.jshintrc 942 B

  1. {
  2. /*** Globals ***/
  3. // To ignore any custom global variables, enable the `predef` option and list
  4. // your variables within it.
  5. "predef": [
  6. "Sk",
  7. "goog",
  8. "COMPILED",
  9. "Promise"
  10. ],
  11. /*** Enforcing options ***/
  12. // Set these to `true` to enforce, or `false` to relax.
  13. "bitwise": false,
  14. "immed": true,
  15. "indent": 4,
  16. "latedef": true,
  17. "nonew": true,
  18. "plusplus": false,
  19. "quotmark": "double",
  20. "undef": true,
  21. "strict": false,
  22. /*** Relaxing options ***/
  23. // Set these to `true` to relax, or `false` to enforce.
  24. "boss": true,
  25. "eqnull": true,
  26. "evil": true,
  27. "expr": true,
  28. "smarttabs": true,
  29. "sub": true,
  30. "validthis": true,
  31. /*** Environments ***/
  32. // Set each environment that you're using to `true`.
  33. "browser": true,
  34. "devel": false
  35. }