123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226 |
- 'use strict';
- goog.provide('Blockscad.Msg.fr');
- Blockscad.Msg.ABORT_BUTTON = "Annuler!";
- Blockscad.Msg.ABOUT_LINK = "A propos";
- Blockscad.Msg.ACROSS = "sur";
- Blockscad.Msg.ADVANCED_TOOLBOX = "Boîte à outils simple";
- Blockscad.Msg.ALONG = "par";
- Blockscad.Msg.AROUND = "autour de";
- Blockscad.Msg.AXES_BUTTON = "Toggle axes display";
- Blockscad.Msg.AXIS = "axe";
- Blockscad.Msg.BLOCKS_BUMPED_OUT_DIMENSIONS = "%1 calling blocks were displaced: 2D and 3D shapes cannot be together";
- Blockscad.Msg.BLOCKS_BUMPED_OUT_TYPES = "%1 calling blocks were displaced: type mismatch between %2 and %3";
- Blockscad.Msg.BLOCKS_TAB = "Blocs";
- Blockscad.Msg.BLOCK_COLORS = "Design du bloc couleur";
- Blockscad.Msg.BLOCK_TEXT_2D = "text 2D";
- Blockscad.Msg.BLOCK_TEXT_3D = "text 3D";
- Blockscad.Msg.BROWSE = "browse";
- Blockscad.Msg.BS_3DTEXT_TOOLTIP = "A 3D rendering of text with a given size and font, and thickness";
- Blockscad.Msg.BS_TEXT_TOOLTIP = "A 2D rendering of text with a given size and font";
- Blockscad.Msg.CATEGORY_2D_SHAPES = "formes 2D";
- Blockscad.Msg.CATEGORY_3D_SHAPES = "formes 3D";
- Blockscad.Msg.CATEGORY_LOGIC = "logique";
- Blockscad.Msg.CATEGORY_LOOPS = "boucles";
- Blockscad.Msg.CATEGORY_MATH = "maths";
- Blockscad.Msg.CATEGORY_PROCEDURES = "fonctions";
- Blockscad.Msg.CATEGORY_SET_OPERATIONS = "opérations";
- Blockscad.Msg.CATEGORY_TEXT = "texte";
- Blockscad.Msg.CATEGORY_TRANSFORMATIONS = "transformations";
- Blockscad.Msg.CATEGORY_VARIBLES = "variables";
- Blockscad.Msg.CENTER = "centre";
- Blockscad.Msg.CENTERED = "centré";
- Blockscad.Msg.CHANGE_EMAIL = "Changer l'e-mail";
- Blockscad.Msg.CHANGE_EMAIL_CURRENT = "E-mail actuel";
- Blockscad.Msg.CHANGE_EMAIL_NEW = "Nouveau e-mail";
- Blockscad.Msg.CHANGE_PASSWORD = "Changer le mot de passe";
- Blockscad.Msg.CHANGE_PASSWORD_INSTRUCTIONS = "Après avoir changé votre mot de passe, vous serez invité à vous reconnecter à nouveau.";
- Blockscad.Msg.CIRCLE = "cercle";
- Blockscad.Msg.CIRCLE_TOOLTIP = "<img src='imgs/en/circle.svg' width='65'>";
- Blockscad.Msg.CLASSIC_COLORS = "Standard";
- Blockscad.Msg.CODE_TAB = "Code";
- Blockscad.Msg.COLOR = "couleur";
- Blockscad.Msg.COLOR_HSV_TOOLTIP = "Apply a color by specifying the hue, saturation, and value components. Each value should be between 0 and 100.";
- Blockscad.Msg.COLOR_HUE = "teinte";
- Blockscad.Msg.COLOR_RGB_TOOLTIP = "Apply a color by specifying the red, blue, and green components. Each value should be between 0 and 100.";
- Blockscad.Msg.COLOR_SATURATION = "saturation";
- Blockscad.Msg.COLOR_TOOLTIP = "Applies the color to the child object, which must be 3D.";
- Blockscad.Msg.COLOR_VALUE = "valeur";
- Blockscad.Msg.CONFIRM_DIALOG_NO = "Non";
- Blockscad.Msg.CONFIRM_DIALOG_YES = "Oui";
- Blockscad.Msg.CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD = "Confirmation du nouveau mot de passe";
- Blockscad.Msg.CONTROLS_FOR_TOOLTIP_CHAINHULL = "Return the convex hull of each shape in the loop with the next shape";
- Blockscad.Msg.CONVEX_HULL = "coque";
- Blockscad.Msg.CUBE = "cube";
- Blockscad.Msg.CUBE_TOOLTIP = "<img src='imgs/en/cube.svg' width='100px'>";
- Blockscad.Msg.CYLINDER = "cylindre";
- Blockscad.Msg.CYLINDER_TOOLTIP = "<img src='imgs/en/cylinder.svg' width='90px'>";
- Blockscad.Msg.DEFAULT_COLOR_BUTTON = "Set default render color";
- Blockscad.Msg.DELETE_ACCOUNT = "Supprimer mon compte";
- Blockscad.Msg.DELETE_ACCOUNT_BUTTON = "Supprimer le compte et Se déconnecter";
- Blockscad.Msg.DELETE_ACCOUNT_CONFIRM = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer votre compte BlocksCAD?";
- Blockscad.Msg.DELETE_ACCOUNT_CONFIRM_PASSWORD = "Entrez le mot de passe pour confirmer";
- Blockscad.Msg.DELETE_ACCOUNT_INSTRUCTIONS_ONE = "En deux jours, votre compte sera définitivement supprimé.";
- Blockscad.Msg.DELETE_ACCOUNT_INSTRUCTIONS_TWO = "Si vous changez d'avis, il suffit de vous connecter à votre compte dans les prochaines 48 heures.";
- Blockscad.Msg.DELETE_PROJECT_CONFIRM = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer *Project_name*?";
- Blockscad.Msg.DIALOG_OR = "ou";
- Blockscad.Msg.DIFFERENCE = "soustraction";
- Blockscad.Msg.DIFFERENCE_TOOLTIP = "Subtracts one or more objects from the first object in the list.";
- Blockscad.Msg.DIRECTION_BACK = "arrière";
- Blockscad.Msg.DIRECTION_BOTTOM = "bas";
- Blockscad.Msg.DIRECTION_DIAGONAL = "isométrique";
- Blockscad.Msg.DIRECTION_FRONT = "face";
- Blockscad.Msg.DIRECTION_LEFT = "gauche";
- Blockscad.Msg.DIRECTION_RIGHT = "droite";
- Blockscad.Msg.DIRECTION_TOP = "haut";
- Blockscad.Msg.DISABLE_ALL = "Disable All Blocks";
- Blockscad.Msg.DISCARD_ALL = "Supprimer tous les %1 blocs?";
- Blockscad.Msg.DOCUMENTATION_LINK = "Documentation";
- Blockscad.Msg.EMAIL_FIELD = "E-mail";
- Blockscad.Msg.ENABLE_ALL = "Enable All Blocks";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_BAD_PASSWORD = "Votre ancien mot de passe est incorrect. Veuillez le rectifier.";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_EMAIL_IS_EMPTY = "Votre devez fournir une adresse courriel";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_EMAIL_IS_INVALID = "Votre devez fournir une adresse courriel valide";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_LOGIN_FAILED = "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_MESSAGE = "Error";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_MISSING_EMAIL = "Nous ne pouvons pas trouver cette adresse e-mail.";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_MISSING_USERNAME = "Nous ne pouvons pas trouver ce nom d'utilisateur.";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_PASSWORD_CONFIRM = "Vos mots de passe ne correspondent pas";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_PASSWORD_IS_EMPTY = "Vous devez saisir un mot de passe";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_PASSWORD_IS_PASSWORD = "Le mot de passe ne peut pas être le mot 'password'";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_PASSWORD_IS_USERNAME = "Votre mot de passe ne correspond à votre nom d'utilisateur";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_PASSWORD_LENGTH = "Votre mot de passe doit contenir au moins 6 caractères";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_USERNAME_CHARACTERS = "Votre nom d'utilisateur ne peut contenir que des lettres, des chiffres, - et _";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_USERNAME_EXISTS = "Désolé, ce nom d'utilisateur existe déjà";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_USERNAME_IS_EMPTY = "Vous devez renseigner un nom d'utilisateur";
- Blockscad.Msg.ERROR_USERNAME_LENGTH = "Votre nom d'utilisateur doit contenir entre 3 et 30 caractères";
- Blockscad.Msg.EXAMPLES_MENU = "Exemples";
- Blockscad.Msg.EXAMPLE_ANTHIAS_FISH = "poisson Anthias";
- Blockscad.Msg.EXAMPLE_CUBE_WITH_CUTOUTS = "cube avec découpe";
- Blockscad.Msg.EXAMPLE_LOOP_SINE = "fonction sinus avec boucle";
- Blockscad.Msg.EXAMPLE_LOOP_SUN = "coque étoile";
- Blockscad.Msg.EXAMPLE_PARAMETRIC_BOX = "boîte paramétrée";
- Blockscad.Msg.EXAMPLE_PARAMETRIC_EQ_KNOT = "nœud avec équations paramétriques";
- Blockscad.Msg.FACES = "faces";
- Blockscad.Msg.FANCYMIRROR_TOOLTIP = "Mirrors one or more objects across specified plane whose normal vector is from (0,0,0) to the point (x,y,z).";
- Blockscad.Msg.FANCYROTATE_TOOLTIP = "Rotates one or more objects around a vector from the origin (0,0,0) to the point (x,y,z)";
- Blockscad.Msg.FN_TOOLTIP = "Sets the number of sides for one or more objects using approximated arcs (sphere, cylinder, circle, torus).";
- Blockscad.Msg.FONT_NAME = "police";
- Blockscad.Msg.FONT_SIZE = "taille";
- Blockscad.Msg.GENERATE_STL = "Générer";
- Blockscad.Msg.GET_STARTED_VIDEO = "Commencer!";
- Blockscad.Msg.HEIGHT = "hauteur";
- Blockscad.Msg.HELP_MENU = "Aide";
- Blockscad.Msg.HIGHLIGHT_INSTANCES = "Highlight '%1' Instances";
- Blockscad.Msg.HSV_COLOR_MODEL = "TSV";
- Blockscad.Msg.HULL_TOOLTIP = "Combines two or more objects by 'wrapping' them together in a hull.";
- Blockscad.Msg.IMPORT_BLOCKS_LOCAL = "Importer des blocs dans le projet en cours";
- Blockscad.Msg.IMPORT_STL = "STL import";
- Blockscad.Msg.IMPORT_STL_MENU = "Importer STL dans le projet en cours";
- Blockscad.Msg.INTERSECTION = "intersection";
- Blockscad.Msg.INTERSECTION_TOOLTIP = "Returns the intersection (shared space) of two or more objects.";
- Blockscad.Msg.LINEAREXTRUDE_TOOLTIP = "Extrudes one or more 2-dimensional objects by a specified height with a specified twist. Shape can be scaled as it extrudes in both x and y. Resulting extrusion may optionally be centered around the origin.";
- Blockscad.Msg.LINEAR_EXTRUDE = "extrusion linéaire";
- Blockscad.Msg.LOAD_BLOCKS_LOCAL = "Charger un fichier xml";
- Blockscad.Msg.LOGIN_BUTTON = "Se connecter";
- Blockscad.Msg.LOGIN_IN_PROGRESS = "en cours";
- Blockscad.Msg.LOGOUT_BUTTON = "Se déconnecter";
- Blockscad.Msg.MINUS = "moins";
- Blockscad.Msg.MIRROR = "symétrie";
- Blockscad.Msg.MIRROR_ADVANCED = "symétrie imaginée";
- Blockscad.Msg.MOUSEOVER_REDO = "Refaire";
- Blockscad.Msg.MOUSEOVER_TRASHCAN = "Jeter tous les blocs";
- Blockscad.Msg.MOUSEOVER_UNDO = "Annuler";
- Blockscad.Msg.MY_PROJECTS = "Mes projets";
- Blockscad.Msg.NEW = "Nouveau";
- Blockscad.Msg.NEW_PASSWORD = "Nouveau mot de passe";
- Blockscad.Msg.NEW_PROJECT_BUTTON = "Nouveau Projet";
- Blockscad.Msg.NOT_CENTERED = "non centré";
- Blockscad.Msg.NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_OPENSCAD = "Not compatible with OpenSCAD";
- Blockscad.Msg.OLD_PASSWORD = "Ancien mot de passe";
- Blockscad.Msg.OPTIONS_MENU = "Options";
- Blockscad.Msg.PALE_COLORS = "Pâle";
- Blockscad.Msg.PARSE_IN_PROGRESS = "Analyse...";
- Blockscad.Msg.PARSING_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE = "%1 blocks have an illegal value (negative or zero)";
- Blockscad.Msg.PARSING_ERROR_MISSING_FIELDS = "%1 blocks are missing fields.";
- Blockscad.Msg.PASSWORD_FIELD = "Mot de passe";
- Blockscad.Msg.PASSWORD_FORGOT_FIELD = "Mot de passe oublié?";
- Blockscad.Msg.PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL_INSTRUCTIONS = "Nous avons envoyé un e-mail à l'adresse associée à votre compte avec un lien pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Si vous ne le voyez pas, vérifiez votre dossier spam.";
- Blockscad.Msg.PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL_SENT = "Un courriel de réinitialisation du mot de passe vous a été envoyé ...";
- Blockscad.Msg.PASSWORD_RETYPE_FIELD = "Confirmation du mot de passe";
- Blockscad.Msg.PLUS = "plus";
- Blockscad.Msg.PROJECT_LIST_DELETE_BUTTON = "Effacer";
- Blockscad.Msg.PROJECT_LIST_EXIT = "Annulation";
- Blockscad.Msg.PROJECT_LIST_FILTER = "Recherche";
- Blockscad.Msg.PROJECT_LIST_LAST_MODIFIED = "Dernière modification";
- Blockscad.Msg.PROJECT_LIST_MORE_BUTTON = "Montrer plus";
- Blockscad.Msg.PROJECT_MENU = "Projet";
- Blockscad.Msg.PROJECT_NAME = "Nom du projet";
- Blockscad.Msg.PROJECT_NAME_DEFAULT = "Sans Nom";
- Blockscad.Msg.RADIUS = "rayon";
- Blockscad.Msg.REACTIVATE_ACCOUNT_EXPLAINED = "Votre compte a été réactivé - il est plus programmé pour être supprimé. Si vous ne demandez pas d'avoir votre compte supprimé, vous devriez changer votre mot de passe pour vous assurer que votre compte est sécurisé.";
- Blockscad.Msg.REACTIVATE_ACCOUNT_TITLE = "Votre compte ne sera pas supprimé";
- Blockscad.Msg.REACTIVATE_BUTTON = "D'accord";
- Blockscad.Msg.REGISTER_BUTTON = "Créer un compte";
- Blockscad.Msg.REGISTER_IN_PROGRESS = "en cours";
- Blockscad.Msg.REGISTER_NEW_USER = "Créer un compte";
- Blockscad.Msg.REMOVE_BLOCK_HIGHLIGHTING = "Remove block highlighting";
- Blockscad.Msg.REMOVE_HIGHLIGHTING_INSTANCES = "Remove highlighting";
- Blockscad.Msg.RENDER_BUTTON = "Générer un rendu";
- Blockscad.Msg.RENDER_ERROR_EMPTY = "Nothing to Render";
- Blockscad.Msg.RENDER_ERROR_MIXED = "both 2D and 3D objects are present. There can be only one.";
- Blockscad.Msg.RENDER_IN_PROGRESS = "En cours...";
- Blockscad.Msg.RESET_PASSWORD = "Réinitialiser le mot de passe";
- Blockscad.Msg.RESET_PASSWORD_INSTRUCTIONS = "Entrez votre nom d'utilisateur ou votre email et nous vous enverrons un e-mail avec des instructions pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe.";
- Blockscad.Msg.RESET_PASSWORD_LINK_BUTTON = "Envoyez-moi un lien pour réinitialiser le mot de passe";
- Blockscad.Msg.RESET_VIEW_BUTTON = "Réinitialiser l'affichage";
- Blockscad.Msg.RGB_COLOR_MODEL = "RVB";
- Blockscad.Msg.ROTATE = "rotation";
- Blockscad.Msg.ROTATEEXTRUDE_TOOLTIP = "Rotate extrudes one or more 2-dimensional objects around the Z axis with a specified number of sides.";
- Blockscad.Msg.ROTATE_ADVANCED = "rotation imaginée";
- Blockscad.Msg.ROTATE_EXTRUDE = "extrusion circulaire";
- Blockscad.Msg.SAVE_BLOCKS_AS_COPY = "Sauver comme copie";
- Blockscad.Msg.SAVE_BLOCKS_LOCAL = "Sauver en fichier xml";
- Blockscad.Msg.SAVE_BUTTON = "Sauver";
- Blockscad.Msg.SAVE_COMPLETE = "Sauvé";
- Blockscad.Msg.SAVE_FAILED = "Erreur de Sauver!";
- Blockscad.Msg.SAVE_FAILED_PROJECT_NAME = "Donnez un nom au projet et essayez à nouveau";
- Blockscad.Msg.SAVE_IN_PROGRESS = "Sauver en cours";
- Blockscad.Msg.SAVE_PROMPT = "Voulez-vous sauver votre projet?";
- Blockscad.Msg.SAVE_PROMPT_NO = "Ne pas Sauver";
- Blockscad.Msg.SAVE_PROMPT_YES = "Sauver";
- Blockscad.Msg.SAVE_SCAD_LOCAL = "Sauver le code Openscad";
- Blockscad.Msg.SCALE = "echelle";
- Blockscad.Msg.SCALE_TOOLTIP = "Scales one or more objects by specified amount in dimensions x, y, and z.";
- Blockscad.Msg.SIDES = "côtés";
- Blockscad.Msg.SIMPLEMIRROR_TOOLTIP = "Mirrors one or more objects across a specified plane.";
- Blockscad.Msg.SIMPLEROTATE_TOOLTIP = "Rotates one or more objects around specified axes x, y, and z.";
- Blockscad.Msg.SIMPLE_TOOLBOX = "Boîte à outils avancé";
- Blockscad.Msg.SPHERE = "sphère";
- Blockscad.Msg.SPHERE_TOOLTIP = "<img src='imgs/en/sphere.svg' width='65'>";
- Blockscad.Msg.SQUARE = "carré";
- Blockscad.Msg.SQUARE_TOOLTIP = "<img src='imgs/en/square.svg' width='65'>";
- Blockscad.Msg.STL_IMPORT_WARNING = "STL files are not saved with your blocks.";
- Blockscad.Msg.TAPER = "aller en diminuant";
- Blockscad.Msg.TAPER_TOOLTIP = "Scales shape along an axis. The smallest value along the select axis is scaled at one, and the largest value is scaled at user input scale value.";
- Blockscad.Msg.TEXT_DEFAULT_VALUE = "bonjour";
- Blockscad.Msg.TEXT_THICKNESS = "épaisseur";
- Blockscad.Msg.TORUS = "tore";
- Blockscad.Msg.TORUS_TOOLTIP = "<img src='imgs/fr/torus.svg' width='250px'>";
- Blockscad.Msg.TRANSLATE = "translation";
- Blockscad.Msg.TRANSLATE_TOOLTIP = "Translates (moves) one or more objects in specified dimensions x, y, and z.";
- Blockscad.Msg.TWIST = "torsion";
- Blockscad.Msg.UNION = "union";
- Blockscad.Msg.UNION_TOOLTIP = "Combines two or more objects into one.";
- Blockscad.Msg.USERNAME_FIELD = "Nom d'utilisateur";
- Blockscad.Msg.VARIABLES_BUMPED_ONE = "%1 variable blocks were displaced due to type mismatches";
- Blockscad.Msg.VARIABLES_BUMPED_TWO = "variable '%1': type changed from %2 to %3";
- Blockscad.Msg.WARNING_RELOAD_STL = "Warning: re-load your STL file block";
- Blockscad.Msg.WITH = "avec";
- Blockscad.Msg.ZOOM_IN_BUTTON = "Zoom in";
- Blockscad.Msg.ZOOM_OUT_BUTTON = "Zoom out";
- Blockscad.Msg.ZOOM_RESET_BUTTON = "Reset view";