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chao c78fb6391a update 5 bulan lalu
.vscode faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
block faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
blockly c78fb6391a update 5 bulan lalu
docs faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
fonts faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
gif faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
icons faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
images faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
js_libs faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
libs faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
materialize faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
msg faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
python faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
src 67cc8c5d88 update 5 bulan lalu
static faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
tests faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
ya-webadb faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
.DS_Store faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
.gitignore faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
.gitmodules faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
20190114_python-blockly_plotting-temp-data.py faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
BLE.html faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
CocoPi.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
JSZip.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
LICENSE faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
README.md faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
ardublockly.css faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
ardublockly_blockly.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
ardublockly_lang.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
ardublockly_toolbox.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
ardublocklyserver_ajax.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
changelog.md faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
cocoblockly.css faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
crc32.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
data.json faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
engine_test.html faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
example_server.py faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
favicon.ico faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
index.css faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
index.html f8b5151308 update 6 bulan lalu
index.js f8b5151308 update 6 bulan lalu
instructor_api_documentation.py faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
makefile faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
manifest.webmanifest faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
md.html faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
merge.py faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
modernizr.css faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
package-lock.json faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
package.json faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
platform.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
replay.html faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
server.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
tcpip.html faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
toCNChecklist.md faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
todo.txt faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
toolbox_tree.css faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
train_cocopi.css faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
train_cocopi.html faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
train_cocopi.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
treeCompTest.html faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
uform.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
update.json faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
web.html faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu
webble.js faf16d266e update 7 bulan lalu




BlockPy is a web-based Python environment that lets you work with blocks, text, or both. Designed for Data Science and equipped with powerful tools like the State Explorer and Guided Feedback, the goal of BlockPy is to let you solve authentic, real-world problems.

The goal of BlockPy is to give you a gentle introduction to Python but eventually mature you into a more serious programming environment (such as Spyder or PyCharm). Long-term, we may support some game/animation design stuff that Scratch/Snap does, but that's not the real goal.

The BlockPy project is aimed at solving some hard technical problems: having a block-based environment for a dynamic language can be tricky - are a given pair of square brackets representing list indexing or dictionary indexing? Our goal is to use advanced program analysis techniques to provide excellent support to learners.


The core architecture of BlockPy is a synthesis of:

  • Blockly: a visual library for manipulating a block canvas that can generate equivalent textual code in a variety of languages
  • Skulpt: an in-browser Python-to-JavaScript compiler/intepreter, that aims to emulate the full language with precision if not speed.

By combining these two technologies, we end up with a powerful system for writing Python code quickly. Everything is meant to run locally in the client, so there's no complexity of sandboxing students' code on the server.

The major innovations are:

  • PythonToBlocks: by parsing the AST generated by Skulpt, we can build equivalent Blockly code, effectively allowing round-trips between text and blocks.
  • CORGIS Datsets: new blocks access real-world datasets (although currently these are only cached versions, for performance reasons).
  • Interactive Guided Problems: Problem text is given to students, along with teacher provided code that can do analysis on the students' code and make suggestions (e.g., observing that they haven't printed anything yet).
  • Data Explorer: The data explorer allows users to walk through their code.


First, clone it locally. This could take a little while.

> git clone https://github.com/RealTimeWeb/blockpy.git

You'll need to build Skulpt and Blockly. Both of these depend on the Closure Compiler, so you'll need to put that in the empty closure-library folder. You can follow the Blockly instructions here , but the gist will be:

> wget https://github.com/google/closure-library/zipball/master -O closure.zip
> unzip closure.zip

CD into the new blockpy directory

> cd blockpy/

And add the relevant subtree information to your .git/config:

> vi .git/config

Replace the contents of that file with the information found here: http://pastebin.com/raw/QWpJjgU3 (TODO: show the actual commands used to set this)

Next, you'll need to build Blockly:

> cp blockly/msg/en.js en.js
> cd blockly
> python build.py
> cd ..
> mv en.js blockly/msg/en.js

And then you'll build Skulpt:

> cd skulpt
> python skulpt.py dist
> cd ..

If you are on windows, you may encounter the message "No gzip executable", you can safely ignore this.

And now you should be able to try out the example file!

> start blockpy_new.html

The server has its own requirements.txt and uses a python manage.py runserver

If you make edits to either Blockly or Skulpt, you'll need to rerun their build commands. Simiarly, if you edit src/interface.html than you'll need to rebuild it:

> python build.py

Otherwise, you should be able to edit the src/*.js files freely. To get a sense of the dependencies, check out the blockpy_new.html file and then the src/main.js file. These should be good starting points.


Both Blockly and Skulpt are subtrees.

Push changes to the subtrees' repos:

> git subtree push --prefix=skulpt/ --squash skulpt master
> git subtree push --prefix=blockly/ --squash blockly master
> git subtree push --prefix=server/ --squash server master
> git subtree push --prefix=server/static/blockly-games --squash blockly_games master

Pull changes from upstream repos (e.g., official Blockly and Skulpt, our production server):

> git subtree pull --prefix=skulpt --squash skulpt_upstream master
> git subtree pull --prefix=blockly --squash blockly_upstream master
> git subtree pull --prefix=server --squash server master
> git subtree pull --prefix=server/static/blockly-games --squash blockly_games master

Note: if you get an error about a "fatal entry", make sure you don't have a trailing slash on the prefix!