123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #version : 2023.12.31
- #language : ch
- from evdev import InputDevice, categorize, ecodes
- import asyncio
- import pty
- import os
- import sys
- from maix import display
- from maix import image
- from maix import camera
- from maix import mjpg
- from maix import utils
- import base64
- import time
- import requests
- import json
- import threading
- camera.camera.config(size=(320,240))
- image.load_freetype("/root/preset/fonts/simhei.ttf")
- canvas = image.new(size = (320, 240))
- try:
- # 获取键盘设备
- keyboard = InputDevice('/dev/input/event1') # 替换成实际的键盘设备路径
- except:
- keyboard = ""
- if keyboard=="":
- canvas.draw_string(0,12, "未检测到键盘", scale = 1.3, color = (255,255,255) , thickness = 1)
- display.show(canvas)
- time.sleep(3)
- sys.exit()
- def v831_display_show_canvas(displayShow):
- global _canvas_y,_canvas_x
- if ScreenOrientation:
- displayShowCanvas = image.new(size = (240, 320))
- displayShowCanvas.draw_rectangle(0,0,240,320, color=(0,0,0), thickness=-1)
- displayShowCanvas.draw_image(displayShow,_canvas_x,_canvas_y,alpha=1)
- displayShowVER = displayShowCanvas.crop(0,0,240,320)
- displayShowVER = displayShowVER.rotate(-90, adjust=1)
- display.show(displayShowVER)
- else:
- displayShowCanvas = image.new(size = (320, 240))
- displayShowCanvas.draw_rectangle(0,0,320,240, color=(0,0,0), thickness=-1)
- displayShowCanvas.draw_image(displayShow,_canvas_x,_canvas_y,alpha=1)
- CANVASSHOWIMGAGE = displayShowCanvas
- display.show(displayShowCanvas)
- # jpg = utils.rgb2jpg(CANVASSHOWIMGAGE.convert("RGB").tobytes(), CANVASSHOWIMGAGE.width, CANVASSHOWIMGAGE.height)
- # img_base64 = base64.b64encode(jpg)
- # img_base64_str = "data:image/jpg;base64," + str(img_base64)[2:-1]
- # time.sleep(0.1)
- # try:
- # if img_base64_str.rfind("data:image/jpg;base64,")>-1:
- # print(img_base64_str)
- # pass
- # except Exception as e:
- # #print(str(e))
- # pass
- def get_post_chatgpt(datas):
- # 目标URL
- url = "https://gpt.cocorobo.cn/v831AskForTopic"
- payload = json.dumps({"topic":datas})
- headers={
- 'Content-Type':'application/json'
- }
- print("payload"+str(payload))
- response=requests.request("POST",url,headers=headers,data=payload)
- print("response.text",response.text)
- if response.status_code == 200:
- result_num = len(json.loads(response.text)["FunctionResponse"]["result"])
- # keyboardStr[list_num] =
- else:
- keyboardStr[list_num] = "fail"
- ScreenOrientation = False
- _canvas_x = 0
- _canvas_y = 0
- keyboardStr = [""]
- list_num = 0
- line = b""
- lines = []
- process = None
- keyboard = InputDevice("/dev/input/event1")
- master, slave = pty.openpty()
- #等待控制台的输出
- def read_lines(master):
- global lines, line,keyboardStr,list_num,isShow
- char = os.read(master, 1)
- if char == b"\n":
- # lines.append(line.decode().strip())
- lines.append(line.decode().rstrip())
- line = b""
- else:
- line += char
- # 用来判断是不是终端有新的输出
- isShow = ""
- # 输入字符串
- inputStr = ""
- # 跟踪Ctrl键的状态
- ctrl_pressed = False
- #读取键盘事件写入
- def write_io():
- global keyboardStr,list_num,isShow,inputStr,ctrl_pressed,lines
- for event in keyboard.read_loop():
- if event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY:
- key_event = categorize(event)
- if key_event.keystate == key_event.key_down:
- try:
- input_command = ""
- if key_event.keycode == "KEY_LEFTCTRL" or key_event.keycode == "KEY_RIGHTCTRL":
- ctrl_pressed = True
- elif ctrl_pressed and key_event.keycode == "KEY_C":
- # print("Ctrl+C 组合键被按下")
- input_command = "\x1A\x03\x02\x03\x1D\x1A"
- # pass
- else:
- ctrl_pressed = False
- if ctrl_pressed == False:
- if key_event.keycode[4:] == "SPACE":
- inputStr = inputStr + " "
- input_command = " "
- lines[len(lines)-1] = "root@CocoPi:/# "+inputStr
- elif key_event.keycode[4:] == "SLASH":
- inputStr = inputStr + "/"
- input_command = "/"
- lines[len(lines)-1] = "root@CocoPi:/# "+inputStr
- elif key_event.keycode[4:] == "DOT":
- inputStr = inputStr + "."
- input_command = "."
- lines[len(lines)-1] = "root@CocoPi:/# "+inputStr
- elif key_event.keycode[4:] == "MINUS":
- inputStr = inputStr + "_"
- input_command = "_"
- lines[len(lines)-1] = "root@CocoPi:/# "+inputStr
- elif key_event.keycode[4:] == "BACKSPACE":
- inputStr = inputStr[:-1]
- input_command = ""
- lines[len(lines)-1] = "root@CocoPi:/# "+inputStr
- # if len(keyboardStr[list_num]) ==0 and list_num>0:
- # list_num = list_num - 1
- elif key_event.keycode[4:] == "ENTER":
- inputStr = ""
- input_command = "\n"
- # time.sleep(1)
- # lines.append("root@CocoPi:/# ")
- else:
- input_command = key_event.keycode[4:].lower()
- inputStr = inputStr + key_event.keycode[4:].lower()
- # if list_num == len(lines):
- lines[len(lines)-1] = "root@CocoPi:/# "+inputStr
- print("\x1A\x03\x02\x03\x1D\x1A")
- print(input_command)
- os.write(master, input_command.encode())
- except EOFError:
- break
- async def console_io():
- global master, slave, process,list_num,keyboardStr,isShow
- process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec('adb_shell', stdin=slave, stdout=slave, stderr=slave)
- while True:
- #读取所有的行数,放在lines
- read_lines(master)
- #屏幕循环的显示所有的数据
- # print(lines)
- #屏幕读取
- if isShow.lower() != " ".join(lines).lower():
- isShow = " ".join(lines)
- showTreminal(1)
- list_num = len(lines)
- else:
- pass
- os.close(master)
- os.close(slave)
- def showTreminal(val):
- global master, slave, process,list_num,keyboardStr,lines,inputStr
- for i,box in enumerate(lines):
- if len(box)>0:
- keyboardStr.append(box)
- # if box.rfind("root@CocoPi")>-1 and lines[i-1] == box:
- # pass
- # else:
- # keyboardStr.append(box)
- elif i == len(lines)-1:
- # lines.append("root@CocoPi:/# ")
- keyboardStr.append("root@CocoPi:/# ")
- list_num = len(keyboardStr)-1
- canvas.clear()
- if len(keyboardStr)>20:
- for i in range(len(keyboardStr)-1,len(keyboardStr)-20,-1):
- canvas.draw_string(0,12*(i-(len(keyboardStr)-20)), str(keyboardStr[i]), scale = 0.785, color = (255,255,255) , thickness = 1)
- else:
- for i in range(len(keyboardStr)):
- canvas.draw_string(0,12*i, str(keyboardStr[i]), scale = 0.785, color = (255,255,255) , thickness = 1)
- v831_display_show_canvas(canvas)
- # display.show(canvas)
- def main():
- thread = threading.Thread(target=write_io)
- thread.start()
- asyncio.run(console_io())
- thread.join()
- main()