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20031. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20032. }
  20033. export type InvitationCodeCreateInput = {
  20034. id: string
  20035. cid?: string | null
  20036. themeId?: string | null
  20037. type?: number | null
  20038. invitationCode?: string | null
  20039. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20040. }
  20041. export type InvitationCodeUncheckedCreateInput = {
  20042. id: string
  20043. cid?: string | null
  20044. themeId?: string | null
  20045. type?: number | null
  20046. invitationCode?: string | null
  20047. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20048. }
  20049. export type InvitationCodeUpdateInput = {
  20050. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20051. cid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20052. themeId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20053. type?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20054. invitationCode?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20055. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20056. }
  20057. export type InvitationCodeUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  20058. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20059. cid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20060. themeId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20061. type?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20062. invitationCode?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20063. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20064. }
  20065. export type InvitationCodeCreateManyInput = {
  20066. id: string
  20067. cid?: string | null
  20068. themeId?: string | null
  20069. type?: number | null
  20070. invitationCode?: string | null
  20071. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20072. }
  20073. export type InvitationCodeUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20074. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20075. cid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20076. themeId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20077. type?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20078. invitationCode?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20079. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20080. }
  20081. export type InvitationCodeUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20082. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20083. cid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20084. themeId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20085. type?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20086. invitationCode?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20087. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20088. }
  20089. export type ai_agent_park_sessionCreateInput = {
  20090. id: string
  20091. session_name?: string | null
  20092. user_id?: string | null
  20093. isCocoNote?: number | null
  20094. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20095. work_area_text?: string | null
  20096. scene?: string | null
  20097. }
  20098. export type ai_agent_park_sessionUncheckedCreateInput = {
  20099. id: string
  20100. session_name?: string | null
  20101. user_id?: string | null
  20102. isCocoNote?: number | null
  20103. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20104. work_area_text?: string | null
  20105. scene?: string | null
  20106. }
  20107. export type ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateInput = {
  20108. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20109. session_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20110. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20111. isCocoNote?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20112. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20113. work_area_text?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20114. scene?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20115. }
  20116. export type ai_agent_park_sessionUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  20117. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20118. session_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20119. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20120. isCocoNote?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20121. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20122. work_area_text?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20123. scene?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20124. }
  20125. export type ai_agent_park_sessionCreateManyInput = {
  20126. id: string
  20127. session_name?: string | null
  20128. user_id?: string | null
  20129. isCocoNote?: number | null
  20130. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20131. work_area_text?: string | null
  20132. scene?: string | null
  20133. }
  20134. export type ai_agent_park_sessionUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20135. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20136. session_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20137. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20138. isCocoNote?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20139. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20140. work_area_text?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20141. scene?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20142. }
  20143. export type ai_agent_park_sessionUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20144. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20145. session_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20146. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20147. isCocoNote?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20148. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20149. work_area_text?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20150. scene?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20151. }
  20152. export type classroom_ob_commentCreateInput = {
  20153. id: string
  20154. module_id: string
  20155. module_name?: string | null
  20156. nickname?: string | null
  20157. commentContent?: string | null
  20158. audit_status?: number
  20159. t_id?: string | null
  20160. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20161. }
  20162. export type classroom_ob_commentUncheckedCreateInput = {
  20163. id: string
  20164. module_id: string
  20165. module_name?: string | null
  20166. nickname?: string | null
  20167. commentContent?: string | null
  20168. audit_status?: number
  20169. t_id?: string | null
  20170. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20171. }
  20172. export type classroom_ob_commentUpdateInput = {
  20173. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20174. module_id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20175. module_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20176. nickname?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20177. commentContent?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20178. audit_status?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
  20179. t_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20180. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20181. }
  20182. export type classroom_ob_commentUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  20183. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20184. module_id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20185. module_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20186. nickname?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20187. commentContent?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20188. audit_status?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
  20189. t_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20190. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20191. }
  20192. export type classroom_ob_commentCreateManyInput = {
  20193. id: string
  20194. module_id: string
  20195. module_name?: string | null
  20196. nickname?: string | null
  20197. commentContent?: string | null
  20198. audit_status?: number
  20199. t_id?: string | null
  20200. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20201. }
  20202. export type classroom_ob_commentUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20203. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20204. module_id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20205. module_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20206. nickname?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20207. commentContent?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20208. audit_status?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
  20209. t_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20210. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20211. }
  20212. export type classroom_ob_commentUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20213. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20214. module_id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20215. module_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20216. nickname?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20217. commentContent?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20218. audit_status?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
  20219. t_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20220. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20221. }
  20222. export type classroom_observationCreateInput = {
  20223. id: string
  20224. jsonData?: string | null
  20225. Type?: number | null
  20226. tIndex?: number | null
  20227. tId?: string | null
  20228. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20229. like_num?: number
  20230. like_data?: string | null
  20231. userid?: string | null
  20232. isdel?: number | null
  20233. limitData?: string | null
  20234. }
  20235. export type classroom_observationUncheckedCreateInput = {
  20236. id: string
  20237. jsonData?: string | null
  20238. Type?: number | null
  20239. tIndex?: number | null
  20240. tId?: string | null
  20241. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20242. like_num?: number
  20243. like_data?: string | null
  20244. userid?: string | null
  20245. isdel?: number | null
  20246. limitData?: string | null
  20247. }
  20248. export type classroom_observationUpdateInput = {
  20249. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20250. jsonData?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20251. Type?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20252. tIndex?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20253. tId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20254. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20255. like_num?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
  20256. like_data?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20257. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20258. isdel?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20259. limitData?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20260. }
  20261. export type classroom_observationUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  20262. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20263. jsonData?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20264. Type?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20265. tIndex?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20266. tId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20267. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20268. like_num?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
  20269. like_data?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20270. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20271. isdel?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20272. limitData?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20273. }
  20274. export type classroom_observationCreateManyInput = {
  20275. id: string
  20276. jsonData?: string | null
  20277. Type?: number | null
  20278. tIndex?: number | null
  20279. tId?: string | null
  20280. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20281. like_num?: number
  20282. like_data?: string | null
  20283. userid?: string | null
  20284. isdel?: number | null
  20285. limitData?: string | null
  20286. }
  20287. export type classroom_observationUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20288. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20289. jsonData?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20290. Type?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20291. tIndex?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20292. tId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20293. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20294. like_num?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
  20295. like_data?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20296. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20297. isdel?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20298. limitData?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20299. }
  20300. export type classroom_observationUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20301. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20302. jsonData?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20303. Type?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20304. tIndex?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20305. tId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20306. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20307. like_num?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
  20308. like_data?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20309. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20310. isdel?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20311. limitData?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20312. }
  20313. export type course_resourceCreateInput = {
  20314. id: string
  20315. subject?: string | null
  20316. grade?: string | null
  20317. textbook?: string | null
  20318. book_type?: string | null
  20319. unit?: string | null
  20320. period?: string | null
  20321. unit_content?: string | null
  20322. course_content?: string | null
  20323. }
  20324. export type course_resourceUncheckedCreateInput = {
  20325. id: string
  20326. subject?: string | null
  20327. grade?: string | null
  20328. textbook?: string | null
  20329. book_type?: string | null
  20330. unit?: string | null
  20331. period?: string | null
  20332. unit_content?: string | null
  20333. course_content?: string | null
  20334. }
  20335. export type course_resourceUpdateInput = {
  20336. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20337. subject?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20338. grade?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20339. textbook?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20340. book_type?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20341. unit?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20342. period?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20343. unit_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20344. course_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20345. }
  20346. export type course_resourceUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  20347. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20348. subject?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20349. grade?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20350. textbook?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20351. book_type?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20352. unit?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20353. period?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20354. unit_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20355. course_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20356. }
  20357. export type course_resourceCreateManyInput = {
  20358. id: string
  20359. subject?: string | null
  20360. grade?: string | null
  20361. textbook?: string | null
  20362. book_type?: string | null
  20363. unit?: string | null
  20364. period?: string | null
  20365. unit_content?: string | null
  20366. course_content?: string | null
  20367. }
  20368. export type course_resourceUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20369. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20370. subject?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20371. grade?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20372. textbook?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20373. book_type?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20374. unit?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20375. period?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20376. unit_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20377. course_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20378. }
  20379. export type course_resourceUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20380. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20381. subject?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20382. grade?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20383. textbook?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20384. book_type?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20385. unit?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20386. period?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20387. unit_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20388. course_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20389. }
  20390. export type knowledge_construction_docCreateInput = {
  20391. id: string
  20392. muti_id?: string | null
  20393. user_id?: string | null
  20394. session_id?: string | null
  20395. content?: string | null
  20396. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20397. }
  20398. export type knowledge_construction_docUncheckedCreateInput = {
  20399. id: string
  20400. muti_id?: string | null
  20401. user_id?: string | null
  20402. session_id?: string | null
  20403. content?: string | null
  20404. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20405. }
  20406. export type knowledge_construction_docUpdateInput = {
  20407. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20408. muti_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20409. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20410. session_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20411. content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20412. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20413. }
  20414. export type knowledge_construction_docUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  20415. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20416. muti_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20417. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20418. session_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20419. content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20420. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20421. }
  20422. export type knowledge_construction_docCreateManyInput = {
  20423. id: string
  20424. muti_id?: string | null
  20425. user_id?: string | null
  20426. session_id?: string | null
  20427. content?: string | null
  20428. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20429. }
  20430. export type knowledge_construction_docUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20431. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20432. muti_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20433. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20434. session_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20435. content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20436. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20437. }
  20438. export type knowledge_construction_docUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20439. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20440. muti_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20441. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20442. session_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20443. content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20444. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20445. }
  20446. export type meeting_trickCreateInput = {
  20447. id: string
  20448. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20449. userid?: string | null
  20450. meeting_name?: string | null
  20451. meeting_original?: string | null
  20452. meeting_minutes?: string | null
  20453. audio_url?: string | null
  20454. duration?: string | null
  20455. ab?: string | null
  20456. }
  20457. export type meeting_trickUncheckedCreateInput = {
  20458. id: string
  20459. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20460. userid?: string | null
  20461. meeting_name?: string | null
  20462. meeting_original?: string | null
  20463. meeting_minutes?: string | null
  20464. audio_url?: string | null
  20465. duration?: string | null
  20466. ab?: string | null
  20467. }
  20468. export type meeting_trickUpdateInput = {
  20469. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20470. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20471. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20472. meeting_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20473. meeting_original?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20474. meeting_minutes?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20475. audio_url?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20476. duration?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20477. ab?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20478. }
  20479. export type meeting_trickUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  20480. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20481. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20482. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20483. meeting_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20484. meeting_original?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20485. meeting_minutes?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20486. audio_url?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20487. duration?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20488. ab?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20489. }
  20490. export type meeting_trickCreateManyInput = {
  20491. id: string
  20492. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20493. userid?: string | null
  20494. meeting_name?: string | null
  20495. meeting_original?: string | null
  20496. meeting_minutes?: string | null
  20497. audio_url?: string | null
  20498. duration?: string | null
  20499. ab?: string | null
  20500. }
  20501. export type meeting_trickUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20502. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20503. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20504. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20505. meeting_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20506. meeting_original?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20507. meeting_minutes?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20508. audio_url?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20509. duration?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20510. ab?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20511. }
  20512. export type meeting_trickUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20513. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20514. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20515. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20516. meeting_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20517. meeting_original?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20518. meeting_minutes?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20519. audio_url?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20520. duration?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20521. ab?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20522. }
  20523. export type meeting_trick_chatCreateInput = {
  20524. id: string
  20525. meeting_id?: string | null
  20526. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20527. user_content?: string | null
  20528. ai_content?: string | null
  20529. }
  20530. export type meeting_trick_chatUncheckedCreateInput = {
  20531. id: string
  20532. meeting_id?: string | null
  20533. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20534. user_content?: string | null
  20535. ai_content?: string | null
  20536. }
  20537. export type meeting_trick_chatUpdateInput = {
  20538. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20539. meeting_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20540. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20541. user_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20542. ai_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20543. }
  20544. export type meeting_trick_chatUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  20545. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20546. meeting_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20547. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20548. user_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20549. ai_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20550. }
  20551. export type meeting_trick_chatCreateManyInput = {
  20552. id: string
  20553. meeting_id?: string | null
  20554. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20555. user_content?: string | null
  20556. ai_content?: string | null
  20557. }
  20558. export type meeting_trick_chatUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20559. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20560. meeting_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20561. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20562. user_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20563. ai_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20564. }
  20565. export type meeting_trick_chatUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20566. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20567. meeting_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20568. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20569. user_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20570. ai_content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20571. }
  20572. export type muti_agent_listCreateInput = {
  20573. id: string
  20574. userid?: string | null
  20575. username?: string | null
  20576. muti_name?: string | null
  20577. description?: string | null
  20578. isPublish?: boolean | null
  20579. organizeid?: string | null
  20580. content?: string | null
  20581. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20582. knowledge_construction?: number | null
  20583. }
  20584. export type muti_agent_listUncheckedCreateInput = {
  20585. id: string
  20586. userid?: string | null
  20587. username?: string | null
  20588. muti_name?: string | null
  20589. description?: string | null
  20590. isPublish?: boolean | null
  20591. organizeid?: string | null
  20592. content?: string | null
  20593. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20594. knowledge_construction?: number | null
  20595. }
  20596. export type muti_agent_listUpdateInput = {
  20597. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20598. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20599. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20600. muti_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20601. description?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20602. isPublish?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  20603. organizeid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20604. content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20605. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20606. knowledge_construction?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20607. }
  20608. export type muti_agent_listUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  20609. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20610. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20611. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20612. muti_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20613. description?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20614. isPublish?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  20615. organizeid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20616. content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20617. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20618. knowledge_construction?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20619. }
  20620. export type muti_agent_listCreateManyInput = {
  20621. id: string
  20622. userid?: string | null
  20623. username?: string | null
  20624. muti_name?: string | null
  20625. description?: string | null
  20626. isPublish?: boolean | null
  20627. organizeid?: string | null
  20628. content?: string | null
  20629. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20630. knowledge_construction?: number | null
  20631. }
  20632. export type muti_agent_listUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20633. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20634. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20635. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20636. muti_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20637. description?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20638. isPublish?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  20639. organizeid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20640. content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20641. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20642. knowledge_construction?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20643. }
  20644. export type muti_agent_listUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20645. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20646. userid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20647. username?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20648. muti_name?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20649. description?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20650. isPublish?: NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | boolean | null
  20651. organizeid?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20652. content?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20653. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20654. knowledge_construction?: NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number | null
  20655. }
  20656. export type park_chat_file_listCreateInput = {
  20657. id: string
  20658. user_id?: string | null
  20659. file_names: string
  20660. file_ids: string
  20661. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20662. file_urls?: string | null
  20663. }
  20664. export type park_chat_file_listUncheckedCreateInput = {
  20665. id: string
  20666. user_id?: string | null
  20667. file_names: string
  20668. file_ids: string
  20669. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20670. file_urls?: string | null
  20671. }
  20672. export type park_chat_file_listUpdateInput = {
  20673. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20674. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20675. file_names?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20676. file_ids?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20677. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20678. file_urls?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20679. }
  20680. export type park_chat_file_listUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  20681. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20682. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20683. file_names?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20684. file_ids?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20685. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20686. file_urls?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20687. }
  20688. export type park_chat_file_listCreateManyInput = {
  20689. id: string
  20690. user_id?: string | null
  20691. file_names: string
  20692. file_ids: string
  20693. create_time?: Date | string | null
  20694. file_urls?: string | null
  20695. }
  20696. export type park_chat_file_listUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20697. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20698. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20699. file_names?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20700. file_ids?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20701. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20702. file_urls?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20703. }
  20704. export type park_chat_file_listUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20705. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20706. user_id?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20707. file_names?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20708. file_ids?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20709. create_time?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20710. file_urls?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20711. }
  20712. export type tokenCreateInput = {
  20713. id: string
  20714. schoolId?: string | null
  20715. key?: string | null
  20716. createUsername?: string | null
  20717. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20718. }
  20719. export type tokenUncheckedCreateInput = {
  20720. id: string
  20721. schoolId?: string | null
  20722. key?: string | null
  20723. createUsername?: string | null
  20724. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20725. }
  20726. export type tokenUpdateInput = {
  20727. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20728. schoolId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20729. key?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20730. createUsername?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20731. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20732. }
  20733. export type tokenUncheckedUpdateInput = {
  20734. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20735. schoolId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20736. key?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20737. createUsername?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20738. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20739. }
  20740. export type tokenCreateManyInput = {
  20741. id: string
  20742. schoolId?: string | null
  20743. key?: string | null
  20744. createUsername?: string | null
  20745. createtime?: Date | string | null
  20746. }
  20747. export type tokenUpdateManyMutationInput = {
  20748. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20749. schoolId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20750. key?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20751. createUsername?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20752. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20753. }
  20754. export type tokenUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
  20755. id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
  20756. schoolId?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20757. key?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20758. createUsername?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
  20759. createtime?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
  20760. }
  20761. export type StringFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  20762. equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20763. in?: string[]
  20764. notIn?: string[]
  20765. lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20766. lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20767. gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20768. gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20769. contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20770. startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20771. endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20772. not?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel> | string
  20773. }
  20774. export type StringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  20775. equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  20776. in?: string[] | null
  20777. notIn?: string[] | null
  20778. lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20779. lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20780. gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20781. gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20782. contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20783. startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20784. endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20785. not?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | string | null
  20786. }
  20787. export type DateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  20788. equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  20789. in?: Date[] | string[] | null
  20790. notIn?: Date[] | string[] | null
  20791. lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20792. lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20793. gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20794. gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20795. not?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string | null
  20796. }
  20797. export type SortOrderInput = {
  20798. sort: SortOrder
  20799. nulls?: NullsOrder
  20800. }
  20801. export type AWS_Policy_RoleCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  20802. id?: SortOrder
  20803. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  20804. agent_bedrock_policy?: SortOrder
  20805. agent_kb_schema_policy?: SortOrder
  20806. kb_bedrock_policy?: SortOrder
  20807. kb_aoss_policy?: SortOrder
  20808. kb_s3_policy?: SortOrder
  20809. agent_role_name?: SortOrder
  20810. kb_role_name?: SortOrder
  20811. createtime?: SortOrder
  20812. }
  20813. export type AWS_Policy_RoleMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  20814. id?: SortOrder
  20815. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  20816. agent_bedrock_policy?: SortOrder
  20817. agent_kb_schema_policy?: SortOrder
  20818. kb_bedrock_policy?: SortOrder
  20819. kb_aoss_policy?: SortOrder
  20820. kb_s3_policy?: SortOrder
  20821. agent_role_name?: SortOrder
  20822. kb_role_name?: SortOrder
  20823. createtime?: SortOrder
  20824. }
  20825. export type AWS_Policy_RoleMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  20826. id?: SortOrder
  20827. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  20828. agent_bedrock_policy?: SortOrder
  20829. agent_kb_schema_policy?: SortOrder
  20830. kb_bedrock_policy?: SortOrder
  20831. kb_aoss_policy?: SortOrder
  20832. kb_s3_policy?: SortOrder
  20833. agent_role_name?: SortOrder
  20834. kb_role_name?: SortOrder
  20835. createtime?: SortOrder
  20836. }
  20837. export type StringWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  20838. equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20839. in?: string[]
  20840. notIn?: string[]
  20841. lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20842. lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20843. gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20844. gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20845. contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20846. startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20847. endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20848. not?: NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | string
  20849. _count?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20850. _min?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20851. _max?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20852. }
  20853. export type StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  20854. equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  20855. in?: string[] | null
  20856. notIn?: string[] | null
  20857. lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20858. lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20859. gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20860. gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20861. contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20862. startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20863. endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20864. not?: NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | string | null
  20865. _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20866. _min?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20867. _max?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20868. }
  20869. export type DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  20870. equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  20871. in?: Date[] | string[] | null
  20872. notIn?: Date[] | string[] | null
  20873. lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20874. lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20875. gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20876. gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  20877. not?: NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string | null
  20878. _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20879. _min?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20880. _max?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20881. }
  20882. export type BoolNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  20883. equals?: boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  20884. not?: NestedBoolNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | boolean | null
  20885. }
  20886. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  20887. id?: SortOrder
  20888. userId?: SortOrder
  20889. username?: SortOrder
  20890. agent_sort?: SortOrder
  20891. agent_tag?: SortOrder
  20892. assistantName?: SortOrder
  20893. description?: SortOrder
  20894. prologue?: SortOrder
  20895. headUrl?: SortOrder
  20896. instructions?: SortOrder
  20897. isRetrieval?: SortOrder
  20898. isCode?: SortOrder
  20899. isGoogle?: SortOrder
  20900. isDalleImage?: SortOrder
  20901. functionNames?: SortOrder
  20902. functionContents?: SortOrder
  20903. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  20904. thread_id?: SortOrder
  20905. file_ids?: SortOrder
  20906. file_names?: SortOrder
  20907. isPublish?: SortOrder
  20908. organize_id?: SortOrder
  20909. vector_store_id?: SortOrder
  20910. modelType?: SortOrder
  20911. createtime?: SortOrder
  20912. updatetime?: SortOrder
  20913. a?: SortOrder
  20914. }
  20915. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  20916. id?: SortOrder
  20917. userId?: SortOrder
  20918. username?: SortOrder
  20919. agent_sort?: SortOrder
  20920. agent_tag?: SortOrder
  20921. assistantName?: SortOrder
  20922. description?: SortOrder
  20923. prologue?: SortOrder
  20924. headUrl?: SortOrder
  20925. instructions?: SortOrder
  20926. isRetrieval?: SortOrder
  20927. isCode?: SortOrder
  20928. isGoogle?: SortOrder
  20929. isDalleImage?: SortOrder
  20930. functionNames?: SortOrder
  20931. functionContents?: SortOrder
  20932. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  20933. thread_id?: SortOrder
  20934. file_ids?: SortOrder
  20935. file_names?: SortOrder
  20936. isPublish?: SortOrder
  20937. organize_id?: SortOrder
  20938. vector_store_id?: SortOrder
  20939. modelType?: SortOrder
  20940. createtime?: SortOrder
  20941. updatetime?: SortOrder
  20942. a?: SortOrder
  20943. }
  20944. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  20945. id?: SortOrder
  20946. userId?: SortOrder
  20947. username?: SortOrder
  20948. agent_sort?: SortOrder
  20949. agent_tag?: SortOrder
  20950. assistantName?: SortOrder
  20951. description?: SortOrder
  20952. prologue?: SortOrder
  20953. headUrl?: SortOrder
  20954. instructions?: SortOrder
  20955. isRetrieval?: SortOrder
  20956. isCode?: SortOrder
  20957. isGoogle?: SortOrder
  20958. isDalleImage?: SortOrder
  20959. functionNames?: SortOrder
  20960. functionContents?: SortOrder
  20961. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  20962. thread_id?: SortOrder
  20963. file_ids?: SortOrder
  20964. file_names?: SortOrder
  20965. isPublish?: SortOrder
  20966. organize_id?: SortOrder
  20967. vector_store_id?: SortOrder
  20968. modelType?: SortOrder
  20969. createtime?: SortOrder
  20970. updatetime?: SortOrder
  20971. a?: SortOrder
  20972. }
  20973. export type BoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  20974. equals?: boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  20975. not?: NestedBoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | boolean | null
  20976. _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20977. _min?: NestedBoolNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20978. _max?: NestedBoolNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  20979. }
  20980. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  20981. id?: SortOrder
  20982. userId?: SortOrder
  20983. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  20984. thread_id?: SortOrder
  20985. createtime?: SortOrder
  20986. session_name?: SortOrder
  20987. }
  20988. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  20989. id?: SortOrder
  20990. userId?: SortOrder
  20991. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  20992. thread_id?: SortOrder
  20993. createtime?: SortOrder
  20994. session_name?: SortOrder
  20995. }
  20996. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  20997. id?: SortOrder
  20998. userId?: SortOrder
  20999. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  21000. thread_id?: SortOrder
  21001. createtime?: SortOrder
  21002. session_name?: SortOrder
  21003. }
  21004. export type AssistantCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21005. id?: SortOrder
  21006. uid?: SortOrder
  21007. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  21008. thread_id?: SortOrder
  21009. file_ids?: SortOrder
  21010. vector_store_id?: SortOrder
  21011. createtime?: SortOrder
  21012. }
  21013. export type AssistantMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21014. id?: SortOrder
  21015. uid?: SortOrder
  21016. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  21017. thread_id?: SortOrder
  21018. file_ids?: SortOrder
  21019. vector_store_id?: SortOrder
  21020. createtime?: SortOrder
  21021. }
  21022. export type AssistantMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21023. id?: SortOrder
  21024. uid?: SortOrder
  21025. assistant_id?: SortOrder
  21026. thread_id?: SortOrder
  21027. file_ids?: SortOrder
  21028. vector_store_id?: SortOrder
  21029. createtime?: SortOrder
  21030. }
  21031. export type IntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21032. equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  21033. in?: number[] | null
  21034. notIn?: number[] | null
  21035. lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21036. lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21037. gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21038. gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21039. not?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | number | null
  21040. }
  21041. export type ChatCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21042. id?: SortOrder
  21043. groupid?: SortOrder
  21044. userid?: SortOrder
  21045. username?: SortOrder
  21046. answer?: SortOrder
  21047. problem?: SortOrder
  21048. createtime?: SortOrder
  21049. fileid?: SortOrder
  21050. isMindMap?: SortOrder
  21051. filename?: SortOrder
  21052. session_name?: SortOrder
  21053. scene?: SortOrder
  21054. }
  21055. export type ChatAvgOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21056. isMindMap?: SortOrder
  21057. }
  21058. export type ChatMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21059. id?: SortOrder
  21060. groupid?: SortOrder
  21061. userid?: SortOrder
  21062. username?: SortOrder
  21063. answer?: SortOrder
  21064. problem?: SortOrder
  21065. createtime?: SortOrder
  21066. fileid?: SortOrder
  21067. isMindMap?: SortOrder
  21068. filename?: SortOrder
  21069. session_name?: SortOrder
  21070. scene?: SortOrder
  21071. }
  21072. export type ChatMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21073. id?: SortOrder
  21074. groupid?: SortOrder
  21075. userid?: SortOrder
  21076. username?: SortOrder
  21077. answer?: SortOrder
  21078. problem?: SortOrder
  21079. createtime?: SortOrder
  21080. fileid?: SortOrder
  21081. isMindMap?: SortOrder
  21082. filename?: SortOrder
  21083. session_name?: SortOrder
  21084. scene?: SortOrder
  21085. }
  21086. export type ChatSumOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21087. isMindMap?: SortOrder
  21088. }
  21089. export type IntNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21090. equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  21091. in?: number[] | null
  21092. notIn?: number[] | null
  21093. lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21094. lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21095. gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21096. gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21097. not?: NestedIntNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | number | null
  21098. _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21099. _avg?: NestedFloatNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21100. _sum?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21101. _min?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21102. _max?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21103. }
  21104. export type DispositionCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21105. id?: SortOrder
  21106. module?: SortOrder
  21107. disposition_class?: SortOrder
  21108. disposition_type?: SortOrder
  21109. disposition_style?: SortOrder
  21110. disposition_theme?: SortOrder
  21111. user_id?: SortOrder
  21112. create_time?: SortOrder
  21113. }
  21114. export type DispositionMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21115. id?: SortOrder
  21116. module?: SortOrder
  21117. disposition_class?: SortOrder
  21118. disposition_type?: SortOrder
  21119. disposition_style?: SortOrder
  21120. disposition_theme?: SortOrder
  21121. user_id?: SortOrder
  21122. create_time?: SortOrder
  21123. }
  21124. export type DispositionMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21125. id?: SortOrder
  21126. module?: SortOrder
  21127. disposition_class?: SortOrder
  21128. disposition_type?: SortOrder
  21129. disposition_style?: SortOrder
  21130. disposition_theme?: SortOrder
  21131. user_id?: SortOrder
  21132. create_time?: SortOrder
  21133. }
  21134. export type GroupCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21135. id?: SortOrder
  21136. name?: SortOrder
  21137. userid?: SortOrder
  21138. createtime?: SortOrder
  21139. }
  21140. export type GroupMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21141. id?: SortOrder
  21142. name?: SortOrder
  21143. userid?: SortOrder
  21144. createtime?: SortOrder
  21145. }
  21146. export type GroupMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21147. id?: SortOrder
  21148. name?: SortOrder
  21149. userid?: SortOrder
  21150. createtime?: SortOrder
  21151. }
  21152. export type GroupFileCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21153. id?: SortOrder
  21154. userid?: SortOrder
  21155. fileurl?: SortOrder
  21156. filename?: SortOrder
  21157. groupid?: SortOrder
  21158. abstract?: SortOrder
  21159. assistantFileId?: SortOrder
  21160. modelType?: SortOrder
  21161. createtime?: SortOrder
  21162. }
  21163. export type GroupFileMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21164. id?: SortOrder
  21165. userid?: SortOrder
  21166. fileurl?: SortOrder
  21167. filename?: SortOrder
  21168. groupid?: SortOrder
  21169. abstract?: SortOrder
  21170. assistantFileId?: SortOrder
  21171. modelType?: SortOrder
  21172. createtime?: SortOrder
  21173. }
  21174. export type GroupFileMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21175. id?: SortOrder
  21176. userid?: SortOrder
  21177. fileurl?: SortOrder
  21178. filename?: SortOrder
  21179. groupid?: SortOrder
  21180. abstract?: SortOrder
  21181. assistantFileId?: SortOrder
  21182. modelType?: SortOrder
  21183. createtime?: SortOrder
  21184. }
  21185. export type InvitationCodeCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21186. id?: SortOrder
  21187. cid?: SortOrder
  21188. themeId?: SortOrder
  21189. type?: SortOrder
  21190. invitationCode?: SortOrder
  21191. createtime?: SortOrder
  21192. }
  21193. export type InvitationCodeAvgOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21194. type?: SortOrder
  21195. }
  21196. export type InvitationCodeMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21197. id?: SortOrder
  21198. cid?: SortOrder
  21199. themeId?: SortOrder
  21200. type?: SortOrder
  21201. invitationCode?: SortOrder
  21202. createtime?: SortOrder
  21203. }
  21204. export type InvitationCodeMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21205. id?: SortOrder
  21206. cid?: SortOrder
  21207. themeId?: SortOrder
  21208. type?: SortOrder
  21209. invitationCode?: SortOrder
  21210. createtime?: SortOrder
  21211. }
  21212. export type InvitationCodeSumOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21213. type?: SortOrder
  21214. }
  21215. export type ai_agent_park_sessionCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21216. id?: SortOrder
  21217. session_name?: SortOrder
  21218. user_id?: SortOrder
  21219. isCocoNote?: SortOrder
  21220. createtime?: SortOrder
  21221. work_area_text?: SortOrder
  21222. scene?: SortOrder
  21223. }
  21224. export type ai_agent_park_sessionAvgOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21225. isCocoNote?: SortOrder
  21226. }
  21227. export type ai_agent_park_sessionMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21228. id?: SortOrder
  21229. session_name?: SortOrder
  21230. user_id?: SortOrder
  21231. isCocoNote?: SortOrder
  21232. createtime?: SortOrder
  21233. work_area_text?: SortOrder
  21234. scene?: SortOrder
  21235. }
  21236. export type ai_agent_park_sessionMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21237. id?: SortOrder
  21238. session_name?: SortOrder
  21239. user_id?: SortOrder
  21240. isCocoNote?: SortOrder
  21241. createtime?: SortOrder
  21242. work_area_text?: SortOrder
  21243. scene?: SortOrder
  21244. }
  21245. export type ai_agent_park_sessionSumOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21246. isCocoNote?: SortOrder
  21247. }
  21248. export type IntFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21249. equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21250. in?: number[]
  21251. notIn?: number[]
  21252. lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21253. lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21254. gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21255. gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21256. not?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> | number
  21257. }
  21258. export type classroom_ob_commentCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21259. id?: SortOrder
  21260. module_id?: SortOrder
  21261. module_name?: SortOrder
  21262. nickname?: SortOrder
  21263. commentContent?: SortOrder
  21264. audit_status?: SortOrder
  21265. t_id?: SortOrder
  21266. create_time?: SortOrder
  21267. }
  21268. export type classroom_ob_commentAvgOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21269. audit_status?: SortOrder
  21270. }
  21271. export type classroom_ob_commentMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21272. id?: SortOrder
  21273. module_id?: SortOrder
  21274. module_name?: SortOrder
  21275. nickname?: SortOrder
  21276. commentContent?: SortOrder
  21277. audit_status?: SortOrder
  21278. t_id?: SortOrder
  21279. create_time?: SortOrder
  21280. }
  21281. export type classroom_ob_commentMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21282. id?: SortOrder
  21283. module_id?: SortOrder
  21284. module_name?: SortOrder
  21285. nickname?: SortOrder
  21286. commentContent?: SortOrder
  21287. audit_status?: SortOrder
  21288. t_id?: SortOrder
  21289. create_time?: SortOrder
  21290. }
  21291. export type classroom_ob_commentSumOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21292. audit_status?: SortOrder
  21293. }
  21294. export type IntWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21295. equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21296. in?: number[]
  21297. notIn?: number[]
  21298. lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21299. lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21300. gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21301. gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21302. not?: NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | number
  21303. _count?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21304. _avg?: NestedFloatFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21305. _sum?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21306. _min?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21307. _max?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21308. }
  21309. export type classroom_observationCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21310. id?: SortOrder
  21311. jsonData?: SortOrder
  21312. Type?: SortOrder
  21313. tIndex?: SortOrder
  21314. tId?: SortOrder
  21315. createtime?: SortOrder
  21316. like_num?: SortOrder
  21317. like_data?: SortOrder
  21318. userid?: SortOrder
  21319. isdel?: SortOrder
  21320. limitData?: SortOrder
  21321. }
  21322. export type classroom_observationAvgOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21323. Type?: SortOrder
  21324. tIndex?: SortOrder
  21325. like_num?: SortOrder
  21326. isdel?: SortOrder
  21327. }
  21328. export type classroom_observationMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21329. id?: SortOrder
  21330. jsonData?: SortOrder
  21331. Type?: SortOrder
  21332. tIndex?: SortOrder
  21333. tId?: SortOrder
  21334. createtime?: SortOrder
  21335. like_num?: SortOrder
  21336. like_data?: SortOrder
  21337. userid?: SortOrder
  21338. isdel?: SortOrder
  21339. limitData?: SortOrder
  21340. }
  21341. export type classroom_observationMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21342. id?: SortOrder
  21343. jsonData?: SortOrder
  21344. Type?: SortOrder
  21345. tIndex?: SortOrder
  21346. tId?: SortOrder
  21347. createtime?: SortOrder
  21348. like_num?: SortOrder
  21349. like_data?: SortOrder
  21350. userid?: SortOrder
  21351. isdel?: SortOrder
  21352. limitData?: SortOrder
  21353. }
  21354. export type classroom_observationSumOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21355. Type?: SortOrder
  21356. tIndex?: SortOrder
  21357. like_num?: SortOrder
  21358. isdel?: SortOrder
  21359. }
  21360. export type course_resourceCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21361. id?: SortOrder
  21362. subject?: SortOrder
  21363. grade?: SortOrder
  21364. textbook?: SortOrder
  21365. book_type?: SortOrder
  21366. unit?: SortOrder
  21367. period?: SortOrder
  21368. unit_content?: SortOrder
  21369. course_content?: SortOrder
  21370. }
  21371. export type course_resourceMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21372. id?: SortOrder
  21373. subject?: SortOrder
  21374. grade?: SortOrder
  21375. textbook?: SortOrder
  21376. book_type?: SortOrder
  21377. unit?: SortOrder
  21378. period?: SortOrder
  21379. unit_content?: SortOrder
  21380. course_content?: SortOrder
  21381. }
  21382. export type course_resourceMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21383. id?: SortOrder
  21384. subject?: SortOrder
  21385. grade?: SortOrder
  21386. textbook?: SortOrder
  21387. book_type?: SortOrder
  21388. unit?: SortOrder
  21389. period?: SortOrder
  21390. unit_content?: SortOrder
  21391. course_content?: SortOrder
  21392. }
  21393. export type knowledge_construction_docCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21394. id?: SortOrder
  21395. muti_id?: SortOrder
  21396. user_id?: SortOrder
  21397. session_id?: SortOrder
  21398. content?: SortOrder
  21399. create_time?: SortOrder
  21400. }
  21401. export type knowledge_construction_docMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21402. id?: SortOrder
  21403. muti_id?: SortOrder
  21404. user_id?: SortOrder
  21405. session_id?: SortOrder
  21406. content?: SortOrder
  21407. create_time?: SortOrder
  21408. }
  21409. export type knowledge_construction_docMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21410. id?: SortOrder
  21411. muti_id?: SortOrder
  21412. user_id?: SortOrder
  21413. session_id?: SortOrder
  21414. content?: SortOrder
  21415. create_time?: SortOrder
  21416. }
  21417. export type meeting_trickCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21418. id?: SortOrder
  21419. createtime?: SortOrder
  21420. userid?: SortOrder
  21421. meeting_name?: SortOrder
  21422. meeting_original?: SortOrder
  21423. meeting_minutes?: SortOrder
  21424. audio_url?: SortOrder
  21425. duration?: SortOrder
  21426. ab?: SortOrder
  21427. }
  21428. export type meeting_trickMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21429. id?: SortOrder
  21430. createtime?: SortOrder
  21431. userid?: SortOrder
  21432. meeting_name?: SortOrder
  21433. meeting_original?: SortOrder
  21434. meeting_minutes?: SortOrder
  21435. audio_url?: SortOrder
  21436. duration?: SortOrder
  21437. ab?: SortOrder
  21438. }
  21439. export type meeting_trickMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21440. id?: SortOrder
  21441. createtime?: SortOrder
  21442. userid?: SortOrder
  21443. meeting_name?: SortOrder
  21444. meeting_original?: SortOrder
  21445. meeting_minutes?: SortOrder
  21446. audio_url?: SortOrder
  21447. duration?: SortOrder
  21448. ab?: SortOrder
  21449. }
  21450. export type meeting_trick_chatCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21451. id?: SortOrder
  21452. meeting_id?: SortOrder
  21453. createtime?: SortOrder
  21454. user_content?: SortOrder
  21455. ai_content?: SortOrder
  21456. }
  21457. export type meeting_trick_chatMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21458. id?: SortOrder
  21459. meeting_id?: SortOrder
  21460. createtime?: SortOrder
  21461. user_content?: SortOrder
  21462. ai_content?: SortOrder
  21463. }
  21464. export type meeting_trick_chatMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21465. id?: SortOrder
  21466. meeting_id?: SortOrder
  21467. createtime?: SortOrder
  21468. user_content?: SortOrder
  21469. ai_content?: SortOrder
  21470. }
  21471. export type muti_agent_listCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21472. id?: SortOrder
  21473. userid?: SortOrder
  21474. username?: SortOrder
  21475. muti_name?: SortOrder
  21476. description?: SortOrder
  21477. isPublish?: SortOrder
  21478. organizeid?: SortOrder
  21479. content?: SortOrder
  21480. create_time?: SortOrder
  21481. knowledge_construction?: SortOrder
  21482. }
  21483. export type muti_agent_listAvgOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21484. knowledge_construction?: SortOrder
  21485. }
  21486. export type muti_agent_listMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21487. id?: SortOrder
  21488. userid?: SortOrder
  21489. username?: SortOrder
  21490. muti_name?: SortOrder
  21491. description?: SortOrder
  21492. isPublish?: SortOrder
  21493. organizeid?: SortOrder
  21494. content?: SortOrder
  21495. create_time?: SortOrder
  21496. knowledge_construction?: SortOrder
  21497. }
  21498. export type muti_agent_listMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21499. id?: SortOrder
  21500. userid?: SortOrder
  21501. username?: SortOrder
  21502. muti_name?: SortOrder
  21503. description?: SortOrder
  21504. isPublish?: SortOrder
  21505. organizeid?: SortOrder
  21506. content?: SortOrder
  21507. create_time?: SortOrder
  21508. knowledge_construction?: SortOrder
  21509. }
  21510. export type muti_agent_listSumOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21511. knowledge_construction?: SortOrder
  21512. }
  21513. export type park_chat_file_listCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21514. id?: SortOrder
  21515. user_id?: SortOrder
  21516. file_names?: SortOrder
  21517. file_ids?: SortOrder
  21518. create_time?: SortOrder
  21519. file_urls?: SortOrder
  21520. }
  21521. export type park_chat_file_listMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21522. id?: SortOrder
  21523. user_id?: SortOrder
  21524. file_names?: SortOrder
  21525. file_ids?: SortOrder
  21526. create_time?: SortOrder
  21527. file_urls?: SortOrder
  21528. }
  21529. export type park_chat_file_listMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21530. id?: SortOrder
  21531. user_id?: SortOrder
  21532. file_names?: SortOrder
  21533. file_ids?: SortOrder
  21534. create_time?: SortOrder
  21535. file_urls?: SortOrder
  21536. }
  21537. export type tokenCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21538. id?: SortOrder
  21539. schoolId?: SortOrder
  21540. key?: SortOrder
  21541. createUsername?: SortOrder
  21542. createtime?: SortOrder
  21543. }
  21544. export type tokenMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21545. id?: SortOrder
  21546. schoolId?: SortOrder
  21547. key?: SortOrder
  21548. createUsername?: SortOrder
  21549. createtime?: SortOrder
  21550. }
  21551. export type tokenMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
  21552. id?: SortOrder
  21553. schoolId?: SortOrder
  21554. key?: SortOrder
  21555. createUsername?: SortOrder
  21556. createtime?: SortOrder
  21557. }
  21558. export type StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
  21559. set?: string
  21560. }
  21561. export type NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
  21562. set?: string | null
  21563. }
  21564. export type NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
  21565. set?: Date | string | null
  21566. }
  21567. export type NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
  21568. set?: boolean | null
  21569. }
  21570. export type NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
  21571. set?: number | null
  21572. increment?: number
  21573. decrement?: number
  21574. multiply?: number
  21575. divide?: number
  21576. }
  21577. export type IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
  21578. set?: number
  21579. increment?: number
  21580. decrement?: number
  21581. multiply?: number
  21582. divide?: number
  21583. }
  21584. export type NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21585. equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21586. in?: string[]
  21587. notIn?: string[]
  21588. lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21589. lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21590. gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21591. gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21592. contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21593. startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21594. endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21595. not?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel> | string
  21596. }
  21597. export type NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21598. equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  21599. in?: string[] | null
  21600. notIn?: string[] | null
  21601. lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21602. lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21603. gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21604. gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21605. contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21606. startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21607. endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21608. not?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | string | null
  21609. }
  21610. export type NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21611. equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  21612. in?: Date[] | string[] | null
  21613. notIn?: Date[] | string[] | null
  21614. lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21615. lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21616. gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21617. gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21618. not?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string | null
  21619. }
  21620. export type NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21621. equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21622. in?: string[]
  21623. notIn?: string[]
  21624. lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21625. lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21626. gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21627. gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21628. contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21629. startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21630. endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21631. not?: NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | string
  21632. _count?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21633. _min?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21634. _max?: NestedStringFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21635. }
  21636. export type NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21637. equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21638. in?: number[]
  21639. notIn?: number[]
  21640. lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21641. lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21642. gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21643. gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21644. not?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel> | number
  21645. }
  21646. export type NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21647. equals?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  21648. in?: string[] | null
  21649. notIn?: string[] | null
  21650. lt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21651. lte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21652. gt?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21653. gte?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21654. contains?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21655. startsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21656. endsWith?: string | StringFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21657. not?: NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | string | null
  21658. _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21659. _min?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21660. _max?: NestedStringNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21661. }
  21662. export type NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21663. equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  21664. in?: number[] | null
  21665. notIn?: number[] | null
  21666. lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21667. lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21668. gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21669. gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21670. not?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | number | null
  21671. }
  21672. export type NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21673. equals?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  21674. in?: Date[] | string[] | null
  21675. notIn?: Date[] | string[] | null
  21676. lt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21677. lte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21678. gt?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21679. gte?: Date | string | DateTimeFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21680. not?: NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | Date | string | null
  21681. _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21682. _min?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21683. _max?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21684. }
  21685. export type NestedBoolNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21686. equals?: boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  21687. not?: NestedBoolNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | boolean | null
  21688. }
  21689. export type NestedBoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21690. equals?: boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  21691. not?: NestedBoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | boolean | null
  21692. _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21693. _min?: NestedBoolNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21694. _max?: NestedBoolNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21695. }
  21696. export type NestedIntNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21697. equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  21698. in?: number[] | null
  21699. notIn?: number[] | null
  21700. lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21701. lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21702. gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21703. gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21704. not?: NestedIntNullableWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | number | null
  21705. _count?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21706. _avg?: NestedFloatNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21707. _sum?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21708. _min?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21709. _max?: NestedIntNullableFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21710. }
  21711. export type NestedFloatNullableFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21712. equals?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel> | null
  21713. in?: number[] | null
  21714. notIn?: number[] | null
  21715. lt?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21716. lte?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21717. gt?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21718. gte?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21719. not?: NestedFloatNullableFilter<$PrismaModel> | number | null
  21720. }
  21721. export type NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21722. equals?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21723. in?: number[]
  21724. notIn?: number[]
  21725. lt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21726. lte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21727. gt?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21728. gte?: number | IntFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21729. not?: NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter<$PrismaModel> | number
  21730. _count?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21731. _avg?: NestedFloatFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21732. _sum?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21733. _min?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21734. _max?: NestedIntFilter<$PrismaModel>
  21735. }
  21736. export type NestedFloatFilter<$PrismaModel = never> = {
  21737. equals?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21738. in?: number[]
  21739. notIn?: number[]
  21740. lt?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21741. lte?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21742. gt?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21743. gte?: number | FloatFieldRefInput<$PrismaModel>
  21744. not?: NestedFloatFilter<$PrismaModel> | number
  21745. }
  21746. /**
  21747. * Aliases for legacy arg types
  21748. */
  21749. /**
  21750. * @deprecated Use AWS_Policy_RoleDefaultArgs instead
  21751. */
  21752. export type AWS_Policy_RoleArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = AWS_Policy_RoleDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21753. /**
  21754. * @deprecated Use Ai_Agent_AssistantsDefaultArgs instead
  21755. */
  21756. export type Ai_Agent_AssistantsArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = Ai_Agent_AssistantsDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21757. /**
  21758. * @deprecated Use Ai_Agent_ThreadsDefaultArgs instead
  21759. */
  21760. export type Ai_Agent_ThreadsArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = Ai_Agent_ThreadsDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21761. /**
  21762. * @deprecated Use AssistantDefaultArgs instead
  21763. */
  21764. export type AssistantArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = AssistantDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21765. /**
  21766. * @deprecated Use ChatDefaultArgs instead
  21767. */
  21768. export type ChatArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = ChatDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21769. /**
  21770. * @deprecated Use DispositionDefaultArgs instead
  21771. */
  21772. export type DispositionArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = DispositionDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21773. /**
  21774. * @deprecated Use GroupDefaultArgs instead
  21775. */
  21776. export type GroupArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = GroupDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21777. /**
  21778. * @deprecated Use GroupFileDefaultArgs instead
  21779. */
  21780. export type GroupFileArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = GroupFileDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21781. /**
  21782. * @deprecated Use InvitationCodeDefaultArgs instead
  21783. */
  21784. export type InvitationCodeArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = InvitationCodeDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21785. /**
  21786. * @deprecated Use ai_agent_park_sessionDefaultArgs instead
  21787. */
  21788. export type ai_agent_park_sessionArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = ai_agent_park_sessionDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21789. /**
  21790. * @deprecated Use classroom_ob_commentDefaultArgs instead
  21791. */
  21792. export type classroom_ob_commentArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = classroom_ob_commentDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21793. /**
  21794. * @deprecated Use classroom_observationDefaultArgs instead
  21795. */
  21796. export type classroom_observationArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = classroom_observationDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21797. /**
  21798. * @deprecated Use course_resourceDefaultArgs instead
  21799. */
  21800. export type course_resourceArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = course_resourceDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21801. /**
  21802. * @deprecated Use knowledge_construction_docDefaultArgs instead
  21803. */
  21804. export type knowledge_construction_docArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = knowledge_construction_docDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21805. /**
  21806. * @deprecated Use meeting_trickDefaultArgs instead
  21807. */
  21808. export type meeting_trickArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = meeting_trickDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21809. /**
  21810. * @deprecated Use meeting_trick_chatDefaultArgs instead
  21811. */
  21812. export type meeting_trick_chatArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = meeting_trick_chatDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21813. /**
  21814. * @deprecated Use muti_agent_listDefaultArgs instead
  21815. */
  21816. export type muti_agent_listArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = muti_agent_listDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21817. /**
  21818. * @deprecated Use park_chat_file_listDefaultArgs instead
  21819. */
  21820. export type park_chat_file_listArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = park_chat_file_listDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21821. /**
  21822. * @deprecated Use tokenDefaultArgs instead
  21823. */
  21824. export type tokenArgs<ExtArgs extends $Extensions.InternalArgs = $Extensions.DefaultArgs> = tokenDefaultArgs<ExtArgs>
  21825. /**
  21826. * Batch Payload for updateMany & deleteMany & createMany
  21827. */
  21828. export type BatchPayload = {
  21829. count: number
  21830. }
  21831. /**
  21832. * DMMF
  21833. */
  21834. export const dmmf: runtime.BaseDMMF
  21835. }