
Get the longest item in an array.
npm i longest --save
bower install longest --save
Install dev dependencies.
npm i -d && npm test
var longest = require('longest');
longest(['a', 'abcde', 'abc']);
longest(['a', 'abcde', 'abc']).length;
- longest-value: Get the longest value for the given property from an array of objects. Useful for aligning values.
- right-align-values: Right align the values of a given property for each object in an array. Useful for creating text columns or tables.
- right-pad-values: Right pad the values of a given property for each object in an array. Useful for creating text columns or tables.
- repeat-string: Repeat the given string n times. Fastest implementation for repeating a string.
- pad-right: Right pad a string with zeros or a specified string. Fastest implementation.
- pad-left: Left pad a string with zeros or a specified string. Fastest implementation.
Install dev dependencies.
npm i -d && npm test
Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue
Jon Schlinkert
Copyright (c) 2015 Jon Schlinkert
Released under the MIT license
This file was generated by verb-cli on March 31, 2015.