25_aboutCocoPi.py 7.8 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. #version : 2024.01.01
  3. #language : en
  4. from maix import *
  5. import socket
  6. import os
  7. import sys
  8. sys.path.append('/root/')
  9. import http.client
  10. from CocoPi import BUTTON
  11. import time
  12. key_A = BUTTON(14)
  13. key_B = BUTTON(8)
  14. key_C = BUTTON(13)
  15. key_D = BUTTON(7)
  16. #image.load_freetype("/root/preset/fonts/JetBrainsMono-Bold-7.ttf")
  17. image.load_freetype("/root/preset/fonts/CascadiaCodePL-Italic.ttf")
  18. def getWifiConnectState():
  19. cmd = "wifi_get_connection_info_test 1"
  20. res = os.popen(cmd).read()
  21. wifiInfo = {}
  22. if res.find('get connection infomation successfully!') != -1:
  23. wifiInfo["state"]=True
  24. wifiInfo["AP"] = res[res.find("Connected AP: ")+13:res.find("IP address: ")-1]
  25. wifiInfo["IP"] = res[res.find("IP address: ")+12:res.find("frequency")-1]
  26. wifiInfo["frequency"] = res[res.find("frequency: ")+10:res.find("RSSI")-1]
  27. wifiInfo["RSSI"] = res[res.find("RSSI: ")+6:res.find("link_speed")-1]
  28. wifiInfo["link_speed"] = res[res.find("link_speed: ")+10:res.find("IP address: ")-1]
  29. wifiInfo["noise"] = res[res.find("noise: ")+6:res.find("noise: ")+11]
  30. else:
  31. wifiInfo["state"]=False
  32. wifiInfo["AP"] = "N/A"
  33. wifiInfo["IP"] = "N/A"
  34. wifiInfo["frequency"] = "N/A"
  35. wifiInfo["RSSI"] = "N/A"
  36. wifiInfo["link_speed"] = "N/A"
  37. wifiInfo["noise"] = "N/A"
  38. return wifiInfo
  39. def getPrivateIp():
  40. st = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
  41. try:
  42. st.connect(("",1))
  43. IP = st.getsockname()[0]
  44. except Exception:
  45. IP = ""
  46. finally:
  47. st.close()
  48. return IP
  49. def getPublicIp():
  50. import requests
  51. url = 'https://myip.ipip.net'
  52. res = requests.get(url).text.split(" ")
  53. return res[1][3:]
  54. PublicIp=""
  55. PrivateIP=""
  56. baseInfo=[
  57. "---------------------------",
  58. " Design -- Create -- Share ",
  59. "---------------------------",
  60. " SYSTEM ",
  61. "***************************",
  62. "SystemName: CocoPi Linux",
  63. "SystemVersion: 2024.01.01",
  64. "---------------------------",
  65. " USERNAME: ",
  66. "---------------------------",
  67. " Internet ",
  68. "***************************",
  69. " ",
  70. " ",
  71. " ",
  72. " ",
  73. "---------------------------",
  74. "Python Version 3.8.5",
  75. "***************************",
  76. "Python Package Version",
  77. "***************************",
  78. "av 9.2.0",
  79. "beautifulsoup4 4.11.1",
  80. "certifi 2020.6.20",
  81. "cffi 1.14.3",
  82. "chardet 3.0.4",
  83. "click 7.1.2",
  84. "defusedxml 0.6.0",
  85. "et-xmlfile 1.0.1",
  86. "evdev 1.4.0",
  87. "Flask 1.1.2",
  88. "Flask-Login 0.5.0",
  89. "gpiod 1.4.0",
  90. "html5lib 1.1",
  91. "idna 2.10",
  92. "itsdangerous 1.1.0",
  93. "jdcal 1.4.1",
  94. "jieba 0.42.1",
  95. "Jinja2 2.11.2",
  96. "lxml 4.5.2",
  97. "maixpy3 0.5.4",
  98. "MarkupSafe 1.1.1",
  99. "numpy 1.19.2",
  100. "openpyxl 3.0.5",
  101. "Pillow 7.2.0",
  102. "pip 20.1.1",
  103. "plumbum 1.6.9",
  104. "ply 3.11",
  105. "pyasn1 0.4.8",
  106. "PyAudio 0.2.11",
  107. "pycparser 2.20",
  108. "pylibmodbus 0.5.0",
  109. "pyserial 3.4",
  110. "qrcode 6.1",
  111. "requests 2.24.0",
  112. "rpyc 5.0.1",
  113. "rsa 4.6",
  114. "schedule 0.6.0",
  115. "setuptools 47.1.0",
  116. "six 1.15.0",
  117. "smbus2 0.4.2",
  118. "soupsieve 2.3.1",
  119. "spidev 3.5",
  120. "SQLAlchemy 1.3.18",
  121. "urllib3 1.25.10",
  122. "websocket-client 1.5.1",
  123. "Werkzeug 1.0.1",
  124. "zbarlight 3.0",
  125. "---------------------------",
  126. ]
  127. ownerName=""
  128. try:
  129. with open( '/root/user/text/owner.txt', 'r' ) as f:
  130. ownerName=f.read()
  131. except:
  132. ownerName="N/A"
  133. baseInfo[8]="{: <28}".format("USERNAME: "+ownerName)
  134. canvas = image.new(size=(320, 240),color = (15,21,46),mode = "RGB")
  135. canvas.draw_string(12 , 100 , "Checking Wi-Fi connection", scale = 1, color = (255,255,255), thickness = 2)
  136. display.show(canvas)
  137. checkInternet=False
  138. try:
  139. if getWifiConnectState()["state"]==True:
  140. PublicIp=getPublicIp()
  141. PrivateIP=getPrivateIp()
  142. baseInfo[12]="{: <28}".format("PublicIP:"+PublicIp)
  143. baseInfo[13]="{: <28}".format("PrivateIP:"+PrivateIP)
  144. baseInfo[14]="{: <28}".format("WIFI AP:"+getWifiConnectState()["AP"])
  145. baseInfo[15]="{: <28}".format("WIFI RSSI:"+getWifiConnectState()["RSSI"])
  146. else:
  147. PublicIp="N/A"
  148. PrivateIP="N/A"
  149. baseInfo[12]="{: <28}".format("PublicIP: N/A")
  150. baseInfo[13]="{: <28}".format("PrivateIP: N/A")
  151. baseInfo[14]="{: <28}".format("WIFI AP: N/A")
  152. baseInfo[15]="{: <28}".format("WIFI RSSI: N/A")
  153. except:
  154. PublicIp="N/A"
  155. PrivateIP="N/A"
  156. baseInfo[12]="{: <28}".format("PublicIP: N/A")
  157. baseInfo[13]="{: <28}".format("PrivateIP: N/A")
  158. baseInfo[14]="{: <28}".format("WIFI AP: N/A")
  159. baseInfo[15]="{: <28}".format("WIFI RSSI: N/A")
  160. pass
  161. xPosition=48
  162. yPosition=160
  163. ySpeedMax=12
  164. yDirection=0
  165. yRealSpeed=0
  166. totalNum=0
  167. while True:
  168. canvas.clear()
  169. canvas = image.new(size=(320, 240),color = (15,21,46),mode = "RGB")
  170. if key_D.is_pressed():
  171. yDirection=-1
  172. elif key_B.is_pressed():
  173. yDirection=1
  174. else:
  175. yDirection=0
  176. if yDirection==1:
  177. if yRealSpeed<(ySpeedMax*yDirection):
  178. yRealSpeed=yRealSpeed+1
  179. else:
  180. yRealSpeed=yRealSpeed
  181. elif yDirection==-1:
  182. if yRealSpeed>(ySpeedMax*yDirection):
  183. yRealSpeed=yRealSpeed-1
  184. else:
  185. yRealSpeed=yRealSpeed
  186. else:
  187. if yRealSpeed>0:
  188. yRealSpeed=yRealSpeed-1
  189. elif yRealSpeed<0:
  190. yRealSpeed=yRealSpeed+1
  191. else:
  192. yRealSpeed=0
  193. yPosition=yPosition+yRealSpeed
  194. if yPosition>160:
  195. yPosition=160
  196. elif yPosition<-900:
  197. yPosition=-900
  198. else:
  199. yPosition=yPosition
  200. #canvas.draw_string(60 , 8 , "yPosition:"+str(yPosition)+"yRealSpeed:"+str(yRealSpeed), scale = 1, color = (255,255,255), thickness = 1)
  201. canvas.draw_image(image.open("/root/preset/img/cocorobo_152146.png"),xPosition+40 , yPosition-144,alpha=1)
  202. canvas.draw_image(image.open("/root/preset/img/cocorobo_text.jpg"),xPosition+32 , yPosition-20,alpha=1)
  203. for i in range(len(baseInfo)):
  204. if (yPosition+(i)*16)<260 and (yPosition+(i)*16)>-20:
  205. canvas.draw_string(xPosition , yPosition+i*16 , baseInfo[i], scale = 1, color = (255,255,255), thickness = 1)
  206. else:
  207. pass
  208. canvas.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/left_ffffff_16x16.png")).rotate(90, adjust=0),6,6,alpha=1)
  209. canvas.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/left_ffffff_16x16.png")).rotate(270, adjust=0),6,216,alpha=1)
  210. canvas.draw_image((image.open("/root/preset/img/exit_ff0000_24x24.png")).rotate(0, adjust=0),288,216,alpha=1)
  211. display.show(canvas)