docusaurus.config.js 2.0 KB

  1. /** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').DocusaurusConfig} */
  2. module.exports = {
  3. title: 'Unofficial ADB Book',
  4. tagline: 'Deep-dive into ADB',
  5. url: '',
  6. baseUrl: '/ya-webadb/book/',
  7. onBrokenLinks: 'throw',
  8. onBrokenMarkdownLinks: 'warn',
  9. favicon: 'img/favicon.ico',
  10. organizationName: 'yume-chan',
  11. projectName: 'ya-webadb', // Usually your repo name.
  12. themeConfig: {
  13. navbar: {
  14. title: 'Unofficial ADB Book',
  15. logo: {
  16. alt: 'Site Logo',
  17. src: 'img/logo.svg',
  18. },
  19. items: [
  20. {
  21. type: 'doc',
  22. docId: 'basics/intro',
  23. position: 'left',
  24. label: 'Basics',
  25. },
  26. {
  27. type: 'doc',
  28. docId: 'commands/shell',
  29. position: 'left',
  30. label: 'Commands',
  31. },
  32. {
  33. href: '',
  34. label: 'GitHub',
  35. position: 'right',
  36. },
  37. ],
  38. },
  39. footer: {
  40. style: 'dark',
  41. links: [],
  42. copyright: `Copyright © ${new Date().getFullYear()} Simon Chan. Built with Docusaurus.`,
  43. },
  44. },
  45. presets: [
  46. [
  47. '@docusaurus/preset-classic',
  48. {
  49. docs: {
  50. sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'),
  51. routeBasePath: '/',
  52. // Please change this to your repo.
  53. editUrl:
  54. '',
  55. remarkPlugins: [require('./scripts/plantuml')],
  56. },
  57. theme: {
  58. customCss: require.resolve('./src/css/custom.css'),
  59. },
  60. },
  61. ],
  62. ],
  63. };